Chapter Eighty Five: The Summation Part II

Rena was stealthily running through the fortress in search of the five orphans she was sent to find. The golden yellow fox managed to avoid being spotted and detected by the ninjas aboard the fortress as she was hot on the trail where the children were being detained. Soon, she came across a steal door where Tsukiiwa's scent originated.

"I finally found the source," Rena said in an undertone. Upon examining the door, she found that it was locked with a seal of some sort.

"Just what I need now," Rena remarked with annoyance before performing a hand seal, which resulted in a burst of white smoke to appear. When the smoke cleared, it revealed Tao standing before her.

"Tao-onee-sama," Rena politely greeted and bowed, "I'm in need of her your help and expertise. I've located the orphans Naruto-sama summoned me to find but they're locked away behind this sealed door of this flying fortress which I can't access."

"I understand," Tao said before walking over to the door and examining the seal paper on the door. Rena watched quietly as her older sister examined the level of the seal.

"It's a blood seal," Tao realized, "Orochimaru used blood to seal this door."

"Can you still override the seals," Rena asked.

"Only with the blood Orochimaru used," Tao stated, "However Orochimaru cleverly didn't use his blood to seal the door."

"Then whose blood did he use?" Rena inquired. Tao smelled the seal and after a brief moment of silence, Tao realized, "It's a combination of two Uzumaki, one male and the other female."

"I'm assuming that the male is Naruto, which lead us to wonder who's the female," Rena stated, "I thought the Uzumaki clan was wiped out with the exception of Kushina."

"From the smell that particular female is somewhere here in this fortress," Tao deduced, "We have to find and get a sample of both her blood and Naruto's."

Rena nodded and took off with her sister to find the girl and Naruto.

(In Part Of The Fortress)

Yatagarasu and Naruto clashed the blades of their respective weapons of choice against each other. Both ninja were going at it fiercely in their death battle. Yatagarasu found that Naruto wasn't as easy to fight as he had assumed he would be. True he heard stories of Naruto's exploits from Orochimaru himself but the older man still though Naruto wouldn't too much to handle on his own. So far he was finding out for himself why Naruto wasn't one to be crossed.

"Damn you!" Yatagarasu cursed, "Why won't you just die!?"

"I did that already after I killed Orochimaru the first time," Naruto remarked, "I just refused to stay dead like that snake bastard!"

"Then I'll give you an incentive as to why you would have been better off remaining in your grave," Yatagarasu replied.

'I'm losing time fighting this guy and he's hell bent on wanting to kill me instead of kaa-chan,' Naruto thought, as he got ready to retrieve his tri-pronged kunais, 'I'll just kill him now and be done with it.'

As Naruto was about to pull out his tri-pronged kunai, a loud explosion was heard that rocked the chamber he and Yatagarasu were in. A moment later, Kurotsuchi, Akatsuchi and Tsuchiko were blown through the metal wall of the chamber and slammed hard into Yatagarasu, effectively knocking the man to the ground unconscious. Naruto looked to see what it was that knocked the three Iwa ninjas along with Yatagarasu off their feet. It was the resurrected Niwaishi who leaped through the hole in the wall made from her last attack fired at them.

Ittan, Kitsuchi and his team hurried and arrived on the scene. And from their appearance, Naruto saw clearly that Niwaishi was giving them a hard time. But that was to be expected when fighting a resurrected ninja that seemingly can't die.

"I'm so sorry!" Niwaishi cried through she wasn't able to shed tears, "I don't wish to do any of this but I don't have control of any of myself!"

"We know Niwaishi," Kitsuchi assured, "This Orochimaru's doing not yours."

Naruto's eye's widened upon hearing that name spoken while realizing what was going.

'This is bringing back a lot of hurtful and painful memories,' Naruto thought as he felt and understood their dilemma, 'I don't know how they're going to stop the revived Niwaishi and I doubt any of them would like to resort to the method I last used.'

Tsuchiko, Kurutsuchi and Akatsuchi groaned in pain as they made the effort to stand back up after the vicious beat down Niwaishi inflicted on them.

"Niwaishi-senpai hasn't lost her edge," Kurotsuchi groaned.

"Even dead she's still a giving us a brutal ass kicking," Tsuchiko added.

