Chapter 1:

After years in university, I finally got my degree in game development. I majored in programming while learning the intricacies of the best 3d Modelling Software on the side. Ever since I played my first game, I have dreamed about developing my own, the garbage I created in 10th grade doesn't count nor the projects in uni.

I could have started developing earlier, but between uni, the gym, my social life and my hobbies, I really didn't have time. With uni over, I had access to most of my hours again and I was ready to make bank.

I wondered whether to apply for a job at an already developed game studio or just go the indie gaming route, I wanted freedom but I also wanted an income.

"I'll sleep on it. The decision isn't a light one," I said before heading to my pc. Browsing through the internet, I came across an article about the leading 3d Modelling Software, source code being leaked by a co-founder, who left the company.

I quickly searched up the leak and saved the code before it could get taken down. I laughed at this event, this would make video designing far easier.

Creating the models was always a hassle and the most time-consuming thing for me. This software made creating models easy because of options like using pictures to generate them with the help of the built virtual assistant and tools from the best character customizers.

It had the best features of the most popular modelling apps with the only downside being the insane price.

Up to now, it was impossible to pirate it and my parents' life assurance was used to pay off the house as well as my student fee. My part-time job's income I only used for necessities; so I couldn't invest in the software.

Yet it looks like my luck is finally taking a turn for the best. "Let's study the code, it will only increase my skill set and I wouldn't mind having my own personal Alexa running around,"

That was what I did the following weeks, well aside from my part-time job and hobbies. I was not Tony Stark but I have been coding since my high school years and I won't be humble and pretend I wasn't talented in the area. When I finally got a handle on the code, I went to work with a smile on my face.

I packed every up the shelves with the same smile but it dropped when I saw someone enter with a gun in his hand.

"Give me the GTX 5000 TI," He said as he pointed the weapon towards me.

I adopted a smile, this situation was shitty but I won't throw my life away for a graphics card even though I know it will be cut from my pay. I wasn't stupid enough to test the man, so I opted to do the smart thing, "Sure, just let me pick it from the rack,"

"You better not be lying," Mate it is right there, you see it. Why would I be lying when you have a gun pointed at my head? "I wasted all my money buying the 3090 TI only for those fuckwads to release a better version a year later,"

I could relate to those words, the 3090 TI came out at the end of 2022 and I actually bought it, not imagining the next one would come out a year later at a cheaper price. "I get it, Nvidia likes to fuck us all,"

Suddenly a loud noise rang out through the back room, causing the robber to startle and accidentally shoot the gun, getting me in the chest.

"Oi, what the fuck is going on out there," My manager Timmy asked, as he stepped out of the backroom.

'Fucking retard,' I fume while clutching my bleeding form. Everything was getting foggy and I wasn't sure I was going to survive. 'I can't believe I am dying because of someone being cucked by Nvidia and my shitty manager,'


"Is a peaceful life too much to ask for?" I said as I stared at the mirror. I was hoping this was just a fever dream, but whenever I even mentioned the word dream I would wake up, which wasn't currently happening.

So now I was stuck in the body of some skinny brunette kid, who looked like he never owned a razor since I could feel the facial hairs on my neck. The body would be above average in looks if it weren't for the non-existent grooming and the lack of eating or Aids, I wasn't sure.

I ignored the looks for a bit and inspected the room. First, the spot I woke up on, which was the floor and above it was parts of a broken rope. I sighed as I connected the dots and looked around more. Seeing a note, I began to read it.

Noah Adler, the previous owner of the body decided to commit suicide after the death of his previous girlfriend. "Shit now I feel bad for mocking you earlier,"

Just as I said that I collapsed and woke up with a new set of memories. The life of one Noah Alder passed through my head and I sighed because it wasn't like watching a movie but rather memories so I got the suicidal man's memories. "The only relief is the emotions are tame compared to mine,"

The emotions were dampened, I didn't know if it was because I had a stronger will or soul mumbo jumbo. Still, I was glad, I didn't want to be suicidal. I thought about the situation more before setting it aside for the moment and taking in another situation.

The world I found myself in was an alternate universe that diverged from my previous earth in the early 2000s. I was still a bit freaked out by the situation, but the possibilities certainly enticed me.

I first went on cleaning the apartment, it was an okay 1 bedroom that cost me 950 dollars a month. I ignored that for the moment and walked towards my room where my computer resided.

I had a good pc by the standards of 2014, my parents bought me it after the passing of my girlfriend. 'Shit, I am already talking as if what happened actually happened to me.'

It wasn't surprising, memories were stored in the brain and the fact my memories travelled with my 'soul' is weird, frankly, I was the one that was supposed to lose his memories. I ignored the scary thought and started up my pc before browsing the net for useful information.

Steam was still a thing because it started before the divergence as well as Xbox and Playstation, but a lot of things changed, most games I played growing up didn't exist which was sad but this was also a good thing.

