Chapter Eight: Servitude

(Back At Konoha)

Everyone in the village felt that mighty killer intent, one they haven't felt since the death of Yondaime Hokage. The younger generation, this consisting of Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino, the Hyuuga children and all the others were frightened by the unparallel monstrous bloodlust but didn't know what was powerful enough to generate such a dreaded feeling. All of the dogs at the Inuzuka clan were cowering in fear while the bugs were Aburame clan were in a dreaded frenzy.


Tsunade and Shizune felt that killer intent and they ran outside their house to see where it was coming from. It was no surprise that everyone fearfully stopped whatever it was they were doing upon feeling that killer intent. After sensing where the intense bloodlust was coming from, a look of terror and fear for the worst filled Tsunade's face when a realization struck her.

"NARUTO!," Tsunade screamed as she ran as fast as she could towards where Naruto was. Shizune followed closed by as a number of Jounins and all of the ANBU, and Sandaime himself ran as fast as they could to the direction Naruto and Kyuubi were.

(Ten Minutes Later)

Tsunade, Sandaime, Shizune, Kakashi and all the other Jounins and ANBU were making their way to the scene, with the killer intent becoming stronger and fiercer the closer they got. When they almost arrived on the scene, they suddenly saw a burst of unearthly white smoke bathe the entire area, followed by a very thunderous beastly roar. After several minutes of chaos everything was now serene and calm, and the monstrous killer intent was gone, as if nothing had happened at all.

"Is it over," a confused Shizune asked. Not bothering saying anything, Tsunade hurried to the location only find her son Naruto laying motionlessly facedown on his the ground unconscious, almost as if he was dead.

"NARUTO!," Tsunade screamed again as she and the others ran to Naruto. Reaching him first, Tsunade knelt and pulled Naruto to her. Upon seeing his arm, she noticed that his right arm suffered from severe abnormal charka burns. What she also noticed what an unfamiliar seal that was on his right palm, which was glowing and weakly flashing in a bluish glow. The seal looked like a circle that had within it something resembling a circulatory blood system with a symbol of similar to the spiral in the center of the seal. Around the outside portion of the seal were nine star spirals. It glowed momentarily before both it and the seal vanished into his palm and completely out of sight.

Turning her attention away from that for now, she looked down at his face and saw that some blood was coming out of his month, along with jagged designed-looking facial whiskers, which vanished off his face as though they were never there. She froze at the sight of his blood coming from his mouth, recalling what happened to Kawaki and Dan.

Shizune, recalling Tsunade's hemophobia, went over to aid Tsunade and her kid 'brother.' In spite of her fear of blood though, Tsunade snapped out of her trance and tried desperately to heal him enough to stimulate a pulse, not wanting to lose another precious person in her life again. It would devastate her to no end should she lose Naruto, Sandaime and Shizune thought.

"Don't you dare die on me Naruto!," cried Tsunade as some tears fell from her eyes and down her face, "You hear me Naruto?! Don't you dare die on me! I already lost one too many important people in my life and I'm not about to lose you!"

Sandaime and the others watched as Tsunade did what she could to heal and help her son. After a few moments, a pulse was detected. Though it was weak but it was enough to make it clear that Naruto was still alive. They wasted no time in bringing Naruto back to the hospital for further medical treatment. If anything, everyone wondered if it was Kyuubi that caused all this and if so, why did it take off before they arrived on the scene and left Naruto alive. Things just weren't making any sense.

(Five Days Later)

Naruto was in the hospital lying on the bed unconscious. His injuries were treated and bandaged, and he had an IV needle inserted into his left arm. He was still in a coma and haven't gain consciousness since the incident. Tsunade stayed at his side the whole time, checking on him every now and then. Jiraiya hurriedly returned back after learning about the incident that had the entire village in an upheaval, which Sandaime had to calm with much effort.

He explained that an enemy force used some of form of advanced and powerful genjutsu to deceive them into believing that Kyuubi has truly returned and set them into mass panic, which would have no doubt left them opened to a surprise attack not by Kyuubi but by invading villages or nations. This served to calm the nerves of the people, although he himself was sure for how long. Word however about what happened to Naruto spread like wildfire as the villagers gave their condolence to both Tsunade and Shizune. They figured that Naruto must have gotten caught and attacked by the enemy force Sandaime spoke of.

