As Evangeline woke up, she noticed Seiko was no longer beside her, likely off to have his breakfast. She followed her usual morning routine before heading to the kitchen of the castle. There, she found Megumi , along with Misaki and Azumi, gathered around Seiko.

Surprised to see Megumi there, Evangeline asked what brought her to the castle. 

Megumi replied, "Evangeline, we're friends. Of course, it's my duty to come and see you, especially when you're not feeling well. Besides, it was your parents who asked me to come. So, today it's just you and me." She smiled warmly.

 Seiko chimed in, "What about me? Are you forgetting about me?"

 Megumi apologized, saying, "Sorry, but today it's just me and Evangeline. It's been a while since we've spent time together, just the two of us."

As Evangeline and Megumi found themselves alone, the atmosphere shifted subtly. Megumi's smile remained, but there was a hint of tension in her demeanor, something that Evangeline couldn't quite place. Sensing the change, Evangeline paused, her eyes narrowing slightly as she regarded her friend.

"So, Megumi, what did you want to do today?" Evangeline asked, trying to break the silence that seemed to settle between them.

Megumi hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering away before she met Evangeline's eyes again. "Actually, there's something I've been meaning to ask you," she began, her voice slightly strained.

Evangeline raised an eyebrow, a faint sense of unease creeping over her. "Sure, what is it?" she replied, trying to keep her tone light.

Megumi took a deep breath, steeling herself before speaking. "What's the deal between you and Mana?" she blurted out, her words coming out rushed and slightly accusing.

Evangeline's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected question, her mind racing to find the right words. She could sense the jealousy emanating from Megumi, and it caught her off guard. "Mana and I? Well, it's complicated," she began, choosing her words carefully.

Megumi's eyes narrowed, her expression becoming guarded. "Complicated how?" she pressed, her tone tinged with a hint of frustration.

Evangeline sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly as she tried to find the right way to explain. "We... We have a history," she started, her voice softening with the weight of the memories. "But things have changed. Mana and I... we're close. Very close." She paused, searching Megumi's face for any sign of understanding.

But Megumi's expression remained inscrutable, a mixture of emotions swirling beneath the surface. "Close how?" she demanded, her voice taking on a sharper edge.

Evangeline swallowed hard, the tension between them palpable now. "We're... together," she admitted finally, her voice barely above a whisper.

Megumi's eyes widened in shock, her breath catching in her throat. "Together?" she repeated, her voice barely a whisper.

Evangeline nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. "Yes. Together," she confirmed, her voice stronger this time, though tinged with uncertainty.

For a moment, silence hung heavy in the air, the weight of Evangeline' s revelation settling between them like an unspoken truth. Then, without warning, Megumi turned away, her shoulders hunching as if to shield herself from Evangeline's gaze.

"I see," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

Evangeline reached out, a pang of guilt twisting in her chest. "Megumi, I..." she began, but the words died on her lips as Megumi shook her head, her expression unreadable.

"It's fine," Megumi said softly, her voice tinged with resignation. "I just... I just needed to know."

With that, she turned and walked away, leaving Evangeline standing alone, her heart heavy with regret.

Seiko entered the room just as Megumi left, his keen senses picking up on the tension that lingered in the air. He glanced between Evangeline's troubled expression and the empty space where Megumi had stood moments before, his brow furrowing with concern.

"What happened?" Seiko asked, his voice low and cautious.

Before Evangeline could respond, the door swung open once again, and Azumi and Misaki hurried into the room, their faces lit up with relief and excitement.

"Evangeline, Seiko!" Azumi exclaimed, her voice filled with joy. "Mana has just woken up!"

Evangeline's heart skipped a beat at the news, relief flooding through her at the thought of Mana finally regaining consciousness. She exchanged a quick glance with Seiko before hurrying out of the room, Seiko following close behind.

As they made their way to the hospital wing where Mana was being treated, Evangeline couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that had settled over her since Megumi's departure. She couldn't help but wonder how Megumi would react to the news of Mana's awakening, and what it would mean for their friendship moving forward.

But for now, all that mattered was that Mana was awake, and Evangeline was determined to be by her side as she recovered.

As they reached the hospital wing, Evangeline and Seiko found Mana's room bustling with activity. Nurses moved in and out, checking on their patient, while doctors conferred in hushed tones at the foot of Mana's bed.

Evangeline's heart raced with anticipation as she approached Mana's bedside, her hand trembling slightly as she reached out to grasp Mana's limp fingers. Mana lay pale and still, her eyes closed as if in peaceful slumber.

"Mana..." Evangeline whispered, her voice barely audible above the hum of activity in the room.

At the sound of her voice, Mana stirred, her eyelids fluttering open to reveal eyes clouded with confusion. A weak smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she focused on Evangeline's face.

"Evangeline..." Mana murmured, her voice hoarse from disuse.

Tears welled up in Evangeline's eyes as she leaned in to press a gentle kiss to Mana's forehead. Relief washed over her in waves as she realized that Mana was truly awake and aware.

Seiko stood by silently, his expression a mix of relief and concern as he watched the reunion between Evangeline and Mana.