A Deadly Virus spread through the lands and took away millions with it, He was an unfortunate one of them. He was a professional Chess player and a Lawyer in his previous life or first life as he was calling it now. In his last fortnight alive he sorted out his affairs and re-read his favourite books. He had time for once in many years but no energy to move around.
He spent my last days on his laptop talking to his family, relatives, and friends as he was in another country with travel Banned and couldn't visit them in their home countries. He didn't tell them about his impending death but He could see his lovely mother getting an inkling of what was happening, he just signed everything he had to his parents after he paid his hospital bills and for his cremation cost as well. In the last days of his life, he couldn't rest properly so he mostly passed away when his body felt too tired. He was in a quarantined hotel room with room service and medical staff on call, He had declined to die in a stuffy hospital and rented a nice room for himself.
Well to do people were asked to pay their bills beforehand as most people couldn't afford and the government was struggling. Well, He was struck in some better African country while dying while he was doing a mini chess tour. Still, even the slow connection of the internet made it possible to sort out his affairs easily.
To pass time, He read and reread, his childhood favourite, the thing he bonded over with his father, The magnificent Harry Potter series and then further read stuff on wiki and Pottermore and fanfictions to pass time. He didn't want to start something new and the Harry Potter series was what He grew up with. His love for it never dulled or faded.
while He was not a particularly very nice person, the most he related to in the series was Albus too many names Dumbledore and he was as manipulative as they came. He was particularly fascinated by all the magic done in books. He didn't waste my time watching movies as he had loved them in childhood but adulthood came with a whole new perspective and he just didn't feel that movies were magical enough to describe that world. He dreamed of what he would do if he had magic and power. How would he change the world, He slept on his last day alive dreaming that.
At just 32 years old, he closed his eyes for the last time on 03/05/2019. He knew he was too young to die but it was what it was. Unmarried and childless, he accepted death with open arms because there was nothing to be done about it.
He was floating in what felt like a void, it was similar to his previous experience in a swimming pool. while his senses didn't work and he wasn't even able to panic as for panicking one needs some sort of body or something. Something. Time stopped making any sense to him. He was only able to think in small sentences in this void. Slowly void started contracting but he still didn't have anything to control.
After more time passed, voices that were not in his head started becoming barely legible, with lots of humming and odd sounds. It made him think that he could only hear something if he had ears and could only think if he possessed a brain, So not so much of a void then. The bubble around him as he referred to it he still cannot see started contracting. At one point he started feeling that void would burst out and one day, He knew it was the day he was reborn, he was dunked under what felt like chilly water and felt his tongue and mouth for the first time in ages.
He screamed, it was instinctive and then he heard something like glass burst. He couldn't open his eyes but then felt a touch on his body and yes it was his body, but the touch felt like it was covering his whole body.
He accepted that he was Reborn or something incredibly similar happened, but where was he? was he the same as before or someone new? Or was he someone he knew? And when and where he was exactly? Was He in plain old Britain or some exotic country or future? As he died in 2019, was he in 2020 or sometime in future? he wanted answers but sweet sleep called him in her arms. answers could wait, sleep couldn't.
Hello my lovely readers,
please don't be disappointed by a first short chapter. i am trying to maintain an average of 1.5k in followings chapters so you won't be disappointed. Do give this fic a chance as I am in this for a long haul. hope to see you along my side in this journey.
Please give me motivation by adding this to your collection and power stones never hurt anyone. :p
Thankyou again.