"No, Aaron, she's my prey, and I intend to deal with her," Rhys declared.

With a mere snap of Aaron's fingers, Rhys was consumed by roaring flames. His agonized screams echoed through the forest, but within moments, the cries vanished, and there was no trace of Rhys, as if he had never existed.

Witnessing this horrifying turn of events, Evangeline and Seiko were on high alert. They now realized the dire consequences they might face.

Evangeline, shocked by Rhys' fate, couldn't help but question Aaron, "How can you kill your own teammates?"

Aaron, the man-dragon, chuckled at Evangeline's surprise. "I don't care about my teammates. I'm here solely to ensure your capture, and besides, he was weak, deserving of nothing but death," he stated with a chilling smile.

Evangeline and Seiko exchanged a glance, knowing that they had to quickly deal with Aaron from this point onward. As a result, they initiated their strategy. Flames promptly enveloped Evangeline, forming a fiery cape. Seiko was encased in a similar blaze. In an instant, both Evangeline and Seiko vanished from Aaron's view.

They reappeared behind him, with Evangeline throwing a punch. However, Aaron swiftly evaded her strike. Seiko seized the opportunity to unleash a blue fireball, which hit Aaron. Smoke billowed, obscuring vision, but after a few moments, the smoke dissipated, revealing Aaron completely unscathed.

Evangeline and Seiko were taken aback by Aaron's resilience. His seemingly indestructible nature was a concerning revelation. As the tension mounted, they understood that dealing with Aaron wouldn't be as straightforward as they had hoped.

Aaron, having withstood their initial attack, spun around to face them. His eyes blazed with an intensity that sent shivers down their spines.

"You two are persistent," he growled, baring his teeth.

In a flash, Aaron's body started glowing . His entire form radiated a brilliant light, making it impossible for Evangeline and Seiko to look directly at him.

They knew that things had escalated to a dangerous level.

Evangeline and Seiko quickly realized they needed to act with even more precision and coordination if they were going to confront this powerful foe.

Evangeline concentrated, and her fiery aura intensified. She raised her hands, creating a wall of swirling blue flames to shield herself and Seiko from Aaron's dazzling light. The intense heat radiated from the barrier, creating a shimmering, ethereal glow.

Seiko took the moment to draw his power from the elemental forces around him. His aura transformed into an electric blue, and he raised his paws, ready to strike.

Aaron's intense glow began to flicker, and he launched himself at them with incredible speed, his fists charged with energy.

Just before he reached them, Seiko released a bolt of lightning, while Evangeline hurled a volley of fireballs toward him. The explosive combination of electricity and fire struck Aaron with tremendous force.

The forest echoed with a deafening explosion, and when the smoke cleared, Aaron was sprawled on the ground, his body battered and his aura weakened.

Evangeline and Seiko stood there, panting, having narrowly survived their confrontation with this formidable adversary. But they knew it wasn't over. Aaron slowly got back to his feet, a malevolent smile on his face. The battle was far from finished, and they had to dig even deeper into their powers to face this relentless opponent.

Aaron, his body battered and bruised, was not one to be underestimated. With a cruel grin, he unleashed his dragon-like powers, summoning a swirling vortex of flames and lightning around him. The sheer force of his elemental energy caused the very ground beneath them to tremble.

Evangeline and Seiko exchanged a determined glance, their bond stronger than ever. With a nod, they launched their counterattack.

Evangeline channeled her power, causing her fiery aura to surge even brighter. She unleashed a continuous stream of blue fire, creating a fiery whirlwind that spiraled towards Aaron.

Seiko, on the other hand, summoned a massive electric storm above them. Lightning bolts rained down upon their enemy, illuminating the dark forest like a strobe light.

Aaron was caught in the maelstrom, the intense heat and electrical energy searing his body. Despite his attempts to counter, he was overwhelmed by the combined might of fire and lightning.

As the attack raged on, the forest shook with the intensity of the battle. Trees were uprooted, and the very earth itself seemed to rebel against Aaron's fury.

In the end, he couldn't withstand the onslaught. He let out a thunderous roar before collapsing to the ground, his energy spent.

Evangeline and Seiko stood victorious, their faces covered in soot and sweat. Aaron was defeated, and his threat had been neutralized, at least for now.

