Chapter Eighty: Unforeseen

Six Days Later; Back In Konoha)

Hinata was making her way to the Hyuuga Compound. Normally she'd come by to see how everyone is doing, but today she was requested to be seen by Hanabi. As the young Hyuuga made her way to the compound, Hinata could only wonder what Hanabi wanted to talk about with her so importantly.

Arriving at her destination, Hinata made her way in while greeting everyone she came across. It wasn't long until she found her younger sister standing alone by a nice size pond. From what Hinata saw, her young sister was clearly in deep thought about something.

"Hanabi," Hinata greeted, snapping the younger Hyuuga out of her train of thoughts. Hanabi turned to see her older sister standing behind her.

"Neechan," Hanabi greeted back, "I'm happy you're here."

"You wanted to talk to me about something important," Hinata said, "Something you wanted to discuss in private, yes?"

Hanabi nodded before they walked together to a more secluded area in the garden. Once their privacy was confirmed, Hanabi broke the silence.

"Neechan," Hanabi asked, "What went through your mind when father and the elders said that you would no longer be the heiress of our clan?"

That question caught Hinata off guard as she wasn't expecting to be asked such a question.

"What," Hinata asked.

"Tell me truthfully," Hanabi asked as she looked straight at Hinata, "What went through your mind the moment you heard that father and the elders decreed that you would no longer be the clan heiress; something that was yours by birthright as firstborn, before naming me as the new heiress?"

Hinata thought carefully before giving Hanabi a reply. The younger girl waited patiently for Hinata's reply.

"Truthfully," Hinata said, "As you saw from my reaction during that meeting, I was anything but happy. At that moment, I felt I was being unfairly cheated in being denied my birthright so they could forcefully wed me off to some unnamed son of a Kage or clan heir in order to maintain the prestige of our clan. I thought that everything I wanted to do for the our family both Main House and Cadet Branch alike when I become clan leader came crashing down."

"And that was before you were told that you would be betrothed to Naruto-sama," Hanabi spoke in. Hinata nodded, "Father said because I would be wedded into another clan I couldn't hold the title as future clan leader of the Hyuuga clan and that you'd be my replacement."

"And that's the very thing I can't stand," Hanabi remarked. That caused Hinata to look at Hanabi questionably.

"What do you mean," Hinata asked with a confused expression.

"I don't want to replace you," Hanabi said, "I never wanted to be looked at as your replacement."

"But you're second in line as the Hyuuga heiress," Hinata said.

"That doesn't matter," Hanabi replied, "You've done nothing dishonorable to merit being disqualified as the rightful heiress! Father and the elders were the ones who had arranged for you to be betrothed to Naruto-sama and stripping you of your birthright as clan heiress because of that is wrong!"

Hinata saw that Hanabi felt strongly about what she was saying.

"Hanabi," Hinata asked, "Why does naming you my replacement displeases you?"

"You've shown father and all of the elders just how strong you truly are," Hanabi said, "True you had some troubles in the beginning but you've improved in so many ways and proven everyone who doubted you wrong."

Hinata was surprise to see and hear how highly Hanabi regarded and was talking of her. As happy as she was to hear all of the praise her younger sister was giving her, Hinata wanted to know the root reason for Hanabi not wanting to be her replacement. Before Hinata could say anything…

"Ever since that day after you were forced to step down as clan heiress," Hanabi continued, "Father and the elders have been putting so much pressure on me to reach if not surpass you. It's completely unfair considering that you had someone like Naruto-sama there with you to help you get stronger and now you live with him.

"…I'm ashamed to admit this…"

Hanabi gave Hinata a weak smile and continued, "But I envy that fact that you have Naruto-sama at your side."

Hinata gave no reply to that statement.

"To be honest," Hanabi continued, "There are times I wished I was firstborn instead of you just so I could be with Naruto-sama or that he was born the same year I was. (Lowered her head) But that's wishful and selfish thinking. I'm sorry if what I said just now offended you."