"Considering that you've been ambushed and stabbed by reanimated dead people twice already Tsuchiko, I figured you out of all of us would be used to it," Akatsuchi remarked.

"Shut up!" Tsuchiko retorted while resisting the urge to smack him across the head.

"Under different circumstances Akatsuchi," Naruto commented, "I would have considered that dark humored remark comical."

Niwaishi looked to see the person who just spoke. Her eyes widened upon recognizing the person she was seeing.

"It's you!" Niwaishi said, "You're Namikaze Naruto-kun!"

"Naruto-kun!?" Kurotsuchi asked in disbelief at how Niwaishi addressed Naruto just now. The other Iwa ninjas were just as puzzled as they watched Niwaishi walk over to Naruto as if she forgotten they were in the chamber with her.

"Interesting way of addressing me with such familiarity," Naruto said, "Ryota-chan did the same thing when she first met me."

"Ryota-chan?" Niwaishi repeated after hearing how Naruto addressed the former Iwa Jounin, "So Tsuchiko was telling the truth about you after she related to me what happened in Nami no Kuni."

"What did she say?" Naruto asked.

"That you took one of our kunoichi to be your girlfriend in spite of the fact she was originally sent to deal with you," Niwaishi replied, "While I was alive, I found it amazing that you were willing to disregard Ryota's past and ties to Iwa and make her yours."

"It couldn't be helped," Naruto remarked with a blush, "Though I will admit that I actually offered her dinner and a movie the second time we fought each other if she agreed not to fight me and desert the mission she was originally sent on."

"Are you serious!?" Kurotsuchi asked with widened eyes and her mouth dropped wide open in disbelief.

"Her sadistic and violent temper along with that monstrous earth-summoned strength reminded me of my kaa-chan and my sensei Anko-chan," Naruto remarked, "If they both were fused as one person that is."

"You mean to say that despite the fact Ryota was sent after you that you really actually liked her and you offered Ryota a date if she abandoned her mission and deserted Iwa for Konoha!?" Kurotsuchi asked.

"So that's how Naruto influenced and charmed Ryota into deserting Iwa for Konoha!" Akatsuchi exclaimed at what he thought was a shocking revelation, "What an ingenious tactic!"

"It took one more fierce battle with me and some hidden sensual incentives before she decided to abandon her mission in order to stay and live with me instead," Naruto added.

"Are you for real?" Niwaishi asked quizzically.

"Is this bizarre situation we're seeing for real?" Kurotsuchi asked in confusion while watching and listen to the awkward conversation between Naruto and the resurrected Niwaishi.

"It got Niwaishi to temporarily stop fighting us," Kitsuchi stated, "What Naruto is doing should buy us some time to figure out a way to stop Niwaishi."

"Stop her?" Akatsuchi asked, "Niwaishi-senpai keeps regenerating regardless how hard we hit her! I even tried crushing her with my golems and she easily regenerated from that! This kinjutsu that was used to revive Niwaishi-senpai is worse than the one used to reanimate those dead orphan caretakers who repeatedly stabbed you Tsuchiko."

"Baka!" Tsuchiko retorted before she finally smacked him across his head, "Must you keep bringing that up!?"

"Tell me something Naruto-kun," Niwaishi asked, "There's something I always wanted to ask you personally: Aside from your comical way you see Ryota-chan, why were you willing to take a girl from a people who hated you and your father? What was it about Ryota that led you to like her to the point that you wanted to make her yours? How were you able to get her to fall for you?"

"For one thing," Naruto started off, "Ryota and I had something in common: We were both hated and scorned by Iwa for something that was never our fault. We were looked at as living reminders of two ninjas who your people hate; for me it's my father, but in Ryota's case, it was Deidara her former sensei turned traitor. But what disgusted me more is the fact that long before I killed Soujiro and exposed him to have sold all of Iwa out to Orochimaru, everyone in Iwa pardoned Soujiro for drugging and nearly raping Ryota, as if what he did and tried to do to a fellow comrade was of no concern all because of her past ties with Deidara!

