Chapter Twenty-Four: Road To Redemption

(Ten Minutes Earlier; Back At The Hokage Tower That Night)

Sandaime was busy preparing and getting everything ready for the seal repair procedure. It took some time, but he managed to attain everything that was going to be needed, based on the sealing Yondaime used years ago when he made the seal on Naruto's stomach.

Ironic really, Sandaime thought while preparing the sealing ritual chamber, It's almost like a repeat of history. But with Yondaime guiding the boy, I'm sure things will go smoothly.

Moments later, the door opened and Godaime entered the room.

"Tsunade," Sarutobi greeted.

"Sarutobi-sensei," Tsunade inquired, "Have you seen Naru-chan?"

"Last time I checked he was in the study office. The boy locked himself in that room and hadn't stepped out of it since. He's been in that room for hours really."

"I tried knocking on the door, but I got no response from him," Tsunade replied, "I unlocked the door only to see that he wasn't in the room at all."

"Hmmm…," Sandaime thought before taking a puff of his pipe, "…Surprising, he must have gone for a walk I suppose. He has been working on those seals nearly non-stop."

"I could tell," Tsunade retorted, "He had a lot of paperwork and scrolls cluttered all over his desk and floor. It reminded me of my own office much to my horror."

Sandaime chuckled at this, "Your son takes after you in more ways than one, Tsunade."

"…I just wish I knew where he was," Tsunade sighed, "I was interested in founding out how he was doing with those jutsus we allowed him to study."

"You're worried about him," Sandaime acknowledged, "It's most understandable. Those seals we knowingly allowed him to analyzed are very dangerous if used incorrectly, especially by a person who has no expertise on seals of that magnitude. But still, this is an S-rank mission he chose to take on and he is a shinobi after all. I'm sure everything will turn out all right."

Tsunade sighed again as she consented to her former sensei's words. However part of her sensed that something troubling was happening, and Naruto was somehow involved in it.

(Present Time)

Naruto teleported with the Shukaku-possessed Gaara, far into in a different forest many miles away from Konoha. It was an isolated area Naruto had placed jutsu markers around months ago during his four month training period with Jiraiya when they left Konoha. He did this as a precaution in the event that something extremely dangerous was about to happen with the need to remove the danger as far away from the village as possible.

Naruto took a good look at Gaara. Half of Gaara's face was mutated into what looked like a tanuki (raccoon dog), and his right arm was enormous and mutated. Before Naruto could do anything further, Gaara said darkly and maniacally, "Naruto…I'm going to quench my blood thirst with your life!"

Gaara, with his mutated arm, punched Naruto away from him and removed the seal paper from off his head before tearing it apart. After this, Gaara turned into the humanoid version of Shukaku again, with his deadly spiked tail ready to attack the blonde. Naruto formed the seal for Kage bunshin, and six clones came to life. They jumped towards Gaara, who used his huge claw-like hands to grab them.

"Now," the clones yelled. At this, the real Naruto had appeared behind Gaara using clones as stepping boards, and thrust a Rasengan under Gaara's tail, while calling out, "Hidden Village of Konoha Hidden Taijutsu Ougi: Sennen-Goro Shi, Rasengan No Ba-jon (1000 Years Of Pain, Rasengan Version)!"

The result was that Gaara's tail was ripped and blown off, and Gaara himself was sent spiraling into a tree. Naruto grinned but was forced to evade sand projectiles that Gaara hurled towards him.

"Suna Shuriken (Sand Shuriken)," Gaara called and shot more sand projectiles towards Naruto, who was forced to use some clones as body shields. Naruto ran though some hand seals and called out, "Katon: Goukakyuu No Jutsu!"

A stream of fire came flying out of Naruto's mouth and straight towards Gaara's eyes. The red-haired possessed Suna nin barely had time to dodge the attack with his sand as he held his eyes in pain. He cried out loudly from the attack while throwing random projectiles as Naruto. Luckily his eyes weren't damaged from the flames, however the heat from the attack caused him some trouble with his sight.

Gaara was not happy. His ass was sore, though luckily the sand had absorbed most of the impact of the jutsu Naruto had used. Still he was sore and was having trouble seeing.

"I'LL KILL YOU!," the possessed Gaara roared with radiating killer intent. When his eyes stopped hurting, and he opened them, he was surprised to see clones; lots and lots of clones surrounding him whether it was in the trees or the ground.

"Tajuu Kage Bunshin No Jutsu," the Naruto army called out simultaneously. It had to be at least a two thousand of them.

"Time to kick it up a notch! Let's go! U-ZU-MA-KI NARUTO RENDAN TWO THOUSAND VERSION!" the Naruto army called, while kicking Gaara up into the air, and punching him two times each. After they were done, Gaara fell limp to the ground, his sand body all but destroyed.

"Now we will use our feet and give you a four thousand version." The Narutos called.

Hes so strong…, Gaara thought before more of Shukaku's chakra starting pouring out.

