Chapter Seventy-Eight: Terms Of Discretion

A/N: In this fanfic. I changed Naruto's previous rank title from "Special Genin" to "Elite Genin." After going through parts of my story again, I saw that that new title actually made more sense than the earlier one. This change was made throughout all of the previous chapters that carried Naruto's previous rank title. Well, with that said, on with the story.

(Later That Night)

In a cave a good distance from Iwa, there were torches lit to give the dark chamber a good measure of light throughout. The cave itself had many tunnels and passage ways and a large underground river leading to the sea following through. There were two ships anchored and docked at the base of the river. Cargo of various kinds were also stacked and organized around the dock area. Ninjas and sailors could be seen moving about taking care of whatever affairs they had to attend to.

In another section deep within the cave, large groups of children between the ages of seven and thirteen were inside holding cells with bandits guarding the doors. Some of the children were crying about wanting to leave and go home while others were trying to console them.

"What are they going to do with us," one ten-year-girl asked.

"I don't know," her twelve-year-old sister replied, "But I know it's not anything good."

"Do you think mother and father will find us," the younger sister asked.

"I can't say for sure," the older girl said, "These criminals are ninjas and our parents are just regular civilians."

"But they will find and rescue us, won't they," the younger girl replied a bit louder.

"Quiet in there you brats!," the bandit guard commanded sharply.

"Let us go you bully," one ten-year-old boy barked.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," the bandit guard said, "You all serve a purpose for my leader and releasing you kids isn't in our leader's agenda."

"We have nothing to give to your so-called leader," one thirteen-year-old boy yelled.

"That's where you're wrong," the guard said, "When the time come, you'll all serve the purpose my leader has in store for you all here."

Whatever that purpose was, the youths knew that it was no good…

(The Following Day)

Naruto and his entourage were being escorted to the Tsuchikage Tower with Kurotsuchi, Akatsuchi and Tsuchiko up ahead of them. While on their way, Tenten was still thinking about what Tsukiiwa said to her the previous day.

"Are you still thinking about what Tsukiiwa said yesterday," Neji asked.

"…," Tenten just sighed, "Was it that obvious?"

"Tenten," Neji said, "It's clear that what that orphan girl said yesterday is troubling. But you can't allow yourself to be distracted by such irrelevant issues while we're making our way to see important council officials of this village. It won't bode well if they were to see that such topics as dating and looking for romance is your current concern. Please put aside such thoughts and ready your mind for the coming meeting. We are representatives of Konoha and we must show that to be our prime concern."

"…I understand Neji," Tenten remarked. Neji nodded and said nothing further.

Shikamaru looked at Naruto and saw that he was deep in thought about something.

"What's on your mind if you don't mind my asking Naruto," Shikamaru inquired.

"Just thoughts about the kidnappings that have being taking place in this village and Tsuchi No Kuni," Naruto said in an undertone for only him and Shikamaru to hear, "I know that there's more to these abductions that our escorts aren't telling us."

"I believe it goes without saying that the rest of us suspected that too, huh," Shikamaru replied, "Considering that they blatantly refused your help and cooperation."

"Be that as it may," Naruto said, "But currently I'm doing some of my own investigating and I suspect that these kidnappings is an inside job."

"What drew you to that conclusion," Shikamaru asked.

"When you saw that poster of those missing children," Naruto asked, "Didn't you notice anything about those youths?"

"I did," Shikamaru said, "None of them are ninjas and they're not from any renowned clans."

"Precisely," Naruto said, "They're just regular children from regular families. I'm not in anyway saying that the Iwa ninjas aren't doing their jobs but in my opinion were the ones that were kidnapped to be ninjas or members from prestigious clans like ourselves, there would be more zeal in locating and tracking down those missing children, especially if they possessed a prized bloodline limit."

"Like the Byakugan," Shikamaru said.

"Thus the reason why Hiashi personally killed that Kumo diplomat in his failed attempt to kidnap Hina-chan years ago," Naruto continued, "But these children don't have bloodline limits of any sort and they come from families that undoubtedly don't have much in income thus these families don't have enough money to hire a special team of ninjas to find and bring back their children."