"And then there's you Niwaishi, who I'm sorry to say, was betrayed, drugged and actually raped by a fellow Iwa shinobi before being murdered by Orochimaru. You were getting too close for Orochimaru's liking in your investigation of the kidnappings so he wanted you dealt with. I investigated your tragedy and exposed the truth to your Kage and people and I just wanted you to know that through the combined efforts of my team, myself along with the aid your fellow ninjas gave me, we completed your mission and found the kidnapped children while bringing your betrayer and rapist to justice and being properly punished. And as we speak we're dealing with Orochimaru and his minions aboard this fortress who kidnapped and experiment on five young orphans from Iwa who became like family to me just as Ryota-chan did!"

Niwaishi took in everything Naruto told her and meditated on it. The other Iwa ninjas stood there wondering what was going to happen next after hearing Naruto's speech. After a period of silence, it was soon broken by...

"You're son of the Yellow Flash, the man my people always hated. Yet we were betrayed, shamed and humiliated by our own ninjas and on both occasions the son of the Yellow Flash came our aid," Niwaishi said, "You're nothing like so many of my people believe you to be and truly we don't deserve the help and the self-sacrifice you've given us. You have a kind and understanding heart Naruto-kun, and now that I met you…"

Niwaishi paused for a moment. Everyone in the chamber waited for her next words which came a moment later when she said, "I'm happy that I was brought back and that I got to meet you Naruto-kun. I only wish that I was still alive and met you first before Ryota-chan."

Everyone understood the underlying meaning behind those words, which was surprising to say the least. The Iwa nins never expected that Niwaishi secretly had that kind of admiration and attraction to Naruto. Soon everyone started seeing Niwaishi's body turning paler before more cracks all around her body started forming. In the process, she started losing color all around her body which was now disintegrating into dried out mud and dirt particles.

"What's happening to her," Tsuchiko asked.

"Her body is falling apart," Kurotsuchi stated.

"Naruto-kun," Niwaishi thanked with a smile, "Thank you. Thank you for completing my mission and rescuing those children. Thank you for having justice for the crimes committed against me carried out. Thank you for not hating us as a people in spite of the fact that we as a people hated you. Thank you for loving Ryota-chan and those orphans. Thank you for letting me leave this world in peace."

Moments later her body completely disintegrated into a pile of dried out mud and dirt particles before revealing the missing nin used to be the host of Niwaishi's essence.

'So that's one way to dispel Edo Tensei,' Naruto carefully noted, 'I wish I knew this in advance before the invasion of Konoha happened. It would have saved me a great deal of grief.'

"You stopped Niwaishi-senpai and sent her away in peace without the use of your fists or any jutsu Naruto," Kurotsuchi said as she approached Naruto who snapped out of his train of thoughts after hearing her address him. Standing in front of him, Kurotsuchi gave a respectful and humble bow to Naruto.

"Naruto, I'm sorry for my rude behavior since the time you arrived in Iwa and thinking so poorly of you up to this point," Kurotuchi apologized, "You're a better ninja than any of us combined, Naruto. Please accept my most humble apology."

Akatsuchi came and followed Kurotsuchi's example and bowed humbly to Naruto.

"You may not be an Iwa ninja," Akatsuchi said, "But after today and what you did for Niwaishi-senpai, I'd be honored to call you my friend, Naruto."

Yatagarasu gradually stirred and opened his eyes to see that he was completely outnumbered by Iwa ninjas besides Naruto standing there.

'Not good,' Yatagarasu thought as he tried to devised a distraction of some sort to buy him some time to escape and rethink of a way to ambush Naruto. A moment later, an explosion rocked the flying vessel momentarily knocking everyone off their feet. Seeing his opportunity, Yatagarasu hurriedly got up and ran out of the chamber. Naruto saw this but decided that now wasn't the time to go after him.

"Naruto!" Tsuchiko suggested, "We'll deal with that guy that just ran out from here. You go find Orochimaru and your five friends."

Naruto nodded and said, "Got It!"

That being said, Naruto took off from the chamber to find his target and captured friends.


Rena and Tao were both running through the fortress in search of the female Uzumaki whose trail they were both hot on. Soon though, they found their target who was engaged in combat with Shikamaru. Currently he was hard pressed fighting against her chakra chains.

"We'll need to immobilize and knock her out quickly before she sees us," Tao advised, "Her chakra chains will give us serious problems if we're captured by them."

"Even Kurama-sama himself isn't a match against those Uzumaki chakra chains," Rena recalled.

"All the more reason to take her out fast," Tao stated, "We'll have to distract her long enough for one of us to knock her unconscious."