Kit, you feel that," Kyuubi asked.

I do. More of Shukakus chakra is coming out, Naruto answered and prepared himself. Just in time, too, since not a moment later, a huge claw shot up and destroyed all the clones, sending Naruto flying towards a tree. It was at this time that Gaara grinned and started doing hand seals. Sand gathered around the transformed Gaara and formed a sphere just as Gaara muttered, "Tanuki Neiri No Jutsu (Forced Sleep Technique)!"

This will prove interesting," Kyuubi remarked.

What's he doing, Naruto asked.

A Transformation…"

A henge, Naruto asked.

No…Something stronger…"

Naruto's eyes widened as the sand sphere started enlarging in size and mass. After a several seconds it quickly started to disperse, sending sand upward…then the sand started to take the shape of an animal of some sort…

"A tanuki…," Naruto acknowledged

The tanuki was starting to tower above every tree in the forest… The bijuu was a light brown color, obviously do to the fact that it was made of sand, though it did have blue markings around his body; dark black eyes with small yellow pupils. And finally a very huge tail that was probably twice as long as Shukaku was…

Gaara was now finishing his transformation. Naruto looked up to the tanuki with widened eyes, It's as big as a small mountain!

"NARUTO!," Shukaku roared loudly.

Just great, Naruto muttered.

Well this was quite unexpected,' Yondaime stated.

Any suggestions, Naruto asked

'Don't die…,' Yondaime retorted.

Aren't you a load of help, Naruto remarked in sarcasm, I don't understand what went wrong with that Ō Fūin seal I placed on Gaara's head. It should have worked perfectly.

You won't get the answer to your question if Gaara isn't stopped soon,' Yondaime remarked.

Whatever happens kit; I want both you and your father to know…that I never really liked either of you…," Kyuubi spoke.

Now that's the Kyuubi I know and hate, Naruto retorted, But I plan on living passed today!

Naruto bit his thumb before going through a series of hand seals.

"Kuchiyose No Jutsu," he yelled as he slammed his thumb into the ground, resulting in a mass of white smoke to fill the area. When the smoke cleared, standing before him was a half-human/half-fox humanoid masked woman dressed in ceremonial battle attire. (A/N: Think of the same Taomon from Digimon Tamers)

"Naruto-sama," the masked fox woman greeted and bowed, "What do I owe the honor?"

"Your assistance Tao," Naruto said, "I have a major problem."

The half-human/half-fox humanoid masked woman looked to see the massive sand tanuki towering some distance away from them. Tao took out and threw a magical red spell paper into the air and then ran through a series of hand seals. When she was done…

"Tarisuman Superu No Jutsu (Talisman Spell Technique)," she shouted before both her and Naruto were encased inside a force field generated dome. The dome levitated off the ground and flew over to where Shukaku was. Upon reaching the creature, Naruto could see Gaara slumped over Shukaku's forehead, buried up to his waist; Gaara was obviously sleeping.

Why is he sleeping, Naruto wondered.

"He fell asleep to give Shukaku full control over his body," Kyuubi answered, "Shukaku having better control of wind and sand is obviously much stronger. However, Shukaku's vessel can't sleep, since Shukaku comes out when his Jinchuuriki does. Also, he devours their soul. The vessel tends to become insane because of that. You'll never be able to get close enough to Gaara as long as Shukaku is in control. Therefore, why don't you just kill Gaara and end his plight with Shukaku? You would be doing him a service by putting Shukaku in his grave, a grave they both would be sharing!

Damare yo! Baka kitsune-teme (Shut up you stupid bastard fox), Naruto mentally yelled. It was about this time that Shukaku noticed the blonde riding inside a transparent dome with another figure with him…after a few moments his eyes widened, "Is that you Kyuubi!"

Naruto looked straight at Shukaku, "I am not Kyuubi! I'm the one who's going to seal you!"

"HA! How rich," Shukaku laughed, "I'll finish you off with one attack!"

Shukaku opened his mouth and breathed in.

"Watch it kit," Kyuubi warned, "He's about to blast you both with a ball of Air! It can crush you into the ground!"

"Fuuton Renkuudan (Wind Release: Compressed Air Ball)!," Shukaku spat out a ball of air, at the dome Naruto and Tao were in, fiercely blasting them backwards. Luckily for Naruto though, the Tao's dome held.

"Grrr…you won't be saved by that tiny chakra force field boy…," Shukaku growled.

Tao landed the dome on the ground and deactivated it. Naruto bit his thumb and went through a series of hand seals before slamming it down into the ground again.

"Kuchiyose No Jutsu," Naruto yelled, summoning another humanoid female fox warrior, only she was armored and geared in yellow, black, purple and black. She looked more human than fox and had possessed a petite shape; however she was stronger than Tao and she carried a golden staff. (A/N: this borrowed character is also from Digimon Tamers)

"Naruto-sama," the new female figure greeted.

"Sakuya," Naruto said, "Help Tao distract Shukaku momentarily."

