Final night at Bilgewater.

"Five seconds have passed." Sett kicked the third guy that approached him in the torso, sending him on the wall.

"Six seconds have passed." he then hurled the guy he was holding towards some barrels. The pirate crashed on them.

"Seven seconds have passed." Sett rushed forward like a bull and hit a guy against the wall with own weight.

He then spun around just as another charged towards him. Sett grabbed him by the top of the head and slammed the guys head into his knee, breaking his nose and staining the Beast Man's white pants. "Eight seconds have passed."

One of the two remaining pirates picked up a plank from the ground and rushed towards Sett. He swung the weapon towards him.

Sett grabbed it and twisted, snapping it in half. He then proceeded to swipe the guys legs, making the pirate fall. As a final touch, he kicked him on the side and stepped over him. "Nine seconds have passed."

"S-stay back or I'll slit her throat!" the remaining pirate, the one that had previously insulted Sett's mother and received the rock gripped Xayah by the hood with one hand and placed a knife against her throat with the other.

"Wanna see how bad this will go?" The Beast-Man asked.

"Ye think I'm bluffing?" the guy pressed the knife against the Lhotlan's throat. Xayah's eyes were shinning like fire. Sett was sure that she'd kill this guy on the spot if it wasn't the poison that prevented her from doing this.

He stretched his arm out, towards the guy. "Ten seconds have passed, now kiss my fist." The guy literally flew forward, dropping Xayah and the knife as his face crashed into Sett's brass knuckled fist.

"Facebraker!" he exclaimed and grabbed the pirate by the collar as he collapsed, lifting him up.

"So...ya attack vastaya in order to sell them off, huh?" The Beast-Man then proceeded to beat the shit out of the guy. By the time he was done, both of his fists were covered with blood. The guy was terribly bruised and cut.

Sett then knelt down and picked up Xayah princess style. "Time to go, Violet Raven." he said with a joking tone.

"I owe you." she said with a smile.

The two returned back to the others.




"Xayah? What's wrong, miella?" Rakan's concerned voice sounded behind Lanius, prompting him to turn around. Sett stood in front of them, carrying Xayah. The Charmer rushed to her side to check up on her.

"It's nothing, Rakan. Just a petty trick that these petty humans tried to play on me. Sett over there taught them a good lesson." Xayah gave a quick kiss on Rakan's cheek to calm him down. "I just can't feel my hands and legs for a bit, that's all."

"Hey foxy, I got you another word." Lanius whispered to Ahri's ear.

"Like?" Ahri seemed interested.

"Bul'kar. It means brawl." Lanius said, looking around. Every single of their opponents was knocked out cold.

"Hey guys, I'm starving...can we go eat somewhere?" Sett finally asked.




The lantern's chain clanked as it moved through the empty halls of the temple. The Warden's footsteps sounded as he chased his prey. He tossed his chained weapon once again in yet another effort to capture the them. The prey disappeared behind the corner of the hallway.

The Warden chuckled as the frantic footsteps of his prey echoed. This time...he was going to catch him. Ever since Viego was defeated, the Warden had grown stronger. Ever since that, he chased that damned human thought these Isles. The human always escaped at the last moment and the cat and mouse game was going on for a two years, tho this time, he led them straight into a dead end.

As the Warden finally stopped at the start of the hallway, he took a good look at his prey. The human turned around, revealing a young man with shoulder length ginger hair, green eyes and bronze skin. His attire consisted of a white and black body suit with gold trimmings and geometric accessories. A white cloak with gold trimmings was firmly placed around his shoulders and a similar cape with the crest of the Light Sentinels flowed on his back.

"You cannot escape this time, mere belong to my collection." The Warden said with his distorted voice and moved forward with his chained weapon already spinning in circles.

The Sentinel raised his weapon and fired four light bolts towards the Warden.

The Warden avoided the projectiles with ease. "With each hit, you come closer to your loss."

The Sentinel smiled at him. "My loss? I'm too pretty to lose buddy."

"I fooled you, Sentinel. Accept your fate and embrace the lantern." The Warden said.

"You cannot fool me, you're too predictable." the Sentinel gripped his weapon vertically, with the muzzle pointing downwards, he then raised it above his head.

The Warden's knew what was about to happen. He quickly threw his weapon at him again. The Sentinel smirked at him as he slammed his weapon on the ground and vanished seconds before the weapon reached his abdoment.

"And the cat and mouse game continues..." the Warden said, turning around.




A small chirp escaped Ahri's lips as Lanius pressed his arms against her bare back, massaging the part above her lungs.

"H-how the hell are your hands so warm? It's l-like I'm standing next to a fire." another chirp left her mouth, with her tails wagging like mad. Lanius smiled and pressed harder into her skin, moving towards her shoulders, stopping at her shoulder blades.

"Uugh...that's the spot...right there, right...there...ahhh..." Ahri let out a sigh of relief, looking like she was in heaven.

"Heh, I was sure that you'd notice this from those times that you used me as a pillow, but I'll say it anyway. A Ziraq's body is warmer than a humans. It's like we always have a fever." Lanius explained as he grinded her shoulder blades. "You better be in shape tomorrow. We're gonna go in the Shadow Isles to find the Ruined King."

"The Ruined King ain't there...mmmm." Ahri chirped again.

"Can you tone it down? We're at an Inn. People are gonna know." Lanius stopped for a brief second to crack his knuckles and resumed.

"As if we care. And for your information, it's as if I'm getting a dose...but a million times better." Ahri sighed again as the young man moved onto her shoulders.

"Really now? No wonder..." Lanius clicked his tongue.

"Gee Lanny, grow up. You're forty years old and think about being heard giving a massage to your female friend?" Ahri turned her head and looked at him.

"Am I not considered a teen still? Ziraq consider one an adult when they reach their one hundredth and fiftieth year." Lanius asked.

"That much? How old was your mother?" Ahri asked.

"She was young, about three hundred years old." Lanius returned to her shoulder blades. Ahri's eyes rolled back as she turned her head around with another chirp.

"W-well...I know the way to the temple where the Ruined King was. Besides, we'll also have a Bhuru to guide us." Ahri gripped the bed sheets. She then turned towards him again. "You're using the Sovereign's Dominance to find my pressure points, aren't you?"

"I mean...kinda. I just see where there's too much energy. That part turns stiff and one needs to disperse the concentrated energy manually. Like this over here." Lanius pressed on her spine with his thumbs into a circular motion. Ahri jumped with a sharp moan and felt back down. "Ah...I think I had enough for today." she said as and got up.

"If you say so." Lanius got up as well.