"I'll do it," Rena volunteered before she left Tao's side and stealthily made her way to where Karin was. The yellow fox moved through the shadows seemingly undetected when Karin sensed something approaching her without turning to where it was coming from. Without warning, she shot out chakra chains straight into Rena's direction.

"She's a sensor type!" Rena realized before narrowly evading getting captured by the chains. Rena jumped and flipped around through the chamber as the chains quickly followed and pursued her while almost catching her with every turn.

"If this keeps up I'm bound to get caught," Rena acknowledged only seconds before her tail was caught and held tightly by one of the chains.

"Damn it!" Rena growled as she tried futilely to free herself of the chains.

"You're not going anywhere," Karin said.

"Actually," Rena countered, "I was merely the distraction."

Karin wasn't able to process her words when Shikamaru quickly attached his shadow to hers. Seeing that Karin was standing next to a steel wall, Shikamaru rammed his head to his left while Karin's body imitated his moments which led Karin to unintentionally collide her head into the wall, effectively knocking her unconscious. She fell to the floor before her chakra chains dispelled and freed Rena. Tao went over to Karin and made a small cut on her finger before taking a sample of her blood with a seal paper. Shikamaru made his way over to the two fox summons.

"I take it that you both are reinforcements Naruto summoned," Shikamaru remarked.

"Yes," Tao said, "The kin and I located the children Naruto-sama seeks to rescued but the door to the chamber they're in is locked behind a blood seal that require the blood of a male and female Uzumaki to open it."

"Troublesome," Shikamaru commented, "And this crazy red-haired ninja is an Uzumaki. She said something earlier about those children becoming her new siblings, whatever that's supposed to mean."

"We'll find out more, later," Tao said, "Right now we have to find Naruto-sama and get a blood sample from him. But seeing that this girl is an Uzumaki like Naruto-sama we'll have to take her with us."

Tao made quick works in tying Karin up and putting seals around her to prevent her from utilizing her chakra. Putting Karin over her right shoulder, Tao, Rena and Shikamaru left to go find Naruto.

(Meanwhile In Konoha; Back In The Of Death)

Ryota and Haku were listening to Mito as she was explaining everything she knew and remembered about Kushina. The two kunoichis were surprised at how strong Kushina was and how she had taken down a good number of ninja in her prime. On hearing how Minato rescued and save Kushina from a team of Kumo ninjas, they could understand why Mito didn't object to Kushina and Minato seeing each other.

"Kushina was quite an exceptional ninja," Haku said, "I see now why Naruto-kun's father was so interested in her."

"The very fact he was able to track down and rescue Kushina because of her hair strands which she left behind to be found is rather remarkable," Ryota commented, "He truly did love her."

"And Kushina fell in love with him also," Mito said, "They were inseparable since."

Haku was about asked a question when the masked Honoka returned with some cooked for Ryota and Haku, with was friend fish with some fried breaded pork chops over rice and salad. She had a plate of food to each of the two guests with some cold drinks.

"Here you are," Honoka said, "I hope you two enjoy the meals."

The girls thanked the older female and started eating. Needless to say they found the found tasty and well-seasoned.

"This is really delicious Honoka-san," Haku complimented.

"Thank you," Honoka said appreciatively.

"Perhaps you can share this recipe with us," Ryota suggested, "Maybe I'll try making this and seeing if Naruto-kun would like it beside ramen."

"I'm pretty sure he'll appreciate some good food cooked by your hands," Honoka replied. Soon both Haku and Ryota were done with their meals and felt completely satisfied and replenished.

"Honoka," Ryota asked, "I've been meaning to ask you something, if you don't mind."

"What is it?" Honoka asked.

"How long have you been living here as Mito's gatekeeper?" Ryota asked.

"For over ten years," Honoka answered.

"Ten years!?" Ryota replied, "You've been living here for all this time? Does anyone else know you're here?"

"No," Honoka said, "Honestly, I don't know what's been happening outside the Forest of Death."

"Why?" Ryota inquired, "How can you still be unaware of the present day events and changes that have happened outside of the Forest of Death? Surely, Honoka, you're prudent enough to keep update with what's been happening over the years."

