
The next day was like any other. Leonidas woke up and went to school as he would any other day. He went to the cafeteria to grab a cup of hot chocolate as autumn was in full swing. He created a daily routine so that he wouldn't stick out. But he didn't know that it would be used against him.

As he stepped towards the doorway leading to the staircase leading up to the library on the first floor, he noticed some of his classmates standing by the doorway to the exit of the cafeteria looking at him and whispering to themselves. Mark was one of those classmates.

He could have used an array to listen in to their conversation but his twisted personality told him there was no need. Things were about to get fun.

He noticed another boy coming from behind but he wanted to see how far they would go. He noticed their scheme. 'Pfft... So predictable'

He continued on his way towards the door when suddenly the boy from his class, a muscular darkskinned brute named Jake, bumped into him from behind. Leonidas knew what was about to happen so he blatantly spilled his hot chocolate all over Mark's face.


A screech was heard all over the cafeteria. Leonidas put on his most aggrieved and worried face as he tried to apologise

"Oh my God... Mark are you okay? Jake what the fuck?! Watch where you're going!", Leonidas said as he was panicking to save Mark who was currently keeled over on the floor writhing in agony.

Meanwhile in his head he was beaming, 'pffft... What an idiot. He's lucky I didn't make his head explode... Hmm... Maybe I should?'

Jake on the other hand started panicking. He was tasked to make Leonidas spill his hot chocolate on the floor so that it would stain Mark's shoes, thus giving Mark a good reason to deal with him. Cold sweat started forming on Jake's back. He had to think of a way out.

"You bitch! You're lying!! You did it on purpose!"

Jake grabbed Leonidas by his  school shirt collar and pulled him up. Jake looked down at him with ferocious killing intent, expecting to see Leonidas pee himself. But unfortunately he was destined to be dissapointed.

Shock was visible on Jake's face. Leonidas had one of the most demented smiles he had ever seen. How could anyone smile like that?

"This bitch..."

Jake held back his surprise and regained his anger. He repositioned his feet in preparation for a straight punch at Leonidas' nose. As he freed his right arm, Leonidas' feet, which were now firmly planted on the floor, suddenly stepped on his own.

"Aaaahhh!! Shit!!"

Feeling excruciating pain run up his left leg, Jake couldn't help but lean forward while letting go of Leonidas' collar.

Leonidas saw an opportunity in that moment. He sent a fist straight to his opponent's stomach. A groan escaped Jake's mouth as he leaned forward even further.

But that was the worst mistake he could have made at that time.

Leonidas held Jake's head and sent a sharp knee straight for his nose. It landed perfectly. Jake staggered back, not knowing whether to deal with his breathlessness or the nose bleed. He tried to stop his backtrack with his left foot but the sharp pain stopped him. He fell on the floor with a thud.

Tears started streaming from Jake's eyes. From his perspective, Leonidas was a demon. He had to stop this or else his reputation would suffer.

"Wa-wa-wa-wa- wai-"

Before he could finish Leonidas was already above him. He sent a kick across Jake's battered face, knocking Jake out with a snap.



The whole cafeteria seemed to be in a standstill. What just happened? This tiny little kid just knocked out this scary looking guy in 4 moves?

They weren't the only ones. People from every grade, from the 5th to the 12th grade had been a witness. They couldn't help but suck in a breath of air in response. How terrifying is this kid?

While they were looking at the now unconscious Jake, Mark had stood up. He had seen the whole fight. He expected Jake to take care of this skinny armed kid  quickly but it turned out he was mistaken.

"Hmm... Boring", said Leonidas, who was now leaning over the unconscious body of Jake.

He turned back to look at Mark. With his eyes tightened to slits and his mouth tight, an annoyed look was on his face. To Mark, Leonidas looked like he had eaten something disgusting.

"I though your dog could entertain me a little... You can only imagine how dissapointed I am right now... Haaahh, annoying." ,Leonidas sighed.

But his unsightly appearance soon straightened out as he looked at Mark with a beautiful smile on his face.

"Maybe you could entertain me in his place... Mhm? What do you say, Mad Dog? Hehe"

Mark immediately became wary. What? Someone dared to challenge him? He was the best fighter in his class and he was probably even the best fighter in the grade.

But his wariness was soon replaced with anger. How dare this piece of crap think he can go against me?

He immediately assumed a battle stance with two arms raised at his front and his hands in fists. He was ready to cripple this kid.

Leonidas squinted his eyes and started moving forward as if he didn't care at all about the pressure that Mark was exuding.

"Hey, hey, hey, did I tell you. I hate it when someone throws a punch at me. Actually I hate it when someone fights me. You see I'm the type to win my fights before they even start. So if a fight starts and I couldn't stop it I get really pissed off.", Leonidas continued.

"Shut up, you cunt. You're dead!!"

Mark threw a straight punch at Leonidas' face as soon as Leonidas got close enough.

The people watching did not even stop this. To them they were watching a show. Even the people from class 8e stood aside watching the spectacle.

Maya had tried to step in but she was stopped by her friends with the excuse that they had nothing to do with it. This was just 'boys being boys' they said with a sneer.

