chapter 1

The scene unfolds with an ethereally beautiful woman, her wounded form sprawled across the ground. Each breath she takes seems to be her last, surrounded by a grotesque landscape of lifeless demon bodies. The battlefield bears the weight of her triumphs, for she is none other than Evangeline—a name forever etched in the annals of history.

Realizing the inevitability of her imminent demise, Evangeline contemplates her final moments. "I shall soon embrace death's embrace," she whispers, a faint smile gracing her delicate features. "Let it be known that I departed this world as a valiant warrior who vanquished five demon kings and ten thousand soldiers. May my legacy echo through the ages, Evangeline—a name unburdened by a surname, for I was but an orphan."

As her eyes slowly close, the world fades to black. Time stretches infinitely, and days transform into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. Lost in the void, the passage of time eludes her. Until one fateful moment, a glimmer of light pierces the darkness, dissolving everything around her.

Now, the scene shifts to a different setting—a room where a four-year-old girl lies nestled in a bed, a bandage adorning her head. Attendants and maids encircle her, their presence a testament to the care and concern bestowed upon the young girl. Suddenly, her eyes flutter open, and confusion colors her gaze.

"Where am I?" she murmurs to herself, scanning her surroundings with a bewildered expression. This place is unfamiliar—a strange world into which she has awakened. A woman dressed as a servant, sensing her anxiety, steps forward reassuringly.

"Fear not, dear princess. All is well now. Allow me to inform her majesty that the princess has regained consciousness," the servant utters with warmth, before swiftly departing, leaving the girl alone in the room.

Within the confines of her thoughts, the girl questions the woman's words. "What does she mean? I am no princess, and I had believed myself to be deceased. And now, I find myself trapped in the body of a child, my magical powers sealed away."

Voicing her doubts, the girl confronts the servant with an apprehensive tone. "I beg your pardon, but I am not a princess. I know not who you are, nor where I find myself."

With tenderness in her eyes, the servant draws closer, attempting to dispel the girl's fears. "Princess, I understand that this must be overwhelming for you, but rest assured, everything is in order. There is no cause for alarm," she reassures, offering a gentle smile.

Barely comprehending the situation, the girl persists. "I am sorry, but I have no recollection of you or this place."

Suddenly, two regal figures enter the room, donning majestic robes adorned with crowns. One possesses flowing blonde locks and crimson eyes, while the other exudes an aura of mystery with raven-black tresses and obsidian eyes. Concern etches their faces, and the black-haired woman takes the lead, addressing the attendant.

"Julie, update us on our daughter's condition," she demands, her voice tinged with worry.

"Your Majesties, the princess seems to be in stable condition. However, she appears to have suffered memory loss. She remembers nothing," Julie responds, her voice reflecting her own anxiety.

The blonde woman nods understandingly. "I see. You may leave now, Julie. Thank you for tending to our daughter. We will call upon you if necessary," she says, her voice laced with gratitude.

Julie bows gracefully and exits the room, leaving the girl in the company of the two women. The black-haired queen, sensing the girl's confusion, moves closer, taking a seat beside her.

"You may not remember me, my dear, but I am Misaki Suzuki—the queen of the humans and your mother," she confides, her eyes filled with both concern and familiarity.

The blonde queen, Azumi Suzuki, joins them, seeking to comfort the girl. "Take your time, darling. You have just awakened," she says softly, sitting beside her daughter.

Listening to their words, curiosity sparks within the girl. "Though I cannot recall my identity, I am eager to learn," she responds, scratching her head inquisitively.

Misaki leans closer, revealing the girl's name with a hint of disappointment. "I had hoped you would remember, but fear not, my daughter. Your name is Evangeline—a princess and the sole heir to this kingdom. For now, you have no siblings."

In need of solitude, Evangeline feigns fatigue. "Please, allow me some rest. Weariness engulfs me," she states, feigning a yawn.

Azumi nods, her concern evident. "Of course, my dear. Rest well. A maid will bring you breakfast. If you require anything, ask them to summon us. We shall be there," she assures, placing a tender kiss on her daughter's forehead.

As her mothers depart, leaving her in solitude, Evangeline rises from the bed. A nearby mirror catches her attention, beckoning her to explore her transformed appearance. She approaches it, peering into her reflection with curiosity.

Staring back at her is a visage adorned with black locks intertwined with delicate blonde strands. Her eyes, now a mesmerizing shade of red, frame rosy, cherubic cheeks.

"I had not expected such charm," she muses, a smile playing on her lips. "In this new life, I possess parents who cherish me, even if they remain unaware of my otherworldly origins. With family to protect, I vow to grow stronger, perhaps even embark on wondrous journeys. But for now, I must discover my whereabouts and ascertain if I can wield magic."

