Mo Ran was used to be liked by shixiongs, shidis, shijies and shimeis alike in Sisheng Peak. Although he was also considered a Young Master of Sisheng Peak, he was easy and fun to get along with. Everyone liked Mo Ran. Everyone fell in love on the first sight with this handsome, brave young man who broke Sisheng Peak's rules like sipping water.

Everyone except the little Shidi who avoided him like the plague.

Chu Wanning stuck to Xue Meng as soon as he was put on the ground. When Mo Ran took a seat next to Chu Wanning, Chu Wanning left the seat and sat at Xue Meng's other side.


Mo Ran did not know what he did to offend the little Shidi. He tried to engage him in a conversation but he clamped up like a seashell. Xue Meng answered for him like a dutiful secretary.

Mo Ran, "Little Shidi, is your surname Xia?"

Chu Wanning, "…"

Xue Meng, "Yes, his name is Xia Sini."

Mo Ran, "Really. 'Scare you to death'? Pffft your parents sure have an interesting sense of humor."

Chu Wanning, "…"

Xue Meng, "Xia Shidi, what do you want to eat?"

Chu Wanning, "Anything."

Xue Meng, "Boss! I want to place an order. Bring us a spicy Gudong Soup with extra peppers and chili oil. I want all ingredients you have, plus some rabbit heads and also braised pig intestines!"

Xue Meng's words made Chu Wanning's face turn blue. He forgot that this disciple of his did not share similar culinary preferences with him. He quickly grabbed at Xue Meng's sleeves and said, "I want a twin pot."


"I. Want. A twin pot," Chu Wanning repeated.

"Oh, little Xia Shidi cannot eat spicy soup?" Mo Ran piped up.

Chu Wanning ignored him.

Xue Meng, "Alright, a twin pot it is."

The twin pot was quickly served a moment later, half spicy half mild just as Chu Wanning wanted. The table creaked under the weight of four sets of ingredients. While the three disciples happily started to put the ingredients they liked into the pot, Chu Wanning did not move a finger. He did not like to eat Gudong Soup in general. Also, the ingredients gave him nausea. In the end, he only lifted some soybean curd and tofu pieces from his plate into the pot half with clear broth and ate only that.

Xue Meng frowned at him.

"Shidi, aren't you eating too little? Oi, dog, don't take my brain. Leave it," he snapped at Mo Ran who was stirring inside the spicy pot to find his ingredients.

"I, I am full," Chu Wanning stammered. The shop attendant put a plate of rabbit heads in front of him and Chu Wanning almost vomited on spot. Mo Ran watched him thoughtfully. And then he called for the shopkeeper to order something else.

"Hey, shopkeeper, I want a jar of soymilk."

Chu Wanning's eyes lit up, but he did not want to say anything. He did not want to order the same thing that Mo Ran just ordered. Pressing his lips together, the little boy put on a sullen expression and remained silent.

Mo Ran took the plate of rabbit heads and started to distribute them on their plates. After the plate was empty, he put it back in front of Chu Wanning, who heaved a sigh of relief. He did the same thing with the braised pig intestines when he saw that the color on the little boy's face was not quite right.

The jar of soymilk came, and Chu Wanning could not help but throw a longing glance at the jar. Mo Ran put the unopened jar of soymilk in front of Chu Wanning.


Chu Wanning gave Mo Ran a quizzical look. Mo Ran smiled at him.

"Try it, Xia Shidi. Maybe you will like it."

Chu Wanning gingerly opened the jar and took a sip. The sweet, warm soy milk was just right for the cold weather. Chu Wanning smiled happily as he drank from the jar. Mo Ran's lips curled up in a smile.

After the jar of soymilk, Mo Ran ordered a bunch of pastries and buns. As soon as they arrived, he pushed them in front of Chu Wanning.

"Try it."

"Try this one."

"This one, too."

Maybe it was because he was in a child's body that his heart was easily movable. Chu Wanning was still hurt by the two characters at Mo Ran's saber handle, but suddenly he did not mind it that much anymore. The pastries that Mo Ran ordered for him one by one were so sweet. So sweet that they were able to cover the bitterness in his heart.

