The Sorting Ceremony

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As the first years followed Hagrid towards a lake with many small boats on its shore and Hagrid said

"Ok now I want all of you to start getting on these boats, Four for each boat, There are enough spaces for everyone"

As Hagrid said that Liam was busy having a look around.

'There are just eleven boats that can't be right... wait are these all the first years, Where are the rest, It can't be just this much, Why is everything smaller than I remember it was mentioned somewhere that there were 1000 students at Hogwarts but if this year is only 40 then that just doesn't add up, Maybe it is because of the war that not a lot of wizards had kids for a period of time, Shit that just means it will be even harder to not stand out '

"Hi Hermione you want to join us in our boat," Liam said to grab Hermione's attention

She turned to find the three of them standing next to a boat and made her way to them and they all climbed aboard a moment after they all settled the boat just started propelling itself forward magically as gazed across the lake seeing Hogwarts with all of its glory with its many towers, And the hill that the castle stood on rose in such a way that it seemed like the whole of Hogwarts was on the top of a mountain, And Liam felt chills at the back of his neck, He had read about many times and had an image of it in his head, That and when he saw the movie he saw a representation for it, Which he thought was pretty good at the time, But now... now it was a cheap knock off in comparison to the real thing, He could somehow feel the magic of this place wash over him and he thought at that moment how peculiar it is that he was a student of Hogwarts.

"So what other books have you read," Hermione said snapping Liam out of his thoughts

"Oh well I read ahead in our textbooks and I also read some other books about Hogwarts that have some fun facts, Like for example do you know that right beneath this very lake resides a giant squid, And that nobody knows exactly how big it since its never fully gets out of the water"

"That's hogwash mate they wouldn't leave such a dangerous monster right next to the school"

Ron said dismissively

"Actually the book said that it was a domesticated giant squid and that it helps students who fall in the water not drown and that it also really likes to eat bread"

"Ha a squid that eats bread, Now it sounds even more unbelievable"

Harry leaned over the side of the boat trying to see any sign of movement under the water's surface, While Hermione was busy asking Liam what the book name was and Ron kept proclaiming the unlikeliness of the existence of the giant squid so Liam just made up a name for Hermione and said to Ron

"Look Ron there is an easy way to settle it we can just ask a teacher or one of the older students when we get there, Aren't your older brothers here we can just ask them"

"No way they'll just make a joke of the whole thing and try and scare me with it"

"Fine we'll ask a teacher then"


"You want to bet on it"

"Ha looks like you want to lose your money"

"Let's not bet on money, How about a dare instead"

"A dare ?"

"Whoever gets it right can make a dare to the other person and they have to do it, What do you say or are you too scared to make a bet "

"Fine a dare it is then, Let's shake on it and Harry and hemione are the witnesses"

At this point, Harry looked back at Ron finally coming back to the conversation and said

"Dare? witnesses? what are you guys talking about"

"We made a bet Harry and the winner will dare the loser to do something and you and Hermione are the witnesses"

At this point, They had reached the other shore which was facing the bottom of a very long staircase that led to the castle so they all dismounted and started climbing the stairs, At the end of which they found McGonagall standing there waiting for them only to flash the briefest of smiles while saying

"Welcome to Hogwarts"

And then she proceeded to tell them about the different houses and house points and the 'honor' that is wining the house cup this time there were no interruptions with Neville running ahead finding his toad.

McGonagall walked away for a minute and Malfoy started talking to Harry about the importance of making friends from the right families while not so subtly insulting Ron, Liam didn't interfere as he thought that this was actually a good moment for Harry to gain a bit of confidence in standing up to Draco and he didn't have any ideas to turn the situation more advantages for him.

When McGonagall came back to lead them to the great hall Liam decided to speak up and said

"Professor McGonagall is it true that there is a domesticated giant squid that lives in the lake near Hogwarts "

Ron snapped his head in her direction with a gloating smile on his face ready to proclaim his victory only to have his face frozen in that expression as he heard her say

"Right you are Mr murphy"

And then she slowed down her steps for a second and ran a cursory look over the students and said

"Nobody fell in the water I hope"

"No professor I just read it in a book "

She returned to her normal pace while saying

"It seems you quite like your books Mr murphy "

After that, They walked in silence for a couple of more minutes until they reached the giant double doors of the great hall.

