It was a few hours later when another person visited them in the basement. This person looked a bit cooler and calmer in temperament.
"Who are you?" Sirius asked in an indifferent tone, trying to copy his grandfather subconsciously, his words made this person pause and look at this kid who wasn't terrified like all the other kids they had captured till now.
"You don't need to concern yourself with such things boy." The newcomer replied in a voice devoid of emotion.
Sirius finally noticed that this person didn't have a single emotion on his face. He looked blank and honestly, scarier than the person who gave them food earlier.
"Are you that Muggleborn?" Sirius again questioned maintaining a poker face he usually used while playing chess with Mr Edward. He saw a tiny muscle twitching at this person's forehead and yes, his words had struck a nerve, so either this person was that Muggleborn or someone who despised being called a Muggleborn.
"As I said, not your concern brat. Now shut up or you would sleep hungry tonight." Expressionless might be Muggleborn said and with that, he slid bowls full of watery something in their cells. Then he waved his wand and cleared already present bowls in their cells and filled both with water one at a time. Everything nonverbally.
"I need to relieve myself, Mister," Sirius said in a haughtily, trying to maintain his dignity in this humiliating situation. He did need to do that, and he was too prideful to go in open or soil his clothes. He kept his expression neutral and words minimal.
His captor looked at him, still expressionless and then conjured a bucket in his cell wordlessly and left without saying a word after that.
Sirius drank some water, relieved himself and then started pacing around. He didn't touch the food as he wasn't aware of what was in it, but the water was conjured in front of him, so it was relatively safer to drink. And frankly, he wasn't hungry enough to eat whatever it was.
He thought about the person who had just delivered their food, this was a third person as his voice didn't match his other two kidnappers. So, this was most possibly the 3rd person whose magic kint had detected in the house or entirely someone else. This thing was getting more complicated as time passed. He just hoped that kint would be able to do what was asked of him properly.
Sirius had genuinely felt scared for a moment after looking at that expressionless face. He had seen this look on his grandfather's face when he came home from a particularly disastrous wizengmort meeting. A clear sign of mind arts practitioner. This person was competent with his wand and had the bearing of a competent adult.
His spells had been nonverbal and perfect. Conjuring was at least 6th-year transfiguration at Hogwarts and not many perused that subject after OWLs as one, it was a power-intensive subject meaning average mages couldn't handle it, second, it was an expensive subject to pursue and third, this needed finesse and practice. Lots of it, which a normal person didn't have the aptitude for, or they didn't put effort in it as usually things that could be conjured were cheap. Conjuration wasn't a skill of any average tom, dick and harry, *he snickered mentally at his joke* and mid arts were skill only possible for a highly competent mage.
Conclusion? This person was dangerous. it was a blessing that he hadn't looked into his mind. Sirius wasn't keen on testing the pendent his grandfather had given him as it was a physical object and could be taken from his person.
Sirius's skills weren't on that level yet where he could handle this kind of foe. He could handle a muggle and about an average 4th year Hogwarts student but not fully equipped adult mages. He was still unaware of the skills of that Muggleborn who had kidnapped him except that he knew his curses.
Even his weakened shield couldn't stop the attack. He was not taking his magic studies seriously and had gotten lazy and too comfortable in this exciting but dangerous world. He promised himself that he would become so powerful that this kind of situation doesn't occur again. he had failed his siblings. he got lost in thoughts of his siblings for a while Aiden's snore broke his concentration.
He still didn't know what was taking so much time in plan execution. He knew that Kint was smart and competent enough to do what was told and his plan was a safe one.
After a few hours of waiting, he nodded off, sitting with his back to one of the walls. Aiden had already slept a few hours ago when Sirius hadn't replied to a few questions asked by him.
Suddenly he heard a slight pop, and he was awake instantly and noticed kint in front of him.
"Were you able to do as asked?" Sirius asked rubbing the sleep away from his eyes.
"Kint be sorry young master. Everyone be busy looking for you and worrying for little master and miss, no one is listening to poor kint. Kint tried." Kint whispered sobbing.
"Shh kint, it's alright. Were you able to find what I asked?" Sirius consoled kint and asked about their backup plan.
"Yes, young master, kint be able to find the things you asked for. Yes, kint did." Kint handed Sirius a small bag that could be easily hidden under clothes without bulges.