She nodded and Naruto left them to their work before he went to work planning the possessed Gaara's defeat.

"Kitsune Fūin Kami No Jutsu (Fox Sealing Paper Technique)," Tao said as she leaped high into the air with her sleeve-covered arms outstretched. She then shot thousands of magical, red spell papers from them. The spell papers attacked to the massive tanuki and bound him to where he was momentarily before they all combusted in a fiery explosions. Shukaku growled as the spell paper exploded on him. He quickly raised his tail and used it to smack Tao. Acting quickly, Tao formed the same force field dome around her before the tail struck the dome with a strong force, sending her flying far into the forest and crashing into several trees. Other than that, Tao was unharmed thanks to her shield.

Sakuya decided to step in and introduce herself to the towering monster. Flying over to the giant tanuki, Sakuya looked at the creature before speedily running through a complex series of hand seals. She then shouted, "Supirito Sutoraiku No Jutsu (Spirit Strike Technique)!"

Sakuya summoned four mystical fox spirits that were imbued with the elemental powers of fire, water, wind and lightning. The mystical foxes obeyed Sakuya's voice as they went and fought for her. The fiery fox blazed against Shukaku's belly as the bijuu roared from the attack. The water plunged against it with a strong force over where the previous mystical fox struck along with other parts of the raccoon dog's body. Parts of the tanuki's body was now glass, which was then struck and destroyed by the lightning fox and scattered by the wind fox as it pushed Shukaku back.

"Sansukurito Pen Furashu No Jutsu (Sanskrit Pen Flash Technique)," Tao said as a large, magical calligraphy brush emerged from her long sleeves, which could be used as both a weapon and a magical staff. Holding the brush, she painted a mystical symbol into the air, which released beams of pure light energy at Shukaku, doing further damage to the sand beast. Shukaku yelled out from the assault as he fell to the ground. Angered from the assault, Shukaku moments later, used its huge tail and swung it speedily at Tao and Sakuya. Neither females had time to react when the tail came at them and smashed them hard into the ground, effectively knocking them both unconscious.

"Damn it," Naruto swore moments after seeing what happened to his two summoned female warriors. In his hands was his finished newly written and corrected Ō Fūin paper. The problem at hand was that Naruto hand to find a way to hold down Shukaku long enough to apply the corrected seal on Gaara. Naruto's clones would be swatted or blown away by the tanuki's compressed air ball attacks.

"ARE YOU GOING TO HIDE FOREVER BOY? KYUUBI!," Growled the Tanuki, "Fuuton Renkuudan!"

Shukaku opened his mouth and started blasting wave after wave of compressed air balls out all over the forest. Naruto, using Yondaime's super speed, ran and dashed like a blur out of the way of the oncoming attacks before any of them made contact. After several minutes of evasive action, Naruto speedily dashed blur-like to another area of the forest away from Shukaku. Seeing no other way to get to Gaara, Naruto saw that it was time for decisive action…

"I'll have to risk it," Naruto decided as he pulled off his glove from right hand and pulled his kunai before cutting his palm at the center. Summoning chakra into the bleeding palm, Naruto went through a series of hand seals and slammed his bleeding palm into the ground.

"Kuchiyose No Jutsu!," Naruto shouted as red chakra channeled from Naruto and into the ground before exploding into a massive cloud of white smoke. A strong wind blew followed by a crash as trees were destroyed. Naruto was elevating fast into the air high above the trees. When the massive smoke cloud cleared, Naruto was now standing on top of the head of a most infamous nemesis…

"Kyuubi No Kitsune," Naruto yelled with his right arm flared up with red chakra. Kyuubi stood with a sinister grin while all nine of his tails were swishing in the air in all their glory. Before the massive fox could do anything though, an energetic blue collar of some sort appeared and fastened securely around Kyuubi's neck. Around the collar were whiting glowing seals.

"Ah, out at last!," Kyuubi stated while emitting strong bloodlust, "So you finally decided to summon me, huh kit? Am I to put Shukaku into his final resting place?"

"Actually, I want you to hold down Shukaku long enough for me to wake Gaara from his forced sleep technique," Naruto instructed. Kyuubi looked at the sand bijuu who was looking back it with the pure contempt.

"Shukaku-kun," Kyuubi mocked, "How nice to see you again before I do you in!"

"I feel the same for you," Shukaku retorted, "Kyuubi-chan!"

The towering fox snarled beastly at the remark before he rushed towards the sand bijuu. In spite of Kyuubi's speed, Naruto had no trouble holding his ground, focusing his chakra down to his feet to stick on top of Kyuubi's head. Shukaku moved one of his arms to grab Kyuubi, but the fox moved away, bit into the arm, and tore it clean off. Kyuubi threw the arm away while whipping Shukaku with his tails, the fur on the tails standing out, forming razor sharp needles.

