chapter 9

The towering wolf lifted its massive paw and swiftly directed it towards the individual before it, its sharp claws poised in a threatening manner. Evangeline, feeling a tremor of fear coursing through her, mustered the courage to speak.

"Please, spare me," Evangeline pleaded, her voice quivering with apprehension. "We are strangers to each other."

The wolf's paw halted abruptly, mere inches away from making contact, and it began to speak with an enigmatic tone that reverberated through the strange realm they found themselves in.

"You truly believed I would simply let you go, trespassing upon my territory?" the wolf bellowed, its voice echoing ominously.

"I have no understanding of why I am here, and yet you seek to harm me. I shall defend myself," Evangeline asserted, conjuring a series of fiery arrows with a simple snap of her fingers.

"Take heed, accursed wolf, for these arrows of fire are aimed at you," she declared, launching the projectiles towards the formidable creature.

The arrows hurtled towards their target, only to pass through the wolf without inflicting any harm. Evangeline couldn't help but express her astonishment.

"How is this possible?" she gasped, her voice laced with disbelief.

"Do you truly believe that such a feeble assault could find its mark, child?" the wolf taunted, a mocking laughter emanating from its throat.

"Do not dare to deride me, foolish wolf! It must be a mere coincidence. I shall exhibit my true power now," Evangeline retorted defiantly.

"I eagerly await witnessing what you are truly capable of, young one," the wolf responded with a hint of anticipation.

Suddenly, a blazing halo enveloped Evangeline, encasing her entire body. Swiftly, she rushed towards the wolf, intending to deliver a forceful blow. However, as she reached out to strike, her hand passed through the creature as if it were an ethereal specter.

"Why? How can I not make contact?" confusion permeated Evangeline's words.

"Hahaha! Do you honestly believe that you pose a threat, child? Your feeble attempts are incapable of piercing my essence," the wolf jeered, relishing in his perceived superiority.

"Cease your laughter," Evangeline demanded, her voice tinged with frustration. A pout formed on her face, further emphasizing her displeasure.

"That's it! I have endured enough of your insolence. It is time for you to meet your end," the wolf declared, its expression turning grave. Raising its paw with intent, it swiftly directed its attack towards Evangeline. Caught off guard, she braced herself defensively, closing her eyes in anticipation of the impending strike. However, to her bewilderment, she felt nothing.

"This is strange. Why do I not feel your attack? It appears you are incapable of harming me as well," Evangeline remarked, a smirk playing at the corners of her mouth.

"Do not mock me! I shall dispatch you soon enough," the wolf seethed, his fury palpable.

Undeterred by the wolf's futile attempts to harm her, Evangeline continued to laugh mockingly every time he launched another attack.

"Perhaps you should reconsider, for it seems neither of us can touch or injure the other. Why not take this opportunity to acquaint ourselves?" she suggested.

"I see no reason to acquaint myself with a human such as you," the wolf retorted stubbornly.

"Nevertheless, it is just the two of us here. What harm could come from sharing our stories and unraveling the mystery of this place?" Evangeline inquired, scratching her head inquisitively.

"My name is of no consequence, and as for the second question, you shall have to discover the answer on your own. I will not divulge any information," the wolf responded, firm in his stance.

"If you choose not to disclose your name, that is acceptable. However, perhaps if we become friends, you may eventually change your mind and reveal it. Besides, I find you rather endearing," Evangeline remarked playfully, hoping to sway the wolf's disposition.

"Cease your nonsensical banter! I am not adorable. I am an awe-inspiring and formidable beast," the wolf replied, his confidence unwavering as he struck a regal pose.

"I do not believe you to be as intimidating as you claim. It is a pity I cannot touch you, as I am sure your fur must be incredibly soft," Evangeline mused, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Do not even entertain such thoughts! I would never befriend a human like you," the wolf snapped, his anger apparent.

"Fear not, for I am merely jesting. I speak the truth when I say I wish to befriend you, and I shall not abandon that desire," Evangeline stated firmly, her resolve unyielding.

In that moment, however, the surroundings began to fade away, dissolving into nothingness.

Wolf's POV:

The wolf observed the human named Evangeline with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. He hadn't expected her to be so determined in her efforts to befriend him, but he remained skeptical of her intentions. After all, humans were known to turn against him once they discovered his true nature. He couldn't help but think that, despite her human status, she possessed an inner strength that intrigued him. In his heart, he harbored a flicker of hope that perhaps they could truly become friends.