Scanning the room for clues, Evangeline finds nothing noteworthy except for stuffed animals and toys. The entirety of the space envelops her in shades of pink, accentuated by images depicting her newfound mothers and herself.

Evangeline let out a frustrated shout, her voice echoing through the room. "I don't think I'm going to find anything interesting in this room," she grumbled, her brows furrowed in annoyance. "It's just a child's room, and to top it off, I'm stuck behaving like a child. What a shame for me, an adult trapped in a child's body! Why did I have to be reincarnated like this?"

Frustration mounting, Evangeline grabbed a nearby teddy bear and flung it to the floor, followed by a cascade of toys. Each toy met the same fate, scattered haphazardly around the room. Her act of rebellion, a futile expression of her discontentment, was interrupted by a knock on the door, jolting her back to reality.

"Princess, I've come to give you your breakfast," a voice called from behind the door.

Evangeline hurriedly composed herself and retreated to her bed, pulling the covers up to her chin. "Yes, you can come in," she replied, her voice masking her inner turmoil.

The door creaked open, revealing a maid carrying a tray laden with food. She stepped cautiously, attempting to navigate through the toys strewn across the floor. Despite her careful movements, she stumbled over a toy, sending the tray crashing to the ground. The room was filled with the sound of shattering glass, and the maid's panic was palpable.

"I'm so sorry, Princess. Please don't send me away," the maid pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes.

Evangeline's anger quickly dissipated, replaced by empathy. "Why would I do that? It's not your fault; it's mine. I'm the one who threw the toys around. Don't worry about it. Let me help you clean up," she reassured, rising from her bed and moving to the maid's side.

However, before she could start gathering the fallen items, the maid intercepted her hand. "No, Princess, it's okay. I'll take care of it. It's not a big deal. I'm just grateful you're not dismissing me," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude.

Evangeline insisted, a glimmer of determination in her eyes. "I understand, but I insist on helping. First, let me pick up the toys, and then we can address the broken items together."

The maid reluctantly agreed, and Evangeline diligently began picking up the toys, methodically organizing them in their rightful places. Meanwhile, the maid swiftly and efficiently collected the shattered fragments. Once she finished, she turned to Evangeline.

"Princess, I'll fetch another tray of food. Please wait a few minutes," she said, her voice filled with apology.

Evangeline nodded, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Okay, but stop calling me Princess. Call me Evangeline instead," she requested, attempting to appear as cute as possible.

The maid hesitated, seemingly unable to resist the charm of the young girl. "Well, I suppose I can make an exception. If it's what you wish, I'll call you Evangeline," she relented, a small smile gracing her face.

Satisfied with her success, Evangeline watched as the maid left the room, only to return a few minutes later with a fresh tray of food. Taking note of the tidy room, she commended Evangeline's efforts.

"I see you've already finished tidying up the toys, Princess . Here's your breakfast," the maid said, carefully placing the tray on the bed.

Evangeline eagerly moved to the bed, her hunger now the dominant emotion. "I've already told you not to call me Princess. And by the way, have you eaten yet?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

The maid blushed, her stomach audibly growling. "I...I have already eaten," she stuttered, flustered.

Evangeline chuckled, finding the situation amusing. "It seems your belly just betrayed you," she teased. "Come and eat with me. There's far too much on this tray for me to finish alone."

"If you insist, then I will join you," the maid acquiesced, a genuine smile appearing on her face.

They both began to eat, savoring the delicious breakfast spread before them. As Evangeline enjoyed each bite, a realization dawned on her.

"It's been a long time since I've eaten this well. Even in my previous life, I never had such a satisfying meal," she thought, a newfound contentment washing over her. "Maybe being in this child's body isn't so bad after all."

Between bites, Evangeline turned her attention to the maid. "By the way, what's your name?" she inquired, curious to know more about the person who had become her companion.

The maid paused momentarily before answering, a hint of hesitation in her voice. "My name is Chika," she replied, resuming her meal.

Their breakfast continued, conversations flowing between them. Once they finished eating, Chika collected the tray, preparing to leave Evangeline alone.

"Well, now I need to find out where I am and learn some things. But first, I think I'll take a nap," Evangeline declared, settling back into her bed.

POV Chika

Chika observed the transformed behavior of the princess with a sense of wonder. "It's strange how the princess has become so kind. She used to dismiss maids for the slightest mistake. Perhaps losing her memory has changed her. I hope she remains this way," she mused, caught momentarily in a daydream.

Suddenly, a voice snapped her back to reality. "Chika, stop daydreaming and get back to work," a commanding voice called out.

"Yes, right away," Chika responded, refocusing her attention.

She left the room, a glimmer of hope in her heart that things would continue to change for the better.