"First of all, let's get this software up and running," I said while cracking my knuckles and then started downloading a popular source code editor. Once that was done, I checked for any problems like the company keeping tabs on me and once I verified that they didn't I started writing lines of code.

I was going to create the 3d Modelling software from the ground up. It would take time, but I de-aged to the age of 21 so it was fine. Between this, creating my own game engine and needing money, I had my work cut out for me.


I put down the dumbbell after finishing the last rep of my last set. One of the worst things about this new world was my physique, all my progress in the gym was just lost and I became a twig. I had no problems with others being out of shape unless that person was either me or someone I cared about.

It has already been a month since I arrived here and things were looking good, I was slowly picking up weight and building muscle. Just as I left the building, my phone went off. Seeing the caller is my new mother I sigh before accepting.

"Hey, mom, what's up," I asked. I have been texting and calling them for the last month so that they don't think I died, my predecessor's mental health wasn't exactly a secret.

"Nothing much Noah, I was just wondering if you were up for dinner tonight." She asked and from her tone, I could tell she was expecting me to deny. I have never met them in person since my death and the last time this body did was months ago.

"I just finished up at the gym, but I don't see a problem with it," I replied. Free food, of course, I am in. "I haven't been the most reasonable person the last few months and I plan to change it," Depression was a serious disease but I needed a reason for why I would be changing my tune.

"Really? You won't regret this decision, Noah," She beamed and I smiled. I remembered growing up with them, so in a way, I held more memories with them than my deceased parents. Even if these bodies' memories were dampened they still existed.

"I believe you. I'll head there from the gym right now," I said.

"Don't bother, I'll pick you up. I still can't believe you are actually going to the gym, I am glad though. It is good to get out of the house every now and then," She said, happy that her college dropout of a son was improving his life.

"As I said, I want to improve my life. Plus Jenny wouldn't want me to waste it," I said. I felt a tinge of sadness at her death but nothing that is near depression like my predecessor. The fact that she was far nicer than my ex, who got mad because I didn't want a girl who referred to themself as they/them and wanted her own cock, certainly worked in her favour.

Mom and I continued small talking while she started the trek towards my location. Less than 15 minutes later, my mom showed up. I smiled as she honked before getting in the car. My mother was in her mid-40s, with a bit of grey hair mixing in with her black hair.

"How was it honey, " She asked after we both greeted each other.

"It feels good, certainly a confidence booster. It helps with my emotions as well," I said. My workout was only 3 days a week at the moment but I planned to change it all the weekdays another few months into it.

"I can certainly see, you're picking up muscle nicely," She complimented. I picked up about 8 kg this month and a bit of muscle was finally showing.

"I have been bulking on eggs and supplements. Though I am on a budget so I had to cut in other areas," I said with a frown. "The folk in the gym are really encouraging as well,"

Gym folks were always nice, it didn't matter where you were, no one made fun of the skinny kid. The only problem I had with people are the guys who didn't put back the equipment.

"That's good, maybe I should get your father to join you. He has been putting on weight the last few years,"

"Speaking of Greg, is he still in New York," I asked. My dad preferred that I called him by his name, which was something I could respect.

"Yes and your sister is at a friends house, so I am all alone," She said.

"I see you were lonely so you chose to ask me," I asked curiously.

"Maybe, but it was mostly because I missed you,"

"I missed you too," It was the truth. "So what are we having tonight,"

"I was thinking takeout, do you have anything you want in particular,"

"So long as the carbs and proteins are good, I don't have a problem. Plus I will be satisfied with my shake for now,"


"Goodbye, have a good night," I told my mom as she dropped me off. I didn't have a car, so it was better than walking. I entered the apartment and went to my room door before entering.

It was time to get to work. I was finally done with my game engine, it would have taken far longer but I already started working on it in my previous life and so it was mostly just working on rewriting, optimising and bug fixing. I named it Divine Toolset and the 3d software I named Vortex, I was currently the owner so I could name it whatever.

I thought about integrating the virtual assistant, from my newly named Vortex 3d modelling program I copied from scratch, into the game engine but it would have taken more time and I needed an income. I could always just integrate it in a future update, now however wasn't the time.

This time I didn't have a choice of going to an already established game company since my body was a dropout audio engineer, which was something that could help my game designing hugely but the point was no studio would take on someone with 'no' experience in game designing.

There was a game, in my previous life, that I enjoyed immensely. Its name was Phasmophobia and it was a horror game that was created by one developer who only months later took on 2 more developers.

It was doable with my skill set and budget; I was scummy enough to plagiarise it in a different world. "Money here I come,"

I booted up the Google Docs, which thankfully still existed, and began writing notes about the game. I had a good memory but it wasn't anything close to perfect, after this, I'll create the assets with Vortex, as long as I had a picture it could automatically generate the object. For someone who hated the art part, it was practically a godsend.