Evangeline's POV:

Evangeline slowly opened her eyes, finding herself back in the room that Megumi had prepared for her. As she surveyed her surroundings, she couldn't help but notice the destruction that had taken place overnight. Half of the room lay in ruins, and the morning light filtered through the shattered windows.

"Oh no, Mom is going to be furious," Evangeline thought to herself, her heart sinking.

Just then, the door swung open, revealing her two mothers standing in the doorway. They appeared surprised at first, but their expressions quickly shifted to anger.

"Evangeline, why did you destroy half of your room?" Azumi's voice boomed with fury, her disappointment evident.

Misaki chimed in, her tone equally stern, "It's true, if you didn't like the room, there were better ways to express your discontent. I'm deeply disappointed in you, Evangeline."

Evangeline's face flushed with guilt as she stammered, "I... I'm really sorry. It was an accident."

Azumi's anger softened slightly, and she responded, "You don't need to apologize to us, but you should apologize to Megumi. She put so much effort into creating this room for you."

Realizing the importance of making amends, Evangeline nodded. "Okay, I'll go and apologize to her. But if she doesn't find out about it, then maybe I don't need to apologize."

Azumi's tone grew firm, "Evangeline, sooner or later, Megumi will discover the truth. It's better to take responsibility and apologize before she finds out on her own."

Misaki added, her disappointment evident, "You know, she'll be truly heartbroken to see the room she worked so hard on in ruins."

Feeling a sense of remorse, Evangeline made up her mind. "I'll go and apologize to Megumi right away," she said, determined to make things right.

Azumi interjected, "Wait, Evangeline. You're still in your pajamas, and you haven't even put on your mask or taken a bath. You can't go out like this."

Realizing her oversight, Evangeline stopped in her tracks. "Yes, you're right. I can't go out looking like this," she admitted, realizing the need for proper attire and cleanliness.

Misaki intervened, offering a solution, "Today, I will give you a bath, Evangeline." She wore a gentle smile, hoping to ease her daughter's concerns.

Evangeline's eyes widened with fear, and she responded quickly, "No, thank you. I'd rather have Mommy give me a bath," her apprehension apparent.

Azumi, determined to bring them closer, urged, "Come on, Evangeline. You won't be harmed if Misaki gives you a bath. She's your mother too."

"No, Mom. I'm certain she'll harm me during the bath," Evangeline pleaded, her voice tinged with fear.

Azumi sighed, realizing her daughter's fears. "Not today, Evangeline. I apologize for the inconvenience, but Misaki will be the one to assist you."

Inwardly vowing to seek revenge for this perceived betrayal, Evangeline reluctantly relented. "Fine," she said, her voice filled with a mixture of resignation and determination.

Misaki's voice carried a note of reassurance, "Don't worry, Evangeline. This time, nothing will go wrong. I've learned from my mistakes, and I promise to take extra care."

Evangeline's doubt remained, and she couldn't help but voice her concerns. "You said that last time too," she retorted, a pout forming on her lips.

Misaki's voice held a hint of optimism, "You'll see, this time everything will be fine." She led Evangeline to the bathroom, determined to prove her words.

As they entered the bathroom, Misaki settled Evangeline in the bathtub and turned on the water at a comfortable temperature. Evangeline eyed her cautiously.

"You see, everything is going well so far," Misaki said, attempting to reassure her.

"You said that last time as well," Evangeline responded with a slight pout, unable to let go of her previous experiences.

Misaki's tone turned serious as she broached the topic that had been on her mind. "Before we proceed, I'd like to know why you destroyed the room. It's unlike you to behave this way."

Evangeline took a deep breath and began explaining, her voice calm and composed. "I had a strange dream. I found myself in a peculiar place, and suddenly, a gigantic blue wolf appeared before me. I tried attacking it with my magic, but it seemed unaffected. I wanted to befriend it, but my attempts failed. Then I woke up, and you arrived."

Misaki's curiosity was piqued. "Did the blue wolf say anything else to you?"

"No, it simply expressed its dislike for humans," Evangeline replied, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Misaki nodded, absorbing the information. "Alright, it's time for your bath now," she said, a mischievous smile gracing her lips.

Evangeline's eyes widened, and she braced herself for what was to come.

And that's how cries of pain echoed throughout the castle.