Chapitre 50

Chapter 50

"You'll do fine," I told Pepper and Fluttershy quietly, "You have all the alicorns with you. Princess Luna will help you."

Spicy Pepper swallowed visible before she nodded, "I-I know," she said, "We'll be fine," she said and glanced at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy nodded firmly before surprising me by taking a step forward to hug me.

I hugged back, "Remember, you're not alone," I told her quietly, "trust your friends."

Fluttershy nodded and stepped back, "B-be careful," she said and then rushed over to Midnight and the rest of the group around her.

Everypony was gathered in the throne room around the map table.

It was time.

"You too," I then told Spicy Pepper quietly, "There will be ponies that will react with fear. Use Celestia."

Pepper glanced away.

"Trust me on this," I said and moved to catch her eyes, "She's a genius on this. I know you don't like her, and I'm not asking you to, but I need you to rise over that or you won't get anywhere."

Spicy Pepper met my eyes before she nodded, "...I'll try."

I smiled, "Keep your ears about you, Pepper. It will be tough, but worth it."

Then I looked over to where Midnight was hugging her parents before turning back to her, "I need to go now. Be well, Spicy Pepper."

"Safe travels, your majesty," she said and bowed to me.

I bowed back before turning away and walking over to stand next to the bags. Talon hugged Night Light firmly and then let go and walking up to me,

"Ready?" he asked, his voice slightly unsteady.

I touched his shoulder with my hoof, "Ready," I said, "You sure of this?"

Talon closed his eyes and then nodded firmly.

He didn't look certain, but there really wasn't a good choice here. Whichever they chose, it sucked.

Midnight shared a hug with Princess Clestia before she stepped back and turned to walk over to Talon and me, "Let's get ready," she said quietly before she looked out over the group, "We're going to get ready. Everypony not going need to leave the room."

One by one the ponies left. Her parents were the last ones out, Twilight Velvet walking close to her husband and while the angle hid it from Midnight, I saw her start to cry as they left the room.

They were almost the last ones out, Starlight Glimmer remained for a second, looking at Midnight.

Midnight approached her and they talked quietly, too quietly for my ears even before they shared a hug.

Starlight stepped back and looked at Midnight, "You're sure?"

"I'm sure," Midnight said, "And I talked with Celestia."

"...What did she say?" Starlight asked nervously.

"A job and the ring off in a year if you prove you can be trusted," Midnight told her with a small smile, "I recommend doing it."

Starlight nodded, "I will," and gave her another hug, "Thank you."

Midnight hugged back, "Now you best leave or you'll end up coming along."

Nodding, Starlight let go and left, closing the door behind her.

"Just a few minutes, everypony onto the table," Midnight said and floated the bags onto it.

I jumped onto the table, careful not to step on the town as I turned to look at Talon and Midnight, "It's not too lat-"

"Shut up, Page," Midnight said firmly and jumped onto the table next to me before her expression softened, "I know what you mean and that you mean well. But we already made our choice, we're going home."

Talon nodded and climbed up next to her, "That's right."

I sighed softly and took half a step back, "I just want you to be sure," I said quietly.

Midnight stepped over a small town and gave me a hug, "I know. Thank you," she said before stepping back and floated a scroll out, "Everypony take hold of each other and hang on."

Taking a deep breath, I slipped one of Talon's bags onto my back and moved up next to Midnight, putting Talon between us as I wrapped a wing across her back, hers going across mine in turn, "Uhm... mind trying for a bit softer landing than last time?" I asked a bit warily, "Is it too late to ask for a helmet?"

"It absolutely is," Midnight said, her eyes starting to glow, magic flowing along her horn and across the scroll as power echoed through her voice.

The world seemed to shake and a blue glow appeared above us, exploding into a wide portal and wind started to flow.

Oh buck, here we go again!

My hooved left the ground and everything turned into colors, spinning and whirling before something green appeared and I smack-