During the five days, the ANBU went on an all out search to investigate if Kyuubi was truly in the vicinity of the village or anywhere else. They surprising found nothing that would have remotely lead to anything indicating where Kyuubi was or if he's making his return to Konoha to finish what he started eight years ago.

Three days after the incident, Tsunade brought to Sandaime and Jiraiya's attention about the unknown seal she saw on Naruto's right hand before it vanished into his skin. After giving the Hokage the details of how the seal looked like, both he and Jiraiya went to work to see if there was any information about this mysterious new seal. However Sandaime couldn't help but think as to why that particular seal Tsunade described to him sound rather familiar to him, although it certainly wasn't the sealing jutsu Yondaime described to him years ago before he went to battle the great fox.

(Back At Hospital)

Naruto started opening his eyes to the environment he was now in. After his eyes came into focus, he realized that he was in the hospital. He turned and found Tsunade sitting and sleeping at a table next to his recovery bed on the right side of him. From the looks of it, he saw that she had little rest. He was about to wake her up when he turned his right hand and looked at it. That was when everything came flood back to him: the event at the training ground, to Kyuubi making an unexpected appearance to what he discovered and learned after he fell into a coma.

Tsunade groaned as she gradually opened her eyes to see Naruto was now fully awake.

"Naruto," Tsunade exclaimed happily as she embraced him tightly, "I'm so happy that you're alright."

"Yes mom…," Naruto choked, "I'm…fine…but your hug is…crushing me…"

Embarrassed, Tsunade released Naruto who gasped for breath.

"Naru-chan," Tsunade asked with motherly concern, "Are you hungry? I can go get you some of your favorite ramen from Ichiraku if you want."

Not being one to turn down ramen, he accepted. Before she went on her way, Naruto called to her, "Mom!"

Tsunade turned to Naruto who surprisingly had a serious look on his face, "Is it possible for you to get jiisan, ero-jisan, Kakashi-niisan and Shizune-neechan to come here? There's something very important that I have to discuss with all of you."

Tsunade nodded and went on her way, wondering if what her son had to discuss with her and the others had anything to do with what happened five days ago.

(Two Hours Later)

The people who Naruto requested were now present inside the room with two ANBU standing on guard outside the room. The Hokage instructed them that NO one was allowed inside the room until he exited. Meanwhile inside, Tsunade and everyone else were ready to find out why Naruto requested their presence. But in any case, Sandaime and Jiraiya had some news of their own to share in regards to what they discovered about the new seal in Naruto's palm. Breaking the silence, Naruto asked, "Jiisan is it possible to form a sound proof barrier? I don't want what's discussed here to be heard by anyone outside this room."

"How do you know that such a jutsu exists," Shizune asked. Naruto retorted, "Because my father told me just now."

Everyone's eyes widened on hearing what he just said.

"W-W-What!?," Sandaime stuttered, "You mean…"

"Yes," Naruto replied while giving Sandaime as look requesting to activate the jutsu. Nodding, Sandaime went through a series of hand seals before activating the jutsu. A streak of bluish white light went around the room before disappearing. Sandaime nodded that the jutsu was complete. Seeing this Naruto continued, "I'm now aware that Yondaime Hokage, my father Namikaze Minato, is sealed inside me."

Everyone was silent in the room. They didn't know what to say or think. They figured that Naruto might be angry at them for keeping what they knew a secret from him after all these years. Seeing the looks on their faces, Naruto assured, "I'm not angry at anyone if that's what you're thinking. My father told me everything in regards to the event that happened eight years old when Kyuubi attacked the village and how both he and Kyuubi got sealed away inside me."

Hearing those words sent cold chills down everyone's backs. It was true then! Kyuubi didn't die at all and was in fact sealed into Naruto after all.

"I bet you're wondering how both Kyuubi and my father both got sealed away, when my father supposedly was to be consumed by Shinigami after Kyuubi was sealed away. It's a peculiar story really and it goes back to the time my father was preparing to do the sealing jutsu during his battle with Kyuubi."

Everyone listened intently as Naruto related everything he was told to by Yondaime.