"It's all right Hanabi," Hinata assured, "I'm not upset."

Returning to the main topic, Hanabi continued, "I always thought you'd be the heiress who'd bring about changes to our clan, something Naruto-sama talked so passionately about after he defeated Neji during the finals of the Chuunin exams. Hearing those words from him made me want to put faith and believe in you neechan, just as Naruto-sama believes in you. That's why I feel you should reclaim your birthright as clan heiress."

"Hanabi…," Hinata said with a surprise look on her face.

"I'm not saying this to escape the pressure or responsibilities of clan heiress," Hanabi replied, "But I feel that you'd make a better and more suitable clan leader than I would. Naruto-sama believes you can bring changes to both the Main and Cadet Branch Houses, and I'm sure Neji would support you too."

"But I'm to be married into the Namikaze clan," Hinata said.

"That still doesn't change the fact that you're a Hyuuga," Hanabi replied, "And my big sister. I'm ready and willing to support you and when Naruto-sama hears about this I know he'll support you too. I truly believe that you are what our clan needs neechan."

Hinata had no idea that both she and Naruto had affected Hanabi that much. One would assume that Hanabi would seize the opportunity to be Hinata's replacement as clan heiress and eventually clan leader the very first chance she gets. Instead, Hanabi wants to her older sister to take her rightful place as the future clan leader and bring to fruition the very changes she envisioned for their clan as a whole, both Main house and Cadet Branch alike.

"Do you truly believe that I'm best fitted for the role of future clan leader of the Hyuuga clan," Hinata asked. Hanabi turned to face her older sister.

"Without a doubt," Hanabi said, "I believe in you."

Hinata was touched to the heart by that declaration. She wiped away the few tears that fell down her face.

"You are aware that father and the elders may argue against this," Hinata said, "Things could prove difficult for us."

"I know neechan," Hanabi said, "I just hope that it won't take too much time and effort to get father to see our reasons for taking this course of action."

The older Hyuuga had always thought that she would try to influence her younger sister to fulfill the needed changes that their clan was in need of. She never thought that her younger sister would actually seek her out to carry out those changes herself as the class heiress and future clan leader. That gave Hinata so much to think about knowing that reclaiming her title as Hyuuga clan heiress would prove to be a difficult challenge.

(Back In Iwagakure)

It's been five days since Shikamaru and the others began their own investigation outside the village walls of Iwa. Looking through wilderness areas and valleys, both groups worked and did all that they could to find clues leading to valuable formation as to whereabouts of the missing children. From what they had been dealing with, they found the perpetrators were very good at covering their tracks. Needless to say they were getting rather frustrated.

(Later That Night)

At the red light district, brothels, casinos, and bar were active and lively. Many men and women were traveling around to engage in some activities that minors wouldn't come to understand until later in their years. At one particular night club, one that was very famous for its business and beautiful servant girls, Tenten, codename "Muteki No Panda-ko-chan," was dressed in one of the four body-hugging dresses she got from Naruto, was working as a personal waitress at one of the clubs that catered to well-known clienteles and businessmen.

As for Tenten herself, her hair was calm down pass her shoulders with a few hair ornaments carefully placed and decorated around her heard. She also had make-up professionally applied to her face, that being done by Naruto himself. When Tenten asked him how he was able to do all the stuff he did to make her look the way she would her for her secret mission, Naruto replied by telling her that he picked up on many things considering that he spent his entire life living with females, starting with Tsunade and Shizune before moving on his own and living with five other females. Tenten had taken the point.

True to his word, Naruto turned Tenten in the very person he said he would turn her into. Within less than four nights, the club had a number of clients requesting Tenten to be their personal servant girl and escort. Many young men were drooling and looking lustfully at the young kunoichi as she'd move and swing her body and hips in a manner that roused desire and want.