"Which is why you're choosing to take the job yourself even when no one asked or hired you to," Shikamaru remarked, "You're such a troublesome ninja Naruto."

"It's in my nature," Naruto replied, "It's what I do. Plus, I still have to meet up with the Gonin No Uzumaki after the meetings is over."

"Tsukiiwa and her four friends you mean," Shikamaru deduced, "Interesting how you're playing the role of the orphan "Uzumaki Naruto" while with them. You suspect that those five orphans will also be kidnapped since they themselves have no families or bloodline limit."

"No, I'm not suspecting it," Naruto replied, "I'm counting on it."

Shikamaru simply nodded.

"What are you guys talking about," Tsuchiko asked.

"Just trivial stuffs between guys," Naruto remarked, "You wouldn't understand."

"Whatever," Tsuchiko replied, "Anyway we're approaching the tower."

Turning to look at Tenten, Naruto reminded, "Hey Tenten, you didn't forget about our plans for later, right?"

Looking back at Naruto, Tenten said, "No, I haven't forgotten. In fact I'm rather looking forward to it."

"I can't believe you're actually going to play "ninja" with Naruto and those kids," Kiba remarked.

"What's not to believe these days," Tenten said, "Those kids want to play ninja so much, so I figure I let them go up against the real thing."

"Still sore about not having a boyfriend I see," Kiba snickered and mocked, "So you're looking for a way to vent out some of your frustration."

"One more comment about that and I'll execute Naruto's Hidden Village of Konoha Hidden Secret Taijutsu Ougi on you with this kunai," Tenten warned with a touch of bloodlust in her tone as she point her weapon at the dog user. Kiba gulped and said nothing further.

"Naruto-kun has a Hidden Secret Taijutsu Ougi?," Lee asked excitedly.

"Sennen-goro Shi (A Thousand Years of Death)," Tenten grinned, remembering the occasion when spared with Naruto how he told her of one jutsu he never used or taught to anyone in Konoha. However, the former Elite Genin never told her was on whom the two ninjas were that he once used that jutsu on.

"I was never told about this!," Lee said with heightened interest, "Surely he'll teach this to me too yes?"

Naruto started laughing while doing his utmost to try and stifle it. Soon even Tenten started laughing since none of the guys in the group besides Naruto knew what that maneuver entailed.

"It's safe to assume that this must be an inside joke between Tenten and Naruto," Shino said after a long period of silence. Neji and Shikamaru nodded in agreement.

"I don't think that taijutsu-ougi suits you Lee," Naruto remarked, "You're best sticking to your training method as it is."

What the group didn't know what that Naruto never actually taught Tenten the Sennen-goro Shi.

(Meanwhile At The Orphanage)

Tsukiiwa and her friends were readying themselves for today's "mission" that Naruto gave them. As they did in their game of "ninja," the five of them were going to test themselves and see how far they could get. After having a quick breakfast, the group returned back to their room to gather the rest of their stuff before tying their Uzumaki headbands around their heads as the finishing touch.

"Ninjas of Uzumaki," Tsukiiwa said authoritatively, "Assemble!"

The four younger youths stood together in attention in front of Tsukiiwa.

"All of you are present and accounted for," Tsukiiwa said, "Excellent. Naruto-sensei left important instructions for us and as his ninjas it's our duty to carry them out! If any of you don't feel up to performing the mission, please step down now."

Only silence was the answer she received.

"I'm happy to see that," Tsukiiwa said, "As would Naruto-sensei. Now then I'll explain today's mission."

Tsukiiwa then went on to relate to the four youths the mission Naruto wanted them to perform before he later on meets up with them. Regardless of the challenge the mission was, they willingly accepted.

"Is everyone ready," Tsukiiwa asked.

"Yes!," Zoe, Kaito, Ruki and Seto replied in unison.

"Gonin No Uzumaki," Tsukiiwa said, "Move out!"

The five "ninjas" took to flight and left the room and moments later, the orphanage to carry out their assigned mission.

(Fifteen Minutes Later; At The Tsuchikage Tower)

Naruto and his entourage sat in the waiting room of the tower. So far they had been waiting for eight minutes for their audience with the Tsuchikage and the village council.

