chapter 7

Chapter 7

It had been two months since their last encounter, and Evangeline reflected on the changes that had taken place. The maids and butlers were no longer avoiding her, and they had become quite friendly. Additionally, her magical abilities had grown stronger, a fact she was eager to demonstrate later. But for now, her mind was focused on the day's event—an exciting journey to the land of angels, a different country altogether. However, one thought troubled her: she hadn't seen Megumi since the ball.

Her train of thought was interrupted by a gentle knock on the door, accompanied by a familiar voice.

"Evangeline, may I come in?" Julie's voice called out through the door.

"Of course, Julie. You don't need to ask for permission," Evangeline responded warmly.

Julie entered the room with her characteristic smile, bringing with her a sense of comfort.

"Are you ready for your journey, Evangeline?" Julie inquired.

"Absolutely! I'm bursting with excitement," Evangeline exclaimed, her eyes gleaming.

Julie affectionately patted Evangeline's head, acknowledging her enthusiasm.

"It's evident that you're really looking forward to it," Julie remarked, noting Evangeline's excitement. "I understand. It can get quite monotonous staying within the castle walls all day."

Evangeline nodded, feeling understood. She had yearned for adventure and exploration beyond the confines of her home.

"Right now, though, it's time for you to take a bath. After all, you'll be leaving soon," Julie advised.

"Yes, you're right," Evangeline agreed, eager to begin her preparations.

In a hurry, Evangeline made her way to the bathroom, prompting Julie to follow.

Julie couldn't help but think, observing Evangeline's eagerness, how much the young girl had changed since the accident. Evangeline's initial resistance to having Julie assist her with bathing had transformed into acceptance and trust. Julie couldn't help but believe that this change was for the better, as Evangeline had become kinder and more understanding.

Inside the bathroom, Evangeline impatiently called out to Julie, urging her to hurry.

"I'm coming, Evangeline. There's no need to rush. Your parents won't leave without you," Julie reassured, entering the bathroom with a smile.

After approximately twenty minutes, Evangeline finished her shower and proceeded to get dressed. As usual, Julie selected a blue shirt, black trousers, and trainers for her attire. Once dressed, Julie took Evangeline's hand, and they ventured out of the room to meet Evangeline's two mothers. Along the way, they encountered several maids and butlers who greeted them with smiles, causing Evangeline's already uplifted mood to soar even higher.

Evangeline couldn't help but speculate about the sudden change in attitude among the castle's staff. Initially, she had struggled to comprehend their distant behavior towards her. However, their newfound kindness and warm greetings had taken her by surprise. She pondered the possibility that the previous owner of her current body must have been an unkind person, which could explain the initial hostility she faced.

"Deep in thought, Evangeline?" Julie called out, breaking her reverie. "I've been calling you for a while."

"Apologies, Julie. I was lost in my own musings," Evangeline responded, scratching her head sheepishly.

Julie smiled understandingly and pinched Evangeline's cheeks, a gesture she was familiar with.

"Please don't do that, Julie. You know I don't enjoy having my cheeks pinched," Evangeline protested, removing Julie's hands from her face.

"I know, but you're just too adorable," Julie confessed, though she released her hold on Evangeline.

"Julie, please let go of me now. I can walk on my own," Evangeline requested, her cheeks tinted with a blush.

"Apologies, Evangeline. I thought you were taking too long, so I decided to carry you," Julie explained, an apologetic smile on her face.

Evangeline couldn't help but think how abnormal everything seemed in this castle. Despite inhabiting the body of a child, she retained her adult consciousness. It was a challenge to adjust to the interactions and expectations placed upon her.

Before long, they reached the outside, where Evangeline's two mothers awaited them next to a car. Azumi held a camera in her hands and began snapping pictures of Evangeline.

"Mum, please stop taking pictures without my permission. And Julie, can you please put me down now?" Evangeline requested, her face flushed.

Misaki, chuckling, couldn't resist commenting, "It's just a picture, Evangeline. You won't perish from it."

"You say that because you're not the one being photographed," Evangeline retorted, pouting.

Azumi intervened, attempting to diffuse the situation. "Enough arguing, both of you. We need to leave now."

Evangeline and Misaki climbed into the back seat of the car alongside Azumi. Azumi then lifted Evangeline onto her lap, a gesture that Evangeline found unnecessary.

"Mum, I can sit on my own. You don't need to hold me," Evangeline declared, her pout persisting.

Misaki, patting Evangeline's head, couldn't help but remark, "I thought you had grown accustomed to this, Evangeline."

"Don't touch me, I dislike you. I prefer Mum," Evangeline expressed, sticking her tongue out childishly.

Misaki's voice held a tinge of hurt as she replied, "How can you say that to me? Besides, why don't you ever call me Mum?"

Deliberately avoiding the question, Evangeline chose not to respond.

Azumi interjected, attempting to ease the tension. "It's not so bad, Misaki. Perhaps one day she will call you Mum."

"Yeah," Misaki replied, her gaze averted.

Azumi then revealed a special item for Evangeline—a face mask resembling Kakashi's from Naruto.

"What's that for?" Evangeline inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Misaki snapped her fingers, conjuring the face mask, and explained, "It's for your safety. This way, people won't recognize you easily or attempt to kidnap you like last time."

Evangeline, aware of her own magical prowess and the ability to protect herself, countered, "Mum, you know I can defend myself now. You've taught me how to master my magic."

