
Seiko sighed again, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "Just be careful. I don't want to see you hurt."

Evangeline gave a small, grateful smile. "I will. Thank you, Seiko."

That night, as they lay down to sleep, Seiko curled up at the foot of Evangeline's bed, his warm fur a comforting presence. The room was bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, and despite the tension of their earlier argument, Evangeline found a sense of peace. She reached down, gently ruffling Seiko's fur. "Goodnight, Seiko."

"Goodnight, Evangeline," he murmured sleepily, his eyes closing.

Morning arrived Evangeline stretched, feeling the warmth of the sun on her face. She glanced down to see Seiko already awake, his eyes sharp and alert.

"Morning," she said, yawning.

"Morning," he replied, already on his feet.

They went through their morning routines, the familiar rhythms providing a sense of normalcy. After dressing, Evangeline and Seiko headed down to the dining hall, where Azumi and Misaki were already seated, enjoying their breakfast.

"Good morning, Mom," Evangeline greeted Azumi, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Morning, Misaki."

"Morning, darling," Azumi replied, her eyes twinkling. "How did you sleep?"

"Well enough," Evangeline said, taking a seat. Seiko hopped onto the chair next to her, his nose twitching at the smell of food.

Azumi leaned in, her expression serious yet kind. "And how are things between you two?"

Evangeline felt her cheeks flush. "We're... figuring things out."

Seiko's ears twitched, and he muttered, "Figuring things out. Sure."

Azumi noticed the tension and placed a gentle hand on Seiko's head. "Seiko, dear, I know you're worried, but give them time. They need to sort through their feelings."

Seiko sighed, his frustration evident but he stayed silent.

Breakfast continued with light conversation, though the topic of Mana and Evangeline's relationship hung in the air. After they finished eating, Evangeline stood up. "I'm going to the hospital to see Mana."

Seiko immediately stood up as well. "I'm coming with you."

Evangeline raised an eyebrow. "Oh, are you? To protect me, I suppose?"

"Exactly," Seiko said, his tone serious, which made Evangeline laugh.

"Alright, come on then," she said, waving goodbye to Azumi and Misaki. "We'll see you later!"

As they were about to leave, Azumi caught Evangeline's hand and handed her a neatly wrapped lunch box. "This is for Mana. She'll need some good food."

Evangeline smiled warmly. "Thanks, Mom." She took the box and headed out with Seiko by her side.

The journey to the hospital was quick, and upon arrival, they were greeted warmly by the nurses and other staff. The atmosphere was welcoming, and Evangeline felt a wave of relief wash over her as they walked through the hallways.

"Miss Evangeline, Seiko, good morning!" one of the nurses called out.

"Morning!" Evangeline replied cheerfully. Seiko nodded in acknowledgment.

They soon arrived at Mana's room. Without bothering to knock, Evangeline pushed the door open, her eagerness to see Mana driving her forward. But the sight that greeted her made her stop in her tracks.

Mana was sitting up in bed, talking to Toshiko. The sight of him so close to Mana made Evangeline's stomach twist with jealousy. 

"What are you doing here, Toshiko?" Evangeline demanded, her voice icy.

Toshiko turned, a smug smile on his face. "Just checking on Mana. Unlike some people, I care about her well-being."

Evangeline's eyes narrowed. "You didn't have to push me to prove that."

Ignoring her, Toshiko turned back to Mana. "Are you alright? Do you need anything?"

Evangeline's jealousy flared. "Toshiko, she's fine. And if she needs anything, she can tell me."

Seiko, watching from the doorway, couldn't hide his amusement at the situation, a small smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.

Toshiko reached out to touch Mana's hand, but before he could, his hand burst into flames. He yelped, pulling back quickly, glaring at Evangeline who was standing there with a satisfied smile, her fingers still glowing with residual magic.

"Did you just set my hand on fire?" Toshiko accused, cradling his singed hand.

"Oops," Evangeline said with feigned innocence. "Must have slipped."

Mana sighed, sensing the growing tension. "Evangeline, please, calm down. Toshiko, it's best if you leave."

Toshiko looked like he wanted to argue, but Mana's gentle yet firm tone left no room for debate. "Fine. But if you need anything, Mana, don't hesitate to call me." He glared at Evangeline one last time. "And stay away from her."

As Toshiko turned to leave, he tried to pat Mana's shoulder in a gesture of farewell, but Evangeline swiftly stepped between them, slapping his hand away and giving him a dark, warning look. Seiko's snicker could be heard from the door, clearly enjoying the show.

Toshiko, now thoroughly irritated, stormed out of the room. "This isn't over, Evangeline," he muttered under his breath as he left.

Evangeline watched him go, her body still tense with anger. She turned back to Mana, who was shaking her head, a mixture of exasperation and amusement on her face.

"Do you always have to be so dramatic?" Mana asked, her tone light but carrying a hint of concern.

Evangeline shrugged, a playful smile returning to her lips. "Only when it comes to protecting you."

Mana's expression softened. "Thank you, Evangeline. But try not to burn down the hospital next time, alright?"

"I'll do my best," Evangeline said with a grin, finally relaxing as she sat beside Mana's bed, Seiko curling up at her feet once more.