Shukaku tried to retreat and fire off a huge air bullet; however Kyuubi simply destroyed the jutsu with his tail and continued the whipping. Each strike removed huge chunks of compressed sand from Shukaku's body. Shukaku tried to strike back with his remaining arm, but the nimble fox slipped away. Bringing all nine of his tails together, Kyuubi swung them straight into Shukaku, resulting in the sand bijuu being sent flying off the ground and very high into the night skies. While the one-tailed bijuu was air borne, Kyuubi took the opportunity to jump high into the air and flip down towards Shukaku bringing all nine of his tails together and swinging them down upon the sand bijuu, sending him crashing down into the ground with a mighty impact. The great fox landed down on the ground gracefully while looking at the other bijuu.

"Oi, Kyuubi! Quit this nonsense already, we're running out of time," Naruto called as the red chakra flare in his right arm was warning that time was nearly up. Naruto knew that in a couple of minutes the flare would turn blue and start consuming his life force. Kyuubi almost looked disappointed.

"Damn it! Just when it was getting good! I guess I shouldn't play any longer. Kit, listen. When I say so, jump up on Shukaku and punch that kid awake. That should force Shukaku back into the kid," Kyuubi said, and Naruto nodded.

"Got it," Naruto replied. Kyuubi opened his mouth and roared as fire erupted from his mouth, striking Shukaku, who had managed to raise a sand shield. The sand was instantly turned into glass after the flames reached the sand bijuu. Kyuubi then rushed towards Shukaku, jumped behind him and bit down onto the sand bijuu's neck.

"Now, kit!," Kyuubi called out.

Naruto, using chakra as momentum to spring high into the air, jumped straight towards Gaara. Sand rushed towards him, but a quick burst of fire from Kyuubi stopped the sand, giving Naruto clear way.

"Wake the hell up!," Naruto yelled and punched Gaara square in the face, the one hit being strong enough to wake the sleeping Jinchuuriki. Gaara blinked as he was snapped out of his sleep.

Shukaku's eyes widened, "NOOOO! I JUST WOKE UP!"

Shukaku roar in anger at being pulled inside the seal again.

"Kit, beat that bastard up. I'm done here," Kyuubi said and vanished in a massive cloud of smoke back into the seal.

"Whatever, furball," Naruto replied and rushed towards the still awakening Gaara. Gaara, still under Shukaku's influence, growled, "He dispelled my jutsu."

Gaara, seeing Naruto coming, managed to use some sand to keep Naruto from reaching him, using sand to grab a hold of Naruto's limbs. Gaara growled as he saw Naruto's grinning face before the blonde teleported from the restraints and reappeared in front of him

"Wha-," was all Gaara muttered before Naruto headbutted Gaara hard to his forehead with his headband. Gaara's eyes were wide in shock, while his blood trickled down between them. Naruto, after removing his head off from Gaara's, removed the jutsu marker off of Gaara's left cheek, which he placed on his face earlier when he punched him to wake up, and smashed the Ō Fūin into Gaara's now bleeding forehand and activated the seal. The seal started suppressing away the remainder of the effects of Shukaku's dark chakra, coursing through him, completely separating both into two separate beings once again, or at least as separate as a Jinchuriki could be. The sand they were standing on, still in the shape of Shukaku, crumbled and unfortunately for the two nins, their was no where else to go…but down.

Both Jinchurikis fell to the ground; both of them physically drained; some blood streaming from Gaara's head with some of his blood smeared around the metallic part of Naruto's headband. Summoning Kyuubi No Kitsune drained Naruto of a lot of chakra, a penalty for summon the bijuu. But luckily the blond shinobi was still conscious though he was lying on his chest on the ground with Gaara only a couple of feet away from him.

"You…are…strong…," Gaara spoke in a low tone, "…Tell me what makes you this powerful? What's your secret?"

"There's no secret to it Gaara," Naruto replied, "In my life I've found that true strength is determined by true and constructive motives. I strongly believe that if you have a lot of precious people to protect…that will make you strong…"

"Precious people," Gaara asked with a confused expression. Naruto let out a small chuckle, "…I'm fighting…for the protection of my village, my friends and my family…your motives are destructive…you're fighting to prove your own existence through genocide…in the end our goals clash…your objective disagrees with mine…and my desires defy yours…I'll tell you this Gaara, you won't find true strength, or a purpose for your existence, in slaughtering everyone that comes in your path."

"…," Gaara remained silent as Naruto continued, "…Honestly…I believe…if you'd let me…the two of us could become the best of friends…"

"Friends…" Gaara muttered. Naruto continued, "That's right…in my life, I've grown fond of the people I've come to know as my friends and family…and they don't look at me as a Jinchuuriki or as the village's weapon but as a human being…In the end, they're part of the reasons why I didn't turn out to become what sadly happened to you…"

Gaara's eyes widened, "I…I…I…"

"Have a brother and sister that love you," Naruto answered for him, "Even though they're terrified of you. Still, if you desire to have friends…let them be your first…Understand Gaara that it's not too late for you. You can still make constructive changes in your life and find a new way to prove your existence to everyone, showing them that you're an individual and nobody's instrument."

