Chapitre 66

Chapter 66

The sunlight filtered in through the darkness bubble from outside, shining in through the open balcony.

It was really warm today, even for a bat. The humidity was somewhere at the same level as the bottom of a lake.

I felt really sleepy, but I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about what-ifs. What if everything gone wrong, what if one of us had been sucked into the void. What if the entire town had. What if, what if, what if.

I should have asked more questions. I should have…

…But how could I have? I didn't understand what they did or how it worked. I looked straight at the math and while I did recognize a deteriorating series, I didn't put it together.

"Sparks?" I asked softly, "You awake?"

"Mmmm?" she mumbled quietly against my chest.

Luna was deep asleep already to my right, Sunset curled up a bit to the side beneath an enchanted cooling blanket to help stop her from turning into a liquid.

Normally it was fine, but extra warm days like this she found it hard to sleep, especially cuddled by somepony with wings.

The only pieces poking out from the cooling blanket was horn and tail.

"Midnight went back and forth in her fight with Starlight," I said quietly not to disturb Luna or Sunny, "Why didn't this… recurrence principle happen then?"

Sparks yawned softly and cuddled closer sleepily, "Not the same thing. That was timetravel, not world travel."

"...There is a difference?"

"Is complicated," she mumbled and shifted to nuzzled in beneath my chin, "go sleep."

I held her closer with a small sigh, shifting back a bit and Luna shifted in her sleep, her wing draping across us.

Closing my eyes, I cast a quick sleep spell over both of us. If not, I knew we'd both be awake for a good while longer and we still needed to get up early tonight.

Opening my eyes again, I saw the dream realm stretch out in all directions.

Luna was nowhere in sight, but easy to locate.

I stared at Midnight's dream portal. It was a blank silvery with small dark ripples going through it. She was talking with Luna.

I considered joining for a second before I turned away. It was better to let Luna handle it, I may lose my temper again and that would just be counter productive at this point.

So what to do?

A twitch of my hoof floated Sunsets and Twilight dreams up to me. Both were smooth, calm blue and silver.



Tempest's was a bit stormy so I calmed it down with a touch of my horn before sending it off to its normal spot.

Looking around, I considered things for a long moment before I reached out for the dream sphere.

I looked at it, it was the way I left it, a shimmering ball the size of a dream portal. Moving around it, I then touched my horn to it, stepping through.

The night was dark all around, soft wind blew through the tall trees around the clearing, the three large moons in the sky leaving the silvery grass covering the clearing in a shimmering silver light.

A clear stream glittered across the middle of the clearing, cool and clean.

The night was comfortably warm and the stars shimmered above.

No animals. No insects. I had not added anything like them yet. Not sure I would ever add insects and if I did, it would be none of the annoying ones.

Maybe bumblebees. Bumblebees were cute. And butterflies. Maybe crickets, I like the chirping. Oh, fireflies.

They were pretty.

Bees! Honey was awesome.

But right now it was nothing but the sound of the wind and shifting trees in the night. I let out a soft sigh, slowly letting my breath out as I sank down onto the soft and slightly cool grass, the slight dew of the grass comfortably chilling without being cold.

This… bubble. This world…

I just needed to add some animals and it would be a nice place away from everything, somewhere to relax once dream patrols were done.

Somewhere I could get away from everything. At least when asleep.

Just the right climate, no need for shelter, no need for civilization. Somewhere without… responsibility. Somewhere I could just get away from pressures.

Just fly or hunt for fruit or… even just lay in the soft grass, looking at the stars.

The only things I was missing were the ponies I loved. I could show it to Luna, but Sunset, Twilight or… or Celestia…


Or maybe there was a way? Maybe it was possible. It was only dangerous for them if it wasn't their dream. Was it possible to link their dreams into this one?

Something to think about for later. When it's finished.

But It wasn't done to show yet anyway, I needed to do more world building first