Breakfast And A Visitor

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The next morning Liam woke up with an immense feeling of sloth, Like whatever happens as long as he stayed in his bed everything was going to be ok, And he wouldn't have to do anything, But he faced the colossal weight of the responsibility he placed on his shoulders in stride as he got up and stretched, He made a resolution to spend as much time before he had to go to Hogwarts with his family as possible and to make sure they know how much they appreciate them, After Clair had laid it all out in the open last night he realized he was keeping himself distant from people who thought of him as family and loved him as such, He wasn't rude or dismissive but he had at some point subconsciously designate them in his head as people he lives and gets along with but not as family, No that was his mother and brother from his past life, And he wanted to change that.

"Hi, Their mom what's for breakfast ?"

"Some eggs, Bread and jam and fruit, Like every day, What's got you so chipper you're asking about things you know ?"

Embarrassed Liam said

"Sorry stupid question just wanted to make conversation "

"Well alright then come here and we can talk while you help me, You make the omelets "

"Ok, Um …. so last night you were pretty emotional, I guess all this brought up some unpleasant memories "

She smiled and said

"I already said sorry about that ok, And no actually it brought some lovely memories, It just that those sometimes hurt the most, You know you remind me of him a lot, You two are very different but somehow very much alike, He was as you just put it very emotional, You know his heart on his sleeve kind of kid, But what was even tougher on him is that he used to feel very strongly for everyone else, He was always so empathic, So understanding, So when he saw something was unfair for someone else he would feel bad for them more than they would feel bad for themselves and he would try to make it right in his own little ways "

She sighed

"Back when he started showing signs of magic he was very scared, Scared of being different, Scared of losing control, But most of all he was scared that he would hurt someone else, Especially me and Jhon and his brothers and sisters, So he started spending most of his time in the house alone in whichever empty room he could find and when that didn't work because of how many people were in the house, He would try to spend most of his time outside isolating himself somewhere, He'd tell me that he made some new friends and he was going to one of there houses to play and he'd be out all day, Not even coming home to eat something" she sighed again " such a sweet boy"

"But then the summer ended and it was time for school again and he couldn't hide it anymore, Plus you know how mean kids could be, Soon incidents started to pile up and explanations were hard to find and then he came and asked me if he could stop going to school, I thought he was being bullied or something and the incidents were him lying to cover it up so I pushed him on it and kept asking him to tell me what really happened, That's when the house started to shake like an earthquake and then things started flying around the room, He couldn't hide it after that, I pulled him out of school after that afraid somebody would come and take him from me after seeing what he can do, He really went into himself after that, Hardly talked to anyone just spend his time in his room alone and only came out to eat "

Her eyes were getting a little red so Liam took over with the knife to cut the bread.

"Thank you dead,... When found out about magic his smile was like the sun, You couldn't look at him and not just smile back he was so relieved, You could see from how he stood the wight that was now off his shoulder, He was brought back to life and not only that he was so excited too, Exited to master his powers and help people in not so little ways anymore, He thought he was going to fix all the worlds problems and cure all its ailments and make sure everyone had a fair shot at it, And you couldn't help but believe him "

"Every summer he would come back from that school and tell us all about the adventures he went on the friends he made, The spells he learned, And the ones he was going to create in the future, But never that bad stuff, Never about the racism he was up against, Nothing about the xenophobia and bigotry he had to endure and still managed to come out of it one of the best students of his year, None of that, No that we found out later, Too late "

"You know dear when i found out i couldn't have children i thought it was the worst thing that could ever happened to me, I was newly married and i wanted nothing more that a little bundle of joy running around the house and making jhon and me the happiest parents in the world, But in retrospect it was the best thing that ever happened to me, Because after that is when we started to think about adopting, And then we saw how many kids fall through the system and we thought hell if we ready for one might as well go for more .. a lot more, 27 kids went through this house at different stages of their life and i hope that they all came out better off then when they came in, Because i know i sure did, Every single one of you are so unique and special and occupy a different place in my heart yet i love you all the same , I couldn't possibly imagen how my life would not have reached it purpose if i hadn't met every single one of you, So know this mr murphy, Know that you will always have a home here and i will always be your mother no matter what happens, So if it ever feels like too much i want you to promise that you will find your way home, And that you will always be safe no matter what ok"

"I promise,"

he said now his eyes watering as he hugged her waist and thanked God for having two great moms in both of his lives and then he chuckled to himself as he imagined Jhon in his head with an offended face looking at him and saying 'and what am I chopped liver '

"And what's so funny about that Mr ?"