"How much longer do we have to wait here," Kiba asked in boredom.

"As long as they want us to I suppose," Shikamaru replied.

"I'm sure they'll call Naruto-sama and the rest of us in once they deem themselves ready for their meeting with us," Neji added.

As if on cue, the door to the meeting chamber opened and an Iwa Chuunin walked from out of the door.

"Naruto and company," the Chuunin said, "You all may go in. The Tsuchikage and council will see you now."

Naruto nodded before he and the others rose up from off the sofas and made their way into the meeting chamber. Entering the chamber, the Konoha nins saw a large smooth marble rectangular table stationed directly in the middle of the room. The Tsuchikage was sitting at the head of table on his leather chair facing them with his adviser Ounoki sitting next to him at his right.

Important clan leaders, three of the nine of them females and a several other important village officials were sitting at their respective seats around the table with one open seat remaining at the opposite end of where the Tsuchikage sat. That seat was usually reserved for special guests and ambassadors and in this case, it was reserved for Naruto. Tsuchiko was also present inside the chamber but she was seated away from the table and over to the reserved seats to the Tsuchikage's right.

Naruto saw how all eyes now fell on him and his group but mostly him. Whatever feelings the people in the meeting chamber carried against his father, Naruto saw that they didn't facially show though with a few of them it reflected on their eyes in how he was being looked at.

"Naruto-san," the Tsuchikage greeted, "It's a pleasure to welcome you here today."

"Thank you Tsuchikage-sama," Naruto said as he bowed in respects before standing straight up again, with the other Konoha ninjas following his example.

"Please," the Tsuchikage invited, "Be seated. Your entourage may sit at the seats at the side."

Shikamaru and the others saw several other seats with another table stationed a few feet away from the main larger table. They went over to the table and seats and sat down while Naruto sat at the main table.

"The meeting will now come to order," the Tsuchikage said, "The council of Iwagakure No Sato is now in session. Joining us today is Namikaze Naruto of Konohagakure No Sato, who's here on diplomatic business with us concerning recent events regarding our ninjas and my niece Tsuchiko.

"As all of you were aware, Soujiro plotted to ambush and murder Naruto-san while kidnapping and holding as hostages a family in Nami No Kuni protected by Konoha. While doing this, he deceived my niece and several of our ninjas with falsified documents into believing that that was an S-rank mission I assigned to them. These treasonous offenses committed by Soujiro are the very factors that could lead to another war with Konoha and its allied villages.

"In order to avoid war, and the loss of ninjas from all sides, negotiations between Konoha and Iwa have been established with Naruto-san representing Konoha as its ambassador."

"The son of the infamous Yellow Flash sitting before us," one female clan leader remarked, "I never thought I'd live to see this."

"Many others back home thought likewise," Naruto replied, "In fact, there were others too that were opposed to me even stepping foot in Tsuchi No Kuni as they feared for my well being."

"So your journeying here personally as Konoha's ambassador was your choice," Ounoki asked, "Even when you were the one who was targeted by ninjas of our village?"

"It was my idea and purpose," Naruto replied, "It was my way of saying that I want the bad history that existed between my late father and your people to die with him and not continue with me. Tsuchiko-san can testify to the truth that I was the one who initiated the ceasefire after learning the truth behind Soujiro's plot. Like you Tsuchikage-sama, my people and I don't want war with your village either."

The Tsuchikage nodded in agreement. A few around the table were skeptic of Naruto but decided to hold their opinions to themselves for now.


Tsukiiwa and his friends were making their way through the village going from store to store and shop to shop. The group divided with Ruki and Zoe being paired with Kaito while Seto was with Tsukiiwa. They went interviewing as many people and ninjas as they could though a few weren't willing to take the time to talk with them. Others decided to humor the wannabe ninjas and answer a couple of their questions. A good number of their questions though were rather surprising to the ninjas.

When the orphans were asked about who put them up to what they were doing, they replied that their mission is to gather information not leak it. The ninjas, on hearing that, then took the youths' activities as harmless fun, considering the many in the village already knew who those youths were.