"When my father was on top of Gamabunta, he started initiating the required hand seals for the kinjutsu. But before he was able to do the final hand seals, Kyuubi unexpectedly lashed at him much to his surprise. In a sudden panic, my father raced and ironically formed the last hand seals incorrectly and called out the wrong jutsu, which resulted in an entirely different entity to appear, this one being Chigiri Megami."

Sandaime and Jiraiya heads shot up on hearing this.

"Chigiri Megami," Jiraiya repeated, "I thought she was just a myth at first. That was until I recently did some research on her-"

"For your next limited edition of Icha Icha Paradise books ero-jisan," Naruto interjected and teased, "Trust me, she's anything but what guys in their right minds would want to have perverted thoughts of."

In spite of the seriousness of the situation in the room, everyone but Jiraiya couldn't help but burst into laugher at what Naruto just stated much to everyone's surprise. Jiraiya blushed from both embarrassment and annoyance.

"How dare you mock my profession, gaki," Jiraiya retorted indignantly.

"Sorry, but my father egged me into saying that," Naruto admitted. Jiraiya snorted, "I can believe this. Minato, although smart and charming, was also a wise guy much like yourself when he was my student, (mockingly) Neo Yondaime Hokage."

"Seriously though," Sandaime interjected, "Chigiri Megami is no myth. She too can be summoned with a master kinjutsu. However such a kinjutsu has been lost for many centuries and as a result her existence was said to be nothing more than a lost myth."

"That ended when my father summoned her by a fluke," Naruto explained, "Her kind of sealing is very much different than the one my father found originally, which summons an entirely different and darker entity known as Shinigami."

Everyone nodded their heads to Naruto confirming that they knew what he was talking about. Sandaime started, "Yes indeed. I recall now that Minato did look into finding that kinjutsu to summon Chigiri Megami once before some years ago but was never able to find it either. After doing some research with Jiraiya on that specific seal on your palm Tsunade told us about, we learned some rather interesting things about it. That very seal on your palm is linked to Chigiri Megami's sealing known as Doreino Suru Fūin No Jutsu, which subjects the sealed into long-lasting servitude, entwining the soul of the sealed with the container's soul as a servant. In exchange for this kinjutsu's effects, the sealer pays the ultimate price by forfeiting him or herself to Chigiri Megami to be permanently sealed away into the same container as well, causing the sealer to have their chakra, knowledge, wisdom and his or her other attributes to be gradually absorbed by the container over the years."

"That's exactly what my father told me while I was in a coma," Naruto cut in, "I met him in my subconscious mind after I fell into a coma five nights ago. He told me everything about himself and…"

Naruto now had tears falling down his face, finding it difficult to speak. Tsunade was about to comfort him when Naruto continued, "My biological mother, Uzumaki Kushina…"

Tsunade felt a pang in her heart, as she now started having tears build up in her eyes before they descended down her face. She wanted to tell Naruto the truth, but was never able to move herself to do so, fearing what it would do to the mother and son bond she formed with him. Over the years she really started seeing herself as the boy's mother and him as her real son. She grew strongly attached to Naruto as loving mothers do with their sons. A few soft sobs escaped her throat as her head lowered. This of course didn't go unnoticed.

"Tsunade-sama," Shizune said consolingly. Tsunade looked at Naruto, making direct eye contact with him. She didn't know whether or not he was angry at her for not telling him the truth after all these years. She was afraid that he'd hate and resent her for it.

"…Naruto…I…," Tsunade cried.

"Don't cry mom," Naruto said softly with tears of his own still fall down his face. It surprised Tsunade that Naruto still called her "mom," and needless to say she found much joy in that.

"Although my father told me everything about the kind of person my birth mother was," Naruto continued, "That still doesn't change how I see you. I love you and you're still my mom and you love and take care of me just how my birth mother would have."

Overcome with emotions, Tsunade ran and embraced Naruto affectionately as a couple more sobs escaped her throat. These sobs now were sobs of joy.

"My little Naru-chan," Tsunade said happily.

"C'mon," Naruto retorted, "I'm not that little mom."

Everyone laughed at the scene, even Tsunade as she wiped away her tears.