Gaara continued to stare at the smiling blonde. In spite of everything that happened, Naruto still sought to help him. After a moment of silence that felt like an eternity, Gaara broke the silence, "Thank you, Naruto…my friend…"

Naruto smiled before using his remaining chakra to lift himself off the ground. After placing his glove back on, he walked over to where Gaara was laying. Kneeling down, Naruto place Gaara's left arm around his shoulders and lifted him off the ground.

"Yes, Gaara," Naruto said, "I'll be your friend."

A moment later, Sakuya and Tao appeared in front of Naruto.

"Naruto-sama," they both greeted. Sakuya asked, "Is all well?"

"Yes," Naruto said, "The danger is over. Thank you, both of you."

The two female fox warriors nodded before they disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving both Naruto and Gaara alone in the forest.

"Time to head back," Naruto said while holding Gaara. Naruto then teleported with him from out from the forest.


Temari and Kankuro were looking all over for Gaara and Naruto but surprisingly they didn't find them. They were jumping from tree to tree looking for the two Jinchuurikis.

"Where are they," Kankuro shouted, "Where did that blond Konoha nin take Gaara?"

"I don't know," Temari said, "They disappeared without a trace."

"Impossible," Kankuro said, "With the way those two fight; they ought to have left some evidence of carnage or a fierce battle."

After another half an hour, the suna siblings returned back to the spot they originally found Gaara. To their surprise, they found Naruto standing on the same boulder Gaara was sitting on earlier that night, with an injured and exhausted Gaara being held up by Naruto.

"Took long enough," Naruto greeted, "I was beginning to think that you two would never return."

Naruto stepped off the boulder with Gaara as Temari appeared right next to Gaara.

"Are you alright," she asked her youngest brother. Gaara nodded, "Yes…"

After seeing the new seal paper of Gaara's head, Temari looked over at Naruto and asked, "How were you able to stop Shukaku?"

"When I wrote and placed the first Ō Fūin on Gaara's head earlier during the chaos," Naruto explained, "I rushed through writings. As a result, some of the writings on that seal were done incorrectly, making the seal less effective before Shukaku completely overpowered it and attacked me. This time I managed to write the seal properly, making it as effective as it was designed to be. Shukaku won't be able to overpower this one."

Temari nodded in understand as she pulled her little brother over her shoulder and Kankuro came and helped Temari carry Gaara.

"Naruto…," Gaara muttered. Naruto looked at Gaara, "Yes?"

"Tomorrow," Gaara inquired, "…At the Hokage Tower…My seal…"

"I've taken care of that," Naruto answered, "I came here earlier to tell you that I found a way to fully repair your seal without causing harm to you whatsoever before you went berserk on me."

"You actually did that," Kankuro asked in disbelief, "But you don't even know about-"

"I saw through his mind," Naruto explained as he cut Kankuro off, "I can't explain how it happened or why, but Gaara and I had some kind of connection with each other. He shared with me all of his pain, suffering and misery, and all that happened to him throughout his life. He showed me the dark path he was put on and I saw what he was about to damn himself to. I couldn't allow that to happen."

"Our father wanted him to be a perfect weapon," Kankuro said lowly.

"Gaara is nobody's weapon," Naruto replied with disgust, "I abhor and despise those who rob people of their innocence and use them as tools and instruments for their own personal use and then dispose of them after they fulfill their use. They give humans a bad name."

There was a moment of silence between the four of them as a wind blew by them. A moment later…

"Temari…Kankuro…," Gaara said lowly, "Let's return…back to Baki-sensei…Tomorrow we'll be heading over to the Hokage Tower…where my friend Naruto can repair my seal…as promised…"

The two sand nins looked at each other in shocked when they heard the word "friend" come from out of his mouth and addressed to Naruto. Temari looked back at Naruto and asked, "Can you really repair his seal?"

"I gave him my word," Naruto said, "And I never go back on my word. That's my nindo (way of the shinobi)."

Temari and Kankuro didn't know what to think. Here it was that Naruto is from the very village that Sunagakure and Otogakure were supposed to invade and attack. And Naruto, who's completely oblivious to this truth, took it upon himself to help the very person who's been hated and feared all his life, their little brother.

"Take Gaara back," Naruto said, "He's in need of your attention as you both can see."

The older ninjas nodded before they carried Gaara off. As they headed out, Naruto said, "And one more thing…"

Temari and Kankuro stopped in their tracks as they turned to Naruto.

"Do not participate in that foolish invasion your village is planning with Otogakure," Naruto warned with a serious tone with no trace of humor in it. The older nins' eyes widened in shock and fright. Naruto knew of the invasion.

Did Gaara tell him already, they wondered with fear.

"B…But…how did you…," Temari stuttered. Naruto answered, "When I was in the mindscape with Gaara, the planned invasion was one of the things I saw. I know everything about it and when it's to happen."

