Chapter Two: Addressing The Council

(A Week Later)

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the reinstated Sandaime Hokage, was sitting in his office with reports from all of the ANBU, Jounin, and Chunnin who gave their detailed reports about the event of Kyuubi's attack. The casualties of the attack were catastrophic and the body count and searches for missing people were still in progress. Many lost their lives that night from men, women and children and many of Konoha's best shinobis. Many were left as orphans, widows or widowers.

The physical, mental and emotional damages done to Konoha left countless traumatized, some homeless because their homes were destroyed, others without families, and everyone grief-stricken for the horrific event that befell them for reasons unknown. Still, they had to move on with their lives, or what was left of it, and look to a hopefully better future.

As Hiruzen continued with his paper work, he turned his attention to the now sleeping Naruto, who was resting peacefully in his crib. He sighed in wonder about how Yondaime Hokage ended up being sealed into his own son with a jutsu that was meant to seal and imprison the Kyuubi No Yoko into Naruto. He had no idea what could have transpired seconds before the kinjutsu went into effect. But if anything was certain, Kyuubi was gone and there have been no reports about the great fox's presence anywhere much to everyone's relief.

Getting off his chair, Sandaime went over to the sleeping baby. Looking down at the blonde haired child in wonder as he wonder to himself, Yondaime, exactly what happened during your fight with Kyuubi? How did it end up that you were sealed away? And what became of that nine-tailed monstrosity?

Sarutobi continued to look down at the child in wonder as he recalled what happened a few hours after Kyuubi's defeat…

(Flashback: A Week Ago)

It's been two hours since Kyuubi's defeat and the aftermath was taking its effect on the people. Meanwhile, Sandaime was in the meeting chamber with all of the advisors and clan leaders. The Anbu who were in the undisclosed chamber earlier with Hiruzen were also present and standing guard. Naruto was currently sleeping quietly in Sandaime's arms. They were discussing the issues concerning Yondaime's only living son and heir and what they must do with him. Sarutobi had just finished explaining in detailed what happened to Yondaime and how he was sealed into his newborn son's body; needless to say they were left speechless. After a long moment of silence, Hiashi broke the silence, "Are you truly serious Sandaime-sama?"

"I'm very serious," Hiruzen replied, "The kinjutsu Yondaime performed was meant to seal Kyuubi into Naruto and ultimately claim Yondaime's life for performing the kinjutsu. However for reasons yet to be known, Yondaime himself ironically fell victim to his own jutsu and was sealed away into his own son. There are numerous possibilities of the effects the sealing of Yondaime into Naruto will have on the young boy as he grows up. For what it's worth, Naruto is practically a born Hokage."

Sarutobi looked around as the advisors and clan leaders murmured with each other about what they were just told. The thought of a newborn infant being infused with everything that made Yondaime Hokage a most powerful and feared shinobi in the shinobi world was unreal. But it was said clear by the Sandaime Hokage himself.

"The possibilities and potentials for this child of Yondaime-sama are almost limitless," Hiashi acknowledged, "In some respects Namikaze Naruto is Yondaime-sama's reincarnation."

"You might see it that way," Sandaime said, "However Naruto is Minato's son, not Minato reborn in spite of the situation the child is in."

"The child possesses great powers passed down from father to son in a strange twist," spoke Koharu. Nodding, Hiruzen stated, "Which is also why he's in grave danger should enemy nations and villages learn of Minato being sealed within his own son. One of two extremes could happen: enemy nations and villages would seek to either kill the child or most likely kidnap him in order to raise and train him to be part of their nation and turn him against us. The results would prove disastrous to Konohagakure should they corrupt Minato's legacy. Naruto will need protection of the highest level."

Hiruzen looked at all of the clan leaders and advisors conversing with each other about what could be done for Naruto. A couple of minutes later, Hiashi spoke, "Sandaime-sama, with all due respects, I request permission to adopt and raise Minato's heir, establishing him as part of the Main House of the Hyuuga family."

On hearing those words, Sarutobi contemplated what could happen should he entrust the tutelage and upbringing of Naruto to one of the clan leaders. Seeing their faces, he noted that each of them, even Homura and Koharu were more than willing to adopt and raise Yondaime's only son without question. From what he was visualizing about Naruto's possible upbringing under their wings however, the results looked anything but appealing.

When he visualized what could happen if Naruto was raised by Hiashi, as part of the main branch, he saw Naruto learning a lot from the Hyuuga clan as a whole. It was true that Naruto would have been trained in the best arts. However, Hiashi's harsh and cold demeanor was no secret to Sarutobi and he also saw Naruto adopting and mirroring such a demeanor. Combining that with being trained in the arts of the Hyuugas and Minato's arts of combat, Naruto would turn out ruthless and look at everyone else being inferior to him. Not good qualities for a Hokage.

Looking at the clan leader of the Uchihas, Sarutobi also saw Naruto learning a great deal from them. Like the Hyuuga clan however, the Uchiha clan was a proud clan because of the power behind their bloodline limit, and because of their arrogance, he saw Naruto having fierce rivalries with Uchiha prodigies and seeking to prove who'd come out as the dominate figure, especially since Naruto didn't possess their bloodline limit or anyone else's for that matter.

With the Nara clan, he saw Naruto becoming a more strategic and deadlier killer since the Nara clan was known for being very skilled in efficient tactics and battle strategies. Especially with their ability to manipulate their shadows.

After a long mental deliberation, Hiruzen said, "I honestly appreciate your open minded thoughtfulness in being willing to adopt the child Hiashi, however I must respectfully decline the offer."

Hiashi's eyes widened upon hearing this and spoke, "Sandaime-sama, Naruto possesses great potentials to become one of Konoha's strongest shinobis and with him under my tutelage, he would become one the greatest prodigies and Hokages ever produced by Konoha."