Three hours later, they regrouped at their meeting spot in the park.

"How did your mission go so far," Tsukiiwa asked.

"We managed to obtain some information," Zoe said, "I just hope you guys can read them since some were saying more than what we could write down at the pace we were going."

Zoe, Ruko and Kaito handed Tsukiiwa the paperwork. She took them and placed them together with the notes she and Seto took down from their interviews. Tsukiiwa then placed the notes away in her carrying pouch she had tied around her waist.

"Terrific," Tsukiiwa said, "We still have some time left for another round."

"You kids seem to be enjoying yourselves," a feminine voice said. The group turned to see a female Jounin approaching them. She had long black hair and light purple eyes with a sweet smile to match the appearance of her beautiful face and figure.

"Who are you," Kaito asked.

"I'm Ni Ketsueki," the woman said.

"That's an unusual name," Tsukiiwa remarked.

"So I've heard," Ketsueki replied, "And who might you five be?"

"I'm Tsukiiwa. The others with me are Kaito, Seto, Zoe and Ruki. Together we're the Gonin No Uzumaki!"

"Sounds like you bunch are having fun pretending to be real ninjas," Ketsueki said.

"By the way," Tsukiiwa said, "We're also taking a survey and we'd like for you to answer a couple of questions if you will. It won't take long."

"So long the questions don't delve into my private life," Ketsueki said.

"No not at all," Seto answered, "Just basic questions for people of your status."

Looking at the orphans Ketsueki saw they were out for some good fun and horse playing.

"I see no harm in this," Ketsueki said, "Ask me your questions."

(Back At The Tsuchikage Tower)

Naruto's talk with the council was going well though he did hit a couple of hard spots here and there. Shikamaru and the others saw how Naruto professionally handled himself and how he dealt with political issues concerning foreign powers. Needless to say they were most impressed with how he carried himself and how he answered questions addressed to him and some he respectfully declined in answering.

Another added bonus was that Minato was around to guide and help Naruto get around political barriers some clan leaders and officials were trying to put him in, along with answering many of their other questions. It paid having a Hokage sealed inside his body.

When it came to the matter regarding the reparations, some of the council members were reluctant in meeting Naruto's demands. The reparations entailed paying 20 million ryos to Tazuna and his family and another 52 million ryos going towards Konoha's treasury. But it didn't end there as Naruto had one more matter as part of the reparation.

"What is your third and final demand in the reparation negotiations," the Tsuchikage asked patiently.

"Just this," Naruto stated, "I want you to remove Ryota from your bingo books as a high A-class missing-nin and that you call off the bounty that was placed on her."

"What!," one of the clan leaders exclaimed, "You can't be serious!"

"I assure you that I'm not joking," Naruto said, "Ryota is part of Konoha now."

"Ryota deserted and betrayed her village," another male official said, "You can't expect us to let such actions go unpunished."

Naruto stayed silent for a moment as he took a moment to gather his thoughts together. Shikamaru, Chouji, Shino and Kiba watched with heightened interest how a clan leader of their age group dealt with major political and diplomatic matters, especially since they themselves were to be the new leaders of their respective clans. Though Neji, Tenten and Lee weren't heirs themselves, their interest was just the same in seeing how they in the future could tackle challenging diplomatic issues.

After another moment, Naruto broke his silence.

"Let me make myself very clear," Naruto said respectfully, "The actual penalty that my Hokage wanted to fine Iwa with for the offenses against both me and her was 120 million ryos. I'm the reason why the fine was reduced to 72 million instead. My only request out of this is having Ryota cleared of all charges and removed from your bingo books as a wanted criminal."

"Why does Ryota interest you so much," Ounoki asked.

"Because I accepted Ryota into my clan some time ago," Naruto said, "Not as someone who's to live a life in servitude but as someone who'll help in my extending my clan."

"So you're saying that she belongs to you now and not Iwa," Ounoki implied, "Some of our people won't take a liking to how one of our own forsook this village for Konoha."