Kankuro and Temari were more afraid now than before. They knew that Naruto was dangerous, but they never expected that he was this dangerous. He could kill them right now if he wanted; this they both knew.

"Yet you're letting us go," Kankuro asked, "Why?"

"Like I said," Naruto retorted, "Gaara needs you. In spite of Gaara's history, it's clear you both still care for him more so than anyone else although you two are terrified of him. It's not much, but it's a start in Gaara's redemption."

Naruto turned and walked off away from the three Suna siblings. A moment later…

"Who are you really, Naruto," Temari asked. Naruto stopped and turned halfway to look at the kunoichi. In response, Naruto answered with a smile, "An Elite Genin in training. That's all really."

Saying nothing else, Naruto turned and continued on his way, leaving them to their thoughts as they watched his retreating form.

"…Temari…Kankuro," Gaara muttered, "…I'm sorry."

Hearing Gaara apologize shocked and surprised the two older siblings.

"It's alright Gaara," Kankuro said, "C'mon, let's go back."

Temari and Kankuro turned and carried Gaara off back to their hotel.

(Later Back At The Hokage Tower)

Tsunade and Sarutobi made their way to the study office. Upon arriving, they found the door opened and Naruto sitting down by the desk with both the forbidden scroll and his new scroll on the desk though neither of the scrolls was opened. They were about to say something when they noticed Naruto dirtied and partially ragged clothes.

"Naruto," Tsunade called out worried as she and Sandaime went over to him, "Are you all right? Did something happen?"

"I'm fine really," Naruto assured, "I just have a lot on my mind, that's all."

"Does it have to do with those seals you've been studying," Sandaime inquired. Naruto looked at the two Hokages and said, "In truth, this situation is far deeper than either of you know."

"What do you mean," Tsunade asked with a puzzled expression. Naruto took the opportunity to explain in clear details everything that happened after he left the study office. It was quite a while before he was done. It went without say that Sandaime and Godaime were utterly shocked by all of the revelations Naruto gave them, but they maintained a calm and composed demeanor.

"Knowing that Sunagakure is planning on invading us changes everything," Sandaime spoke, "Tsunade and I have heard some things about Otogakure, but there really isn't much we know about them or even where they're located."

"Still," Tsunade spoke up, "We now know about SunaOto invasion that's to occur in nearly two month's time during the final part of the Chuunin exams. This should give us some time to prepare for a counterattack and evacuation procedures."

"But we can't alert either Suna or Oto that we're now aware of their plan," Naruto said, "We must go about this as though we're completely unaware their plan. They'll be attacking us from within our gates during the last part of the Chuunin exams."

Tsunade noted, "During that time hundreds of ninjas from the other foreign villages will be allowed access within our walls. Our invaders will practically be promised a free ticket inside our village."

Sandaime added, "It's customary that during the Chuunin exams, all villages let go of any aggression they carry towards any other village. It's meant to be a time of peace, where the villages are allowed to gather collectively without feeling threatened, or having fear of a surprise attack. It's a clever yet dirty plan of attack while using tradition and the Chuunin exams as cover. We don't want to cause any suspicion by refusing the Suna and Oto nins access into our village. If we do, then they'll definitely realize that their plans have been compromised, and something worst might happen."

"Hmm…," Naruto contemplated.

"By letting them in," Sandaime continued, "It makes it easier for us to monitor their activities. Also, it gives us more control over the situation."

"But what of Temari and Kankuro," Tsunade inquired, "Surely they'll report all that happened earlier to their Jounin-sensei."

"Perhaps," Naruto replied, "But I highly doubt they'll try anything, especially since Gaara himself told them not to participate in the invasion. He told them that should I successfully repair his seal, he'll become my ally and aid in stopping this invasion."

Sandaime merely nodded his head as he took a puff of his pipe. He then turned to Tsunade, "Tomorrow, after Naruto completes the repair of Gaara's seal, we'll summon and hold an emergency meeting with council. We'll later summon the entire ANBU, and all of the Jounins and Chuunins to explain to them everything that we've learned. We must begin preparations against the SunaOto invasion and decrease the risk of casualties."

Tsunade nodded in understanding before turning to Naruto.

"Naruto," Tsunade asked, "About that kinjutsu ougi? Have you made any progress with it?"

"Progress isn't the word I'd choose to describe it," Naruto said, "After many grueling hours studying those seals; I've finally managed to develop a revised version of the Shiki Fūjin and incorporate it with the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style and the Four Symbols Seal. In short, I created an entirely new kinjutsu ougi."

Sandaime nearly dropped his pipe from his mouth on hearing that while Tsunade looked at Naruto in disbelief. Developing and mastering seals on that level required the expertise of a true and experienced seal master. Naruto picked up the smaller scroll that had the new fūin kinjutsu ougi writing down in it. Sandaime saw that Naruto was speaking truth before the boy picked up the larger scroll and handed it back to him.

