Chu Wanning waited until Xue Meng came back before he himself went to take a bath. When he arrived, the hot spring was empty, just like how he wanted it to be. After planting a mini barrier on his back to prevent his wounds from getting wet, he slowly lowered himself into the hot water. Chu Wanning closed his eyes and sighed, sitting contentedly at the spring bottom while carefully leaning against the rocks. It had been a while, he thought. Just like everyone else, Yuheng Elder also liked to soak in hot springs. There were a few natural springs over at SiSheng Peak, reserved for the use of the elders and disciples, but Yuheng Elder disliked the crowd. He especially disliked to see and to be seen during bathing. Since he was such a reserved person, he always bathed alone in the Red Lotus Pavilion. The water was cold. He could have turned it into a hot spring by utilizing his barrier skill, but he never considered it to be worthy of such huge efforts. Not even to keep himself warm.

Chu Wanning felt so comfortable that he was falling asleep. His head slowly fell to the side, his breathing became slower. Chu Wanning did not know how long he sat inside the hot spring, but he opened his eyes in irritation when he heard the sound of footsteps entering the hot spring.

Chu Wanning thought about getting out, but then he remembered that he had not washed at all. He tried to stand up but he became dizzy. His legs quickly failed him and he ended up hitting his knees on the rocky ground.

Chu Wanning, "…"

He could not believe it. If anyone found out that he fell at the hot spring for soaking too long, he would be a laughing stock. No, his pride would not allow him to rest at the side. With much effort, he dragged himself to the other side of the spring, where the fragrance bars were stored. He was picking through the vast selection, trying to decide whether to stick to the usual haitang scent or try something new, when someone bumped into his waist.

Since Chu Wanning's legs were still weak, they quickly gave out when being attacked like that. Chu Wanning thus fell back into the hot spring, splashing water all around. He grunted in pain when his back slammed against the rocks. Despite the overwhelming dizziness, his temper quickly flared up and golden light sparkled around his hand. Chu Wanning would love to beat this rascal up…



How unlucky was he? Of all people who ran into him, it had to be Mo Ran? Why was Mo Ran even there? Did Mo Ran not bathe with Xue Meng and Shi Mei?

Chu Wanning inhaled too much vapor and started to cough badly. Mo Ran stood up and hesitated. He stretched a hand out for Chu Wanning and asked, "Shizun, are you…?"

Chu Wanning, irritated at himself, slapped that hand away and glared at Mo Ran.

Mo Ran, "…"

How preposterous. Chu Wanning stood up with much effort, intending to wash outside of the spring. Unfortunately, Yuheng Elder was very unlucky that day. Maybe he had not checked his almanac before going to bathe in the hot spring. There must be some warning to not bathe in a hot spring because he slipped against the slippery spring ground and crashed directly into Mo Ran's arms.

Mo Ran was not prepared, but he still ended up putting his arms around Chu Wanning to steady him. He was shorter than Chu Wanning, so his face was plastered against Chu Wanning's chest. In front of his eyes was a shy cherry bud, just asking to be attacked. A million colorful pictures flew into his brain. Oh, all the absurd things he had done to Chu Wanning in the previous life. The places, the time they did it, how he subdued Chu Wanning and made him writhe under him like some wanton girl, night after night… Mo Ran could almost hear Chu Wanning moaning directly into his ears. His lower part immediately reacted and poked at Chu Wanning's upper thigh. The latter ripped his eyes open and pushed Mo Ran away instantly. Shock and disbelief were written all over his face. This… this shameless disciple! Maybe it would be better to whip him to death then and there!

Mo Ran's face was completely bright red.

"S-Shizun, sorry, I…"

Chu Wanning did not want to listen. He grabbed a haitang bar and stepped out of the spring. The fall just now completely sobered him up. All he wanted to do was wash properly and get the hell out of the hot spring.

Easier said than done. Because he bumped his back during the fall, his wounds reopened again and dyed the bandages red. Whenever he moved his arms even a little to scrub his body, his back bled a bit more. No matter, Chu Wanning had endured much worse than this. He could do it. A stabbing pain made him wince and he dropped the soap bar. Chu Wanning sighed. He bent down to pick up the soap bar, but someone picked it up first.

It was Mo Ran.

Mo Ran again.

Chu Wanning could not help but glare at him.

"Shizun, can I help to scrub your back?"

"… Excuse me?"

Mo Ran seemed to either be immune against his glares, or he forgot what his glares meant. This insolent disciple actually dared to… to…

Mo Ran did not wait for him to reply. He quickly rubbed the soap bar against Chu Wanning's unbandaged area and scrubbed it using a wash cloth. It was too late to refuse. Chu Wanning sat there feeling numb, his back facing Mo Ran, who was diligently scrubbing it. This was not the first time Mo Ran took care of him, he thought. Maybe it was because the Hatred Flower's development was hindered, so Mo Ran continued to be the gentle soul he once accepted to be his disciple. Maybe, there was hope. Mo Ran was not corrupted still. Chu Wanning thought too much.

After washing Chu Wanning with warm water, Mo Ran helped to dry his Shizun. The towel was all red from the open wound on his back.

"Shizun, your back is torn again. Wait here please, I will grab some medicine and bandage…"

Chu Wanning wanted to stop him, tell him that he could do it himself, but the rascal actually ran away with his clothes.


Chu Wanning could impossibly walk out naked. He could only wait until Mo Ran came back and helped re-bandage his wounds before he finally stood up, gathered the remaining shreds of dignity he still had and stormed out of the hot spring back into his room without even saying thanks to Mo Ran.

If not for Xue Meng, who was already soundly asleep in his bed, Chu Wanning would have slammed his fist against the pillow and howled. Never again, he told himself.

Although Chu Wanning went to bed in anger, the hot bath actually made him sleep better. He woke up feeling refreshed and energized. Even the incident from the previous night seemed so trivial. Until he came face-to-face with Mo Ran, who got out of his room to go down for breakfast.



It was Mo Ran who first cracked a smile and greeted his Shizun, pretending that nothing happened the night before.

Good, because Chu Wanning would very much like to pretend that nothing happened. After breakfast, they all went back to their room to pack up and prepared to leave for Dawning Peak. Dawning Peak was covered in snow all year long, so it was very cold up there. Chu Wanning paid attention to buy all his disciples thick cloaks and leather gloves. He chose a white cloak for himself, but no gloves. While they were climbing up, he conjured three haitang petals from thin air and gave them warming properties before sticking each of them into his disciples' belt.

The hike up the Dawning Peak took some time. Chu Wanning walked at the front, behind him Xue Meng, and then Shi Mei and Mo Ran who walked side by side. At first, they walked in silence, but then Mo Ran tossed out a question at Shi Mei, "Shi Mei, should I carry you?"

Shi Mei laughed.

"Aiyah, I can still walk, A-Ran."

"I know, it's just… if you are tired, why don't I give you a piggy-back ride?"

Chu Wanning rolled with his eyes. He walked even faster, leaving his disciples behind. Xue Meng ran quickly after him while shouting, "Shizun, wait!!!!"

Shi Mei and Mo Ran could only stop their chit-chat and ran after their Shizun, who was in such a hurry to reach Jincheng Lake.