"Let me remind you all here that it was this village that dispatched and sent her out after me long before the incident with Soujiro," Naruto replied, "That time too I convinced the council of Konoha not to go after this village for that offense against me. And despite the bad past Ryota and I had at the beginning, despite her origins, I still accepted her and stood up for her when others in Konoha gave her a hard time because of her background. In time though, Ryota who originated from this village, came to be seen and accepted as a citizen of Konohagakure, thus a major step in dissolving the bad blood that exist between our two villages.

"Ryota belongs to my clan now. She joined my clan out of her own free will. As the Namikaze clan leader, I will consider any outright attack on her from this village as an attack on me and the people of Konoha. Such offenses will birth forth consequences against the offenders. And I'm certain that this feeling is shared by many others sitting around this table who are also clan leaders of this village."

The Iwa council saw Naruto's point and found no grounds to argue further. From the way things looked, it was as though Naruto was the one thing that stood between them and Konoha's want for their blood as vengeance.

"Your explanations and terms for the negotiations are…," the Tsuchikage said, "Within reasonable acceptance. I move that the terms for the reparations be carried out. Is there any here who oppose?"

There was no reply.

"Then it is unanimous," the Tsuchikage said, "The terms for the reparations are to be carried out, effective immediately."

The written forms carrying the terms of reparations was signed by the Tsuchikage and Naruto before they both used their respective village insignia stamps on the forms to make the documents official. Both Naruto and the Tsuchikage had signed and sealed copies of the forms.

"I now declare this meeting concluded," The Tsuchikage said. Naruto, after placing the forms away, stood up from his seat and gave a deep bow to the Tsuchikage.

"Thank you," Naruto said before he stood back up, "If it's not too much to ask for Tsuchikage-sama, I would like for my entourage and I to stay in this village for the next few days."

"You all are here as my guests," the Tsuchikage replied, "You're welcomed to stay for the remainder of your visit."

"Thank you again," Naruto said. The other Konoha-nins stood up and approached Naruto.

"You handled yourself most professionally and in a most dignified manner," Shino remarked, "Better than how others might have thought you would have."

"It was quite a show Naruto," Chouji added, "I don't think I'd have handled the pressure with such a calm attitude."

"Calm," Naruto replied, "Didn't anyone of you see how nervous I was?"

"Was that before or after the meeting started," Shikamaru asked.

"Whatever," Naruto said.

"Your performance with the council was a true learning experience for all of us," Shino said, "Indeed, we'll use this first hand lesson as a means in strengthening our own capabilities for diplomacy."

"I will admit that I underestimated you again Naruto-sama," Neji spoke up, "At first I thought that your spending time with those orphans would have proven to be a huge hindrance to our primary objective in coming here. I failed to recall that you're not a Konoha council member for petty reasons. I forgot my place with you. I apologize."

"Don't beat yourself up over that Neji," Naruto said, "It's not a matter to be too concerned about. So relax. And speaking of spending time, we still have time to spend while we're here in Iwa."

The group didn't forget what they wanted to do for the day. After leaving the tower, they set out to do what they had wanted to after the meeting was over.

(In The Tsuchikage Office)

"That Namikaze youth is a real piece of work," Ounoki remarked, "But I can't help but sense that Naruto has an ulterior motive as to why he desires to stay longer than he and his entourage have to."

"I sensed that myself as well," the Tsuchikage admitted, "But besides that, how's the case concerning the kidnappings have been going?"

"We only found a couple of leads to go with but still not enough to make any arrest," Ounoki said with regrets before he went on to explain the progress of their ninjas. After six minutes, Ounoki was done talking.

"Regardless that no arrests were made at this time though," the Tsuchikage said, "What our ninjas found out thus far is a good start. Though more investigating is to be done."

"If I may speak," Ounoki said, "I suspect that Naruto wanting to stay longer has something to do with finding those lost children."

"Yes," the Tsuchikage replied, "My niece did mention to me yesterday that Naruto was keenly interested in the case involving the kidnapped children. "

"My question is why Naruto would be interested in those missing children," Ounoki said, "What is his true objective in this considering that we never asked him to get involved in this case in the first place?"