"Thanks jiisan," Naruto said, "I've completed my use for the forbidden scroll and it can now to be locked back in its proper place."

Sandaime nodded as he held the scroll and watched Naruto place the other scroll in the cabinet and locked it away. The older man was about to say something when…

"The seal will work," Naruto said with a convinced tone, "I give you my word, and as you know, I never go back on my word."

Sandaime nodded and decided to leave it at that.

"Yes Naruto," Sandaime agreed, "I'm confident in your abilities."

With that Sandaime left the room to return the forbidden scroll back in its place. Tsunade walked over to her son and place her hand over his shoulder as her sign of approval.

"Well done my son," Tsunade smiled, "You're on your path on becoming a great Hokage, perhaps better than any of us I'll say."

"Thanks I guess," Naruto said while scratching the back on his head.

"Now let's get you cleaned up," Tsunade suggested, "It's clear that you didn't have enough chakra left to heal yourself."

"That's the other thing I forgot to mention," Naruto said, "Though most of my own chakra was depleted however, Kyuubi used his to heal most of my injuries. The fox doesn't like the idea of a weak vessel much to my surprise. Then again, Kyuubi was always an arrogant prick."

"Oh Shut Up," Kyuubi retorted.

"While in that case," Tsunade said, "Let's make sure you didn't suffer any ill-effects from Kyuubi before getting you clean clothes."

Naruto sighed to himself as Tsunade led him out of the room before closing and locking the office door.

How can I become a great Hokage if kaa-chan keeps babying me, Naruto thought to himself; simultaneously though, Naruto could have sworn he heard Kyuubi snickering at his plight.

(Later Elsewhere)

Back at the hotel, Temari and Kankuro had just finished explain everything to Baki in detail. The Suna Jounin remained quient as he listened to every word the two siblings were telling him. What shocked him though was the fact that Naruto allowed the three of them to go free in spite of knowing about the invasion.

"So what now," Kankuro asked, "Naruto clearly knows about the invasion that's to happen in two months and by now I'm sure he's informed the two Hokages about it."

Baki remained silent as he measured all of the possible outcomes of whichever decision they choose. After several minutes, Baki said, "We'll go with what Naruto is offering your brother. Judging from everything that you both have told me, there's more to this Naruto character than meets the eyes, especially since he was able to not only survive and defeat Gaara, but was able to befriend him and gain his trust as well."

"You don't suppose that Naruto could be planning an ambush for us," Kankuro inquired, "As we speak the Konoha ANBU could the heading this way."

"Naruto could have clearly killed all three of you on the spot from what you all told me," Baki retorted, "But he chose not to in interest of helping Gaara. It would be a waste if Naruto went through all that trouble to help and befriend Gaara just so he could simply ambush the four us in the end."

Kankaro found truth in his Jounin-sensei's words.

"Naruto sincerely seeks to help Gaara," Temari said calmly before a smile formed on her face, "He's the first person in a long time who wants to help our little brother redeem himself without fear of approaching him. I must admit that Naruto is really quite a guy."

"But what will we do about the invasion," Kankuro asked.

"We'll worry about that later," Baki said, "Tomorrow you all will report to the Hokage Tower and see Naruto and the Hokages. There's no point in hiding from them anymore."

(The Following Day; Hokage Tower That Afternoon)

Gaara, Kankuro and Temari entered and made their way towards to the Hokage office. Despite the village's peaceful atmosphere, everyone in the building was doing their jobs with effectiveness proving that Konoha was indeed quite a powerful village and industrious.

The ANBU outside the Hokage office nodded to the three Suna nins and opened the door for them to enter. When the three of them entered they were greeted with the sight of a young looking blonde woman sitting at a desk with many documents stacked on the desk, with an old man dressed in the traditional white and red Hokage robes wearing the custom red and white Kage hat standing next to her with his pipe in his mouth. Standing at the side of the desk was Shizune, and Naruto, the Sannin-level Elite Genin, was standing in front of the desk.

"Greetings to you three," said Tsunade as she looked directly at the four Suna nins as the door to the office closed behind them.

"Greetings to you Godaime-sama," said Gaara as he, Kankuro and Temari bowed in respects.

"You must the Gaara," Tsunade said, "The boy that my son spoke of to us."

"Yes," Gaara replied, "And the ones next to me are Temari and Kankuro."

Tsunade and Sandaime simply nodded.

"Naruto requested my presence here," Gaara said, "I'm sure you're aware of his promise to me. I trust he can live up to it, correct?"

"Yes he can, Gaara-san," Sandaime retorted, "You see from what Naruto has explained to us your seal is incomplete and defected due to how it was poorly designed. Naruto explained that your father, the Yondaime Kazekage did this to you intentionally."

"That he did," Gaara said. Sandaime and Godaime learned about the entire story being Gaara's sealing from Naruto. The very thought that Gaara's own father sacrificed his own pregnant wife for a purpose of turning his unborn son into a living weapon disgusted them.