Azumi acknowledged her abilities but insisted, "That may be true, but wearing the mask will help you avoid drawing unnecessary attention."

Misaki nodded proudly and said, "Yeah, that's right."

Azumi smiled and handed Evangeline the face mask. "Okay then, I'll trust you," she said as Evangeline took the mask and put it on her face.

"There, that's much better now," Azumi said, patting Evangeline's head.

Misaki called out to the driver, "Good, we can leave now."

The car started moving, and Evangeline took the opportunity to wave goodbye to the servants and butlers standing outside the castle. As the car moved farther away, the castle gradually disappeared from sight, and a breathtaking landscape unfolded before Evangeline's eyes. Modern buildings dotted the horizon, surprising her with their beauty.

"Wow, this is really beautiful," Evangeline exclaimed, her excitement growing even more.

Misaki smiled and agreed, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yes, it's really beautiful. I might go there one day," Evangeline remarked, envisioning the possibility.

Azumi reassured her, "Of course you can go, don't worry."

Evangeline observed the people passing by, noticing their joyful and cheerful demeanor.

(I hope this peace will last a long time. After all, there hasn't been a war for 100 years already), she thought, reflecting on the stability of the kingdom.

Misaki leaned closer to Evangeline, her voice filled with pride. "You know, Evangeline, these people are happy because they know they are protected by me and your mother. Besides, one day, you will take our place."

"Huh? What are you talking about, Misaki? I don't want to become a queen," Evangeline replied, taken aback by the unexpected revelation.

Azumi interjected, trying to ease the situation. "Don't worry, Evangeline. If you don't want to become queen, we won't force you. But you'll still have to protect your kingdom, okay?"

"Okay, Mum, that I can do," Evangeline responded enthusiastically, accepting her responsibility.

Misaki, her eyes glistening with tears, said, "Yes, that's my daughter. I'm proud of you."

The journey continued smoothly until they arrived at a massive portal, which surprised Evangeline since it hadn't existed in her previous world.

"This is it, we're finally here," she exclaimed, her excitement reaching new heights.

"We haven't arrived yet. We have to go through this portal first," Azumi explained, pointing to the portal.

They all got out of the car and walked towards the portal. As they stepped through, the brightness of the light forced Evangeline to close her eyes. When she reopened them a few seconds later, the surroundings had completely transformed. Houses floated in the sky, reminiscent of scenes from Disney movies, and people with wings soared through the air—an astonishing sight.

"Wow," Evangeline gasped, her mouth hanging open in amazement.

"Shut your mouth, or you'll swallow a fly," Misaki teased, laughing at her reaction.

"This is a beautiful country, isn't it, Evangeline?" Azumi asked, a smile gracing her face.

Evangeline smiled back, captivated by the enchanting scenery. A beautiful carriage, drawn by two magnificent Pegasus, arrived before them. A butler in his thirties stepped out, and what amazed Evangeline the most were the wings on his back.

"I welcome you to our humble country," the butler greeted them, bowing respectfully.

Unable to contain her excitement, Evangeline wriggled out of her mother's arms and approached the butler, reaching out to touch his wings.

"No, Evangeline, don't do that. Leave the poor butler alone," Azumi scolded, rushing to her side.

The butler, unfazed, reassured them, "It's not a big deal. She's just a kid," as he patted Evangeline's head.

(Sorry, Mum, but I can't help it. I didn't have these in my old life, plus his wings are so soft), Evangeline thought, her fingers gliding over the feathers.

"Evangeline, stop it now," Azumi insisted, giving her a stern look.

Startled, Evangeline immediately let go of the butler's wings.

"Sorry for the inconvenience," Misaki apologized, scratching her head.

"It's okay. You can get into the carriage," the butler said, opening the carriage doors.

The three of them climbed into the carriage, which took them directly to the castle. After a few minutes, they arrived in front of the magnificent structure, and three figures awaited their arrival.

"Nice to see you again, Misaki and Azumi, and you too, little princess," a white-haired woman with deep blue eyes greeted them. What intrigued Evangeline the most were the golden wings adorning her back.

(This woman reminds me of someone), Evangeline thought, trying to recall the familiarity.

Azumi smiled and responded, "Hanako, it's been a long time."

"Yes, my wife is right. I'm glad to see you again," a man with golden hair and golden eyes, donning white wings, added.

Misaki extended her hand and shook the man's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Fuji," she said.

(Strange, this man also reminds me of someone, especially his golden eyes), Evangeline mused, her memory triggered.

Another woman, Megumi, approached with a smile. She, too, had golden wings on her back.

"Hi, Evangeline. It's been a long time since we've seen each other, isn't it?" Megumi greeted her warmly.

"What?" Evangeline exclaimed in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

Megumi laughed and said, "You still don't understand, huh? I'm the princess of angels."

"How should I know? My parents didn't tell me, and last time you didn't have wings," Evangeline pointed out, gesturing to Megumi's wings.

"Yeah, but tell me, why are you wearing a mask first?" Megumi inquired, curiosity gleaming in her eyes.

Before Evangeline could respond, a young boy with blue hair, blue eyes, and white wings interrupted, his voice resounding confidently.

"Princess of the humans, face me in a battle to see who will marry Princess Megumi!" he proclaimed, pointing at Evangeline.