As Tenten gave her goodbyes to the wealthy client and his entourage she serviced, her eyes then fell upon at certain Iwa Jounin who walked into the club with two of his other male friends, both of whom were Chuunins.

"Hey," one of them snickered, "You see that hot piece of ass over there?"

"Do I," the second one said, "I wouldn't mind going a few round with her. I bet she's a screamer."

"Welcome to our club my lords," Tenten greeted with a low bow, "How may I be of service to you this evening?"

"You can be our entertainer for the rest of the night," the Jounin said, "My friends and I have been busy all day and we're in the mood for a show."

"I see," Tenten said with sultry.

"By the way," the Jounin continued, "I've never seen you from around here. What's your name?"

"They call me Muteki No Panda-ko-chan," Tenten replied, "Because when it comes to popularity with men, I'm a first timer."

The guys were already snickering at the thoughts at what Tenten could possibly mean by her words.

"Well Panda-ko," the Jounin said, "I'm Keisuke, and the two with me are Kentaro and Goki."

"It's a pleasure to meet you three," Tenten said, "And I thank you for choosing me to provide you with entertainment. Please follow me."

Tenten led the three young men to one of the private rooms in the club. Upon arriving they entered a room with three sitting futons and a small polished black table in the center of the futons. The room itself was nicely decorated with oriental ornaments professionally placed around the room. The three ninjas each sat on the futon after removing the sandals after Tenten closed the door.

"Let me prepare some tea for you all," Tenten offered, "It will refresh you."

Tenten went and got the tray carrying the kettle of hot herbal tea she prepared in advance. Putting three small cups onto the tray, she brought the tray over to where the three men were and set a cup down on the table for each of them.

"Tea," Goki asked incredulously, "Why not some sake?"

"Tea puts the mind and soul at ease my lord," Tenten answered with elegant politeness as she poured the tea for them, "Surely you wish to be sober as I provide the entertainment you all desire me to carry out for you, yes?"

This girl is smooth, the three men snickered in themselves.

"All right then," Keisuke said, "And how do you intent to entertain us?"

"My hands are useful for other things besides making tea," Tenten replied with sultry in her tone. The three men got excited that whatever it was Tenten had in mind for them.

"What do you intend to do," Kentaro asked.

"How about you three take turns receiving full body massages," Tenten offered, "Ones that many of my clients have especially enjoyed."

"This I would have to feel for myself," Goki remarked.

"Get in line," Keisuke interjected, "I'm going first seeing that I outranked you both."

Not giving either of the two to argue, Keisuke was the first to remove his Jounin gear and half of his uniform, leaving him only in his pants.

"My lord," Tenten said meekly, "I'll require that you remove your pants too."

Keisuke couldn't hide the grin on his face as he happily complied with her request, which now left him only in his trousers. The almost nude Jounin lied down on his chest on the resting futon Tenten brought out and laid on the wooden floor before getting the performed rubbing oils. As she was doing so, Tenten recalled an incident that occurred a few days earlier…

(Flashback: Four Nights Ago)

It was late and the scenery was darkening. Naruto was returning to his safe house to review the suppose surveys he had the orphans give and fill out to the Iwa ninjas. He expected Tenten to have fallen asleep in the guestroom he provided for her to stay in. Neji and the others had inquired of Tenten's absence. Naruto explained that Tenten was occupied with an undercover mission that would remain classified until its completion in order to decrease the risk of mission security breach.

Reaching the safe house, Naruto entered and locked the door behind him and as he expected, Tenten wasn't anyway in sight. Deciding to take care of business, Naruto closed all of the lights and went into his bedroom to go over all of the survey paperwork after removing his Jounin vest, gear and head protector. It wasn't until four hours later when a knock came at the door.

"Naruto," Tenten called out from behind the door, "Are you busy?"

"What do you want," Naruto asked with his eyes still glued to one of the surveys he was reviewing.

"There's something I need to ask you," Tenten replied.