"Even still," Tsunade said with a smile and blush, "You're still my Naru-chan."

Sandaime smiled to himself. He was very happy for both Naruto and Tsunade, as was Shizune, Kakashi and Jiraiya. Naruto, after wiping away his tears, then said, "My father was permanently sealed away into my stomach, and is gradually having his attributes infused into me. It sounds rather freaky and disturbing though. It's like I'm my own father."

Everyone sensed the feeling of nausea that Naruto was feeling at that moment.

"It may sound that way," Sandaime retorted, "However that's not the case. You won't turn into Namikaze Minato, Naruto. You'll just inherit your father's Kage level abilities and chakra as you grow up and mature, thus becoming a born Hokage, or Neo Yondaime Hokage as Jiraiya puts it."

Naruto spoke, "Although my father was sealed into my belly however, Kyuubi No Kitsune…"

Naruto removed the bandages off his right hand and revealed his now fully healed arm and palm. He continued, "…Is sealed away into my right hand."

That was when the same seal that Tsunade saw the first time appeared, this time everyone saw it.

"That's the very same seal I saw and explained to Sandaime-sama," Tsunade exclaimed.

"Indeed it is," Sandaime agreed, "I was amazed myself after finding some lost information about that forbidden master jutsu after Jiraiya and I were told about it. The only thing is that we still weren't able to find the series of hand seals for that exact sealing. It surprises me that Minato managed to execute such a jutsu even if it was a fluke."

"As a result of that same Doreino Suru Fuuin No Jutsu old man," Naruto said, "I have a summoning contract that was instantly made with me the moment Kyuubi was forcefully sealed away into my palm."

"Intriguing," Kakashi finally spoke after a long silence, "Whereas I have the signed contract to summon dogs, you can summon foxes of different sorts by default as a result of the sealing."

"That's right," Naruto confirmed, "But with a lot more chakra, I can also summon the great Kyuubi No Yoko himself, as my summoning beast. My first time summoning him unintentionally was five nights ago."

Everyone's eyes widened in shock on hearing that revelation. It was true then that Kyuubi truly was out in the opening. After letting the shock setting in, Tsunade exclaimed, "WHAT! But how can that be when Kyuubi was sealed away!?"

"Kyuubi was sealed into a lifetime of servitude," Sandaime said, "He's connected to Naruto as his servant. That's the punishment Chigiri Megami sentenced that great fox to."

"That's why Kyuubi can't kill me," Naruto added, "Not unless it wants to kill itself at the same time. When Kyuubi was first released from inside my hand, he looked at me straight in my face and told me that he wanted to devour me. But then he added that he couldn't because he'd be killing himself in the process since we're linked through the servitude seal. Although I can summon the Kyuubi however, this isn't without a penalty. Kyuubi can only be summoned under extreme circumstances and when I do release him, he only gets no more than fifteen minutes as long as my right arm is flared with red chakra. Should that time limit be exceeded after the red chakra has depleted, the flare will turn blue and begin consuming my life force. If that process isn't stopped, then I'll ultimate die along with the Kyuubi and my father."

"That explains the condition we found you in at your training ground," Kakashi said. Naruto nodded his head. Everyone was quiet as they absorbed and processed the new information they were given. After a few minutes, Shizune asked, "What about those horrible nightmares you've been having? If anything I'm sure Kyuubi had something to do with them."

"He did," Naruto confirmed, "That was because was he was awakening after eight years of lying dormant inside me. Those nightmares I started having over the course of seven months were the results of his gradual awakening and my body was adjusting to his awakening presence which was why he was able to come out of my arm the first time without my control."

"Does that mean that you'll still be having those horrific nightmares," Tsunade inquired.

"No," Naruto answered, "At least I hope not. I hate waking up screaming at night or in the morning for that matter."

"Who doesn't," Tsunade added, "I lost count on the number of times you ran into my room and into my bed seeking sanctuary to confide in…not that I minded. I'll admit that it made me feel good knowing that you believe I'm your greatest source of protection."

With a mock hurt and sad expression, Jiraiya said to Tsunade, "You never allowed me to seek sanctuary in your bed when I had my nightmares. I know I could have made you feel just as good you know."

