Chapitre 32

Chapter 32

The sun was up and it was late morning, but I was still awake, blinking against the glare

The changelings were gathered outside the castle, the solar guards in a group towards the side. Celestia was back, facing Chrysalis between the two groups.

I was to the side with the rest, standing next to Midnight, Cadence and Shining Armor standing by her other side. Her parents were somewhere in the castle.

"You could just get some sunglasses, you know," Midnight murmured to me.

"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled.

Sure, the light didn't help, but I was tired too.

"So we're agreed?" Celestia asked Chrysalis.

Chrysalis nodded, "We are agreed. We will move and dig a hive at the other side of the mountain, like discussed. At the agreed site our scouts located."

Celestia shifted her wings and nodded in return.

With that, Chrysalis spread her wings and took to the sky, every changeling there taking to the air and following and so did a squad of pegasi, taking an escort formation to the side of the group.

The entire group circled once and then headed towards Canterlot.

Celesita looked after them for a long moment before she turned and crossed over towards us, golden shoes clicking softly against the stone path, "Well done, everypony," she said quietly with a small smile.

"All thanks to Page," Midnight said and smiled at me.

I shook my head, "No. All I did was get everypony talking. It was Cadance and you," I told her and then smiled at them, "You were the ones to convince her in the end."

Midnight eyed me for a second and then turned back to Celestia, "Chrysalis is sneaky, she'll have to be watched closely."

"And we will do so," Celestia agreed, "But turning an enemy into a friend is the best way to defeat them. This is a good start and one I never thought possible with Chrysalis."

Cadance snorted, "Friend might be pushing it."

"Perhaps," Celestia agreed, "But it is a start. I should return to Canterlot, there is much I need to discuss with my sister and the nobility."

I snorted at that last part.

Midnight suppressed a smirk as she glanced at me before she looked up at Celestia again, "A good idea," she agreed.

"Yes, best go deal with the matter of the useless parasites," I said, nodding and looking up at Celestia, "And then likely prepare something for Chrysalis' visit as well."

Celestia's usual polite mask broke. Not a lot, but her lips twitched and humor shone in her eyes, "Indeed," she agreed, "Be well, all of you."

With that, she moved to get onto the royal carriage and it took off towards Canterlot, a honor guard of pegasi pulling a dozen more carriages with guards joining her.

As the carriages pulled back, the leader, a unicorn general I didn't recognize, raised his voice, "Alright colts! Get your tails moving! We don't get paid to laze about!"

That got everypony moving and the guard got moving. You could actually see the chain of command as yells replicated down the chain and ponies got ponies going to start to pull their camp down.

"Well, if the circus has left the town, I'm going to go sleep," I said and suppressed a yawn.

Midnight nodded, "Go get some rest," she agreed, "Come see me tonight, we'll go through what we have so far when it comes to getting back."

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed and rubbed my eyes with a pastern, "Good morning," I said and headed back towards the castle, going by hoof.

Wasn't in a hurry and flying was more tiring than walking when you couldn't glide. Flat ground sucks, trees is definitely where it's at.

"Page, one moment?" Cadance said and trotted up next to me, "I can walk with you as we talk."

I blinked and paused, nodding to her, "Of course, Princess," I said before I continued on towards the castle, "What did you wish to speak to me about?" I asked and ignited my horn, pulling the gate open and allowing her inside before following.

Cadance paused and let the door close, "Shining and I are heading to Canterlot by train tomorrow," she said, "I'm not sure we will be able to speak again before you leave back to your world."

I nodded, "I hope you don't mind if I say that I hope so. Because the alternative is that Midnight and Starlight have been unable to figure it out. And I want to go home."

Cadance smiled and nodded, "I was wondering if you would mind if I asked you to carry a letter for the Cadance of your world?"

"Of course not," I agreed before I smiled, "And I doubt you will be the only one."

"I'll write it before we leave," she assured me before she regarded me for several moments.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She smiled, "Nothing, just looking at your feathers," she said and nodded towards the two feathers in my mane, "Curious who's idea that was, Luna and Twilight. Your Twilight I mean, I never knew either to be overly sentimental about such things."

"You'd be surprised," I told her with a smile and shifted my wings, reaching up to touch Lunas with my hoof, "And it was Twilight actually."

Cadance nodded with a smile, "I like it. Hope you don't mind, but I may introduce the custom to Shining."

I grinned, "I don't. He might."

She smirked playfully, "I may be able to convince him," she said and then looked closer, "It's not fully traditional though," she then added, "Not sure I ever seen anypony carry a lock of mane like that."

"Well," I admitted and touched the small braid holding the feathers that had some red braided through it, "Sunset doesn't have feathers, being a unicorn. We considered a horn ring, but Sunset wanted to marry Twilight first and Twilight doesn't feel ready for marriage yet. And with Sparks and My Sky marking me with their feathers, she wanted something to add to it too."

"Sunset Shimmer," Cadance said, nodding a bit before she smiled, "And speaking of unicorns… what could you tell me of Tempest Shadow?"

"Not as much as Midnight," I admitted, "We're friends, but not quite close. But I suspect it's painful for her to talk about her. Come, let's find something to drink and I'll tell you what I know. Maybe… maybe it'll help Midnight," I then added, feeling my ears droop slightly.

I have no idea how she did it, if I had been cut away from Luna… Sparks or Sunny… like she was from Twilight…

If I didn't trust Midnight completely in finding me a way back…

I'd be a wreck.

Cadance nodded, "I'll do what I can."