"What's your question," Naruto asked.

"Will you please open the door first and let me in," Tenten replied. Her request caught Naruto off guard.

"Excuse me," Naruto replied.

"Will you please open the door and let me in," Tenten asked. Naruto saw that it was late and wondered what it was that Tenten wanted to ask him in person face to face. Letting curiosity get the better of him, Naruto went to the door and opened it. Rather than seeing Tenten in her regular clothes, he instead saw her dressed in the same seductive body-hugging oriental red dress he provided for her the previous day. He was wondering what Tenten was doing.

"I…I couldn't sleep because I needed your help with something," Tenten swallowed and looked down at her feet.

"And what kind of help were you looking for at this time of night," Naruto asked skeptically, "While dressed the way you are?"

Meekly, Tenten kept her head down before she spoke again, "I…was doing some thinking about my mission tomorrow…"

Naruto saw that she paused for a brief momentarily before she continued…

"…and I realized that…"

Naruto watched Tenten's pink face shade beet-red.

"…I never touched a guy before…," Tenten said before she looked up at Naruto and felt her heart racing from his intense gaze.

"What are you talking," Naruto asked, "You sparred with Gai, Lee and Neji on plenty occasions and a couple of times with me."

She looked away, and continued, "That's not the "touch" I'm talking about. In fact, I'm somewhat embarrassed for even asking this of you, especially after that thick orange book you had me read from cover to cover. I came to you tonight because…well, you're obviously an experienced guy."

Naruto frowned and snorted from her remark. She giggled and finally looked at the Elite Jounin, again, "I would like to know some of the places guys like to be touched."

What the fuck…, Naruto's brows rose while he stared disbelievingly at the young Genin before him.

"And…," Naruto slowly dragged out.

"And…," Tenten stepped closer to him and Naruto's nostrils immediately filled with the vanilla and peppermint scent coming off Tenten's body. He suspected that the teen kunoichi perfumed her body on purpose.

"I wanted to know if you'll allow me to touch you," Tenten finally brought out, "You know…for practice…"

"W…what…," Naruto wasn't exactly sure if he heard her correctly, so he asked Tenten to repeat what she said. Standing directly in front of him, Tenten reached a shaky hand forward and caressed Naruto's chest through his shirt. Naruto closed his eyes while feeling her touch through his shirt.

"I asked you…," Tenten buried her face against Naruo's chest and Naruto felt a few strands of her brown-colored hair tickle underneath his chin. Both of her hands trailed up his chest to rest on his shoulders. She tilted her head to look up at him. Swallowing all of her fears and doubts about her request, she bravely asked him, again.

"Will…um…," Tenten licked her lips and focused. She needed Naruto to believe she was sincere about her request.

"Will you allow me to touch you, tonight," Tenten asked as softly as she could, "I want you to show me the places men like to be pleasured, so I'll know in the future…"

What the hell did I unleash within her, Naruto screamed in his head. Tenten looked away and suppressed a smile that tried to form from the corners of her lips.

"…That way I'll know what I'm doing while I'm carrying out my secret mission," Tenten asked as submissively as she could, "I know I'm asking a lot more from you Naruto; more than I should. But you're the only person I could think of to turn to for this."

Naruto pursed his lips and studied the ceiling, diverting his attention from Tenten. A moment later, a laugh escaped his mouth.

"You can't be serious," Naruto replied with his laughter slowly calming down, "You honestly expect me to believe that you want to use me as practice for the sake of the mission and that you want me to "teach" you how men desire to be pleasured?"

Tenten saw that Naruto didn't believe her, not one bit. After his laughter died down, Naruto continued, "Though I use sexual perversions as one of my arsenals against unsuspecting enemies and targets, I will confess that you gave me a most convincing performance as a seductress Panda-ko-chan. I almost bought it too."

Resorting to drastic measures, Tenten embraced and wrapped her arms around Naruto's waist and pressed herself into his hard figure while burying her face back into his chest.

