chapter 18

Evangeline arrived with measured steps, taking in the sight of the group that awaited her. Composed of two boys and two girls, she recognized some familiar faces who turned around at her arrival.

Yuriko's voice dripped with anger as he spoke, "Oh no, not you. What are you doing here?"

Evangeline maintained her composure, responding with a hint of amusement, "Don't worry, the pleasure is shared."

Seiko chimed in, laughter dancing in his voice, "I have a feeling you two will get along just fine."

Soon-ni intervened, trying to diffuse the tension, "Don't argue, both of you. Anyway, it's too late now. You'll have to deal with it."

Evangeline let out a sigh, quickly calming herself. "Let's start with introductions," she suggested in a calm tone.

The others nodded in agreement, and Evangeline took the initiative to introduce herself first. "Hello, my name is Evangeline Suzuki, and I master fire and darkness magic."

As she spoke, a red flame flickered to life in her right hand, while her left hand conjured a ball of darkness. Her teammates looked on in astonishment, taking a few seconds to recover from the display.

Yuriko followed suit, introducing himself, "My name is Yuriko Kaori, and I master the magic of water." He created a bubble of water with his right hand, a sense of superiority evident in his tone. Evangeline couldn't help but think, "As I suspected, he is still an idiot."

Soon-mi Ayate introduced herself next, displaying her own fire magic by conjuring a flame on her right hand. "Hello, I'm Soon-mi Ayate, and I master fire magic," she declared.

Somi Ayate, the last of the group, greeted them with a friendly smile. "Hello, I'm Somi Ayate. I'm glad to meet you, and I specialize in lightning magic." He generated a small bolt of lightning with his left hand, showcasing his abilities.

Only one person remained, a shy-looking girl of average height with green hair and glasses. Evangeline placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and encouraged her, "Don't be shy. We're not going to eat you. You can introduce yourself."

With newfound confidence, the girl spoke up, "Hello, my name is Lily Chiharu, and I'm a master of plant magic." She waved her fingers, causing a root to emerge from the ground.

Seiko, the final member of the group, added his introduction with a touch of humor, "Hi, my name is Seiko. You'll find out about my magic later, but I hope you'll give me plenty of food."

As Seiko finished speaking, the voice of the principal echoed through the air once more, grabbing everyone's attention. "I suppose you've finished getting to know each other. Now, it's time for your next group assignment, which will begin in 15 minutes. I hope you're ready."

Evangeline wondered about the upcoming mission, curious as to what it would entail. "Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention," the principal added with a sadistic smile, "the groups that fail the mission will be immediately sent back."

The students reacted with shock, and some even began to cry. Evangeline turned to gauge her group's reaction. Yuriko wore a smile, seemingly unfazed, while Soon-mi appeared indifferent. Lily seemed on the verge of tears, and Somi trembled slightly.

"Great, now the principal is traumatizing the students. She's a sadomasochist," Evangeline mused inwardly.

"Don't cry, Lily. I'm sure we'll succeed in this mission," Evangeline reassured, gently patting her on the head.

The principal continued, "The mission you'll undertake is quite simple." She materialized a magic crystal in her hand, showcasing it to the group. "I want you to bring me ten of these crystals within three hours maximum. After the three hours are up, I won't accept any more crystals."

Evangeline thought to herself, "It seems relatively easy. Even if we encounter weak monsters, we can obtain magic crystals."

A student raised their hand momentarily, seeking permission to speak. The principal nodded, granting permission.

"Where do we go to find these crystals, ma'am?" the student inquired.

The principal responded with a smile, "That's a good question. You'll be fighting the monsters in the Forbidden Forest."

Shock rippled through the group, and some students appeared on the verge of fainting.

"Madam Principal, you're sending us to our doom! You can't do that. The monsters in the Forbidden Forest are incredibly powerful," one student protested.

"Don't worry, the teachers will be there to protect you in case of danger. Oh, yes, I almost forgot again— you're also allowed to steal crystals from other groups," the principal revealed.

The news caused a stir among the students, and some expressed delight at the opportunity.

"It seems you're excited," the principal observed. "So, without further delay, let the mission begin."

With a snap of her fingers, everything around them turned black. After a brief moment, the darkness lifted, and Evangeline found herself standing in a vast, eerie forest that sent shivers down her spine. She realized she was now alone with her group, while the other students were likely scattered throughout the forest.

Evangeline surveyed the surroundings, the ominous forest casting an unsettling aura. "What shall we do now, dear teammates?" she asked, her eyes scanning the gloomy wilderness.

Yuriko proposed his strategy, "I suggest we kill as many monsters as possible to expedite our escape."

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the principal's voice once again, resounding through the forest.

"Now that you've all arrived in the forest, the test can begin. If you find it too difficult, you can give up, and the test will automatically end, ensuring your safe return to the school. However, you will still be expelled."

A countdown clock materialized above their heads, displaying three hours. The words "3 hours" were emblazoned on the display.

"By the way, you're not allowed to leave the forest before the test is over. Good luck, everyone," the principal declared before vanishing.