"There's a reason as to why I've been unable to find out all that's been happening outside the Forest of Death," Honoka said before she started explaining, "My story starts when I was six years old after my parents escaped with me from Uzu no Kuni when it was being attack by combined shinobi forces of from Kumo, Kiri and Iwa during the third Shinobi World War. Those three nations joined forces to with the Country of Jomae in an effort to wipe out the Uzumaki Clan in its entirety.

"Why did they want to destroy Uzu no Kuni and the Uzumaki Clan?" Haku asked.

"The Uzumaki Clan was known for being a clan of unrivaled seal masters and grand seal masters," Honoka explained, "The country of Jomae sought to establish a rival status of having seal masters of their own. However they were never capable of matching or overpowering the Uzuamki. This was because our bloodline limit gave us massive chakra reserves, longevity and the ability to create unbreakable chakra chains. Some of my Uzumaki brethren even had the ability to heal themselves and others completely through the use of their chakra. All these factors made us both hated and feared by many shinobi nations, and we were especially hated by Jomae because of our attributes. So much so that Jomae moved the other shinobi nations to join forces with them to exterminate the Uzumaki Clan and destroy Uzu no Kuni completely.

"Many of my and Mito-sama's brethren were killed as those who were able to escape fled and scattered to different parts of the world. My parents and I were among the escapees but we weren't free from Kiri hunter-nins who chased us around the different countries. My parents fought off and killed the Kiri hunter-nins whenever they found us but eventually a group of ninjas from Jomae found us. My parents died fighting them but not before killing them in the process.

"I became an orphan at 13 but that wasn't the only problem I was plagued with. I later learned that I had tuberculosis and my Uzumaki genes were the only thing that was barely keeping me alive. I couldn't go to a hospital, lest I wanted to become a sitting duck for the Kumo hunter-nins that were still pursuing me. Therefore, I made a lengthy journey to the only place I knew to be safe for sure after learning about it from my parents before they died: the Uzumaki Mask Temple.

"I got to the temple first before the hunter-nins could find me. When I arrived at the temple, I made my way inside in hopes of attain some form of sanctuary and protection in my ancestral grounds. But when I got inside, I fell unconscious because I was too weak from my sickness and lack of food ration and medical attention. That was when I was found by Mito-sama. After she found me, she set up traps with her chakra chains and saved my life.

"After learning in deeper details my clan's history and heritage from Mito-sama, I gratefully pledged my life to Mito-sama, becoming the gatekeeper we know as of today. However, seven year ago, I was about to succumb to the tuberculosis, and there was only so much that my Uzumaki biology could accomplish on its own without medical attention. It was then that Mito-sama pulled a desperation move to save my life. She attached chakra chains between me and the temple itself; as it turned out, the temple is not just a mask storage vault; it's also a fountain of natural energy, where Hashirama-sama secretly practiced his Sage Mode during his prime. The senjutsu chakra which from the temple cured me of my disease, but it came with a heavy price: I'm now bound to the temple, becoming dependent on its natural energy just to stay alive.

"If I were to ever sever my chakra chains from the temple, I would exhibit withdrawal symptoms of my terminal illness returning. Therefore, I've been staying isolated at the temple all these years, fulfilling my duties as gatekeeper. I'm now in the same boat as Mito-sama: bound to the temple and cut off from the rest of the world."

"What a heavy price you carry," Ryota said sympathetically, "It's as though you're a prisoner in this very place even though this was never Mito-sama's intentions."

"I understood that she was trying to save my life and I wanted to live and be at Mito-sama's side as long as I could," Honoka said, "It was because I wasn't able to get my illness treated that forced Mito-sama to resort to attaching my life force to this temple."

"I'm sure if Tsunade-sama were to examine and treat your sickness you'd be as good as new and be free to leave he temple freely," Haku suggested, "After all, Tsunade-sama is the most renowned medic with Naruto-kun coming in at a close second when compared to her."

"So my granddaughter has become that skilled of a medic," Mito remarked with a smile of approval, "I've always known that girl had promises for great things," Mito smile then turned to a frown of disapproval, "other than gambling like my late husband Hashirama. I tell you that man used to spoil our granddaughter rotten and he passed down his bad gambling habits to Tsunade as well."

"I suppose you hearing that Tsunade passed down that same trait to Naruto-kun will sadden you," Ryota remarked, "The only difference is that he doesn't have her bad luck streak."

