How to obtain the fist.

"So Xayah, The Rebel has come here to speak to us." The Enlightened asked.

Lanius was once again sitting in front of the Ionian Council, a court composed of eight ambassadors of various political groups and its two leaders, Irelia Xan and Karma the Enlightened. This time Ahri was next to him, unhooded and ready to participate and voice her own concerns or advice them. Kayn and Akali also leaned against the wall right next to Lanius, representing the Shadow Order and the Kinkou.

"She certainly has. She will discuss with you some important matter. But, how did your mission go, honorable councillors? Did you all succeed?" Lanius asked.

Irelia looked at her fellow members, before she replied to the young man. "We have organised our areas and are pleased to inform you that almost everyone is willing to join us. However, only the Navori Brotherhood has declined your offer, as they did not trust the Winter.

"And here Ahri thought that I could convince everyone..." Lanius thought and replied. "The Navori Brotherhood does not concern us at the moment. They pose little to no threat to our movement."

"I see. We would now like to speak to the Rebel. Where is she?" Councillor Zheu, the only vastayan member urged the young man. He was surely intrigued.

"She's outside, discussing something with her companion. Ahri, could you please call her in?" Lanius asked the vesani.

"Of course. But there is one thing that should be a problem." Ahri pointed out.

"And that is?" an elderly man asked.

"Xayah and her partner have a strong connection to this land's magic. Whatever you do, please don't try to support your reasons for exploiting and harvesting magic. It would only lead to an argument." the vesani explained.

"Do not worry. That won't happen." Irelia reassured her.

Ahri nodded and left the room.

"Winter...may we quickly discuss something?" one of the councillors asked.

"Of course." Lanius said with a calm expression.

"That fox-like's the one that is known to feed on souls, right?" The councillor asked.

"I assume you refer to the so called "soul demon". That soul demon is nothing more than a children tale, so they won't get lost in the forests. Ahri over here is a Vesani. Vesani are a strain of vastaya that need to rely on human and vastaya essence to survive. They extract that from one's soul. They don't usually harm them when they feed, aside from fainting..." Kayn shivered as he heard that. Lanius continued. "...but accidents do happen,as it's like a drug for them. You might have simply mistaken her for another vesani." Lanius briefly explained.

" I see. Supposedly we talk about the same she a possible threat?" Karma asked.

"Always supposedly speaking to, No." Lanius gave her a cold, emotionless stare. Karma looked elsewhere, understanding that she had offended him. "This vesani has found an unlimited source of essence,and doesn't need to rely on other humans." the young man added.

"Diversion and slight gaslighting...the best solution to keep myths, myths." he thought.

Freida chuckled. "Good idea." she muttered in his head.

The door then opened and Ahri stepped in, followed by Xayah and Rakan. Murmurs came from the council and Irelia raised her hand to silence them. Xayah stopped next to Lanius, who stepped aside to give her room. Rakan went and stood next to Akali and Ahri, keeping a small distance from Kayn, who rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Xayah the Rebel, you are here because you are interested in joining our movement against the Noxians, correct?" Irelia asked.

"I am ready, after thoroughly discussing this with my partner, Rakan..." Rakan looked at them. Xayah continued. "... To join your cause, as long as you stop exploiting this lands magic, and openly force the vastaya to satisfy your thirst for power." she said with a nonchalant voice and expression.

" Worry not, we're ready to cease or minimise the spinning stone activities...and of course stop exploiting the vastaya. I think that this situation has lasted enough, and did enough damage to the First Lands." Karma said.

"Then I have nothing else to say." Xayah shrugged. "But I faintly expect you to keep your none has kept them." she added.

"This time, we will enforce this." Irelia assured her. She then turned her attention towards Kayn.

"And the Yánléi?" she asked.

"As the next master and current ambassador, I promise that the Yánléi will assist you in this situation. We will also, as promised, cease everything mentioned before." Kayn replied.

"Sadly the Kinkou cannot assist you in this, tho I am ready to help you in any case." Akali said.

"This was expected, as they need to maintain this land's balance." Karma said.

"As they always did." Lanius heard Xayah whisper next to him. That was true, but they couldn't do much due to their rivalry with the Yánléi.

"Anyway...there is only a slight issue now." Lanius said.

"That issue is?" Councillor Zheu asked.

"I am missing one particular thing that would ensure our victory." Lanius tried to explain to them the matter without causing them to freak out. "I, as the current Winter, am not as experienced as my ancestors."

"That would only be natural. After all, you're still young." Karma supported him.

"No,that's not the problem. As I was an impure Verhea, I willingly did not undergo the Winter's training. That and the entrapment caused me to be about twenty years of experience behind the others." Lanius cleared his throat. "For that reason, I will need to assist myself using an artifact designed to enhance the Winter's capabilities. In other words..."

Lanius paused again and looked at everyone present inside the room. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he continued. "I'll need to search for a rune."

The room went silent,so silent that one could hear his own breath. Lanius opened his eyes to meet ten councillors with widened eyes, two confused Lhotlan, a puzzled Akali, a nonchalant Kayn with his weapon shaking on its own on his back and an Ahri that kept a straight face.

"Winter..." Karma's voice was full of concern. "Are you aware of a runesrone's capabilities, if its carelessly handled? "

"I assume that you refer to the tragic rune wars...Yes, I am aware. But you should not worry, as I know how to properly handle this." Lanius assured her.

"Hopefully you speak of the truth...or this whole land might meet the lamb and wolf." councillor Zheu said, still trying to "digest" what he had just heard.

"And...where is this this rune you speak of?" Karma continued.

"It was split in half and disappeared about a century after the rune wars. Half of it is somewhere, while the other half is in Freljord." Lanius said.

"What do you plan on doing then?" Karma asked.

"Well...for now I'll follow its reverse path. In other words, go to the the last place it was." Lanius examined. "I'll be heading to the Shadow Isles."

"The Shadow Isles? Your rune is lost for over eight hundred years now?" Karma grabbed her forehead, getting overloaded with too much information.

"Yes...but I shall find it, and we shall win. My small party shall leave you now." Lanius smiled and turned around.