"I understand your concern ," the Tsuckikage replied, "Still, we can't just go and bring him in for interrogations as that would violate diplomatic relations, especially since Naruto has done nothing incriminating that would merit charges against him."

Ounoki remained silent for a moment.

"But if you believe Naruto to be hiding a secret motive behind his wanting to remain here for the next couple of days," the Tsuchikage said, "Then at the very least, have Tsuchiko, Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi keep tabs on Naruto. And while they're at it, make sure they keep tabs on his entourage as well."

Ounoki nodded and turned to leave the office. Unknown to them was that there was a ninja hidden inside the ventilation ducts above in the ceiling inside the office listening to the entire conversation. When the conversation was said and done, the ninja stealthily vanished and left the scene.


"I have to say that that didn't go so bad Naruto," Tenten said as she walked beside Naruto who henge'd back into his Uzumaki Naruto counterpart, "Though I'm surprised you chose for us to stay here longer than planned."

"There's no hurry for us to leave and return to Konoha," Naruto replied.

"Even when some of the villagers aren't happy with us being here," Tenten remarked.

"Grudges die hard," Naruto replied before turning the corner and bumping into someone who was walking in a hurry.

"Excuse me," the long black haired and light purple eyed female Iwa Jounin said. Naruto looked at the woman and saw that she was no older then 25 years old. The woman looked that the disguised Elite Jounin and said, "Sorry kid, didn't see you there."

"Not a problem," Tenten said speaking up before Naruto could say anything, "But who you are?"

"My name is Ni Ketsueki," Ketsueki said, "And what's your name?"

"I'm Tenten," Tenten said. Ketsueki saw the head protector Tenten was wearing.

"You're from Konoha," Ketsueki noted, "Why are you here?"

"I'm here on some business," Tenten, "But this annoying orphan brat with me named Uzumaki had caused me some trouble."

"Hey," Naruto replied, "Don't be insulting me like that, twit!"

Tenten smacked Naruto upside the back of his head.

"You'll address me with respect," Tenten retorted, "You're already in enough trouble as it is."

"I'll call you whatever I want," Naruto replied, "It's not like I have parents that will spank me for it anyway."

"You're really asking for it kid," Tenten said.

"It's not kid," Naruto said, "The name's Uzumaki!"

"So you're Uzumaki," Ketsueki said, "Would you happen to be the one those five kids named themselves after?"

"So you met my friends," Naruto asked.

"Not too long ago," Ketsueki said, "I'm assuming that you must be their leader."

Tenten sighed, "They're just a pack of wannabe ninjas really and this one here is the most annoying of them all."

"I see that this Uzumaki kid has caused you some trouble," Ketsueki said, "Would you prefer that I take him off your hands so you can be on your way? It'll be no trouble at all."

"I can handle him," Tenten said, "But thanks."

"Oh Please," Naruto remarked, "I'm too much man for you to handle alone."

Tenten hit him again, "Kid, you lost big time in your sad attempt to fight me with fake jutsus."

"I was just off my game," Naruto said, "But I'll do great things someday. You'll see!"

"Right," Tenten remarked, "Keep telling yourself that."

"It would really be no trouble for me if I were to take Uzumaki off your hands and bring him to his friends," Ketsueki offered again with a bit more insistence, "I'm certain that they're waiting for him even now."

"I'll bring him myself," Tenten said, "But thanks again."

Tenten turned to Naruto, "C''mon. Let's go so you meet up with your friends."

Tenten didn't give Naruto time to react as she grabbed and pulled Naruto by the left arm. Ketsueki looked at the pair as they made their way to their next destination.

"Orphans playing ninjas," Ketsueki said to no one in particular, "And a lone surviving child of the Uzumaki clan, in Iwa?"

She shunshin'd from the scene.


Naruto and Tenten were now on the roof of one of the buildings.

"That was quite an improvise act we pulled off there Naruto," Tenten said, "You think she bought it?"

Naruto dropped his henge and changed back to normal.

"Hard to say," Naruto said, "But something about that kunoichi bothers me, besides her name."

"I thought it was an unusual name to be honest," Tenten said.