"Good. now you are going to do exactly as I am going to tell you. Word to word. Alright?" Sirius told kint his backup plan in detail and kint listened seriously to his young master.
Sirius handed kint a few things from the bag and kint disappeared with a barely audible pop. After about 15 mins kint popped back.
"Master, kint did as you asked. There be 2 nasty wizards in the house, a filthy muggle and 2 young wizards who be still sleeping like earlier." Kint said.
After that Sirius waited for about 10 mins to be on the safer side and then he unlocked his cell door with a wave of his hand and an alohmora. He silenced himself and then opened Aiden's cell similarly and then kint transferred a potion to Aiden's stomach directly. He was shivering while doing that, clearly unused to all of this. Kint was an expert at spelling the liquids directly into the stomach. He had to do that a lot in their childhood when Phineas refused to eat anything or when someone fell sick in their household. He was the only one who could do this as far as he knew.
Kint levitated Aiden and then they made their way towards the stairs. They silently crept upwards and found themselves in a hallway. Sirius followed kint to the upstairs where 2 other children previously kidnapped were kept. Both kids were on 2 separate wooden tables and the room was bare except for a shelf full of potions, which were kept sealed and labelled. Sirius could read labels and deduced that these potions were used to keep children drugged and unconscious.
Sirius thanked hectare that both kids had a pulse and were just unconscious because of potions. Sirius started putting every potion into the extended bag kint had bought him, while kint levitated and bound all 3 kids with magic together and then started floating them downstairs slowly. Sirius moved to another room that looked like a potion lab, and he could see it was a standard one with runic wards visible. There were not any overly expensive or rare ingredients here, so he just started a fire in the room, and quickly shut the door. The fire was contained because any proper potioneer worth their salt, warded and ventilated a potion's lab separately and this house was allegedly goblin warded.
There were 3 rooms on the first floor, so he moved to check the 3rd room which was the bedroom of their 3rd kidnapper and apparent owner of this house. This bedroom looked a comfortable one with signs of long-term usage. Kint had already drugged their kidnappers on his orders earlier, so he was safe to explore the room, but he did so carefully as this person was dangerous and could've protected his belongings in some way.
Kint had opened the room from inside and left it opened previously, so Sirius could easily go in there without tripping the separate wards of the room. This was a loophole in magical homes that not many knew about. Sirius only knew because when he was struck in an old bedroom in his home, an elf had popped in the room and had opened the door from inside. It had happened when he was too small to open the door himself.
The room wasn't big enough to be a master bedroom but looked comfortable enough to be a single person bedroom. There was a bed in one corner with a small fireplace opposite to it. There his kidnapper was sleeping, and he looked relaxed unlike what it looked like when he had visited the basement cells to deliver food. Sirius looked around and found a wand, a few keys, a few scrolls which he didn't open right now and a bag with a decent sum of money in it. There was a bookshelf with a decent collection of books and a writing desk with some writing supplies. He grabbed everything visible including every book and parchment to put everything in his pouch. He wanted his kidnapper to be feel humiliated if he somehow escaped. Which was big somehow.
He then opened the wardrobe and found clothes and normal stuff but then his eyes fell on the trunk kept at the bottom and it looked like a standard Hogwarts trunk, so he pulled it out. There was a name on the lid itself.
He finally found a name to match the face, 'Damon Lynch Murray'.
It wasn't the last name that he recognized so most probably a half-blood or Muggleborn as he had guessed earlier or at most a new generation pureblood. He would know, his family boasted about how they could trace their 'Pureblood' for the last 36 generations with him being 37th. And made him learn all about British pureblood society.
Still, it wasn't the time to ponder about it. He was still near the enemy he needed to be fast. He was sure that till now Kint must've taken out the children outside the wards so he hurried and sent one of the few spells he could perform windlessly at the lock on the trunk. 'Alohmora' and the trunk clicked open. Huh, so much for declaring him a competent wizard, he hadn't even locked his trunk with something other than a basic locking spell he must've thought that his room was warded and hence safe.
