Chapitre 52

Chapter 52

I stepped into Sunset's dream, Luna following me along.

Her wing never left my back as we walked into Canterlot. The sun shone above, but nopony was on the empty streets and it was quiet.

Sunset sat alone on a bench beneath a tree, looking up towards the empty castle above.

I tapped my hoof, solidifying the dream. Sunset blinked and then lit up when she saw us, "Page!" she exclaimed and ran over.

I moved to pull her into a hug, but she didn't stop. Sunset basically tackled me onto my back and her lips found mine.

Kissing back, I held her close, stroking her mane before she broke the kiss and pressed her forehead against mine, horns crossed as she looked into my eyes.

She was crying.

"It's alright," I told her quietly, stroking her mane, "I'm back. We're safe."

Sunset sniffed and sat up, running her hoof across her eyes, "I… I know, it's just…" she said before she relaxed against me again, head against my chest as Luna settled down next to us, her wing resting across Sunsets back,

"It will be fine, Sunset," Luna said softly, "He's back and safe. I said he would be."

Sunset looked at her and swallowed, nodding, "I know," she said and then looked at me, "It's just… we worked so hard on finding a way to get you back and we just couldn't find a way."

"Only reason I didn't panic was because I knew there was a way back," I told her, brushing her mane as I touched my horn to hers, looking into her eyes, "But I knew I would get back, do you know why?" I asked before I smiled, "Because I knew the smartest ponies in the world were on the job."

Sunset smiled weakly and sniffed, "Which turned out to be Midnight."

"Well, she did have the advantage of having help from the pony making the original spell," I said and held her tighter, "But I have no doubt you, Luna and Sparks would have figured it out eventually."

Sunset quickly sat up, "Oh Celestia, Twi," she said and looked at me, "Have you spoken to her yet?"

"Not yet, we found your dream first."

Sunset scooted off me, "Go talk to her, she needs you more right now. She's been a mess since you left."

"Sunny," I said and rolled onto my hooves, "I love you."

She smiled and pressed close, giving me another kiss, "I love you too, silly bat. Now go take care of our Twilight."

I looked to Luna and she hesitated before she glanced at Sunset and then shook her head,

"I should remain here," she said, "I don't think leaving Sunset alone would be good."

Sunset looked at her, "Luna, you don't hav-"

Luna gave her a small hug, "We take care of each other," she said and then smiled at me, "Go, I will meet you again by next sunrise."

I stepped forward, rubbing my cheek against hers before I backed away and left the dream, quickly searching out Twilights.

It was silvery and whirling with darkness.

Twilight was having a nightmare. I quickly touched my horn to it and walked through into the dream, finding myself in…

…A classroom?

A classroom filled with little filles and colts laughing, the unicorn teacher at the front of the room looking angry at a small purple unicorn, staring in panic at a 2 + 2 = 5 written on the black board.

As I watched, Twilight quickly erased the five to write a four only for the two other numbers to change to make it wrong again.

Everypony laughed.

I quickly walked up to her and stomped my hoof, solidifying the dream and making everypony go away and turning Twilight into her real form as I gathered her into a hug with forelegs and wings.

Twilight hugged back, "W-we got the message," she said quietly.

"I know," I said and stroked her mane, "I missed you, Sparks," I said and looked down into her eyes.

"We…" Sparks said and then shook her head, "Amber explained what happened and we-"

"I know," I said and touched my nose to hers, "Luna explained."

Sparks looked up into my eyes, "How did you do it?" she asked quietly, "I… I couldn't find a safe way to do it."

"I have no idea," I admitted, "I mean, Midnight and Starlight showed me some of the equations but I didn't get it. I'm afraid you will have to wait for the explanation until we're all back to Nocturnis."

Sparks smiled faintly, touching my nose with hers, "You're not dumb, you're smarter than most ponies I know. You just don't have the right education."

I smiled back and gave her a small kiss, "I'll be sure to get one when I get some free time. I'm sure my schedule will open up sometime during the next century."

She hugged me tight, "When will you be home?"

"We're waiting for a sky carriage to take us to Canterlot," I said and ran my hoof along her mane, "It will likely take a couple of days to get transport back home ready. Then a week on train or maybe a bit less if airship."

Sparks nodded, "A lot of ponies will be glad to have you back," she said before she frowned, "But… Midnight. Why did she and Talon come back? They were back home, was it the wrong world?"

I shook my head and sighed softly, "They said that this was their home now. I'm… I'm not sure it was the right choice, but it was their choice to make. Did you tell Tempest?"

She nodded again, "She has been miserable," she said quietly, "She thought she would never see her again. When she found out Midnight had returned…"

Twilight sniffed softly and then hugged me tight, pressing her nose against my neck, "Welcome home."

"It's good to be home," I said and hugged back before I sighed, "...Midnight is poking me, I think our ride is here. I have to go."

She nodded, "See you in the morning?"

"Of course," I said and stole one last kiss before sending her dream into a pleasant one filled with an infinite library before I left the dream realm