"Nothing it's just I am going to miss you all "

"Why are you acting like we are never going to speak again, I expect two letters a week Mr, When Madison told me you might be a wizard I started saving up here and there and your expenses haven't been really that much with just two kids in the house, And we are used to a lot more haha, So with that and the fund Minerva was talking about you are going to buy everything on the back of that letter and buy an owl, Oh right you don't know... they use owls to send letters, I personally think a postman in a car is faster but whatever, And you should still have some money left over for spending and stuff you might need to buy, I remember Brennen telling me about this frog made of chocolate that jumped around "

"Are you sure mom I have some money saved up from my allow....."

"Oh hush child that is money you saved up and should be for you to have fun with and not buy school supplies, Plus what kind of mother will I be if send my son off for eight months without some spending money "

It was at that time that the doorbell rang so Clair looked at Liam and while grabbing two slices of bread and smearing them with jam said

"Oh my, Me and my big mouth I just went on and on and didn't finish breakfast so just eat this while I let her in, You are going to need to eat something to keep up your energy "

And then she went to open the door leaving him alone in the kitchen chewing on the sandwich and thinking of how he was going to act today.


He decided to have an excuse for if came of as more knowledgeable than he should be to make sure not to make McGonagall suspicious, Not that she has any reason to be at this point he was still just another boy she had to escort but he thought of it as good practice so after they had just passed through the Leakey cauldron and walked into diagon alley he started with saying

"So madam McGonagall my mother and i had a long talk last night were she told a lot of things about the magical world to get me ready, But i am sure second hand experience of it is not like someone who lives in it, So is there any advise you can give me"

She looked at him for a second and then looked ahead and kept walking while saying

"You can call me professor McGonagall mr murphy and as to the magical world, I wouldn't worry you will see it all soon enough and there is many children that are muggle born like you who will be going through the same things, But to ease your mind i will give you one piece of advise, Magic is a very wonderful gift and like any gift if not used responsibly and with respect it can be a curse on those that wield it, Now lets get you what you need, First we need to make a stop at the bank for a minute to exchange some money and have your coins received and then i think we should start you off with a wand, Don't you"

"Sounds good professor i can't wait already"

They then made their way to the bank which at first look just seemed wrong to liam, Something about its architecture made him feel that the entrance was going to collapse any minute now but he held his thoughts and followed McGonagall inside only to see the poem that he had discussed at length with his brother back in the day carved on the heavy double doors that greeted them


Enter, Stranger, But take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, But do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, You have been warned, Beware

Of finding more than treasure there.


They had thought about what the last line was foreshadowing many times and both came up with some pretty wild theories, And now he was here in the flesh and he wasn't sure he wanted to find out anymore, He was perfectly satisfied with letting sleeping dogs lie or whatever it was inside he was happy with it laying all the same.

"Come now mr murphy don't dawdle we have much to do today"

"Yes maa.. i mean professor sorry"

And then they made their way into the bank McGonagall made he way to one of the tellers and interdicted liam as a ministry grant recipient, He then received his money and exchanged his muggle money into galleons as well and he then made a simple contract to store his money and kept some on him, And as they were making their way out he asked

"I am sorry professor but i have another question"

She replied with out looking at him

"Well go on then what is it "

"How do you know if i am a muggle or not ?"

"Well you are clearly not mr murphy, You are going to a wizarding school are you not ?"

"I meant how do you know i am muggle born professor, Maybe my parents where wizards before they died right ?"

"Well i suppose so mr murphy, I guess i just assumed sense its almost always only the muggle born students that get a faculty member to visit along with their letter, To explain the whole situation to the parents though your case is a bit more special "

"So its possible that my parents were wizards right, Do you know any body professor that might fit that discerption, Who had a child eleven years ago and then passed away, Maybe they were my parents "

McGonagall had a scowl on her face as she remembered a couple that fit that description but who where not related to liam but to a certain student who was also going to hogwarts this year but whose acceptance letter replay was taking longer than expected to arrive.

"I am afraid i don't mr murphy, I would have remembered that name, Now lets move on to a more pleasant topic, We are here to Ollivander wand shop"