chapter 23

"Mana, please stop. You'll break my bones," Evangeline pleaded desperately, her voice filled with both pain and fear. But despite her heartfelt plea, Mana stubbornly clung to her, refusing to release her grip. The pressure on Evangeline's body was excruciating, every breath becoming a struggle as she fought against the crushing force.

As if emerging from a mist, Mana regained consciousness, her fierce red eyes transforming into a bewitching green. A slight smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she gazed lovingly at Evangeline, letting her true emotions show. With a deliberate gesture, she removed Evangeline's mask, revealing the vulnerability that lay beneath, and drew Evangeline into a tender, unexpected kiss.

The embrace lingered, an eternity compressed into mere minutes, their lips locked in an intimate dance of passion and longing. Evangeline, caught between the overwhelming rush of sensations and a lingering sense of caution, finally summoned the strength to push Mana away. Gasping for air, she stared at her companion, her eyes wide with a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

Unbeknownst to them, their stolen moment of vulnerability had been captured by an unseen observer. The mischievous principal, concealed within the shadows of the infirmary, had cunningly recorded the encounter with a cameraphone. A sly smile graced her face as she relished in the unfolding drama, her devious intentions shrouded in secrecy.

As Evangeline struggled to process the unexpected turn of events, Mana suddenly collapsed once more, her strength depleted. The shock of witnessing such a bewildering and intense connection left Evangeline paralyzed with disbelief. Time slipped by, minutes stretching into an eternity, as she remained frozen in a state of profound astonishment. Her mouth hung open, mask forgotten, as her mind grappled to comprehend the depths of the encounter she had just experienced.

In the midst of Evangeline's daze, the entrance to the room swung open, and Seiko sauntered in, her presence cutting through the stifling atmosphere. With a mocking tone, she quipped, "Evangeline, shut your mouth before a curious insect makes itself at home."

Seiko's words sliced through the fog of disbelief, jolting Evangeline back to reality. Shaking off her stupor, she swiftly composed herself, the mask of normalcy returning to her features. With a determined gesture, she hurriedly concealed her emotions, slipping her mask back into place, shielding her vulnerabilities from prying eyes.

"What happened to you, Evangeline, to make you so shocked?" inquired Seiko, his curiosity piqued as he observed Evangeline's flushed cheeks and uneasy demeanor.

Caught off guard by Seiko's direct question, Evangeline's mind raced to find a suitable response, her thoughts intertwining with the vivid memories of the recent encounter. Blushing furiously, she struggled to find the right words. "It's... it's nothing special, Seiko. Please don't worry," she stammered, her voice betraying her nervousness.

Seiko, ever perceptive, harbored doubts regarding Evangeline's vague explanation. He knew that she was concealing something, yet he trusted their enduring friendship, believing that eventually, Evangeline would confide in him with the truth. Such had always been the way between them.

"I won't press you further, Evangeline," Seiko assured her, a glimmer of concern flickering in his eyes. "But I must inquire about Mana. Is she alright?"

A surge of uncertainty washed over Evangeline as she pondered Mana's condition. "I don't know," she admitted, her voice tinged with worry. "I'm still waiting for the nurse to return and examine her."

Just as she spoke those words, the infirmary door swung open, announcing the arrival of the nurse, their beacon of hope in the midst of confusion and unanswered questions.

"I apologize for the delay. The conversation with the principal proved to be more extensive than anticipated," the nurse offered in a contrite tone, seeking to alleviate any concerns caused by her prolonged absence.

Evangeline waved off the apology, her focus fixated on the well-being of Mana. "It's alright, please proceed and attend to Mana," she urged, her voice tinged with a mixture of worry and relief.

With a measured stride, the nurse approached the bed where Mana lay, her gaze intent on the enigmatic figure before her. Skillfully, she commenced the process of diagnosis, her experienced hands tracing along Mana's features and meticulously assessing her condition.

"Did anything noteworthy occur during my absence?" the nurse inquired, her eyes searching for any signs or hints that might shed light on the mysterious events that unfolded in her absence.

Evangeline, caught off guard by the direct question, hesitated for a moment before responding. "She briefly regained consciousness, only to succumb to fainting once more," she replied, her words imbued with a hint of apprehension.

The nurse's demeanor shifted, a mischievous smile curling at the corners of her lips. "Are you absolutely certain that nothing else transpired?" she probed, her tone carrying a knowing undertone that sent a blush creeping up Evangeline's cheeks once again.

Flustered, Evangeline stammered a quick denial, aware that her attempt to evade the truth had been unsuccessful. The nurse, perceptive to the unspoken secrets that danced in the room, maintained a knowing silence, her gaze lingering on Evangeline with an understanding that went unspoken.