"Teach me," Tenten pleaded, "Like I said before, I never touched a guy and I have no experience in enticing anyone. Even though I read that book of yours, I still feel that it's not enough. I'm the kind of girl that needs physical exposure and experience to learn. I know the theories but I'm lacking in capability. Please Naruto, I need this."

Naruto debated with himself about what he should do. He at first thought about producing a kage bushin for her to practice with. But in the end after the clone dispelled, everything the clone experienced would transfer and merge with him. The blonde saw that he put more of a load on Tenten's shoulders than he counted on. And clearly she was troubled by what he was asking of her to do after she accepted the secret mission he gave her.

Tenten tilted her head up to look at the Elite Jounin. Naruto looked down at Tenten and gave her a weak grin, before his grin turned confident.

"I'll teach you more than that Tenten," Naruto said as he allowed her into his room, "But understand that you'll have a very short time to get it down pack. You'll be in for the long haul. Are you up to it?"

Tenten looked at Naruto and said, "Teach me."

"Understand this Muteki No Panda-ko-chan," Naruto said, "Different men like to be touched in different ways. Take me for example; I like to be touched in various ways, and I love it when women use different enhancements to heighten the touch."

"Enhancements…," Tenten slowly repeated the word, "What do you mean?"

"Let me show you," Naruto said, "Tonight Muteki No Panda-ko-chan, my body is your training ground. Don't be afraid to touch me wherever you want. And don't hold back in being creative."

Naruto then slowly closed the door behind them. Tenten was in for a long night…

(End Flashback)

"Well, tonight let's call this session, Touch," Tenten said smoothly as her finger clutched a plastic bottle, and she grabbed it, presenting it to Keisuke. The Jounin inspected the bottle closely. Confusingly, he asked, "What's that?"

"This is Sensation Lotion," Tenten told him, "This is one of my favorite enhancements I like to use while I worked my fingers because it appeals to the senses."

"How so," Keisuke asked.

"It focuses on Smell, Sight, Touch, and Taste. Allow me to show you my lord," Tenten offered as she opened the bottle. Keisuke and the other two men watched as she poured a bit of the light orange beige lotion on her fingers, "You see its color, yes?"

The men nodded. Tenten held her fingers under Keisuke's nose and said, "Please, smell its fragrance."

Keisuke sniffed the lotion and he smiled brightly at his hostess, "Mmm! Peaches!"

"Correct," Tenten said, "Now please lie down on your back on the futon."

Doing as instructed, Keisuke got into the instructed position and lied on his back. Moving over to him, Tenten knelt down and settle next to his side on her knees. Using her free hand, Tenten rubbed the lotion into Keisuke's chest and gently blew her breath on his chest.

"Oh…That's good…it's warming my skin," Keisuke squealed, "It…feels really, really good, indeed!"

Moving her right hand to his lips, she looked at Keisuke meekly.

"Taste my fingers my lord," Tenten requested holding her right hand towards Keisuke's lips wanting him to suck the lotion residue. Without thinking about it, he did as she asked him. Slowly he stuck out his tongue and slowly licked Tenten's middle finger, before taking the entire appendage in his mouth.

"Tell me please," Tenten asked her with her index finger in between his teeth, "What you taste my lord?"

Keisuke continued to suck her finger before pulling his mouth away to answer. Licking his lips, he answered, "Peaches; I taste sweet Peaches."

"This special lotion is flavored and it warms on contact," Tenten explained, retrieving her finger from Keisuke's mouth, "It's a specialty used to enhance and increase pleasure."

Staring directly in her eyes, Keisuke said, "I want you to use this lotion all over my body. Touch me anywhere you desire."

"Hey," Kentaro complained, "You're not the one guy here you know! When is it going to be our turn?"

"Don't worry," Tenten replied with a sultry and lust-like tone, "You both will get your chance with me too. I'll be happy to satisfy you all."