Mito sighed and shook her head, "Were Hashirama alive here to see that, he'd probably be moved to tears and laugh joyously before seeing me smack him across the head. But in any case, I'll need you be both to find and bring my granddaughter here to this location so she can examine and cure Honoka's illness. Plus she needs to hear everything Honoka and I explained to the both of you."

"It'll take some convincing to get Tsunade-sama to follow us here," Ryota commented, "We'll need proof of our story in order to convince her."

Mito nodded her head and turned to Honoka, "Honoka, retrieve and give of the temple mask to these two kunoichi. They'll use the mask as proof of their story."

"I understand," Honoka complied before quickly making her way to retrieve one of the masks.

(Back At Ancor Vantian)

Naruto was moving fast through the fortress after coming in contact with Tao and Sakuya. While on the way they, briefed him about Karin's ties with the Uzumaki clan, the people his birth mother is from. On hearing this, he had Rena take Karin back to his safe house to have her detained there for questioning later. He told Rena clearly to make sure nothing happens to Karin and to watch her until he returns. Rena made it was priority to make sure her mission was carried out.

Soon, Naruto, Shikamaru and the two fox summons arrived at the sealed door detaining Naruto's five friends. Tao retrieve the seal paper having a sample of Karin's blood and now Naruto's blood after he was told that his blood was also required in order to drop the seal over the door. Tao channeled chakra into the seal paper and pressed it onto the seals on the door. A glow of chakra appeared over the door and a force field of some sort dropped, granting access of the four standing in front of the door.

"Excellent!" Naruto said as he wasted no time opening the door. Upon entering the chamber, he and the others came across a sight they weren't at all expecting. It was an elaborate medical and experimentation chamber with equipment Naruto had never seen as a medic. There were test tubes, vials and other sophisticated electrical and electronic equipment abound in the chamber. What he saw next shocked him to the core: it was his five friends, all unconscious and lying on top of recovery bed with equipment monitoring their vitals and IV needles injected into their arms. What he and the others also saw was that all of their hair was now red with Tsukiiwa's now red hair having streaks of her original silver hair.

"Are you taking this all in, Naruto?" Orochimaru asked as the appeared behind the curtain that separated the chamber Naruto and his team were in from the examination section, "Your friends were bestowed with a special gift from yours truly."

"What have you done to them?" Naruto asked.

"I made them part of your family," Orochimaru replied, "Though it was done through medical and experimental means, they're now full-fledged Uzumakis related to you by blood. For a long time I've been working on perfecting this prized experiment of mine known as "Project Star." Seventy-five children were used before realizing that your very blood, your Uzumaki DNA, was the essential key needed in order to truly perfect "Project Star." That was why I had Kabuto acquire blood samples from you through the use of those reanimated mosquitoes that stung you several times.

"What?" Naruto replied after finding out why those mosquitoes stung him a few days earlier, "Now I see now why you asked me about my mosquito bites! You stole my DNA for your twisted experiment!"

"I had to keep a promise to a certain Uzumaki girl under my charge who so badly wanted Uzumaki siblings and I had to prove to be a man of my word who delivers what he promises," Orochimaru countered.

"You mean Karin," Naruto realized. Orochimaru smirked and said, "So you and your team came across her earlier. What became of her?"

"Don't worry about that Orochimaru," Naruto said as bloodlust starting leaking out of him, "You'll pay for what you did to my friends against their will."

"You ought to be thanking me and yourself for your generous contribution that completed my work," Orochimaru countered, "Your journeying to Iwagakure was a blessing in disguise for both myself and these fortunate orphans who owe their lives to you since it was your DNA genetic code that saved their lives since the chakra from the fallen star of Hoshigakure infused into their bodies would have proven too potent and dangerous for them to survive through. They're more than orphans now…they're Uzumakis with unknown potentials for greatness."

"You inconceivable bastard!" Naruto cursed with fangs grown after his once blue eyes turned red with black cat's eye slits in them. He got ready to fight the Snake Sannin, however Orochimaru retorted, "If you're smart, you'd focus on getting these new Uzumaki children as far from this flying vessel as possible. It would be a sad waste for them to die here after all the trouble I went through just to ensure their survival of "Project Star"."

Orochimaru turned and started walking off casually when Naruto was about to charge at him. The blonde Elite Jounin stopped when the Sannin turned half way to face him.

