The destruction of Peach Blossoms Spring shortly after the massacre at Jincheng Lake caused an uproar within the cultivation world. All sects understood that something evil was brewing in the darkness, waiting to bare its claws to destroy the existing peace and harmony within the mortal realm.

Without taking the teenagers with him into account, Chu Wanning was the renowned elder who was involved in both cases directly. While some claimed that he was at the wrong time and the wrong place, some others scoffed at the coincidence and claimed that Chu Wanning might just be the criminal that they were looking for.

Because Chu Wanning was an elder in Sisheng Peak, Xue Zhengyong had to deal with a lot of people who came banging at the sect gate every day, trying to lure Chu Wanning out to get some answers. After two weeks of unbearable disturbances, he lost all his patience and manners. Those who came without good reasons were viciously chewed out and kicked out of Sisheng Peak before they managed to say the words "Chu Wanning".

As soon as Chu Wanning came back to Sisheng Peak, he went to discuss the current situation with Xue Zhengyong. His main concern was the Heavenly Rift. It was no longer something that might happen in the future. It was going to happen, whether the mortal realm was ready or not.

A sect leader meeting was going to happen within two days, and Chu Wanning insisted on going with Xue Zhengyong this time to discuss preparation for the upcoming Heavenly Rift.

He was ready to show up in his current child body, but thankfully a package from Jiang Xi arrived just in time. Within the package was a bottle of thirty-something pills and a letter from Jiang Xi. Jiang Xi had managed to refine more concentrated pills out of the ancient poison. He predicted that each pill would last Chu Wanning seven days if the latter did not use his spiritual energy at all.

Of course they both knew that Chu Wanning would never be able to sit still. Jiang Xi had proven that back when he took Chu Wanning out to test the prototype. Hoping that Chu Wanning would exert some self-restraint, Jiang Xi strictly wrote down a warning not to overuse the pills because they were detrimental to the heart.

Chu Wanning wrote a thank you note to Jiang Xi and took one of the pills right away.

Chu Wanning and Xue Zhengyong went off to attend the sect leader meeting as soon as Chu Wanning recovered his adult body.

Despite Xue Zhengyong's and Chu Wanning's warning to every sect in the upper cultivation realm, only Guyue'ye Sect gave proper response and took the warning seriously. The others had ignored the warning altogether.

During the sect leader meeting which was chaired by Nangong Liu and not attended by Jiang Xi as usual, the other sects openly shared their opinions. In general, they dismissed the warning as paranoia and attempts from Sisheng Peak to gain more attention. They were more interested in finding the culprit that was responsible for particularly Jincheng Lake's destruction. After all, so they claimed, the loss of hundreds of spiritual weapons was more important than just some grim prediction for an apocalypse.

Xue Zhengyong slammed the table in fury.

"You selfish bastards do not care because it is the Lower Cultivation Realm that will be annihilated first in the event of a Heavenly Rift!!"

The sect leaders furrowed their brows, their faces turned a shade redder from the unmasked accusation.

"Oh, my. Sect Leader Xue, please guard your tongue."

"We also have a lot of problems to tend to at the Upper Cultivation Realm..."

"Although the contribution of Sisheng Peak is not to be neglected, it doesn't mean that you have the right to judge us like this."


Xue Zhengyong was so angry that he almost vomited blood on spot. Chu Wanning quietly pulled at his arm and said, "Sect Leader, let's go. We are not going to get the help that we want."

The sect leaders laughed nervously. One of them stepped forward and cupped his hands in respect before Chu Wanning.

"Chu-zongshi, you misunderstood us. Of course when a breach in the barrier happens, all of us will rush to help."

Chu Wanning raised an eyebrow at the speaker. It was Nangong Liu himself. Having served as a guest master in Rufeng Sect after leaving Wubei Temple, Chu Wanning knew Nangong Liu very well. He especially remembered that Nangong Liu ruthlessly sacrificed his wife to get a spiritual weapon from Jincheng Lake. Besides, where was Nangong Liu again when the breach happened in the past life?

A cynical smile appeared on Chu Wanning's face. He did not need to lower himself to say anything in reproach, but the friendly smile on Nangong Liu's face gradually faded. He too remembered Chu Wanning's last impression of him before he left Rufeng Sect. A strange light twinkled in his eyes for a split second. Chu Wanning failed to catch it and gave his answer that was dripping with sarcasm instead.

"Then, I must thank Sect Leader Nangong in advance."

That was all Chu Wanning had to say before he dragged Xue Zhengyong out of the meeting venue and went back to Sisheng Peak.

Xue Zhengyong was truly aggravated by the selfishness of the Upper Cultivation Realm. He needed to cool off, and so did Chu Wanning. While Xue Zhengyong went to spend some time with Madam Wang, Chu Wanning went back to Red Lotus Pavilion to rest for a while.

Unfortunately, someone was already waiting for him to come back.

After going through a recent heartbreaking revelation about his origin and making peace with himself, Chu Wanning was able to return to his usual cold and indifferent self when facing other people.

He thought he would be able to stay the same way when facing Mo Ran. As soon as he saw the young man, he knew he was wrong. 

Mo Ran sat at the gate of Red Lotus Pavilion the way he did back when he was still begging Chu Wanning to become his shizun. He used to come every morning to greet Chu Wanning when he left his residence, and every evening when Chu Wanning came back to Red Lotus Pavilion.