Both Kentaro and Goki giggled like two naughty perverted boys.


Kiba, Shino and Lee were trekking through the valley while on their return back to Iwa. Dodging the eyes of Kurotsuchi, Akatsuchi and Tsuchiko wasn't an easy task and several times they had close calls.

"Damn," Kiba swore, "This is really proving to be a waste of my time!"

"Kiba-kun," Lee replied, "Don't be disheartened by the trials of this mission. Look at it as another level of training for us."

"We weren't hired by Iwa for this missing yet Naruto want us to carrying it out anyway. We're not even going to be paid for it."

"Naruto-san has his reason for this Kiba," Shino said, "Though it seems unclear right now but I trust that he had good reasons for doing this."

"I just hope this won't give us more trouble than its worth," Kiba replied. Shino looked up with see one of his kikai bugs flying over to him. Allowing the bug to land on his finger, Shino communicated with it to find out what it learned. Kiba and Lee waited patiently as Shino retrieved the information from the bug.

"I understand," Shino said as the bug flew off his finger.

"Anything useful," Kiba asked,

"My scout bug found a corpse of some sort in this very valley," Shino replied, "From what by bug was able to tell, the person didn't die of natural causes."

"It sounds like foul play was involved then," Lee figured. Shino nodded in agreement, "It'd best if we check this out."

Kiba and Lee followed Shino as he followed the path his bug lead them. The descended deeper into the darker section of the valley.

"What is that awful smell," Lee asked.

"The corpse," Kiba said, "Which is now close by. And judging from that disgusting stench, this person has been dead for quite some time."

"A clear sign that the body is deteriorating," Shino added. The close they got to the location of the corpse the stronger the stench became. When they arrived at the location the kikai bug led them to, what they saw was a horrific sight. The decomposing body was already infested with maggots and other insects feeding off of it. Some of the rotted and exposed flesh and organs were still on the body but the trio saw that the person had no form of clothing on, thus showing that the person who was clearly a female died naked.

"Gross," Kiba remarked, "What the hell happened here?"

"Evidently this young woman met an untimely demise," Shino said.

"Though we don't know by what means," Lee added.

"But it's clear that that this wasn't an act of suicide," Shino continued, "I'm sure she was brought here and seeing that no form of clothes is on her body, I'm led to believe that she was possibly raped before she was killed."

"What should be do," Lee asked, "This is evidently a rape and murder crime and it can't stay quiet to Iwa."

"I said there was a possibility of rape but we don't know that for sure," Shino replied.

"We best to find Naruto and the others and informed them of what we found," Kiba suggested, "We can't move the body and the Iwa nins will want an explanation of our investigation."

"We'll let Naruto handle the Iwa-nins after he's allowed to see the body," Shino said before pulling a scroll from out of his jacket. Opening the scroll, Shino set the scroll down on the floor and performed a hand sign, resulting in a puff of white smoke to burst forth from the scroll. When the scroll cleared, it revealed Naruto standing in the midst of the clearing smoke. It wasn't long with his nose came in contact with the same stench of rotting human flesh.

"I'm assuming you guys found something important," Naruto remarked.

"Yes Naruto-kun," Lee confirmed. Shino pointed to the corpse and Naruto turned his attention to it.

"I see," Naruto acknowledged, "But first off, where are we exactly?"

"In one of Iwa's dense and deeper valleys," Kiba said, "We're about three miles outside the village walls."

"In that case," Naruto said before make hand sign, "Kage Bushin No Jutsu."

Executing his jutsu, twenty-five clones materialized.

"I want the twenty-five of you to perform a thorough investigation of this entire valley and its surrounding region. Report back with anything you find."

"Got it," all twenty-five of them said before leaving to perform their task. As for Naruto himself, he pulled out a scroll from his cloak and opened it.

"What are you doing now," Lee asked.

