Chapter Six: Wet Nurse

A/N: A wet nurse is a woman hired to suckle another's infant; it's also a person who gives excessive care or attention to someone, treating him or her as if helpless.

So don't get the wrong idea. With that said, on with the fic.

(A Month Later)

Reconstruction of Konohagakure No Sato was currently underway. Everyone was working together to rebuild the village and help whomever were in need of relief and comfort because of Kyuubi's attack.

Tsunade and Shizune were living in their new two-story house with Sandaime's compliments. They couldn't live in the Namikaze manor for obvious reasons since Naruto wasn't of age to claim his inheritance; however they were satisfied with what Sandaime gave to them. It was a nicely sized house comfortable enough for the three of them since they were going to be the only ones living there.

Tsunade was provided with gifts and accessories any new mother would need in caring for a newborn; from diapers, water and milk bottles, a stroller, baby clothes, the works. She took it that this treatment was given to her because she was the legendary Slug Sannin, but she sure as hell wasn't complaining, especially since she didn't have to pay it back much to her delight since she was already in a high debt rate.

Over the month both Tsunade and Shizune looked up various books on child psychology and parenting and applied whatever helpful advice they found. As challenging as being a mother was, Tsunade was growing fonder of the role than she ever expected and Shizune could testify to that.

(A Week Later; That Afternoon At The Senju Residence)

Shizune was walking towards Tsunade's bedroom with a bowl of warm water and a washrag. Tsunade had intended on cleaning Naruto after he woke up from his nap. Reaching the door, she knocked on it and waited for a reply.

"Yes," Tsunade asked from inside her room.

"May I come in," Shizune asked.

"…Need you ask," Tsunade sighed, "Just come in. The door isn't locked."

Complying, Shizune opened the door and proceeded into the room.

"Tsunade-sensei I got the bowl of warm water you ask-"

Shizune wasn't able to continue her statement when her eyes came upon a shocking sight. In front of her was Tsunade sitting on her futon Indian style with her sleeping kimono fully opened and hanging around her back and arms, exposing most of her slender body and white panties, leaving little to the imagination. Her long blond hair was flowing freely down her bareback and shoulders. As for her injuries she had after her battle with the kidnapper, Tsunade's full recovery revealed not a single scar or blemish much to her delight.

Being cradled in her arms was Naruto who to Shizune's surprise was sucking on Tsunade's left breast while her bra was resting at the side on her futon. Shizune almost dropped the bowl of water had she not regained her composure from the shock.

"Tsu…Tsunade-sensei," Shizune exclaimed, "…W…When did you…started breastfeeding!?"

"I started eight days ago," Tsunade smiled as she looked down to see Naruto continuing to draw milk from her breast.

"Eight days ago," Shizune repeated in surprise and shocked that she wasn't aware of this.

"That's right," Tsunade confirmed, "I used a new highly advanced chakra-induced medical jutsu I created. It took me over three months to create and perfect it. I call it Uetto Togi No Jutsu. It's a new medical jutsu for women who wish to be infant-nursing women, or wet-nurses so to speak. I'm the first to use this prototype medical jutsu of my own creation and as you can see, it turned out to be a real success…Maybe I'll teach this jutsu to you someday."

Shizune blushed heavily upon hearing that as she watched the scene in amazement as she noticed that Tsunade had a new glow to her, one she has never seen since Nawaki and Dan's deaths. Over the passed couple of weeks, she noticed the gradual changes Tsunade's behavior was undergoing as she started being more attached to Naruto. Needless to say the young girl was happy to see Tsunade breaking out of her hard and cold shell that would have completely overtook her had it not been for Sandaime's sincere supplication to her to adopt Naruto. Basically, adopting Naruto was Tsunade's remedy for her cold demeanor and cooling down her lust for gambling since she had to focus her time, strength and money taking care of a child now.

The two females were so engrossed with their circumstances that they failed to realize that someone had entered into their house uninvited. Upon walking in on them from outside the room though…

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!," cried the 'intruder' who was sent flying and crashing into the wall as a result of a massive nosebleed after seeing Tsunade's current manifestation and what she was doing.

"What the hell," Tsunade shouted after hearing the thud. The sound of the crash snapped both Tsunade and Shizune back to reality as they looked to see who their 'intruder' was. Tsunade growled under her breath angrily upon seeing whom their guest was, who was twitching a little with blood coming from his nose and a very perverted smile on his face with drool coming from his mouth.

"All of people," Tsunade said sourly as her right eye twitched several times, "HE had to show up unannounced!"

"Jiraiya-sama," Shizune said a bit worriedly as she went over to the now unconscious hermit who was also in his late thirties.

(Fifteen Minutes Later)

Jiraiya had regained consciousness and his composure long after Tsunade dressed herself in her regular clothes. She would have forced him to clean up the mess he made had Shizune not volunteered to do herself, saying that she didn't want to risk Naruto catching anything from Jiraiya.

Tsunade was sitting at a table with Naruto fully awake and being cradled in her arms. Jiraiya was still across them with a most intrigued expression on his face.

