Chapter 31

The days have turned into weeks and months that have made both of them decide to be alone, no more texting each other.

For Calvino, this wasn't a problem at all. He actually felt more relaxed living a life without women's affairs which he thought was very complicated.

However, Lenata was different. The woman was never able to live a normal life. She has also been taking drugs to relax her mind and, of course, to make sleep faster.

Unfortunately, even though such things were done, it didn't make her forget Calvino. After all, she had loved Calvino very deeply. Although yes, naturally, what she loved more was his luxury.

Not being able to stand being in this pitiful situation anymore had made her act recklessly.  She even decided to meet Bram.

"What brought you to see me, Miss Lenata? Is Calvin acting up again?"

"No, Mr. Bram. Calvin is a responsible man."

"Then tell me! What important thing made you come to me?"

Lenata seemed hesitant to express her intentions. After all, she didn't want to be seen as a lowly woman who appeared to be chasing a man. Moreover, she didn't want to be considered as a materialistic woman because she didn't want to lose the billionaire.

"There's no need to be afraid, Miss Lenata. Just say what you want to say." Bram's tone was soft and soothing, which gave Lenata the courage to speak her mind.

Suddenly this made Bram gasp. "Is your position in this office so unsatisfactory that you want to resign?"

"Of course not, Mr. Bram. This position you have given me is an honor for me, but..."

"What?" Bram urged impatiently.

"I want to help Calvino by joining the successful team of Luz Company. If only you allow me to."

Bram's sturdy lips have carved a distinctive smile served by the sincerity of Lenata.

"How could I refuse such a noble thing, Miss Lenata? When are you leaving? Has Calvin arranged all your needs?"

Lena shook her head.

Bram gasped. "So Calvin hasn't set things up yet?"

'Calvin, you have once again humiliated the Kafeel family.' He growled.

Bram looked at Lenata with tenderness. "You don't have to worry about that, Miss Lenata. Your departure for Dubai will be immediately prepared, and you will receive the same position during your time with the Luz Company."

"Then, what about the old Assistant Executive CEO? I don't want to be considered as…"

"Luz Company needed an employee to fill the position and by chance you volunteered. You are indeed an extraordinary woman, Miss Lenata. I entrust Luz Company to you. I'm sure the Luz Company will be even more successful in your hands."

"Thank you for your trust Mr. Bram, and thank you for the opportunity you have given me."

"You are welcome, Miss Lenata."


It's been one week since Lenata has been working here as Assistant Executive CEO. However, during that time, she had never met Calvino in person. Without her knowing, he was currently in London at Emran's invitation.

Lenata wasn't the only one who didn't know the latest information about Calvino. Calvino was also the same. He didn't even know that Lenata had joined his company at this time by occupying an important position.

"Your work hasn't been done yet, Miss Lenata? It's time to go home now."

"Soon, Miss Bechara. You go first."

"Hm, thank you. Have fun working. Bye," said Bechara while waving one hand with a super flirtatious style.

Lenata exhaled harshly at the attitude of the CEO's secretary.

'I didn't expect you to be like this behind my back, Vin. No wonder you're fine even though we're far from each other. You're pampered with Bechara's thighs and cleavage everyday. Pathetic! What a pathetic man!' Lenata was annoyed by hitting her hand on the table.

"Ouch, it hurts..." She moaned as she held her hand.

She then glanced at the clock that kept turning, and at the same time, the one she was waiting for didn't show up. Finally, she decided to leave the office.

Her steps seemed unsteady towards the elevator, taking her down to the floor where her favorite car was already waiting for her.

Meanwhile, the person she was thinking of was having dinner with his beloved sister.

During the dinner, no one spoke to each other except for the delicious taste of the most delicate dishes by Siera.

After finishing pampering his tongue, Calvino immediately dragged Calista's arm to the garden.

"Ugh, Calvin, slowly!" At the same time, she released the grip of the stout fingers.

"So, hurry up, Earl."

"What's the point of taking me to the park at night like this anyway?"

Calvino didn't answer except by pulling her slender arm to quickly sit in the empty space next to him. After that, he rested his head between her thin shoulders.

"You're really spoiled. What's this? There must be something to it."

"Nothing, Earl. I'm just tired. Oh, yeah, I'm happy that you finally decided to stay in London and manage Earl Company. How about tomorrow morning we go to your office together before my departure to Dubai?"

"Why are you in a hurry to go back to Dubai? Stay here a little longer." She sulked spoily.

"I can't, Earl. I must return to Dubai immediately."

"Then, how about you sleep hugging me tonight?"

"How can? We're both adults, so things like that are not allowed anymore. You spoiled little sister." He pinched Calista's nose.

"Then go!" Calista pushed her twin brother's muscular body away. At the same time, she immediately walked away from him. However, after only a few steps, her body seemed to float in the air because Calvino carried her bridal style to her favorite room.

Tonight, the twins spent the whole night hugging each other. Yes, this was what they did every time they missed each other.

The sunshine seemed to peek shyly through the window curtains to warmly greet a beautiful face that was still asleep. However, it didn't take long for her to open her eyes.

The corner of her eye seemed to glance to the side of the bed. She instantly pursed her lips because she only saw a blank side. One thing she thought was that her brother was already downstairs waiting for her to come to the office.

She then rushed to the bathroom, not wanting to be late at work and late for an important meeting with the CEO of Fulton Company.

This morning, Calista looked elegant in a knee-length dress combined with a blazer. The matching color she chose made her smooth white skin radiate beauty even more.

No doubt, her appearance made her brother not stop blinking.

"Watch your eyes! Don't look at me like I'm a criminal."

"Of course not, sweetheart. What's wrong if I admire your beauty, hum?"

Her soft lips smiled. Unexpectedly, she kissed Calvino's cheek.

"Let's go!" She Invited him while glancing flirtatiously.

"Let's have breakfast first."

"Vin, I'm already very late so we should leave now."

"Listen, Earl. We're not going to the office until we have breakfast. Work is number 2 and health is number 1."

"But, it's too late." At the same time, her cell phone rang.

"See? Kia already called."

Hearing Kia's name made Calvino widen his eyes. "Kia? Who?"

"Kiara, my best friend when we worked together at the Grand Pierce Hotel. I have appointed her as Assistant Executive CEO."

The sentence that had just tickled his ears had made Calvino gasp.

'So, Kiara is here? In London and working for Earl Company as Assistant Executive CEO?' Calvino asked himself.

"Then, let's go now!" She linked her slender fingers between her brother's sturdy arms.

Calvino's steps seemed rushed towards his favorite car, which would take him to the place where Kiara Larasati was.

"Calvin, please drive the car slowly! What's the hurry? The meeting is still long."

The corner of his eyes seemed to glance at his beloved sister. "Shut up and don't protest too much!"

After that, his gaze looked straight ahead, and at the same time, he increased the car's speed.

'Wait for me, Miss Kia. We will meet soon. Dear Kia, I can't wait to pamper my eyes with your beauty.' Calvino's mind was accompanied by happy twinkles that were clearly implied through his brown beads.