After Mark threw his punch Leonidas activated the Soul Database's super computation function. Everything around him slowed down to almost a snail speed.

He could see everything around him in high definition. From the fly landing on a spectators food, to the drop of sweat flowing down Mark's forehead.

Mark's punch that was visibly splitting apart the air around it looked incredibly slow at this point. Leonidas lost all interest in extending this fight.


He used his right hand as a pointer and speedily hit a pressure point on Mark's outstretched arm. Mark's right arm ended up falling limply like it was crippled.

Mark was shocked but even so he realized that he had to keep fighting. He used his feet position to generate upper body torque to then transfer it to his lower body and sent a whipping kick with his left foot towards Leonidas face.

Leonidas look of indifference subsisted as he merely leaned back just enough for the kick to miss him. Then he used his right arm to strike a presure point on Mark's left thigh, leaving Mark's whole left leg limp.

But before the leg fell he grabbed it with his left arm. Leonidas looked at Mark with a smile on his face while Mark had an unsightly appearance which seemed to be a mixture of frustration, anger, unwillingness and depression on his.

Before Mark could say anything, Leonidas seeped his right foot and Mark fell in his backside with a thud. Leonidas' smile became more and more disgusting by the second.

"Hey hey hey Mark... Is that it? Haaahh... "




Leonidas scratched his head in annoyance as he realized that he had to make use of this to send a message to anyone who tried to mess with him in future.

'Sorry Mark... You're gonna have to be my sacrifice'

Leonidas raised his foot and smashed it down at Mark's groin



All the spectators winced at the sight of Mark's ballsacks being smashed. The boys instinctively held their own grind as if they're the ones who felt the pain. Others realized this had gone too far.

"St-st- stop the fight!!"

But could they do it?

"You threw a punch at me. You should stop being so reckless with that arm in future"

Before anyone noticed it, Leonidas had let go of Mark's leg and took hold of Mark's right arm.

Mark was crying at this point wanting to beg Leonidas to stop. But it was too late.

Leonidas gently and skillfully placed his leg in Mark's rib and pulled Mark's arm with a sadistic smile on his face.


"Aaaaaaaaaahhh.. I'm sorry please... Aaaaaahhhhh"

Leonidas let go of his arm and was about to say something when he was tackled by an upperclassmen. Another upperclassmen immediately paid attention to Mark by picking him up and taking him to the medical bay.

Just like that, the fight was resolved. All the spectators could remember was a sickening smile on Leonidas' face as he tortured Mark. They felt their hairs rise and goosebumps run down their backs.

Is this kid a psycho?

Leonidas did not resist as he was taken away. After a few minutes of random people looking at him as if he was a monster and asking him if he had calmed down, Leonidas was freed to walk away.

He went back to the cafeteria and got himself another hot chocolate as if this whole thing had never happened. Routines should never be broken, no matter what.

As he went up the stairs he couldn't help but be proud of how perfect his plan was executed. He needed a way to get all these pubescent idiots off his back. He found the perfect way to do it.

As long as people thought of him as a crazy bastard, they would stay out of his way as much as they possibly can. That would save him a lot of trouble as even in his first life he was never good at dealing with people.

In his first life, he had been heavily bullied by the boys and scorned by the girls. He had never even opened up to Ana, his adopted mother. He felt hopeless.

With no friends to speak of and no family to speak of, he was truly and utterly alone. He would find solace in his computer by teaching himself how to code.

'if only reality was so easy to manipulate. Code just makes everything make sense'

By the age of 16 he was adept at 10 coding languages and he could build anything, from modern websites to web applications.

He was content with learning and creating content until he started dabbling in hacking. That was where he discovered the thrill of breaking things. And he was good at it.

Really good at it.

His ability to analyze a system, break it down into its vulnerable parts, pick the easiest to exploit and attack was top notch even at the age of 17. He had built up an internet personality for himself known as "Z3r0"

Bu the time he was 27, Z3r0 was quite possibly the greatest scripter in the modern age and his expertise was in crypto currency based hacking.

NOT only was he talented in computers, but he was also talented in finance. He would play the market, make predictions and win 90% of his trades.

But Leonidas was intelligent. He knew this wasn't going to last. He collected all his money, all the money he got from scams and hacks, which at that point accumulated up to $300 million, and put it in a hardware wallet and hid it away.

When the police came knocking, he was ready and willing to be locked up for 20 years in jail.

When he came out at the age of 50 he was surprised to find out that his cryptocurrency investments paid off. His $300 million had turned into $3 billion. He could spend the rest of his days slacking and still not spend all that money.

So he did.

He bought some land in Mozambique, built himself a house and enjoyed the rest of his days blissfully. Whatever he wanted, he could get. Food, cars, alcohol, women... That was until the age of 107 when his body's condition started failing.

By the time he was 108,he had already give up fighting. Although he had a lot of regrets, he could not do anything about them.

But that was back then.

And this was now.

Leonidas was back to the age of thirteen, with his whole memories intact. With his talent in technology and finance there was no way he couldn't be successful in business.

He was determined to never allow anyone to step on him or take anything away from him. He wanted to have no regrets.

And he had a bucket list.

The first thing he needed to deal with was his piece of trash Uncle.