Chapitre 54

Chapter 54

I slowly stirred awake, pressing my nose against the pillow.

It had the scent of my Luna.

I had just left her in the dream realm and I could still smell her. Missed her again already. We had spent the entire day talking, half with Sunny and half with Sparks. Nocturnis were going well, the barrier was up and some area had started to be cleared along the river for farming.

Groaning, I slowly blinked my eyes open, finding myself staring into a pair of brilliant green eyes.

"...Good evening, Skitter," I said and then suppressed a yawn, "Sorry for not coming to see you earlier, but it had been a long day."

"I understand, sir," Skitter said and stretched out on her side, watching me, "Mother wishes to see you."

"Of course she does," I said and yawned, rolling onto my stomach and stretching, raising my wings before relaxing, blinking sleepily, "How has things been?"

"I was worried for you, sir," Skitter said, "It's good that you're back."

I smiled at her, "It's good to be back," I said before I stretched again, "Let me just get some breakfast and th-" I broke off when I spotted the tray on the nightside table.

Mango cubes, sliced apples and a cup of steaming hot tea.

"Thank you," I said and floated over the cup and plate to dig in. It didn't take too long to finish and then I stretched once more and jumped off the bed, "Let's go?" I asked.

Skitter nodded and climbed off the bed, "The Queen is in the hive, sir."

I nodded and walked along next to her, giving her a small hug before we walked outside. Skitter led the way to the entrance of the hive.

A pair of drones were guarding it, quickly moving to the side to allow us inside and she guided me down into the dark depths.

Not that I needed it, I knew the way very well.

The way to the throneroom.

Chrysalis lounged across her throne as I entered with Skitter, looking up at us lazily as we walked in.

She didn't say anything, just just laid there as Skitter gave her a small bow and then moved to the side.

I bowed, smoothly spreading my wings, "Queen Chrysalis," I said before standing up again.

Chrysalis slipped off her throne, walking down to me before stopping a couple of hooves widths away, regarding me for a moment before her eyes widened slightly and she took half a step back and taking a sniff of the air, "You met another me in the other world?"

"I did," I said and looked up at her, "Would you like to know how she was doing?"

"No," Chrysalis said and slowly walked around me, brushing her wing against my sides as she did, "She is an inferior copy."

"So sure of that, are you?" I asked, turning my head to look at her, "What if she was in fact in a better position than you are? Ruling vast tracks to land and ponies serving her?"

Chrysalis smirked, "She was not. If she were, you would not carry her scent or you would be in a pod. No, you defeated her and gave her the same deal you gave us."

I snorted, "I think she may be smarter than you, I didn't need to defeat anyling. I just talked to her."

"That's what you do, my little predator," Chrysalis said, "You talk and your enemies fall."

I turned towards her, looking up at the taller Changeling with a small smile, "Do you feel fallen, Chryssie?"

She bared her fangs at me for a second. I raised an eyebrow at her.

Chrysalis let out a small annoyed sound and put her hoof on top of my head, pushing me away on her way back towards the throne, "The hive is thriving," she said, "The ponies willingly give us what we need. All we have to do is play along. Like you."

I brushed my mane back as I watched her, "Like you play along with me? Or like they give me what I need if I do?"


Chrysalis jumped back onto her throne, laying back down to look at me.

Regarding her for a moment, I flicked one ear, "That's what civilization is, Chrysalis. Ponies and lings and griffins playing along to common rules. For the good of everypony."


I smiled and sighed, "Very true," I said and climbed up the steps towards the throne, "Perhaps it's better said as zazzikz zrkzikzz zirrkzz."

Chrysalis looked away with a small buzzing of her wings, "Your accent is still horrendous."

"So I have been told. Not sure it's really made for pony throats."

Chrysalis looked to me again, "What did you do to the other hive?"

I raised an eyebrow at her, "I thought you didn't care?"

She glowered at me so I smiled and told her. Of the deal, of the trap, of the negotiations.

When I finished, she watched me for a second before she bared her fangs at me, "Why put them outside Canterlot?"

"Easier to keep an eye on them as I'm not there. They never would have agreed to have the hive inside the walls," I said and hissed back, "Best they could hope for."

Chrysalis made a buzzing sound of annoyance.

"If it wasn't acceptable for her, she should have said so," I told her, putting a hoof on her throne, "Her hive, not yours. Or do you think any version of you would be less capable than you?"

Chrysalis snorted and looked at me, "Go back to your hive, my little predator. Bring my daughter, it is time we make use of your invitation so she can inspect it."

I looked at Skitter, noticing her watching us, "What do you say, Skitter? Want to visit Nocturnis?"

"Yes sir!" she agreed with a smile