Demacia, a kingdom in turmoil.

"Mages on our side? Gods forbid..." Garen muttered. By the time he said that, three more people, two vastaya and a boy with a big scythe, stopped next to them.

"Not just mages." the boy with the scythe exclaimed and took a continued. "Once you're done talking with Commander Bulky over here, lend me a hand."

"Rhaast, armour!" he said.

In an instant, they noy grew in height, and transformed into a terrific horned creature. Garen couldn't believe in his eyes.

"A...Darkin?" he muttered in surprise, as he watched Kayn rush at the enemy.

"If it wasn't for Lanius, we'd gladly let you deal with them all alone." the female Lhotlan said. "Just so you know, when I'm done with Ionia, I'll come to Demacia."

Garen just gave a quick look at everyone and stepped forward. "Right, attack."

The vastaya joined in behind him, and clashed with Sylas' mages.




Lanius dove to the side as a lightning bolt was hurled next next to him.

Xin Zhao swooped next to him, and the two men went back to back to defend themselves.

Despite the army that was present, Sylas seemed to have gathered an army, rather than a mob.

"Any ideas?" Xin Zhao questioned as he drove his spear into a mage.

"No, not much. Just last as long as we can, I guess." Lanius exclaimed.

Just as he said that, he saw Rhaast getting hurled towards a mage. The scythe stabbed him and continued its upwards travel, slicing him. Kayn, or rather a heavily Rhaastified Kayn then emerged from within the mage with an explosion of shadow magic.

"New look? It looks grotesque!" Kayn exclaimed and attacked another mage.

"Not as grotesque as Rhaast!" Lanius replied with a smile.

"You're both freakish, can we agree on that?!" Xayah joined in the conversation.

"Gotta agree on that!" Rakan swooped by, shielding first his lover from a magic bolt and then Lanius from another.

"How can you have small talk during a battle?" Xin Zhao questioned.

"An Ionian, part of Demacia's military? That's new." Xayah muttered.

"Ay, where's set and Ahri?" Lanius wondered as he slammed his Krigsoks down, releasing an ice spike.

"BIG BOY COMING THROUGH!" Sett then appeared as he slammed down a screaming mage into two others.

At that exact second, Ahri's orb collided into another mage. The mage collapsed on the ground, lifeless.

Ahri appeared next to the others. Her eyes shifted to purple for a split second as she collected a soul.

Lanius moved closer, grabbed her hand and pulled her forward, as a fireball landed on her previous position.

"Thanks!" the vesani exclaimed, before she turned around and hurled her orb at another mage.

"Okay, back to the fight. See it as a live-weapons training." Lanius exclaimed and the Ionians split.

He made his way towards Sylas, who seemed to have wrapped his chains around the King and was strangling him.

Xin Zhao rushed by him. At that instant, Garen came charging like a bull from the side and tackled the Kingslayer, effectively releasing Jarvan from his death.

As Lanius went to strike, Sylas got up and knocked to the side the Commander, then flung one of his chains towards the Winter.

"Don't let him touch you! He uses petricite to absorb your magic!" Xin Zhao called out.

Lanius couldn't react in time, and received the chain on his right side, sending him crashing onto a fountain.

The Kingslayer then began to maniacally laugh, as two perfect copies of Vitiate and Riker materialised next to him.

Lanius looked at the two copies. "Freida...we got a problem."

"I see them. Remember that they're both fragile, so a few hits will do." Freida advised him.

The two wolves growled and charged straight ahead, one towards the Winter, and the other towards Xin Zhao.

Xin Zhao reacted quickly by raising his spear and jumped over the furred beast, then stroke Riker on the back.

The ice-wolf yelped in pain and collapsed, as it tried to fight back at the Spear of Demacia, but to no avail, as Zin Zhao jumped on its back and twisted his weapon around.

The ice wolf collapsed on the floor and dissolved instantly.

Lanius had some difficulty with Vitiate, as he was stunned by the perfect imitation. The wolf had pinned him down, and currently tried to bite the young man's head off.

Lanius effectively placed his weapon between the ice-wolf's teeth and bought time till Kayn finished it.




Sylas raised his cuff, as Garen slammed his sword against it. The wicked mage delivered a hook to the Commander's guts, that bent the armor and send him crashing on Xin Zhao.

Lanius and the rest of the Ionians were occupied by the mages, and didn't see what happened.

"Rotting for fifteen years in a cell, because of an accident. Was going to get executed because I spoke to your fiancé." Sylas kucked Jarvan's leg as he tried to get up.

Xin Zhao moved towards him, but he spun around and slammed both of his chains onto him.

"More like me suffered, just because they were born with magic. I gave myself to the order from the time I was a boy...just to see how corrupted Demacia truly was!" Sylas punched the King again in the jaw.

"I'm going to end this all now! No more Kings!" he punched him again and again whilst he yelled. "No more nobles! No more Mageseekers!"

Just as he was about to finish him, a beam of light hit him, sending him back.

"Little light!" he yelled.

The entire battle scene was covered by a giant shadow, soon followed by a loud thud.

Sylas raised his head, and witnessed a winged titan out of petricite. The statue he and the Winter' Claw found back in the fort.


The mage mob and the soldiers alike froze in place. Then, the mages began to run away, one by one. They retreated out of the hole in the walls, that Sylas had opened.

Sylas was the last to flee, with his heart beating frantically. His dream was never going to happen, not till she was wiped out of Demacia.