
After watching his people escort Sam Anderson away, Zach immediately ordered his subordinates to turn on the radio and reported to the headquarters.

This is already out of the shielded area, so Zach easily contacted the headquarters of the South War Zone.

At this time, in the Southern War Zone Command.

Everyone was quietly looking at the light spot on the big screen that represented the Wolf Tooth Squad.

People are praying that the team can return safely, and it is best to bring back the lost contact person.

As Zach took the initiative to contact him.

Dan Kee, who was in command, quickly connected Zach's phone.

"Zach, how is the situation?"

"I have already contacted the mission target, and there is no problem with the intelligence personnel and intelligence, and I will be able to take it back to America soon."

As soon as these words came out, the logistics staff in the hall suddenly cheered.

Because this means that the mission has been successful, and the information has been sent back intact!

With this intelligence evidence, America will take the initiative in the world, and even change the current international trend!

Even Dan Kee, who was usually unsmiling, had a smile on his face after hearing this.

Looking at the cheering crowd, Dan Kee asked with a smile.

"You're doing well, what about the reception staff? They just lost contact with headquarters."

"Only two of them escaped. Several comrades were killed, and two others were suspected of being captured."

As soon as the words came out.

The cheering headquarters suddenly fell into a dead silence.

The smile on Dan Kee's face also froze on his face.

At this point, everyone was stunned.

"Only two people escaped!"

These five big characters slammed into people's hearts like a hammer.

No one would have imagined that the cost of the mission's success would be so high.

Only the sound of broken glass resounded in the hall.

The water glass in someone's hand slipped from his hand and smashed to the ground.

Obviously, not only Dan Kee, but also others could not accept such a price.

Hearing Zach's report, Dan Kee closed his eyes deeply.

Are the good men of several countries sleeping in that damn rainforest like this?

At this time, Dan Kee only felt deeply powerless.

Some of them are fathers, some are children.

In Dan Kee's view, sacrificing in a foreign country is unfair to the hero.

They who sacrificed for the country can't even see the last side of their relatives, which is too cruel.

But what can you do yourself?

"Zach, retreat immediately with the intelligence officer, we can't lose anyone anymore."

Although Dan Kee also wanted to let his wolf tooth team rescue the captured two people.

But the current situation clearly does not allow it.

Dan Kee understands a truth very well.

The special operations team is strong, but not strong enough to rush into the opponent's barracks and fight with an entire army of people, then save people and come back.

Dan Kee has already thought about it, and after this matter has passed, he will immediately apply.

It is up to the state to redeem these heroes.

Do it even at the cost!

Thinking like this, a trace of anger flashed in Dan Kee's eyes.

These goddamn warlords! Goddamn Eagle Country bastards! This hatred Laozi remembered!

However, what Zach said next made Dan Kee stunned.

"Chief, according to the intelligence agent, he and the two who survived were rescued by a person whose unit number was Ghost. Is this ghost ours?"

"Ghost? I've never heard of it. We don't have a ghost team in our military region."

Hearing Zach's words, Dan Kee's brows couldn't help frowning.

"What's the matter with this ghost you're talking about?"

"That's it, he…"

He repeated what Sam Anderson and himself said to Dan Kee.

After listening, Dan Kee's pupils could not help shrinking.

Obviously, the ghost in Zach's mouth knew about this secret mission.

Like Zach's idea, Dan Kee's first reaction was that other military regions were also involved.

But why don't you know about such a big thing?

Signaling Zach to stand by, Dan Kee said to the operator.

"Immediately contact me from the other four war zones, yes, and the special forces school, I want to know who this ghost is!"

There was a glint in his eyes.

Dan Kee suddenly realized that this mission was not as easy as he thought.

Soon, the call is connected.

Dan Kee asked his old friends about the secret team of "Ghost".

But what puzzled Dan Kee was that apart from his own South War Zone, the other four war zones did not have a team with the designation "Ghost".

Not only that, my old friend who was the principal of the special forces school told me very seriously.

In the America, there is absolutely no special team whose designation is "Ghost".

But this is strange.

There is no such team in the country, so who was the one who rescued Sam Anderson?

This man is like a real ghost.

It made Dan Kee's expression solemn.

Because Dan suddenly discovered that things were beyond his control.


Burma border, in Zaka camp.

In a darkened Wangen house, Captain Zhao was staring at two corpses on the ground.

The confident smile on his face when he faced Zaka before has long since disappeared.

In its place was endless icy coldness.

Two corpses on the ground.

It was the sniper Zao of the Poison Swamp Squad and the observer Lao Xu.

"Wang, you have to give me an explanation!"

An icy voice came out slowly from Captain Zhao's mouth.

Although it sounded calm, anyone could feel the anger in Captain Zhao's words.

He sighed softly.

Wang Jin shook his head.

"I'm sorry, sir, that was the case when we found both of them."

"You mean, your Poison Marsh Squad not only failed to complete the mission, you don't even know who the enemy who killed your teammates is? Wang, are you kidding me? Is it difficult that your opponent is a ghost?"

Hearing this, Captain Zhao finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Roaring at Wang Jin like a wild beast.

In Zhao's eyes, there is nothing more ridiculous than this.

One is the pursuer, and the other is the pursued.

But now, two hunters have died, but the prey has fled, how can there be such a reason?

If it wasn't for Wang Jin, the captain of the Poison Marsh Squad, with outstanding military exploits, Captain Zhao would have wanted to send the opponent to court-martial right now.

After sacrificing so many people, the chief himself must bear the greatest responsibility!

"Sorry, sir, according to my judgment, the other party should have a mysterious team ambushing nearby to respond. I was worried that there would be more casualties, so I didn't let people continue to chase. You also know that the jungle ambush has always been those dragons. A good show for the people of the country."

Wang Jin's words infuriated Captain Zhao, but Captain Zhao couldn't help it.

As a special operations officer, Zhao knew that Wang Jin was right.

Special operations, playing is an initiative, suddenness.

What is the difference between special forces and ordinary soldiers if they charge directly like ordinary soldiers?

So in the case of being discovered by the other party and not discovering the other party.

Retreat is the wisest option.

But Captain Zhao is angry.

He retreated without even knowing who his opponent was.

This made Captain Zhao unacceptable.

At the very least, you must know who the other party is, and it will be easier to find when you come back next time.

"Is it wolf tooth?"

In my mind, I searched for several powerful special teams in the Southern Region.

Captain Zhao also knows about several special teams in the South China Region.

Among the several special teams in the Southern Region, South China is the most powerful one, and he has already killed many people on his side.

"No, it's not a wolf tooth. If it is a wolf tooth, then we may not be able to come back today. In my opinion, the other party's style does not seem to be the person we have met before."

Wang Jin has played against several special teams in the southern region many times, and knows the style of these teams very well.

But today's incident made Wang Jin a little uncertain.

The opponent doesn't seem to be the team he has played against before.

Hearing this, Zhao turned his head sharply to look at Zaka, who was silent beside him.

"Let's go, I'm going to see those two people from the America!"