Alone once more, Mana gazed at her reflection with a sense of determination burning in her eyes. Today would mark the beginning of a new chapter—a chapter filled with uncertainty, danger, and perhaps even betrayal. But one thing was certain—she would stop at nothing to see their plan through to the end.

Mana stared into the mirror once more, the reflection of her troubled thoughts staring back at her. Suddenly, the blurred face of the mysterious woman reappeared in the glass, her voice echoing in Mana's mind like a haunting refrain. "Don't do it, you'll regret it," the voice warned.

For a fleeting moment, Mana felt a surge of panic grip her heart. Who was this woman, and why was she haunting her dreams? But as quickly as the fear had come, it was replaced by a fierce determination. With a clenched fist, Mana struck the mirror, shattering it into a thousand glittering fragments that scattered across the bathroom floor. In that instant, the image of the blurred-faced woman vanished, leaving nothing but the broken remnants of glass behind.

"I don't know who you are or why you're haunting me, but I won't give up," Mana declared defiantly, her voice tinged with a hint of menace. "After all, I must have my revenge, and I'll kill anyone who dares to stand in my way."

Leaving the shattered mirror behind her, Mana strode out of the bathroom with purpose, her resolve stronger than ever.


Back in Evangeline's room, the tranquility of the morning was shattered by the sudden intrusion of Misaki, who barged into the room with all the subtlety of a charging bull. The door, unable to withstand Misaki's forceful entry, splintered and broke, leaving a gaping hole in its wake.

"Come on, wake up, Evangeline! You'll be late if you don't get moving," Misaki exclaimed, a cheerful smile adorning her face despite the chaos she had just caused.

Startled awake by Misaki's loud proclamation, both Evangeline and Seiko blinked groggily as they processed the situation.

"Do you really have to shout so early in the morning? And did you have to break the door?" Evangeline grumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she reluctantly dragged herself out of bed.

As Evangeline stumbled off to begin her morning routine, Seiko and Misaki were left alone in the room, the broken door serving as a stark reminder of Misaki's unorthodox wake-up call.

"You really did have to break the door, didn't you?" Seiko remarked, attempting to initiate a conversation amidst the chaos.

"Oh, it's nothing, really. I'm the queen of this castle, after all. It's just a door," Misaki replied nonchalantly, as if her actions were inconsequential.

Seiko's mischievous smile widened. "Oh, I see. You don't think there's any harm in me telling Azumi about this, do you?" he teased.

Misaki felt a bead of sweat form on her brow at the mention of Azumi's name. Before she could respond, the sound of approaching footsteps filled the room, and Azumi made her entrance. Her expression was one of unmistakable anger, and Misaki's attempt to flee was futile as Azumi swiftly caught her.

"It's just a door, isn't it, Misaki? Who's going to foot the bill for repairs when the castle's budget is already stretched thin?" Azumi scolded, her voice stern.

"I'm sorry, Azumi. It was an accident. I barely touched the door, and it collapsed," Misaki pleaded, her voice tinged with remorse.

Meanwhile, Seiko seized the opportunity to slip away, likely heading for the kitchen.

"Don't give me excuses, Misaki. This door is built to withstand the force of a full-powered blow from a B-rank mage. But don't worry, we'll discuss your punishment later," Azumi said with a wry smile, releasing Misaki's ear from her firm grasp.

A few minutes later, Evangeline emerged from the bathroom, already dressed for the day. She noticed her two mothers in the room but didn't see Seiko, assuming he had gone to eat.

"There you are, Evangeline. Your mother and I want to give you something," Azumi announced.

Evangeline's curiosity piqued. "Oh, and what's that?" she asked eagerly.

With a snap of her fingers, Azumi summoned a jacket adorned with the royal mark of the human world. "Since there's a tournament coming up, we thought you could do a little advertising for us," she explained, a hint of pride in her voice.

Evangeline eyed the jacket skeptically. "How's that for advertising?" she inquired.

Misaki chimed in with a smile. "Well, we're a bit short on funds at the moment. By wearing this jacket, you'll be promoting our cause. More people will join and recognize our strength, and for every new warrior we acquire, we'll receive a bonus."

"So, I've become a tool for you to use," Evangeline muttered, a tinge of irritation creeping into her voice.

Azumi's expression turned serious. "Who's the reason we need so much money in the first place, Evangeline?" she countered, her eyes flashing with a hint of reproach.

Evangeline fell silent, acknowledging the truth in Azumi's words. It was her actions that had led to their financial predicament, after all.

Misaki interjected, changing the subject with a mischievous grin. "By the way, Evangeline, when did you get that necklace? Did your girlfriend give it to you?" she teased.

Evangeline's cheeks flushed crimson. "No, it's not what you think. It's just a gift from Megumi. And for the record, I don't have a girlfriend," she clarified, attempting to conceal her embarrassment.

Azumi raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "But Mana doesn't interest you?" she prodded.

Evangeline's blush deepened at the mention of Mana, eliciting laughter from Misaki and Azumi. "Nonsense. Let's focus on eating," Evangeline deflected, eager to change the subject.

Evangeline hastily accepted the jacket from Azumi's outstretched hands and swiftly exited the room, making her way to the kitchen. Yet, in the blink of an eye, everything transformed into blinding white. The surroundings dissolved, leaving Evangeline enveloped in a sea of white emptiness. Then, a familiar figure materialized before her – Mana from her former life.

"Evangeline, you're in grave danger today. Please, be cautious," Mana's spectral voice echoed through the void.

Evangeline attempted to respond, but her words caught in her throat.

"By the way, that necklace you've been guarding so closely—" Mana's warning was abruptly cut off as she vanished into thin air, leaving Evangeline stranded in the stark expanse of white nothingness.

Confusion gnawed at Evangeline's mind as she tried to comprehend the cryptic message. What danger awaited her today? And what about the necklace? With no answers forthcoming, she could only ponder the ominous encounter as she navigated the uncertain path ahead.