Sirius made quick work of the trunk which contained letters upon letters and numerous scrolls and a few books which were somewhat hard to find, not like rich pureblood family books but more like poor people can't afford or uneducated can't understand books. And what was this, 2 ward amulets. These ward amulets were goblin made clearly. Sirius could recognize goblin silver anytime and they looked old, and this was what these kidnappers must have used to enter the gardens. They wouldn't have worked on old wards of even their muggle manor but the wards on gardens were not deadly and relatively weaker as they allowed muggles to seek audience with lord of the manor, they were just some regular wards. They must've spied and waited for an opportunity to attack them.
With that, he left the room and finally went downstairs. The ground floor was just a decently sized kitchen, a room for visitors with a large fireplace and another bedroom which housed 2 beds and had his other 2 kidnappers on them. Drugged and bound to the bed itself. Kint's handiwork.
Sirius made quick work of everything the room had and till now fire must've destroyed what was previously potion's lab. He did not feel bad for these people, he was unaware of their actions till now, but they were indeed guilty of at least kidnapping 4 children if not more.
With that, he moved to the kitchen, which didn't have anything significant, and the visitor's room was barebones as well. Enough to look lived but probably not used much except for Floo.
As he left the house wards, he let out a heavy breath of relief. He was finally free to return home. They moved on the dark street and arrived at a courtyard. Kint put the unconscious children on the ground and released them.
"Let's go home kint," Sirius said happily and kint grabbed Sirius's hand as well as Aiden's hand and popped them on the driveway of the estate. A guard noticed them immediately and moved towards them.
"Master Sirius is that you?" a guard asked nervously, he must've been one of the guards on duty when he was kidnapped.
"Yes, please call my family, I need to bring these children inside," Sirius said and the guard hurried inside while kint bought the other 2 children there.
A few minutes later his family came hurrying and his mother hugged him in tears.
"My son, we were so worried." She said hugging him while crying while his father and grandfather looked a bit wary.
"I missed you too mother. I'm sorry I couldn't save Phineas and Ella from getting attacked, I'm so sorry." Sirius said holding back his tears.
"Prove it that you're my grandson." His grandfather said cautiously still not approaching him.
Sirius removed his ring in front of his grandfather and offered it to his grandfather. The black heir ring only being able to be worn by those of black blood and chosen by the head of the house.
His grandfather took the ring and inspected it and sent some spells at it. Only after he was satisfied, did he return it.
"Sirius, we were a worried child. What happened?" his father said finally, relief clear in his voice.
"Can we move inside first; these children were also kidnapped by those people; they need medical attention. We recused them, me and Loyal elf of Black family kint." Sirius said and pointed at unconscious children present lying on the ground. Kint was pulling at his ears nervously fearing punishment most likely. Not that Sirius would let him be punished for what was essentially saving his life.
"Yes, we should move inside. Kulture." His grandfather said and called his personal elf.
An aged elf popped and bowed to his grandfather, "Master"
"Take these children to the infirmary of muggle manor with kint and Kint, stay with these children till I call you." His grandfather ordered the elves who bowed deeply and popped away with children.
"Come, my dear, let's take you inside, you must be tired and hungry. Are you injured?" his mother asked him with concern while she checked on him. His father held him by the shoulders and hugged him. probably the first hug his father ever gave him, not that he complained, he knew that his father loved him.
"No mother, I am not injured but I am hungry. I didn't eat what they gave me." He replied trying to calm his mother and the family moved inside their castle, which was also home for them.
Hello my dear readers.
Our MC finally escaped his captors using his cunning brain. not bad for a maybe future slytheirn, right?
Some people might object that he is too old in brain or too young in his body and he should've done things differently but please do remember, while our MC is adult in mind, he is still a kid in body with limited powers. He is still new to Magic even after 8 years in this world and is exploring it cautiously. He isn't a reckless risk-taker and he is aware of his own limitations. So stay tuned for exciting journey of our delightful MC !!
I am delighted that you picked my work to read and I'd be grateful if you would add this in your collections and comment. So, I started this fic more then an year ago and wrote some 50k words and then forgot about it. I'm not going to forget about it this time, don't worry. This fic could go in any direction right now and I am currently in great writing flow, let's hope i didn't jinx it just now. Thankyou again for reading and please stay with me till the end.
Power stones are welcome as well. :p
P.S.- Suggestions are welcome as this is a work in progress and I might like some suggestion and write entirely different fic for it.
P.P.S- I am thinking of forming a discord server or a Facebook group for this. suggestions?
P.P.P.S. I have updated and changed a bit of chapter 5!