
The worst thing I could ever imagine is losing the person dearest to our hearts. The one with whom we shared the best memories just...disappears, just like that, and the bad memories which they once shielded us from, follow right after, and we are left to fend for ourselves in this cruel mirage called life.

No shoulder to cry on...

No heart to confide in...

We then start to struggle to find our space and place in the world and are forced to put on the mask of another. Some of us, the mask of cruelty and arrogance. Others, the mask of sincerity and simplicity. Slowly, we begin to play these roles given to us through these masks like a heavy burden we may be allowed to carry for the rest of our lives so well, that all we become is a shadow of our former selves.

Because of this, we no longer have the ability to differentiate between those who truly love us and those who are putting on a mask...just like us.