
"What to do, chief?"

"What should I do? Do you need to ask? Immediately gather people to repair the dam with me. If the dam collapses, we will all die!"

After roaring at his subordinates, Zaka rushed back to his room and slapped the alarm in the room.

Immediately, the entire camp sounded loud.

The soldiers who were resting in the log cabin were startled when they heard the sound.

What happened at the camp?

An alarm goes off?

People rushed out with guns, and even Captain Zhou, who had just been bandaged, rushed out of the room.

Because one ear had been bitten off before, the severe pain made Captain Zhao not in the mood to sleep at all.

Hearing the alarm in the camp, Captain Zhao thought it was an enemy attack.

But after rushing out of the room, he found that things didn't seem to be like this.

"what happened?"

Looking at the anxious Zaka, Captain Zhao roared.

"We are in trouble. The temporary dam on the mountain is about to collapse. I have to take someone to repair it."

"What? Then let's evacuate here quickly."

"No, it's too dangerous to retreat in this weather. If there is an accident along the way and encounter a mudslide, it will even kill you. The only way to do it is to repair the dam."

Hearing this, Captain Zhao finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

This is no small matter.

If the dam collapsed, let alone a special team, even a superman would have to die.

Watching Zaka lead the people from the camp to the direction of the dam, Captain Zhao sighed deeply and returned to the room.

Things are really bad today.

His eyes glanced at 01 and 06 that was thrown into the pigsty.

There was a ferocious look on Captain Zhao's top.

It's all to blame for these Americans.

After the rainstorm is over, let these two bastards die in this maggot-filled cesspool, and let them enjoy the pain of the legendary fly torture.

With that in mind, Captain Zhao closed the door and returned to his room, ignoring the torrential rain outside.

Let Zaka handle the tiring work of repairing the dam.

But what Captain Zhao didn't know was that.

At this moment, a shadow like a ghost was quietly touching the camp.

The shadow is Sean Paul.

After the fixed-point demolition bomb is placed.

Sean Paul quickly returned to the camp, with the help of the intermediate rainforest camouflage uniform.

Sean Paul successfully approached the pigsty where 01 and 06 were held.

On the second floor of the pigsty, the two guarding soldiers were chatting about something, completely unaware of Sean Paul's approach.

Even Sean Paul's camouflage without camouflage would be hard to see in such weather.

The rain was too heavy, and the lights in the room made it impossible for the two of them to see the outside situation at all.

"How long until the change of guard? I've had enough of this place."

"Hey, you think you'll smell good when you go back to the barracks. Compared to those bastards, I even feel more comfortable here."

"Dammit, it's all to blame for these damn dragon people, if it weren't for them, Laozi would be happy in the red light district now."

"Okay, don't complain, I'll go back tomorrow."

The two were talking above, in the pigpen below.

01 and 06 were motionless and looked very weak.

But in fact, the two are not as weak as they seem.

This look is made by two people!

Because the two understand that if they want to escape from here, they must accumulate physical strength.

And Zaka's act of urgently calling people to leave the camp just now was also looked at by the two.

Judgment of the situation made the two well-trained receptionists understand that this might be an opportunity.

But the two were a little disappointed.

Zaka is very strict with his two guards.

Being thrown into this stinking pigsty, with the rope firmly tied behind him, and the person guarding him above his head, all of which made it impossible for the two of them to find any flaws.

But the two did not give up, just when the two were thinking about how to get out of here.

Suddenly, a slight knock came from behind.

This left the two of them stunned.

Turning their heads to look, when they saw the source of the sound, the two couldn't help but froze.

It's Sean Paul wearing a nano mask!

This high-tech dress made the two of them unable to reach for a while. Who is this person?

However, when I saw Sean Paul stretch out his index finger and put it in his mouth.

The two experienced responders reacted instantly.

The other party is here to help him.

Without making any sound, 01 and 06 just looked at Sean Paul quietly.

I saw this mysterious masked man quietly passing a sharp tactical saber into the filthy pigsty.

At the same time, the other party also pointed to the person above, and then took out the pistol with the other hand and shook it.

There was no voice communication, but 01 and 06 understood each other's meaning.

The two nodded. Although their hands were tied behind their backs, their feet were not tied.

Among them, 01 slowly blocked Sean Paul who was hidden behind the fence with his body.

After slashing the rope behind 01 with a saber, Sean Paul stuffed the handle of the knife into 01's hand.

At the same time, he said in a voice as thin as a mosquito.

"Help me confine one person."

Hearing Sean Paul's words, 01 nodded slightly, and quietly came to his teammate's side and cut the rope behind No. 06 with a knife.

After the two looked at each other, No. 06 suddenly let out a painful groan.

Although it was raining heavily outside, the voice still reached the ears of the two guarding Zaka soldiers.

Hearing that 06, who had been silent before the torture, suddenly spoke up.

The two soldiers frowned and looked down.

I saw 06 "weak" moaning in Burmese.

"Water, I want water."

Hearing this, the two Zaka soldiers looked at each other, and then laughed, the laughter was full of jokes.

"Do you still need water? Can't you just drink the urine inside? Hahaha."

Seeing this person from Longguo who didn't say a single sentence begging to himself at this time, that feeling is not to mention how cool.

In normal times, I can't do anything about you, the elites of the Dragon Kingdom, but I can't bully you here?

Thinking of this, one of the soldiers grinned, picked up his water glass, went outside to pick up some muddy water, and then returned to the room.

"Come on, open your mouth, I'll drink you something delicious."