"The jutsu used in sealing Shukaku into was indeed crude," Naruto spoke, "And it lacks the power to fully contain the bijuu inside you. Fortunately, for you Gaara I can correct that problem."

Naruto pulled out a scroll from with his vest and showed it to them as he continued, "In my hand is the scroll filled with the required seals that can be used over Garaa's own seal."

"But won't strengthening the seal weaken Gaara's control over his sand as a side effect," asked Kankuro.

"In truth," Naruto answered, "The seals I created will not only completely contain Shukaku, but it'll allow the Gaara's seal to leak Shukaku's chakra back into Gaara's own chakra. This in effect will strengthen Gaara's control of his sand and grant him the ability to sleep and lose his insomnia."

Gaara's eyes seemed to have lit up on the thought of having better control of his sand and finally being allowed to sleep in peace without worrying about Shukaku devouring his mind.

"When can we begin," Gaara asked with a glint of hope in his voice.

"Follow me," Naruto gestured as he led Gaara out of the office and toward the chamber Sandaime prepared for them for the sealing repair ritual. Sandaime, Kankuro and Temari followed the two younger boys to the chamber. Upon their arrival though, Naruto told the older Suna siblings to wait outside of the room. Kankuro objected to this but Naruto firmly told them that the seal repair process was to take a few hours because of the complexity of the new fūin kinjutsu ougi and that he wanted no one to have across to the scroll he wrote the new seal in. Naruto assured him that Gaara would be fine after the process was over. Kankuro relaxed and complied into waiting with Temari outside the room and at the waiting area of the tower.

(Inside The Chamber)

Gaara dropped his gourd down to the ground with a loud thud following its release. Naruto then asked him to remove his clothes from the waist up and lay down on his back on top of the futon. Gaara complied and did just so. Kneeling in front of Gaara, Naruto and Sandaime saw the design structure of the defected seal on Gaara's stomach.

"Here is where the new seal will be applied," Naruto said as Sandaime examined Gaara's seal. Opening the scroll, Naruto went to work in repairing Gaara's seal with Sandaime giving his assistance wherever he could. As Naruto made clear, the process was a long one though Yondaime guided Naruto through the procedure.


Kankuro and Temari waited patiently in the waiting lounge for Naruto to be done with the seal repairs. Both siblings felt edgy about the whole thing, especially since Konoha ANBU were constantly walking about the place. Shizune came and calm the Suna nins, assuring them of Naruto's abilities and training by Konoha's bests.

(After Another Hour)

The new seal was finally in place over Gaara's old one. Naruto then channeled chakra into his hands and onto the new seal thus activating and triggering it to move and completely integrate with the old one.

"The seal repair is complete and has been activated Gaara," Naruto said as he stepped back from the red-haired boy, "How do you feel?"

Gaara didn't give an immediate reply as he stood up and placed his clothes back on before picking up his large gourd. A moment later, the cork of the gourd popped off and sand began pouring out before calmly swirling around Gaara.

"You were correct about the new seal's abilities Naruto," Gaara said, "I can control the sand in my gourd more effectively than before and Shukaku no longer torments me with his raging bloodlust. I am in your debt Naruto, as well as to you, Sandaime-sama."

Gaara retracted the sand back into his gourd before he corked it.

(All The While)

Temari and Kankuro were still in the waiting lounge. Moments later, Naruto, Gaara and Sandaime entered the lounge.

"It's done," Gaara said, "Naruto kept his word in repairing my seal and as promised, it's as effective as he said it would be."

Needless to say the Suna siblings were speechless at what Gaara was telling them. It amazed them that so much have happened to completely change their lives after entering Konoha yesterday! Originally they were willing to participate in the invasion of Konoha, but after everything that has happened and how Naruto has helped Gaara in ways that no one else could or even tried to do, they couldn't find it in themselves to want part of the invasion anymore, understanding that doing so would betray everything Naruto has willingly done for them out of his want.

"Naruto," Gaara said, "There's something that we need to discuss with you, your mother and Sandaime-sama."

"It's in regards to the upcoming invasion, correct," Naruto replied. Gaara merely nodded, not being too surprised that Naruto already know about it seeing that they had a mental link to each other's mind last night. Temari and Kankuro went over to Gaara and stood beside him.

"Sandaime-sama," Gaara requested, "Will it be possible to have your ANBU retrieve and bring Baki-sensei here? Though he's aware that Naruto and you yourself know of the impending invasion however, his loyalty to the three of us is still debatable."

"I understand," Sandaime said, "I'll see to it that your Jounin instructor is brought here with as little trouble as possible."

Gaara nodded quietly. With all that's happened to him throughout his life, Gaara was now taking steps to redeem himself and fix his life…

After some fierce and dangerous turbulences and problems, Naruto has finally managed to keep his promise in repairing and upgrading Gaara's seal thus making new allies and friends in the process. What will result from all this? Find out next time.