"I acknowledge your good intentions for the child Hiashi and for anyone else here who's willing the take the responsibilities of taking Naruto under their wings…," Sandaime sighed and continued, "However, Naruto needs balance in his life. He's already been infused with a powerful Hokage whose knowledge, wisdom, stamina and abilities will possibly be absorbed into the child in a gradual process as he grows up no doubt. Because of this, he'll need someone to balance him. For the best intentions of the child, I'll dispatch one of the ANBU here to locate someone of my choosing to raise and teach Minato's heir."

Hiashi reluctantly remained silent. Now wasn't the time to argue with the reinstated Hokage especially after everything that transpired before and after Kyuubi's attack.

"Are we to inform the villagers about Yondaime's surviving heir," asked Homura.

"No," Hiruzen replied firmly with no hint of hesitation in his voice, "Should the people learn that Namikaze Naruto is Minato's only son, chances of Naruto being spoiled and pampered by the villagers would be unquestionably high. The child would grow up to be ungrateful and show little appreciation for the things given to him. The results however would be the opposite should he learn to earn what's rightfully his than to simply hand his inheritance over to him.

"Plus you have to remember that Minato has made a lot of enemies in many lands, villages and possibly other continents. And as I mentioned before, should enemy villages learn of Yondaime having an heir infused with Minato himself, the results would prove disastrous for both the child and the entire village of Konoha."

Everyone in the chamber allowed Sandaime's wisely chosen words to be absorbed as they thought about what he said.

"For this reason," Hiruzen continued, "The child's name will be changed. He will adopt the maiden name of his mother as Minato instructed before his battle with Kyuubi. His new name will be Uzumaki Naruto. Everyone will be told that Minato and his entire family have died as a result of Kyuubi's attack. When Naruto grows up and reach a level of maturity that I see appropriate with the ability to look after himself, he will be given everything that belongs to his family and with the truth about his heritage being publicly explained to the people."

Everyone present nodded their heads in understanding. Hiruzen remained silent momentarily as he allowed everyone to let his words sink into their minds. With a more serious and firm tone, Hiruzen continued, "Until that time, no one here is make any mention to anyone outside the council regarding the truth about Naruto's true heritage without my or Naruto's consent. If these words of mine are not honored, the act will be regarded as treason, and the punishment will be severe. This is my law as the reinstated Hokage."

The ANBU, clan leaders and advisors knew not to take Sandaime's words lightly, especially if they didn't want to incur his wrath...

(End Flashback)

Sarutobi sighed again as he thought about what happened after the meeting...

(Flashback: A Week Ago)

Hiruzen, three hours after the meeting with the advisors and clan leaders, had called the grand assembly of everyone in Konoha. Many in attendance could only wonder what Hiruzen had to tell them in regards to Kyuubi No Yoko's attack and defeat. Many murmurings were circulating around the assembly until Sandaime appeared on the roof of Hokage tower calling everyone to attention. The people immediately quieted after seeing Sandaime Hokage take the stage.

"People of Konohagakure No Sato," Sandaime addressed everyone, "As you all are well aware, a great monster known as Kyuubi No Yokohave attacked our village for reasons unknown to us. Sadly, many of our people and shinobis have lost their lives in battling the Kyuubi and many parts of our village have been left in ruins. It grieves me deeply that such a terrible event of such evil have befell us."

Hiruzen paused for a moment as he looked over at everyone in the audience. Taking a breath, he continued, "Kyuubi would have continued its rampage had it not been for the sacrifice made by Yondaime Hokage who vanished and died moments after defeating Kyuubi No Yoko. It also grieves me to inform all of you that Yondaime's honorable wife, Namikaze Kushina, also died during the attack."

Again Sandaime paused and looked at the faces of everyone who was there. He knew how everyone loved his successor Yondaime and his wife Kushina, and Sandaime was no exception. The villagers knew his wife was pregnant and were really looking forward to the birth of Yondaime's child with high expectations. Although it was true that Minato's wife died however, it grieved him that he had to make everyone believe that both Minato and his child were dead but it was for Naruto's own protection.

Hiruzen continued, "Yes the loss of Minato and his family is indeed a great loss and with all those who lost their lives on this tragic night. But their deaths were not in vain. Minato and all of the brave shinobis and citizens of Konohagakure who died gave their lives to protect the village and everyone they held dear to them. Their deaths therefore were honorable and ought to be commemorated.

"In spite of all that has happened here on this night, the fact that the village is still in existence testifies to the shining will of fire that burns in all of us; a fire that will not go out into the shadows of the night by enemies forces! Tonight's events have proven this truth to all of us! Although we can never bring back the lives of those who were lost in the battle however, we can honor their sacrifices and losses by rebuilding Konohagakure No Sato for a brighter tomorrow! In this way, the next generation of Konoha and all future generations to follow will learn of the great things that their people and ancestors have done for them and their village and proudly carry their spirits and fiery will of the village!"

The villagers all burst into applause after hearing Sandaime's words to them. Needless to say, the people took all that he said to heart.

(End Flashback)

Sarutobi snapped out his thoughts when a knock came from the door.

"Yes? You can come in."

The door opened revealing a masked ANBU standing at the door.

"Sandaime-sama," the ANBU spoke as he bowed in respects, "The one whom you have sent for has arrived."

Hizuzen nodded his head to the ANBU, giving him permission to allow the visitor to enter his office. The visitor stepped into the office with the ANBU stepping out and leaving the office, giving privacy to both Sandaime and his guest, who didn't have a happy facial expression. Sandaime knew that this meeting wasn't going to be a smooth sailing one…