"She was insistent about allowing you to escort me to the other kids," Naruto also noted, "And her interest seemed to have heightened the minute she heard my name as an Uzumaki."

After a moment Tenten put two and two together.

"You're still investigating the case with the kidnappings," Tenten asked, "Which is why you asked the Tsuchikage to allow us to stay in the village longer than planned."

Naruto nodded, "That's right."

"Do you suspect Ketsueki to be one of the kidnappers," Tenten asked.

"I have no proof to go by," Naruto replied, "And we'll have to go about digging out information through other means."

Naruto summoned a kage bushin and had the clone henge into Uzumaki Naruto with the pair of green goggles instead of the Konoha head protector.

"Met up with Tsukiiwa and the others and retrieve all of the surveys for me," Naruto instructed before handing the clone some money, "While you're there treat them to something and explain that Tenten won't be able to make it today as something very important came up at the last second and needs her attention."

The clone nodded and left to do as instructed. After the clone left…

"Hey Naruto," a voice called out. Naruto and Tenten looked to see Shikamaru hurriedly approaching them.

"Yes Shikamaru," Naruto asked.

"You have a minute," Shikamaru asked.

"More than one," Naruto said. Naruto stepped to the side with Shikamaru, away from Tenten's hearing range.

"What do you have to report," Naruto asked.

"That the Tsuchikage and Ounoki are on to why we're still in Iwa," Shikamaru said, "They're assigning Tsuchiko, Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi to follow and keep an eye on us. Evidently they want to find the missing children before you do."

"I see," Naruto acknowledge, "What else did you find out?"

Shikamaru began relating everything he heard in the office between Ounoki and the Tsuchikage. It wasn't long before he was done.

"I understand," Naruto said, "You did well for a lazy Chuunin."

"It was troublesome crawling and moving through those duct systems," Shikamaru said, "How were you able to obtain knowledge of the tower's architecture?"

"It would be too troublesome to explain it to you Shikamaru," Naruto remarked. Nara heir just snorted at him.

"In any case," Naruto went on, "Return to the others and inform them to keep watch over themselves as they have Iwa ninjas following much of their movements."

Shikamaru nodded and left the scene. Turning back to the patiently waiting female Genin, Naruto gestured to her to move towards him.

"Come with me Tenten," Naruto said, "I have a special task for you."

"What's the task," Tenten asked.

"I can't explain it here," Naruto said, "Follow me."

She nodded and followed Naruto as they leaped from roof to roof. She at first assumed that they were heading back to the hotel room but she saw that Naruto was leading her in an entirely different direction.

"Where are we going," Tenten asked.

"To a safe house," Naruto replied.

"A safe house," Tenten asked with a puzzled look. After another ten minutes for running and roof leaping, the duo arrived at the location Naruto was talking about.

"This rundown, condemned looking building is a safe house," Tenten asked incredulously.

"Just follow me," Naruto said while making sure they weren't being followed as they entered the building. Going inside, Tenten found nothing but scrapped junk and broken equipment all over the place. She continued following Naruto when they reached the door leading to the cellar. Opening the door, the pair went downstairs after closing and locking the door behind them. Tenten wanted to question Naruto further but she decided against it. Heading to the spot in the cellar he was looking for, Naruto and Tenten stood at what was clearly a brick wall.

Quickly performing a set of hand signs, Naruto accessed and opened the trap door leading to a long underground tunnel that led all the way outside the walls of Iwagakure. The lights in the tunnel turned on to provide sight to the two ninjas.

"How did you find out about this secret passage way," a shocked Tenten asked, "I'm sure Tsukiiwa and the other orphans don't know about this and I doubt any of the other Iwa ninjas would have told you."

"You're right about both things you said," Naruto agreed, "In fact, the Iwa-nins don't even know this tunnel exists and I know that the Tsuchikage doesn't know about this tunnel either. Otherwise it would have been completely inaccessible."

"But you didn't make this tunnel," Tenten said, "Did Ryota tell you about this tunnel."

"No she didn't," Naruto confirmed.

"So how did you find out," Tenten asked.

"That's what makes us ninjas Panda-ko-chan," Naruto remarked causing Tenten blink in a double take at the nickname he just called her.