The doors opened and the students walked in amazed stumbling forward as they stared at everything around them, Not bothering to look where they were going, Liam thought that this hall was also much more impressive than the one seen in the movies it was also much more spacious which made the fact that student body wasn't as large as Liam thought ever more apparent, And the ceiling was no deferent from the view they had of sky ten minutes earlier, Only now there were these huge stone arches that shimmered every now and then and of course that thousands of candles floating in the sky here and there, They walked forward will McGonagall started lining them up to be sorted and then she introduced Dumbledore so he can make his presorting announcements.

As the man stood up Liam stared in awe only to see that even if he was the Machiavellian planner Liam thought he was, In the end, He was only a man, He seemed quite old with his long white beard as he cleared his throat and started warning about the dark forest and filch requests to him to remind the students about banned items and then he reached the end with his warning about the third-floor right-hand side corridor and that it will lead to certain death and Liam couldn't help but crack a smile thinking of how everybody basically ignored all three of these warnings especially a trio that he was working very hard on making sure is formed.

And with that, The sorting began and it went pretty much the same as the original aside from Liam being there but he was busy wondering if the sorting hat would let him get into Gryffindor like he wanted or could be stubborn.

'I mean I came here knowing what was about to happen, I'd say that was very courageous let's hope it agrees '

And was waiting for his name to be called with bated breath, And that led him to start wondering who they order the names called it can't be Alphabetical based on the first or last name because they called hemione then Ron then Harry in the movies then he thought maybe they changed it in the movies, But he was too nervous to remember the order in the book and just as he was testing sorting methods in his head he heard

"Liam murphy"

He stepped up and sat on the stool while McGonagall placed the hat on his head and he was now facing the hoard of students staring at him as he heard a voice in his head.

'Ummm very peculiar I can see potential in all the houses, Some very ambitious goals you have there and a little cunning mixed in oh yes Slytherin would be a great fit, But also a hunger for knowledge and the wisdom to use it probably you'd make a fine Ravenclaw, And I can sense great loyalty to your loved ones and the determination to work hard to achieve those ambitious goals of yours yes Hufflepuff is also an option though not the most prominent one, And when it comes to chivalry and courage you seem to have those in spades yes very peculiar indeed'

Liam was suddenly worried as he thought

'Can you read my thoughts, How do you know so much '

'Ummm just the surface level things, It mostly your inherent impression of yourself that I see not your whole self, Now tell me what house do you think you could fit in best'

Liam calmed down and thought

'Gryffindor please'

'Are you sure I think Slytherin will help you achieve the highest of heights '

'Yes I am sure, I need to go Gryffindor and I don't really want to reach the highest of heights '

'Such a shame that makes me what to send you there even more'

'What... why are you so keen on sending me to Slytherin '

'I just think they need some positive role model to change the perception of their house from the inside and from the outside too'

Liam thought for a second on how helpful being in Slytherin would be to his plans and how much it would hinder him and he came to the conclusion it would complicate things too much so he thought to the hat again

'I understand but I need to go to Gryffindor please'

'As you wish you certainly are as stubborn as a ' "GRYFFINDOR"

Liam went to his table and sat next to Ron amid all the clapping, While McGonagall called a few more names before it reached Harry.

And Liam went nervous again and thought to himself

'I didn't change anything too drastically yet, Right? so Harry should also end up in Gryffindor, Shit why did I have to give a speech about how all houses are good right before the sorting ceremony, And now that hat is also going to try to send him to Slytherin '

And then Liam thought to an altercation that happened between Harry and Draco a few minutes ago and he was for the first time in his life thankful to Draco for being himself, He was sure he had made a bad impression on Potter and he just ended up in Slytherin so that should be that.

And just as he was finishing that thought the hat announced in a loud voice GRYFFINDOR and Liam released a sigh of relief while clapping their hands.

Soon after that the sorting ended and the feast began, And Liam had to curb his enthusiasm to not act like Ron with the variety of delicious food that appeared in front of him as he conducted himself in a proper manner and then the ghosts appeared all over the hall with nearly headless nick who prefers to be called sir Nicholas rising through the table and having his conversation with Ron and Hermione when Liam how was absorbing suddenly had a breakthrough.

'Yes that could solve a lot of problems of how I know what I know, How did I not think of this earlier I guess out of sight out of mind, Well anyways I just need to corporate with them and everything will be as smooth as butter, Ghosts are after all are Hogwarts biggest untapped asset '

'Great everything is coming together I just have to stick to the plan and everything will work out in the end '

'I hope'