"So it's all true," Jiraiya said as he looked at his former teammate and the child she was mothering, "Sandaime-sama told me everything that has happened in regards to Kyuubi's attack after I came by earlier today. I had to see it for myself and what I saw just moments ago went far beyond what my expectations were. The boy's living a genuine privilege not given to just anyone and he's not even related to you."

Tsunade frowned and snarled at Jiraiya not missing the perverted meaning behind his statement while Shizune looked at the older man in disgust.

"Why are you here anyway," Tsunade inquired, "And how did you manage to get inside my house when the door was locked?"

"One, as a legendary shinobi I can pick locks," Jiraiya replied, "Also I received word that Konoha was attacked by the great nine-tailed fox demon and that my best and prized student lost his life stopping the monster," Jiraiya went on, "I hurried as fast as I could after hearing this and went straight to Sandaime who told me everything. I'm surprised he didn't request me to take Naruto under my wing seeing that I taught and trained the boy's father."

"Although you did however," Tsunade retorted, "You're not father material nor a good influence."

"What," Jiraiya shot back, "That's a load bullshi-"

Jiraiya cut himself short upon seeing what he was about to say. Shizune saw the look her sensei's face as she eyed Jiraiya with a look that said "Watch your mouth or die." With a calm demeanor, Tsunade said, "I'm sure Sandaime-sama informed you of the balance Naruto needs in his life. Since Yondaime-sama was your best student, all of what you taught him will be gradually absorbed into Naruto. But until that time, he'll need to be protected."

"That goes without say," Jiraiya agreed, "I'm aware of what happened between you and that missing-nin. I'll keep in mind not to come between a mother and her child."

Tsunade smirked. Jiraiya at that point got serious, "Though the boy will gradually absorb Yondaime's knowledge and his other attributes however, he'll need someone to help him understand how to use and control it. Something like what Naruto will experience as he grows up could more than likely overwhelm and possibly drive him insane, which would be catastrophic for both himself and everyone else and he'll need us to help him through it. An insane Yondaime would plunge Konoha into the ground. Since I taught the boy's father, it's only appropriate that I do likewise with his son and help where I can."

Tsunade thought about what Jiraiya was telling her and she found a measure of truth in his words. After contemplating on it, she replied, "I see where you're getting at. Something like what you say could happen if not prevent and it could spell disaster. Nevertheless, I won't let that happen. I'll do whatever I must to protect my son, no matter the cost."

Jiraiya was seeing how attached Tsunade was becoming to Naruto, especially after hearing the special emphasis she placed on the word "my." It wasn't too surprising seeing how attached she was to her kid brother Nawaki and lover Dan before they were killed. If anything, Jiraiya acknowledged, Tsunade was not about to lose Naruto for whatever reason.

Ironies can be so cruel sometimes Tsunade, Jiraiya thought. Just then, Tsunade smell an unwelcoming odor coming from the bundle she was cradling. Sighing, she got up and prepared to change Naruto. Shizune got the sterilizing wipers and clean diapers, handing them over to Tsunade as she changed and cleaned Naruto.

"All the Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Kinjutsu, and Medic-jutsu in the world," Tsunade complained, "And not ONE Diaper Change No Jutsu!"

Shizune and Jiraiya stifled on a laugh that partically leaked from their mouths upon hearing that. Tsunade finally finished change and clean her son.

"All done," Tsunade said happily before telling Shizune to get Naruto's food to her. Complying, Shizune went and prepared Naruto food before returning. Looking over at Tsunade, Jiraiya asked, "You wouldn't mind if I hold little Naruto would you?"

Tsunade thought about it and after a few seconds she decided to grant her former teammate's request. Taking Naruto into his arms, Jiraiya held and looked at the young boy.

Who'd have thought that my best prodigy would have ended up in this circumstance, Jiraiya thought, If the Akatsuki were to actually get a hold of Naruto, I can only image what horrors would become a reality if they were to mold him in their cruel likeness.

Moments later, Shizune came back Naruto's food and set it down on the table. Tsunade took Naruto back from Jiraiya and began feeding Naruto herself. Jiraiya watched quietly as Tsunade tended to Naruto's needs with much affection. He recalled that the last time she was ever this affectionate was during the times Nawaki and Dan were still alive. It amazed Jiraiya that Naruto had such an impact on Tsunade's life excluding the fact that he's the son of Yondaime Hokage.

Getting up off his seat, Jiraiya said, "Well now, I must be on my way now. I'm late for my new research I have to do."

Tsunade knew all too well what Jiraiya had in mind as she shot him an annoyed looked. Jiraiya grinned before going over and leaning down at Naruto, "I'll be seeing you soon, Neo Yondaime Hokage."

Tsunade and Shizune blinked upon hearing the nickname Jiraiya just gave Naruto.

"Just get out," Tsunade replied as Jiraiya smirked and went on his way, closing the door behind him.

""Neo Yondaime Hokage"," Shizune repeated.

"Jiraiya-baka," Tsunade interjected, "I'm going have to keep an eye on him. I'd hate to have my son adopt his perverted bad habits."

"Bad habits," Shizune mumbled under her breath mockingly, "This coming from someone who gambles chronically? I'd hate for my little brother to adopt your gambling habits."