In the midst of the charged atmosphere, Seiko, true to his usual form, leaped into Evangeline's arms, seeking solace and security. With an air of tranquility, he swiftly surrendered to sleep, his presence lending a serene calmness to the room.

The nurse conducted a thorough examination of Mana, her experienced hands deftly moving over the prone figure. The room seemed to hold its breath as the nurse carefully assessed her condition.

"It's not too serious," the nurse began, her tone measured and reassuring. "She's fine, but she's exceptionally fatigued. It appears she's pushed herself too hard, likely depleting a significant portion of her magical energy."

A wave of relief washed over Evangeline upon hearing the nurse's assessment. However, confusion still gnawed at her, and she couldn't help but voice her perplexity. "It's strange," she began, her voice tinged with curiosity. "We didn't engage in anything particularly strenuous in our sports class, nor did we use much magic."

The nurse met Evangeline's query with a knowing glance, her expression carrying a sense of understanding. "Ah, but didn't you embark on a group mission not too long ago? The one where you were hunting for monster crystals," she recalled, her voice gentle but probing. "If memory serves me right, you and Mana had a rather heated altercation during that mission. It's possible that this recent strain on her magical abilities is a consequence of not having had sufficient time to recover. The exertions of the sports class might have simply exacerbated her condition."

Evangeline nodded in understanding, a realization dawning upon her. She grasped why Mana was so profoundly fatigued; not everyone possessed the boundless reservoir of magic that coursed through her own veins.

"How long do you think it will be before Mana wakes up?" she inquired, her concern for her friend etched across her features.

The nurse paused for a moment, her gaze thoughtful as she considered the unpredictable nature of recovery. "It's hard to say, dear," she began, her tone gentle yet uncertain. "It typically takes anywhere from one to two hours, depending on the speed of her recuperation. In the meantime, it's my turn to take a much-needed break, and I'll be keeping an eye on Mana during that time."

Before Evangeline could respond, the nurse had already departed, leaving her alone with Seiko in the quiet infirmary.

Seiko couldn't help but chuckle as he watched the nurse's dramatic exit. "She's quite the character, that nurse," he remarked with a grin.

Evangeline agreed, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Indeed, I wonder how she manages to strike such a pose even in moments of crisis."

A prolonged silence settled between them, punctuated only by the soft, rhythmic sound of Mana's breathing. Then, breaking the quietude, Seiko's voice cut through the stillness.

"Evangeline, I'm hungry," he declared, his stomach growling in agreement with his words. "Can you find something for me to eat?"

Evangeline glanced at Seiko, her brows furrowing slightly. "Is that all you can think about right now, Seiko? This hardly seems like the right time. If you're hungry, you can go find something to eat yourself."

Seiko feigned shock, his eyes widening dramatically. "Evangeline, you've changed," he declared in mock dismay. "You weren't like this before. How could you betray your best friend like this?"

"You don't need to make a fuss, Seiko. You'll have your meal once Mana wakes up, alright?" Evangeline's voice held a hint of exasperation as she tried to dissuade Seiko.

"No, I'm really hungry, and I want to eat now," Seiko insisted, his stomach growling in protest.

Tensions escalated swiftly, their voices intertwining in a heated argument that echoed within the confines of the infirmary. Frustration and impatience fueled their dispute until, ultimately, Seiko's temper flared.

With a swift, almost instinctual motion, Seiko summoned his magical powers, conjuring a fiery orb that crackled with energy. He hurled it toward Evangeline, an impulsive act born of frustration.

Evangeline, far from surprised by Seiko's actions, calmly intercepted the fireball with a deft sweep of her hand. However, a twist of fate conspired against them. Instead of dissipating harmlessly, the fireball veered off course and struck Mana squarely in the face.

An eerie silence descended upon the room as Mana's face contorted in pain, her complexion turning ashen, and a small portion of her hair igniting into flames. The shock of the situation hung heavy in the air, as both guilt and fear gripped Evangeline and Seiko.

Reacting swiftly, Evangeline sprang into action, extinguishing the flames that threatened to engulf Mana's hair. She worked quickly but gently, ensuring that the blaze had left no lasting damage. Fortune, or perhaps misfortune, dictated that Mana remained unconscious, oblivious to the fiery mishap.

"You see what you've done, Seiko? This is your fault," Evangeline declared, her accusatory finger pointing squarely at her friend.

Seiko, his face a portrait of bewilderment and regret, shook his head vehemently. "No, it's not me," he protested, his voice filled with a mixture of guilt and denial. "You're the one who deflected the fireball onto Mana."

In that charged moment, as tension hung thick in the air, the unexpected occurred. Mana stirred, her eyelids fluttering open as consciousness returned to her, unaware of the fiery drama that had unfolded in her slumber.