Volume recap: Volume 1,Ionia.

Chapter 1 to 3.

Lanius wakes up after being fourteen years in stasis. As the curse that a Noxian witch had placed on him has not fully worn out yet, he breaks out of his cell in a trance and stumbles into Akali and Shen, who happened to pass by. Shen and Akali decide to break the curse, in order to restore balance and fill the vacuum in nature, that the Winter left with his absence.

Shen breaks only half of the spell, when Lanius unconsciously attacks him. He, Shen and Akali have a standoff. Akali fully breaks the seal and Lanius, still in a trance flees.

Chapter 4 to 8.

Lanius stumbles away in a forest. As he comes to his senses, Ahri, who was soul hunting in the forest, finds him and takes advantage of his temporary weaknesses to try and steal his soul.

Freida, the Spirit of the Winter, a spirit that Lanius shares his body with, stops her, and instead gives her a slightly portion that causes her to experience a new feeling, better than stealing souls. Ahri wishes to feel this again, and stalks the young man.

In the mean time, a Demacian immigrant, Altair finds Lanius unconscious in the forest and takes him home. Lanius learns how much time had passed and that his tribe was decimated by Noxus, and wishes to make them pay. He stays with the family for about two weeks. Freida also awakens and Lanius fills her in. Ahri attacks him again, Lanius let's her leave and the vesani quickly becomes addicted to his side effect, deciding to continue stalking him.

Chapter 9 to 13 and half of 14.

Lanius leaves Altair's home and travels to Navori, stopping at a small village, where Yasuo also resides. The village gets attacked by Noxian deserters who became bandits. Lanius challenges the strongest fighter into a duels, and lears about the Sovereign's Dominance, an ability that every Winter had.

Lanius wins the duel but the bandits attack regardless. In the ensuing fight, Yasuo assists them and then leaves. Lanius lives in the village for another week and then gets a vision/dream from Anivia, who challenges him to search and obtain a powerful runestone. Lanius accepts.

Chapter 14 to 16

Lanius leaves the Inn and ventures into the forests of Navori. Ahri attempts to attack him again but the young man tricks her, demanding answers. The vesani flees and he runs after her for a whole night. She escapes on a giant tree and toys with him, injuring him in the process. Lanius finally snaps, climbs the tree and grabs her. She finally reveals the reason and he decides to help her.

Chapter 17 to 21

Ahri and Lanius share information about each other. They decide to camp in the forest, and get attacked by Yone, who mistakes Lanius for an Azakana. Ahri clears up the confusion and they part way. The duo makes it to the city, and they stay at an Inn.

The next day they talk to the council and Lanius informs of his plan. The council approves it. The duo returns to the Inn. Ahri has a mental breakdown late at night and Lanius comforts her, promising that he'll protect her.

Chapter 22 to 23

The duo goes to the Jagged Knife Temple. Lanius confronts and duels Zed, who agrees to join his rebellion group. Kayn attacks Ahri, thinking that she killed Akali. Akali shows up and clears up the confusion.

Chapter 24.

Lanius returns to his village to search for answers. He has a mental breakdown after seeing his family's remains and Ahri comforts him.

Chapter 24 to 28

Lanius and Kayn set up a plan to meet with Xayah, using Ahri. Xayah and Rakan take the bait and storm a Shadow Assassin stronghold, "freeing" Ahri. The young man follows them and confronts them. Xayah accidentally hits a Sentinel tree, who attacks her. Lanius freezes the Sentinel, saving her. Rakan wants to join the Winter's cause.

Chapter 29

Another council meeting is held, in which the Winter's next phase of the plan is revealed.

Chapter 30 to 35.

The duo travels to Sett's pits and employs Sett for a trip to the Shadow Isles, where the one that might know where half of the rune is. Sett at first rejects the offer, but gets challenged by Lanius. In the upcoming fight both wound each other and Lanius wins.

Lanius and his team, composed of him, Ahri, Akali, Kayn, Xayah, Rakan and Sett sail for Bilgewater.

Champions that appear in this volume (According to their first encounter):














Major note: The images above belong to their respective artists, whether it's Riotgames or not. I do not, and never intend(ed) to take credit for them.