"What was that," Tsunade said with a touch of venom in her voice. Shizune paled and replied sheepishly, "Oh nothing Tsunade-sensei…What do you know! It's time for my medical training!"

Shizune ran out of Tsunade's presence before anything else was said between them. The Slug Sannin was now alone with her boy. Sighing to herself, she said, "Why do I put up with them?"

Naruto started gurgling as she smiled and turned her attention to him.

"What's that," Tsunade said playfully to Naruto, "Because I have to? That's your decree as Lord Hokage? (Giving a motherly laugh)…You're no Lord Hokage in this house…You're my little Naru-chan and you're going to learn medic jutsu and how to be a medic-nin. Yes you are. Oh, yes you are…"

Naruto smiled back at her with his toothless smile almost as if he understood her words, causing Tsunade to smile even brighter.

Unknown to Tsunade was that the entire scene was being watched by Sandaime who was looking upon them from his specially crystal ball. Needless to say, he was very happy for both Naruto and Tsunade.

(That Night)

Many in Konoha were all fast asleep save for Konoha police and the ANBU. Meanwhile at the Senju residence, Tsunade was sleeping peacefully in her room. All was serene when Naruto started crying in his crib. Tsunade woke up to this and got up off her futon. Going over to Naruto, Tsunade picked him up and held him, resting his head on her shoulders while gently rocking him in her arms. Naruto soon calmed down and quieted much to Tsunade's delight. After another minute, Tsunade said thoughtfully, "I bet your hungry my little Naru-chan."

Tsunade sat down on her futon with Naruto and prepared to breastfeed him. Just as she as about to open her kimono however, the door to her room opened, revealing Shizune cradling something in her arms.

"I'm sorry Tsunade-sensei," Shizune said, "I came earlier to change Naruto's diaper and bring him back. I didn't want to wake you."

Tsunade saw that Shizune was cradling a fully awake Naruto in her arms. The Slug Sannin saw that something was definitely wrong with this scene.

"Wait a minute," Tsunade exclaimed, "If that child is Naruto, then who am I-"

Looking down at her arms, Tsunade saw that she was cradling a wooden log in her arms. While cradling the log, she turned and saw 'Naruto' quietly attempting to crawl and sneak away from her towards the opened window. As 'Naruto' was making his way towards the window, he then felt an extreme bloodlust approaching and coming from behind him. As he fearfully and slowly turned his head, he thought of one word that he thought might have saved him with puppy-eyes as he sucked his right thumb, "Mama…"

(Outside The House)

Sandaime Hokage was taking a late night stroll around the village when suddenly…


Sandaime turned to see a small figure coming flying from out of Tsunade's bedroom window. The figure was sent flying high into the skies across the village.

"There they go again," Sandaime said sympathetically knowing all too well who that figure was, "He'll never learn."

(On The Other Side Of Town)

The same small figure came crashing hard into the ground, forming a crater in it. The figure transformed back into his real self and was in much pain. He was heavily bruised all over.

"…Oooooooww…," Jiraiya mourned, "…So close…Damn that Shizune! I was just a few seconds from Paradise…and I was really looking forward to having some of that good stuff she treats Naruto to…"

Jiraiya slowly picked himself from out of the crater before checking himself for whatever additional damages was done to him as a result from the impact to the ground. In any case, he was in a whole world of pain.


A very pissed off Tsunade was in her bedroom standing with a broken log in her right hand looking out through the window while Shizune was looking on with a pale and frightened expression. She threw the log pieces out of the window before calming down.

"Perverted excuse for a life form," Tsunade stated, "So much for his word about not coming between a mother and her son. I just might kill him if he pulls that stunt again."

Turning to Shizune, Tsunade walked over to her and took Naruto from her.

"Thank you Shizune," Tsunade thanked, "I'll take it from here."

Shizune nodded before quickly exiting the room and closing the door behind her. Tsunade then went over to her futon and sat down on it with Naruto in her arms. Opening her kimono, Tsunade began breastfeeding Naruto who accepted her nourishment with adoring want.

"My, you were certainly hungry weren't my little Naru-chan," Tsunade smiled affectionately while caressing Naruto soft blond hair. After a couple of more minutes, Naruto was done drinking her milk before Tsunade closed her kimono and stood back up, rocking and singing him to sleep (A/N: I'm feeling lazy about writing a song of any sort. Therefore, think up of any bedtime songs you know of that a mother would sing to her newborn). After another twelve minutes, Naruto fell fast to sleep in her arms. Going back to her futon, Tsunade laid Naruto down gently on it before lying down next to him and pulling the covers over them.

"Goodnight my little Naru-chan," Tsunade as before she gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead and going to sleep herself with Naruto cuddled close to her.

Looks like Tsunade and Naruto are truly bonding as mother and son. Jiraiya will definitely think twice before pulling that stunt again. More is to come in Naruto's life with his new family now that Tsunade and Jiraiya agreed to train and guide Naruto's upbringing in their own ways. How will that work out for young Naruto? Find out next time.

Uetto Togi No Jutsu: Wet Nursing Technique