The once-ominous forest was now filled with an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of their heavy breathing. But they knew that their trials were far from over.

Now, only the demon man and the wolf man remained to be defeated. As they witnessed Aaron's defeat, a sense of desperation overcame them, and they attempted to flee. However, just as they were about to make their escape, a woman's voice pierced through the forest, filled with anger and disdain.

"I asked you to capture a girl, and you can't even manage that? Have you no shame?" the voice of the woman scolded.

Before the demon man and the wolf man could take another step, they began to disintegrate into ashes, gradually fading from existence. The voice echoed once more, this time accompanied by a blood-curdling laughter. Then, suddenly, the entire forest began to tremble, sending shivers down Evangeline's and Seiko's spines, as well as those of the students and teachers.

The barrier that Seiko had erected to protect the students and teachers shattered within seconds. Then, the ground stopped trembling as if nothing had happened. Suddenly, a woman materialized, hovering in the sky. Unfortunately, her appearance remained hidden beneath a cloak, and she wore a fox mask over her face. When she appeared, an overwhelming pressure bore down on everyone. Most of the students and teachers were forced to their knees.

The masked woman then vanished, reappearing in front of Evangeline and Seiko. Both were immobilized by her presence, but just as she was about to strike, Rosaline intervened. She grasped her staff, which began to emanate a bright light, forming spheres of fire, wind, lightning, and earth. Rosaline hurled them at the masked woman, creating an explosion and a cloud of smoke. Seizing this opportunity, Rosaline swiftly snatched Evangeline and Seiko, pulling them away from the dangerous woman.

Before they could take another step, the smoke quickly dissipated, revealing the masked woman completely unharmed by Rosaline's attack. With blinding speed, she moved next to Rosaline. In an instant, both Rosaline and Seiko were forcefully pushed away, leaving only Evangeline facing the masked woman.

Evangeline felt a surge of fear but couldn't afford to back down now. The forest had gone eerily silent, the only sound being the rustling of leaves and the distant cries of students and teachers who had been affected by the woman's presence.

The masked woman spoke, her voice echoing in a haunting, otherworldly manner. "You must come with me, Evangeline Suzuki. Our master has been searching for you, and he will not be denied."

Evangeline clenched her fists, her flames flickering around her, casting eerie shadows on her masked face. "I won't go with you. I don't know who your master is, and I don't care. You won't take me without a fight."

The woman's laughter was a chilling melody. "So be it."

Before Evangeline could react, the masked woman lunged forward, her movements almost too swift for the eye to follow. She swung a dark, blade-like object at Evangeline. In the nick of time, Evangeline raised a fiery shield to protect herself.

The impact sent a shockwave through the area, knocking over trees and scattering debris. Evangeline gritted her teeth, her power surging. She retaliated with a burst of blue flames, but the masked woman gracefully danced away from the attack, her movements fluid and precise.

The battle raged on, the two figures darting through the forest, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. It was a battle of fire and shadow, a clash of two formidable forces. Evangeline knew she couldn't hold back; she needed to protect her friends and herself.

As the confrontation continued, the forest seemed to come alive. Trees groaned, their branches writhing as if trying to intervene, but they were helpless against the sheer power on display.

Evangeline's determination grew with each passing moment. She couldn't afford to lose; not now, not ever. The fate of her friends, her school, and her very existence was at stake. The masked woman was formidable, but so was she.

The battle between the two forces raged on, a tempest of fire and shadow in the heart of the haunted forest, as the students and teachers, still recovering from the masked woman's earlier power, watched in awe and terror.

The battle reached a devastating crescendo, with Evangeline unleashing a final, intense wave of blue flames. However, despite her fiery determination and impressive power, she couldn't match the masked woman's overwhelming force. In a last-ditch effort, the masked woman struck, shrouding Evangeline in darkness.

The world went black for Evangeline as she felt herself being enveloped by the woman's dark powers. She struggled, but it was futile. The last thing she heard was the masked woman's haunting voice, saying, "You are coming with me."

Evangeline's friends and the other students watched in horror as she vanished from sight, taken captive by this enigmatic and powerful figure.

The forest, once filled with the sounds of battle, fell into an eerie silence once more. The masked woman, with her captive in tow, disappeared as mysteriously as she had arrived, leaving everyone bewildered and afraid for Evangeline's fate.