"Preparing to perform my own autopsy on the body," Naruto said as he knelt down and wrote some seals on the scroll. When that was done, he activated the seal writings and had the corpse sealed into the scroll.

"You're not handing the body over to Iwa," Kiba asked.

"Who found the corpse first Kiba," Naruto asked back.

"We did," Kiba replied.

"End of discussion," was all Naruto said.

"But where will you perform the autopsy without a hospital or morgue to perform the job at," Shino inquired.

"I already have that issue taken care of," Naruto said, "In any case, excellent job in your investigation. Find Shikamaru and his team and report your findings to them and find out if they discovered anything. Tell no one in Iwa what we found until I give further instructions on the matter. Dismissed."

Naruto shushin'd from the group returned back to his safe house to prepare for the required autopsy. Leaving the valley, Shino and his group left and hurried back to meet up with Shikamaru, Chouji and Neji.

(Much Later; Back At The Night Club)

Keisuke, Kentaro and Goki were making the way out of the establishment. During the session the guys were more than tempted to take Tenten and have their way with her. But girls of Muteki No Panda-ko-chan's status were too expensive and plus the three had their fill with call-girls the night before.

"Thanks for wonderful experience, Muteki No Panda-ko-chan," Keisuke said, "I'm sure we'll be seeing you again soon."

"I live only to serve and entertain, my lords," Tenten said with an ever enchanting and humble tone, "It pleases me to know that my lords appreciate my services."

"Well beautiful," Goki replied, "Expect to be seeing us more often. Maybe in time you can perform more than pleasurable exotic body massages for us."

"We shall see then," Tenten said before she bowed, "Have a safe journey home my lords."

The three ninja gave a short bow and made their way out of the club and to their own homes. Meanwhile, Tenten was cleaning her assigned room before preparing to leave for her well needed break. As she was doing this, the door opened and a lone figure stepped in.

"Muteki No Panda-ko-chan," the figure said as he closed to door behind him. Tenten turned to see who her visitor was.

"Naruto-sama," Tenten greeted ever politely with a traditional bow, "I'm honored that someone of your stature has graced me tonight with his presence."

"Yes young maiden," Naruto replied, "I've heard many things about you and what you can do. I'm here for your special services."

"My service is your pleasure my lord," Tenten remarked.

"Good," Naruto replied before racing through a set of hand signs and activating privacy jutsu preventing anyone oneself from hearing their conversation.

"What's your report," Naruto asked. Tenten went into detail about everyone she catered to and the ninjas that came to be serviced by her. Naruto listened carefully to Tenten's explanation.

"I see," Naruto said before collecting the used lotion samples Tenten carefully placed away into small packages. There was even a small bit of hair samples Tenten cleverly managed to cut off while her male clients were too distracted to notice. Each package was label with the names of those she provided exotic massage and tea to.

"Excellent work my youthful seductress," Naruto complimented, "Your hard work in this craft is truly demonstrating how radiant your burning zeal is in luring unsuspecting males to you."

Tenten giggled and blushed at Naruto's compliment, "I had a very good teacher, Naruto-sama."

"I'm sure," Naruto remarked but he turned serious, "In any case, Shino and the others have found a corpse dumped in a valley three miles from here. My kage bushins are performing an autopsy on the corpse as we speak. Shino suspects that not only foul play but rape was involved."

"Who was the rape victim," Tenten asked.

"Presently we don't know," Naruto said, "The face was too disfigured to identify. I'm going to return to investigate this further upon my departure."

Naruto activated the privacy jutsus and made his way towards the door.

"Until my next visit Muteki No Panda-ko-chan…," Naruto said.

"I'll be expecting to see you again soon too," Tenten replied nothing further, Naruto stepped out of the door and left the same he came. Once outside the door, he shunshin'd and left the scene.

(One Day Later)

It was now past nine in the morning. Shikamaru, Neji and Chouji were making their returning back to the hotel to got some rest for a couple of hours. On the way, they ran into Naruto who was approaching them from the opposite direction.