Xue Meng, "You sure know what children like to eat."

Mo Ran, "Hahaha, his taste is exactly the same as Shizun's. I reckon this is also why they can live together for so long. If any of us has to eat the same food as Shizun, we will not last long enough!"

The bitterness in Chu Wanning's heart quickly turned into a small burning rage.

"What do you mean?" he asked, furrowing his brows in fury. On Chu Wanning's real face it would have sent shivers down these disciples' spine, but on Xia Sini's face it looked like the expression of a confused, adorable child.

This time it was Xue Meng who answered.

"Right. Shizun's taste in food is otherworldly. I ate breakfast with him once, and he ordered savory tofu pudding."

Xue Meng shuddered.

"He also likes to add seaweed and dried shrimps," Mo Ran added.

"Shizun likes to eat tofu the most," Shi Mei remembered. "He picks tofu with scallion for cold dishes. I have never seen him touch any spicy foods."

"That's because he cannot eat spicy foods!" Mo Ran roared with laughter, followed by the other two.

All three of them laughed at Chu Wanning's expense. The latter narrowed his eyes at the three unfilial disciples before him. Angrily, he eyed the spicy half of the Gudong Pot and put three pieces of fish in. This gesture earned him applause from the three disciples.

"Good for you, Xia Shidi!"

"Good Shidi! You must not end up like our Shizun! Remember, eating spicy food is a must if you want to have friends over here!"

"This is a very good start! Good eating habits must be implemented since young!"

Chu Wanning clenched his jaw and watched as the spicy soup bubbled and cooked the ingredients he just put inside.

Shi Mei kindly fished out the three pieces of fish out on a plate for Chu Wanning and pushed it toward him.

"Here, Xia Shidi, give it a try. I am sure you will like it."

Chu Wanning gulped. His hands trembled when he lifted a pair of chopsticks to take a piece of the fish filets. The originally white, snowy color had turned reddish, and the plump filet was dripping with chili oil. When he gazed at the red color, a huge bell tolled in his head and sounded an alarm. He could not eat spicy foods. He knew that, but he pushed the warning aside.

-It's just a little piece of spicy fish.

-Chu Wanning, you must eat it today or die trying.

Chu Wanning closed his eyes and stuck the fish into his little mouth. The burning sensation set in before he even started to chew. His eyes quickly became teary, but he chewed as fast as he could and swallowed it. After the fish went down his stomach, his lips, mouth, tongue, and throat started to burn badly.

Shi Mei ladled some of the spicy soup into a bowl for him.

"Here, Xia Shidi, try the broth. You will like it."

Chu Wanning wanted to die then and there, but he was too proud to say no. He drank the soup in one gulp, and then he went to finish the remaining two slices of fish quickly under the sparkling gaze of his three disciples. By the time he was done, he was sure that steam must be rising on top of his head. His head felt as hot as the bubbling spicy soup in the Gudong Pot.

Mo Ran furrowed his brows. The little Shidi's face was completely red and he seemed to have difficulties breathing. Mo Ran yelled and made another order.

"Shopkeeper, I want another jar of soybean milk. Quickly."

Shi Mei and Xue Meng were chatting while eating.

"This spicy soup is the best for cold weather."

"I agree, Young Master. We should do this more often."

"Quickly, quickly. Don't let the ingredients turn dry from the cold air."

The two teenagers were busy putting in the remaining ingredients into the spicy half of the Gudong Pot. Chu Wanning swallowed his saliva and almost choked. Even his saliva was spicy.

Mo Ran placed the jar of soybean milk in front of Chu Wanning.

"Drink. It will help relieve the burning sensation."

The jar of soybean milk was warm. It would not help at all. Chu Wanning shook his head fervently. After some time, it was not only the dizziness but also the stomachache. It felt as if the spicy food had stripped down a part of his stomach walls and left a bloody inferno in its wake. Chu Wanning held onto his stomach and grimaced from pain. His tiny body trembled as he fought against the cramps in his stomach.

"Xia Shidi?"

Hearing Mo Ran's voice, Xue Meng and Shi Mei stopped chatting at once and all three of them stared at Chu Wanning, aghast.