The Villain and the Hero.

"Perhaps...I now realised this. But, who are you to judge me?" Ruined Ahri gripped the Ruined King's blade in her hands that was on the table next to her. "I'll get my revenge no matter what."

"Villainous thoughts...from a villainous person." Lanius spun Mesfin's weapon in his hand.

"Stand against me, call me a villain...die!" Ruined Ahri flashed forward with the blade reeled back.

Lanius gripped the kama with both hands and corrected his footing in time, hooking the blade in place with the weapon as the ruined vesani thruster the half-steel/half-wraith sword forward, aiming for the young man's abdoment.

Lanius aimed at the crown with the three crystals on the vesani's forehead, trying to break it off. Ruined Ahri ducked and simultaneously kicked him at the stomach, sending him stumbling back. She then summoned her orb and flung it at the young man just as he tried to regain his footing.





Ahri screamed yet again as she was attacked by the dead. She was seeing the same scene on repeat. Waking up just in that void, just to get attacked by everyone who she has ever stole their soul. Each time, the dead became more erratic, more violent, more freakish. They dragged and pinned her on the ground out and gripped every single limb in place. The nightmare ended as soon as her previous lover gripped her throat. It was always him the one with the most unnerving appearance.

Was she ever going to find salvation?

Was she going to be a puppet for the Ruined King?




Ruined Ahri grunted as she blocked a slice from Mesfin's kama.

Lanius kept his expression straight as he fought. He wouldn't let the Ruined King win.

"Enough!" Ruined Ahri punched the air with her fist. A shockwave of mist pushed the young man on the ground. The ruined vesani jumped in the air with the blade raised above her head.

Lanius was able to roll to the side last second and avoid getting pierced by the greatsword. Another shockwave hit the young man, this time in the back, sending him crashing onto a pillar.

Something then clicked inside his head. The young man got up as the ruined vesani approached, dragging her blade along the white marbles.

"Any last words?" Ruined Ahri asked, although Lanius knew that Viego wouldn't bother. He wouldn't give a damn about his last words.

"Ahri! Fight it! The Ruined King cannot take control from you. You must stand above him!" Lanius yelled.

"Fool...she cannot hear you! I control her!" the ruined vesani exclaimed, hesitating...perhaps out of doubt. This was enough for the young man.

"I know. I just opening!" Lanius darted up and brought the kama into a horizontal slice, making a crack the crown.

At that exact moment, many shock waves of mist erupted from the body of the ruined vesani. She stumbled back, holding her head.

"N-no! you...think you are?!" she growled. The voice was split. Lanius was able to hear both the corrupted version of Ahri's voice, as well as Viego's.

Lanius darted forward, raising Mesfin's kama in order to strike again. Then, he let out a gasp, as the wraith-bladed tip entered his torso. Mesfin's weapon glided down from his palm as it opened from the sudden shock.

Lanius stared at the Ruined vesani. Her fierce eyes were lit like a fire. "I am the hero of this story, not you!" she growled.

Lanius smiled bitterly and placed his right hand onto the stripes on her cheek. This seemed to confuse the ruined vesani.

"You're the hero of your story, Viego. In" the bitter smile changed into a determined angered expression as he now gripped the crown around the vesani's head. The young man's eyes shifted from the usual color into a full crystal glowing blue, a shade similar to true ice. "...ARE THE VILLAIN!"

The ruined vesani's hands let go of the blade of the Ruined King and gripped the Winter's hand in a desperate attempt to stop him, the exact moment that Viego realised what the Winter was about to do.

"No! NO! I WON'T LET YOU! I'LL HAVE MY REVENGE!" Viego screeched. Ahri's corrupted voice ringed in the young man's ears, causing pain in his heart. He pulled tighter, trying to pry the crown from her head.

"You're free to have your revenge,but not with her body." the young man's voice was cold, ruthless. A faint glow emitted from his palm.

"NO, STOP! STOOOOOOOOOP!" Ruined Ahri screeched.

But it was already over. The crown got violently pulled from her head. Then everything turned white.




Everything shifted from black to white. A blinding light erupted from the sky. Ahri raised her head. A hand wrapped in black bandages emerged from said light and stretched towards Ahri. Ahri recognised it. It was Lanius'.

The vesani gathered all the strength she could and rose, pushing the bodies. She growled and panted as she struggled, using all her strength. As she was able to lift herself up into a crouching position, she stretched her arm out towards the young man's hand, desperately trying to grab it.

Just a little bit more...a little bit more!

Ahri roared and used all her strength, finally touching the hand with her finger tips. The Winter's hand grabbed hers and violently got pulled up, into the light. Then everything turned white.




Ahri gasped for air as she fell on all fours. Her head hurt and she felt as if she was drowning mere seconds ago. She looked around her in confusion.

Lanius was above her with Mesfin's weapon in his right hand. His eyes were fixed on her an anxious look was painted on his face. Ahri looked around her in horror. They were in some sort of open hall. The Ruined King was nowhere to be found, same for his sword. Ahri turned around and looked back at the young man. "L-Lanius?" she whispered.

The young man fell on his knees and looked at her. "Are you all right?" he asked.

Ahri silently nodded, still in shock. Did he risk his life to save her? Did he give everything he had again to help her?

"You're safe...he can't hurt you...he left..." Lanius whispered. His voice was cracked, unsure.

Ahri didn't speak and instead hugged him. She heard Mesfin's weapon drop on the ground. She felt his breath on her ears as lowered his head.

From the start of this Odyssey, in the Inn, till now, he really had cared about her, shown dedication to her, did everything he could to protect her. She had to return the favor.




Rakan smiled. The wraiths stopped pouring a few minutes ago, so he went up to investigate. He now looked at the vesani and the Winter, who were on the ground hugging each other. Ahri was fine again.

Rakan turned around and stepped down the stairs, with a bright smile. He didn't want to ruin the moment.