Laughter echoed through the air as the principal's voice faded away, and the countdown began, casting a sense of urgency over the group.

"I didn't think she would go this far. Now the test has become even more challenging with the added pressure of the countdown," Evangeline expressed, her worry evident in her voice.

Yuriko, surprisingly, concurred, "As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with you. We must find the crystals and ensure they aren't stolen."

Soon-mi interjected, "Before anything else, we need to devise a plan to navigate this predicament successfully."

Nods of agreement rippled through the group, acknowledging the necessity of a solid strategy.

"First, we must secure a safe location to discuss our plan. We cannot risk being attacked by monsters while we're vulnerable," Evangeline proposed, her eyes scanning the surroundings for a suitable spot.

However, their search yielded no results, and fifteen precious minutes had already elapsed.

"I feel as though we've been walking in circles, trapped in a maze without any progress. We can't continue blindly like this," Evangeline stated firmly, frustration tainting her voice.

Somi expressed his growing unease, "I fear an imminent attack. We can't afford to waste any more time."

"I believe I have a solution," Evangeline declared confidently, determined to overcome their obstacles.

Impatience simmered within Yuriko as he urged her, "Well, don't keep us waiting. Share your idea."

Soon-mi interjected, attempting to diffuse the tension, "Yuriko, there's no need for such impatience. We are teammates now. Please treat us with respect."

Silence enveloped Yuriko as his anger simmered, refraining from further retorts.

"It's alright. May I proceed with sharing my solution?" Evangeline inquired, a hint of annoyance lingering in her tone.

Lily, offering her support, spoke up, "Yes, Evangeline. Please go ahead."

With a snap of her fingers, a protective dome of flame materialized around them, leaving the others in awe of her power.

"Now, what's our next course of action?" Evangeline crossed her arms, her gaze resting on her companions.

Yuriko, still harboring skepticism, suggested, "I propose we begin by hunting the monsters. It will be the most challenging task."

Soon-mi agreed, "Indeed, but we must ensure we reserve enough energy to protect the crystals afterward."

Lily contributed her idea, "Why don't we take turns attacking the monsters? This way, we won't exhaust ourselves too quickly."

Seiko chimed in, displaying confidence, "That's a splendid idea. Besides, I can utilize my experience in monster combat to assist all of you. I've encountered numerous monsters in my life."

Before they could continue their discussion, a monster lunged at their barrier, failing to breach its protection. Upon closer examination, it resembled a towering tiger, approximately two meters in height.

"Are you ready to fight, my dear teammates?" Evangeline's excitement filled her words.

Yuriko wore a smile, Soon-mi radiated confidence, Somi trembled in fear, and Lily appeared unperturbed by the presence of the monster.

Dispelling the barrier with a snap of her fingers, Evangeline confronted the oncoming tiger, exhilaration coursing through her veins. The tiger lunged, extending its paw to claw at her, but she evaded it effortlessly. Concentrating magic in her right hand, she conjured a small ball of fire and launched it at the tiger, catching it off guard. The attack connected, disintegrating the beast into nothingness, leaving only dust and a gleaming magic crystal.

Evangeline swiftly retrieved the crystal, her teammates' astonished gazes fixed upon her.

"Isn't your magic a bit too powerful?" Yuriko questioned, his disbelief evident.

Soon-mi chimed in with enthusiasm, "Yes, Yuriko is right. I'm glad you're with us. With your abilities, acquiring magic crystals should be easier."

Evangeline responded with caution, "I don't believe it will be as simple from now on. There are still formidable monsters lurking in this forest."

Suddenly, the ground quaked, and an entire herd of at least a hundred monsters charged towards them.

Somi cried out in despair, "How do we face such a monstrous horde? Their numbers are overwhelming! I don't want to die!"

Seiko, stepping forward, exuded calm confidence, "Fear not, young one. It's my turn to take the stage." He descended from Evangeline's head and approached the herd of monsters with deliberate steps.

Seiko gazed at the formidable creatures before him, releasing a mighty roar that halted the charging horde. His eyes began to glow, and in an instant, blue flames erupted, engulfing the monsters and reducing them to naught but ash. A hundred magical crystals lay in the aftermath.

"I thought Evangeline was formidable, but Seiko, you surpass all expectations," Yuriko remarked, impressed.

Seiko returned, "What are you waiting for? Hurry and collect the crystals. I won't do all the work."

Soon-mi questioned, "How will we store all these crystals?"

Lily provided a solution, "Fortunately, I possess a magical storage bag capable of holding up to 200 items easily."

"Thank goodness you're here, Lily. Otherwise, organizing these crystals would have proved quite challenging," Evangeline expressed, scratching her head.

The group set about collecting the crystals, a task that occupied them for the next thirty minutes. Surprisingly, they had yet to encounter any other students.

Somi marveled, "I didn't expect it to be this easy. Now our main focus should be safeguarding the crystals."

A rustling sound emerged from the bushes, and a figure emerged.

Mana revealed herself, uttering words filled with vengeance, "At last, I've found you, evildoers. Now, I shall exact my revenge."