"My task here is done. Please take good care of these children Naruto. They'll need you," Orochimaru remarked with a twisted smile before bursting into a cloud of smoke.

"Troublesome," Shikamaru remarked, "He was a kage bunshin all along."

"Damn him!" Naruto roared angrily seeing how Orochimaru outwitted him. Naruto had to take a moment to calm himself down before he went to check on his five young friends turned Uzumaki. Making four other clones, he dispatched them to check on the others when he went over to Tsukiiwa. While examining her, he found nothing life threatening or alarming to be concerned with. Soon though, Tsukiiwa opened her eyes with her vision gradually returning. When it came to, she smile happily when Naruto was the first person she saw.

"Naruto-niichan!" Tsukiiwa said happily with a few tears running down her face, "You came! I knew you would rescue us. We never lost faith in you."

"I'm going to get you guys out of here!" Naruto said with a determined voice before he summoned another clone and had the clone scoot and carrying Tsukiiwa into his arms while the other clones did likewise with the other orphans.

"Bring them back to the safe house while I and the others finish things off here," Naruto instructed, "Run a full examination on all of them before I return."

The five clones nodded their heads before teleporting with the children to the safe house. Naruto then turned to Shikamaru, Sakuya and Tao. He was about to say something when Tails suddenly appeared in front of Naruto and the others via shunshin. However Tails fell to his hands and knees as he was bleeding from both ends of his mouth and that he multiple bleeding injuries.

"Tails!" Tao and Sakuya cried out as they along with Naruto and Shikamaru quickly went to his aid.

"…Naruto-sama," Tails said weakly as Sakuya lift and carried him into her arms, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to wait for your signal…"

"What happened!?" Naruto asked worriedly.

"Orochimaru summoned three large snakes that found and attacked me while I was disabling the vessel's main control systems," Tails explained through a strained tone, "I fought the snakes but they managed to keep with my pace and in time they overpowered me…they almost killed me too. But I managed to stunned and immobilize them long enough to allow me to quickly shut down and crash the central cooling units. The vessel's system core is overheating fast to dangerous levels. At any minute now it'll-"

Tails was cut off when the flying vessel suddenly shook violently with a series of explosions that suddenly occurred Naruto and the others managed to keep themselves from falling to the flying when alarms, sirens and the alert systems throughout the flying fortress went into motion:


"You did what you had to, my five young friends were found and rescued and you've returned back to us safely; so I say mission accomplished," Naruto assured before another explosion rocked the vessel violently.

"We haven't much time Naruto-sama," Tao informed while stating the obvious, "We best make haste to regroup with the others."

"They're scattered all throughout this colossal flying fortress," Tails reminded, "How will we regroup with everybody before this entire vessel blows up?"

"Like this," Naruto said before Shikamaru, Sakuya who was still holding Tails and Tao held onto Naruto. Through the use of Hiraishin, Naruto teleported with the four of them and reappeared in an instant in front of worn out and beaten up Chouji who clearly had seen better days as his body size shrunk down to a considerable smaller and leaner size.

"Chouji!" Naruto called out as he ran to his aid, "Are you alright!?"

"Behind you!" Chouji warned when Juugo rushed from behind them in an attempt to ambush and kill them. Naruto however suddenly turned on his feet and delivered a solid monstrous strength induced punch to Juugo that sent him flying through the iron walls of the fortress one after another. It was anyone's guess how far Juugo was sent flying or if Juugo survived that attack that carried the force of a freight train.

"Could have saved me the trouble dealing with him if you were here fighting him instead," Chouji remarked humorously despite his injuries.

"Save what strength you have left," Naruto advised as Shikamaru went to Chouji's aid and pulled him up off the ground while giving his support by having Chouji's left arm wrapped over his shoulders. Naruto encased the group in a wind manipulated air bubble and while holding it, he used Hiraishin again and this time he reappeared in front of Team 9, Kiba and Shino. At the opposite end of the chamber was the unconscious Juugo who crashed directly into Suigetsu who took the full brunt of the impact that resulted from Naruto's punch. Suigetsu, never seeing the collision coming, was knocked unconscious alongside Juugo.

"Your timing is as impeccable as ever Naruto-sama," Tenten remarked while not realizing the honorific she reflexively used with Naruto's name.

"Thank me later!" Naruto replied, "We have to go, now!"