"Panda-ko-chan," Tenten repeated, "What? Me?"

"Yes you," Nauto replied, "We learned to do and find things in secret. And you better not attempt to smack me across the head again. I allowed those two times you did so to slide for the sake of the act we pulled but you won't get free hits off me this time."

Tenten snorted as she followed Naruto down and through the long underground passage way. They made a quick run through the tunnel and after a good while they finally made it out to the other side leading to a good distance outside the village walls.

"Finally," Tenten said as she and Naruto got out of the tunnel.

"We're not in the clear yet," Naruto said before doing another set of hand signs to close and seal off the tunnel.

"Let's go," Naruto said before making a quick run from the area. The pair traveled for another fifteen minutes before stopping by a large fresh water running lake.

"This spot should do it," Naruto said.

"Why are we here," Tenten asked curiously.

"You'll see," Naruto said, "Now stand back."

Tenten moved some distance away from Naruto. The Elite Jounin move some distance from her until she was out of his blast range. After focusing chakra into his fist, he punched a huge and deep crater into the ground, which caused a small tremor and shock wave.

"I totally forgot he had Tsunade-sama's monstrous strength," Tenten remarked. While inside the crater he made, focusing and using wind manipulation, Naruto sculptured and smoothly paved the crater he made into a rectangular structure that was seven and a half feet deep, fifty-two feet long and twenty-eight feet wide.

Tenten could only wonder what he was planning. Rolling the left sleeve of his shirt up, Focusing chakra into his left arm, a seal of some form appeared on Naruto's upper shoulder.

"Kai," Naruto said before the seal on his left shoulder released a scroll from within it. After opening and setting the scroll down on the ground in the center of the symmetrically designed pit, he jumped out from the pit and walked away from it while going over to where Tenten was waiting. In the middle of the scroll was the kanji for "residence."

"What are you doing now Naruto," Tenten asked.

"This," Naruto responded as he made a hand sign, "Kai!"

A huge burst of white smoke came forth from the seal in the scroll as it released the two-story house Naruto sealed into it.

"You sealed an entire house inside that scroll," Tenten asked.

"In the event of special long duration missions outside Konoha," Naruto said, "This is the safe house I was referring to; my safe house. Let's go in."

Entering the beautiful two-story house, Tenten saw that the once sealed house was a fully decorated and established living residence ready to be used. It had furniture, clothes, survival equipment, stored food, toilette and all. There was also a generator in the basement of the house providing them electricity, thus lighting up the house and making all of the electronic appliances in the house usable. What added to Tenten's surprised was that the house actually had a woman's touch to it and it wasn't all masculine.

"For a safe house," Tenten remarked, "It's rather lovely."

"Thank you," Naruto said before summing several kage bushins. He instructed them to set up the house generator and the plumbing system. Tenten then followed Naruto upstairs to one of the guess rooms. They entered the room with Naruto in the middle of the guess room.

"What's this all about Naruto," Tenten asked.

"Tenten," Naruto said, "I have a special assignment for you but your other teammates won't know about it unless absolutely necessary."

"Really," Tenten asked with interest.

"However," Naruto said, "Before I explain this mission you must first agree to carry it out. This isn't a mission I can assign to any of the other male teammates. You're the only one who can pull this off successfully. Do you accept?"

"That sounds like a challenge," Tenten grinned at him, "All right, I accept."

Naruto smiled, "That's what I like to hear."

The blonde went over to the closet and opened the door to it. What he revealed to Tenten was anything but what she was expecting as her mouth dropped with widened eyes. Seeing the look on her face, Naruto said, "Now listen to me very carefully. Here's the mission detail…(Grinned) Panda-ko-chan."

Naruto has something planned for Tenten in this secretive mission that he won't reveal to the other Konoha nins with them. What is this new mission and what was it that Naruto revealed to the weapon mistress that put her on edge? Who is this mysterious Ni Ketsueki and what is it about the Uzumaki clan that interests her? While the captured children are hoping to be found and rescued in time, what is it that their captors' leader has in store for them? Find out next time.

Ni Ketsueki: Two Bloods