No one in the room missed the perverted meaning behind Jiraiya's statement. It took all of Tsunade's self-control not to severely hurt and cripple Jiraiya for twisting and perverting her words to Naruto. Kakashi on the other hand was giggling perversely while Shizume looked at both Kakashi and Jiraiya in disgust. Sandaime simply shook his head, That Jiraiya…he'll never learn…

Turning to Sandaime, Naruto asked, "Hey old man, since I'm actually a Namikaze, does that mean I can go live in my father's estate now?"

"As much as I'd love to let you have your inheritance however I can't let you at this time…," Sandaime sighed, "You haven't reached the required age to claim your inheritance and I'm sure Minato told you that he made a lot of enemies in many lands and villages who'd want nothing more than your death should they learn that you're his son."

"Aren't I popular already," Naruto retorted in sarcasm.

"This is important Naruto," Sandaime said seriously, "You are the last one of the Namikaze clan and Minato's surviving legacy. We can't afford to have you killed and your clan completely wiped out!"

"…," Naruto.

"…," Sandaime sighed again, "The Namikaze clan was once a mighty and prestigious clan in Konoha. They specialized in sealing, spirals, creating and mastering new jutsus."

"They were that advanced," Shizune asked. Sandaime nodded to her before returning his attention back to Naruto and continued, "However because of the war Konoha was in many years ago, the Namikaze clan was nearly obliterated since they all fought in that war and the Namikaze clan had many enemy clans from other villages and nations that sought their destruction. Originally your father, the sole survivor of the Namikaze clan, was going to rebuild his clan starting with you. Unfortunately because of everything that's transpired, it's now your responsibility to not only succeed your father Yondaime but also rebuilt the Namikaze clan as well."

Sandaime remained silent as he allowed Naruto to process everything he was told. A couple of minutes passed when Naruto decided to speak again, "So I'm the last of the Namikaze clan? If that's the case, then I'll have to become stronger to rebuild and make an even stronger clan! And I won't go back on my word! That's my way of the shinobi!"

Sandaime nodded in agreement turned to Jiraiya, "Jiraiya, with this new knowledge we have on that servitude sealing and it's fox summoning jutsu, I'm charging you to have Naruto undergo more training to handle and control that seal along with whatever other training he has to undergo."

Jiraiya nodded his head in understanding before turning to Naruto, "Looks like we'll be spending more time together with more intense training, Neo Yondaime Hokage."

"I can hardly wait ero-jisan," Naruto joked in sarcasm much to Jiraiya's annoyance, who retorted, "Just like Tsunade. What else did you pass on to you besides her sarcasm and breast milk?"

Jiraiya now found his face implanted into the floor with a throbbing large lump on the back on his head. Standing over him was an angry Tsunade with a balled up fist. Sandaime rubbed his temples and sighed,…They never change. Even as adults their age those two still behave like children…

(The Following Day)

Naruto was released from the hospital and allowed to return home with Tsunade and Shizune. He was greeted by Hinata and Ino who were very happy that nothing serious happened to him. Much to his surprise both girls visited him while he was in a coma. However, due to Sandaime's direct orders to the hospital staff, they were unable to actually go into his room to see him personally much to their dismay since two ANBU were posted to guard his door during his stay at the hospital. Secretly both girls were also seeking to see his face since it's always covered with that same ninja mask of his. They couldn't help but wonder how he looks like underneath that mask; as did several other girls their age for that matter who came to see him while he recuperated at the hospital but denied access to his room.

(Three Days Later)

It was a clear and sunny day. Naruto, fully rejuvenated and healed up, was at the training ground with Jiraiya.

"Naruto," Jiraiya started seriously, "You're aware that your new training will be tougher than before. Are you up to the challenge?"

"Have I ever been known for backing down from anything you threw at me," Naruto replied with confidence, "I'll take whatever new schooling you'll throw at me and then some."

"I'm happy you said that," Jiraiya said, "Because your training starts now!"

Looks like Naruto is off to an nice start for whatever new training that's in store for him. Will he be able to survive whatever training that's been set up for him? Will he even live long enough to rebuilt his clan? Find out next time.

Chigiri Megami: Destiny Goddess

Doreino Suru Fūin No Jutsu: Enslaving Sealing Technique