"Naruto," Chouji greeted as their leader approached them, "Did you find anything?"

"Yes indeed," Naruto said.

"What did you find," Shikamaru asked. Just as Naruto answered, something went off in his head. The expression in his face put Shikamaru, Chouji and Neji on alert.

"Oh Shit!," Naruto cursed as he turned and ran as fast as he could to the orphanage. The others followed as fast as they could after seeing Naruto's speed. Bursting through the doors, Naruto rushed through the hallway and up the stairs ignoring the shouts from the workers as he ran through them causing them to fall off their feet. Charging into the five orphans' room, Naruto came and found that his young friends weren't there anymore.

"What's all this about," the male caretaker of the orphanage yelled indignantly due to Naruto's actions. Naruto scanned the room and found an arrow imbedded into the wall. Tracing the arrow, Naruto found that it stealthily flew through the glass window and straight into his kage bushin's chest. Looking further out through the window, Naruto saw that the there was no building close enough for that arrow to be fired in a straight path and hit his clone with a clear bull's eye.

My kage bushin was shot with an arrow from long range, Naruto realized, And judging from the distance of the nearest building facing this one straight ahead, that arrow was shot from 100 yards.

"Naruto-san," the caretaker barked, "You didn't answer my question! What's the meaning of all this?"

"The orphans in the room were kidnapped goddamn it," Naruto yelled, "Must I elaborate that further?"

Shikamaru and the others arrived a few seconds later, to see what they heard Naruto shot to be true. The caretaker left to report the incident that took place.

"Was this part of what you were counting on Naruto," Shikamaru asked. Naruto shook his head, "No. This was unforeseen. Whoever the kidnappers were caught my disguised kage bushin off guard and somehow managed to get a hold of the children and move them out this room…without alerting anyone in the orphanage."

Naruto started to grow very suspicious as he thought about what he said just now.

"Plus the room shows no sign of foul play or a fight of any sort," Neji pointed out.

"Which means that the sequence of events that took place here was timed just enough to keep us from reaching here on time to stop the crime from happening," Shikamaru deduced, "Naruto was correct when he said that these kidnappings were inside jobs."

Naruto went and retrieved the arrow from the wall. Upon examining the arrow, Naruto found seal markings on the arrow.

"Tenten is more knowledgeable on weapons and I'm sure she has insight on archery," Naruto said, "I'll have her take a look and exam this arrow when I see her later today."

Naruto placed the arrow inside his cloak.

"This incident will reach the ears of the Tsuchikage and the other ninjas," Shikamaru said.

"Let it," Naruto said, "Perhaps now it'll put them on high alert and-"

Naruto stopped talking when Tsuchiko, Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi appeared in the room.

"The caretaker reported that a kidnapping took place," Kurotsuchi said.

"It did," Naruto confirmed, "But like you guys, we arrived too late."

"We'll take it from here," Tsuchiko said, "My team and I will report and investigate this."

Naruto nodded and told his crew to follow him out of the orphanage. Once outside, Naruto then received incoming information that was being submitted into his mind. It took a couple of moments for it to process before it completely settled in.

"Guys," Naruto asked, "What do you two know of Ni Ketsueki?"

"Besides her being one of the Iwa Jounins who we've seen from time to time," Chouji asked, "Nothing else. Why?"

"She's dead," Naruto said, catching the attention of his ninjas, "And has been for over three weeks. She was the corpse Shino and his team found!"

The mystery deepens and time is running out. Tsukiiwa and her friends have been kidnapped and Ni Ketsueki has been confirmed dead for some time through the autopsy. Therefore, who is this other "Ni Ketsueki" that's been roving about through Iwagakure? Will Naruto get to Tsukiiwa and the other orphans on time? And earlier Hanabi wishes for Hinata to reclaim her birthright as Hyuuga clan heiress. Will that go through smoothly without much trouble? Find out next time.