After gathering the remaining Genin into his air bubble, Naruto teleported to where Ōnoki and the rest of the Iwa ninjas were and found that their Tsuchikage was badly wounded and unconscious with the captain of the flying vessel lying on the ground dead at their feet. Tsuchiko was doing everything she could to save her uncle.

"What happened here?" Naruto asked worriedly.

"Orochimaru is what happened!" Tsuchiko answered with anger and hate in her tone, "He and my uncle battled each other and that reptilian coward had his summoned pythons ambush him!"

"Like my small fox friend here," Naruto said, "But we can't treat their wounds here! This vessel is going down-"

"And clearly the captain went down before it did after Orochimaru double-crossed and killed him," Kurotsuchi remarked while pointing to the dead leader of the Sora ninjas.

"What did you expect after he made a pact with a deadly viper? But that's beside the point. Let's go!" Naruto advised before large explosions started tearing through the fortress, destroying everything and killing everyone caught by them. Encasing the Iwa ninjas in another air bubble, Naruto was about to leave with them when Ōnoki realized someone was missing.

"Where's Konan?" Ōnoki asked. Just then, Konan appeared in front of them.

"Forgive my lateness," Konan requested after joining the Iwa ninjas.

"How did you know where to find us?" Tsuchiko asked.

"I have my methods," Konan replied, "But we need not worry about that."

Nothing further was said before Naruto while holding both air bubbles used Hiraishin to teleport himself and everyone off the self-destructing fortress. In an instant, everyone was back in Iwagakure in front of the hospital.

"We're back in the village that fast!?" Kurotsuchi marveled.

"Naruto used his father's Hiraishin as our salvation and not as our damnation," Akatsuchi remarked.

"I'll take that as your way of saying "thank you"," Naruto replied.

"Tsuchikage-sama!" a team of medic nins called out as they rushed out of the hospital and quickly went to the aid of their Tsuchikage and fellow Iwa nins who were also wounded.

"Help Naruto's friends also!" Tsuchiko sternly instructed and then warned, "And so help me if I find out that any of you did little to nothing to help Naruto's friends or that any sort of medical malpractice was done on them, I will personally kill you!"

The medics knew not to take Tsuchiko's warning threat lightly and made it their aim to help them to the best of their power as they also went to aid Naruto's team.

"Thanks," Naruto said.

"After everything you've done, I'm no mood for any bullshit from my people," Tsuchiko commented, "More than enough of my own people betrayed us and Iwa, and honestly I have more reasons to trust you than anyone else. By the way, how will we know that Sora no Kuni is destroyed?"

"I have clones watching its destruction from the surface as we speak," Naruto assured, "They'll be sure to kill whoever survives."

Ōnoki turned and found that Konan was nowhere in sight.

"Your mercenary is gone," Naruto said.

"She aided us in our battle and saved your female teammate's life," Ōnoki countered, "What reasons do you have not to trust her?"

"I'm grateful for her help and saving Tenten's life," Naruto retorted, "I'm just disturbed by her immediate desertion after our return."

Naruto said nothing further as he followed his team and the rest of the Iwa ninjas into the hospital. While on their way inside…

"Naruto?" Tsuchiko realized with worry, "What about the orphans we were supposed to rescue and bring back?"

"They're someplace safe," Naruto assured, "I found and sent them to a safe haven before the vessel's destruction. Orochimaru experimented on them using with the use of my DNA, permanently altering their genetic makeup. I'll explain more inside."

Tsuchiko nodded her head and followed Naruto into the hospital. In the back of Naruto's mind however, he wondered why Orochimaru so willingly and freely allowed Naruto to take his five friends with him instead of putting up a fight to keep them as his personal soldiers considering the amount of work Orochimaru put into turning them into Uzumakis. There were still many questions left unanswered…

Naruto's five friends were found, and Orochimaru's base along with Sora no Kuni were completely destroyed. What will happen next in the conclusion of this long arc and what will become of Karin and the five orphans who were turned into Uzumaki children infused with the chakra of the meteor of Hoshigakure and Naruto's DNA?

Will the Tsuchikage survive and awake from his injuries and where did Konan run off to in such a hurry? What will become of Honoka and what happened that caused Minato and countless others to believe what he discovered were false memories that evidently Kurama knew about all along?