A tight knot formed inside Chu Wanning's heart.

It was not Mo Ran. It was not the innocent, yet unsullied disciple he hoped to guide to the right path.

It was Taxian-Jun.

A reborn Taxian-Jun.

The Taxian-Jun who Chu Wanning failed to save.

The only saving grace was that this Taxian-Jun did not know that Chu Wanning also retained the memories from the past life.

Mo Ran looked up and widened his eyes in surprise when he saw Chu Wanning approaching. It was clear that he had waited a long time for Chu Wanning to come back.

Chu Wanning gave Mo Ran a cold look.

"What are you doing here?"

Mo Ran's Adam's Apple bobbed up and down nervously.

"I... I am waiting for Shizun."

Chu Wanning narrowed his eyes at him.

"What for?"


Mo Ran struggled to find the words to say. Chu Wanning lowered his soft eyelashes. He went past Mo Ran and pushed the door of the Red Lotus Pavilion open.

"Come back when you know what to say."

"Shizun, wait!"

Mo Ran pushed the door open before Chu Wanning closed it behind him. The master and disciple looked into each other's eyes. There was a mix of emotions in their hearts and a lot of unspoken words on their tongues. In past life, they had hurt each other viciously but also lay with each other intimately. The memories carried over to the present life, making them unable to escape the web of hate and lust. 

In past life, Chu Wanning lost against Taxian-Jun. In this life, Chu Wanning refused to lose. Mo Ran was still his disciple, and he was still the shizun. At that point of time, he could destroy Mo Ran's cultivation if he wanted to, just like how Taxian-Jun destroyed his. Only that he did not want to do it. Not if he could save Mo Ran from spiraling down the evil path. And then he discovered that it was not Mo Ran but Taxian-Jun.

Something wild flickered in Chu Wanning's eyes. He inadvertently balled his fingers into a fist.

Mo Ran did not look like he was planning to leave. Chu Wanning sighed in his heart.

"What do you want, Mo Ran?"

"I... Shizun, I am sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"For... For everything."

Chu Wanning scoffed mercilessly.

"I wish you would spend your time doing the right thing instead of apologizing."

Chu Wanning flicked with his sleeves.

"Leave. I wish to be alone."

"Wait, Shizun!"

Mo Ran fell on his knees and grabbed the hem of Chu Wanning's robe.

"Shizun, I... I heard that Shizun has been trying to get the other sects to help while preparing for the Heavenly Rift.

Shizun, please let me help!"


Chu Wanning's expression betrayed neither approval nor disapproval. Panic started to creep into Mo Ran's heart. He did not know why it distressed him so much to have Chu Wanning treat him coldly. He hated Chu Wanning. Chu Wanning ruined his life. But why was it that he simply could not let Chu Wanning be? 

All he could remember was Xia Sini's tear-streaked face back in the illusory realm, when he spoke openly about Chu Wanning's ruthless nature.

If he had known that Xia Sini were Chu Wanning! No matter how much he hated Chu Wanning, he would never say it into his face like that. This time around, he had wanted to maintain a normal master-disciple relationship with Chu Wanning. He did not want them to be enemies. So why, why? Why must he run his mouth like that?

Judging from Chu Wanning's cold attitude toward him, Mo Ran knew that he had neither forgotten nor forgiven.

Mo Ran's face darkened as he gazed into Chu Wanning's indifferent face. He knew those eyes. He saw them before. He could hear the words ringing in his ears.

-"...deficient by nature, beyond remedy."

Mo Ran pursed his lips, his heart started to pound hard in his chest.

-Say it, Chu Wanning. I know what you want to say. Just get it over with.

But Chu Wanning said something else instead.

"Mo Ran, if the Heavenly Rift does happen, what do you want to do?"

Mo Ran furrowed his brows.

"I want to save the cultivation realm from ghost attacks."

Chu Wanning inhaled slowly without removing his eyes from Mo Ran.

"I am not asking about what I want you to do. What do you really want to achieve, Mo Ran?"

Mo Ran swallowed hard.

He thought about Wen Yuan and Ye Zhang. Their battered corpses on the ground. And then he thought about Shi Mei. Shi Mei who died in his arms in his past life.

"I want..."

Mo Ran lowered his gaze from shame.

"I want to keep Shi Mei alive."

Chu Wanning knew, didn't he? After all, he had seen Mo Ran and Shi Mei together so many times. Mo Ran clenched his jaw.

So what?

What was so wrong with liking someone? Especially if it was someone as gentle and kind-hearted as Shi Mei? What was wrong with wanting that person to stay alive? It was not wrong. It's not like he told Chu Wanning that he would kill everyone to keep Shi Mei alive.


It was not wrong.

Mo Ran slowly looked up and met Chu Wanning's gaze again. His eyes were full of determination.

Unexpectedly, Chu Wanning's expression softened after hearing Mo Ran's honest answer. He reached out and grabbed Mo Ran's chin so that Mo Ran could not avert his eyes from Chu Wanning.

"Do that," Chu Wanning said slowly in a low voice. "Do not disappoint me."

At the end of his words, Chu Wanning let Mo Ran go. When Chu Wanning's hand left his face, Mo Ran inadvertently stepped backward while staring at Chu Wanning in shock. 

Moments later, the door of the Red Lotus Pavilion fell shut with a soft thud and separated Chu Wanning from Mo Ran.