In consideration of his age, no one expected Huaizui to join a battle in the cultivation realm, no matter how serious. When a group of disciples from the Wubei Temple left on their swords to help with the disaster that befell the Shuzhong area, Huaizui locked himself in his bedroom and dedicated the hours to praying with the rosary beads in his hands. Praying for the safety of the cultivation realm, and also for Chu Wanning's.

The first time his disciple went away, it was because he wanted to serve the mortal realm. He almost died in Huaizui's hands at that time. The second time said disciple went away, it was also because he wanted to serve the mortal realm one last time. And then, he wished to return his body to Huaizui upon his impending death.

Although the first time was heartbreaking, Huaizui knew that Chu Wanning would never again bow his head toward anyone and would stay strong with a straight back no matter what. When he left the second time, though, he had none of the previous self-confidence and strength. It was as if he had been reduced to nothing but a brittle shell that was filled with burdens and responsibilities. His soul could not wait to leave the body.

The shocking news of Chu Wanning's death spread in the Upper Cultivation Realm two days after his death. Xue Zhengyong had taken care to publicize his death and allow representatives from Upper Cultivation Realm to come to pay their last respect to the Grandmaster.

When Huaizui heard the news, the old monk locked himself in his bedroom for a long time to mourn Chu Wanning's passing. There was an emptiness in his heart that would never again be filled with warmth. The pure and innocent child that was born to the world through his hands had left the world at such a young age. His blood and sweat paid for so many lives in both Lower and Upper Cultivation Realm.

Huaizui knelt in front of a secret compartment at the head of his bed and took out the package that Chu Wanning entrusted to him weeks ago. A few things still needed to be done. Huaizui thus descended from the mountain and left for Sisheng Peak that day.

The person he looked for when he arrived at Sisheng Peak was Xue Zhengyong. In awe of the great master's imposing presence, the disciples who guarded the gate quickly led the monk to Xue Zhengyong's private residence. The Sisheng Peak Sect Leader was surprised when Huaizui introduced himself. Master Huaizui was a living legend in the cultivation realm! He was a Living Buddha who had refused to ascend due to his exceeding humility. He turned his back at the Gate of Heavens and preferred to remain in the mortal realm instead. And yet the two-hundred-year-old master looked even younger than Xue Zhengyong was!

"Master Huaizui, what... What an honor. Are you here to visit our Yuheng Elder?" Xue Zhengyong stuttered nervously.

Huaizui put his hands together and bowed, "Amitabha, Sect Leader Xue is too courteous. This humble monk is here to execute my disciple Chu Wanning's will."

"Y-your disciple..."

Xue Zhengyong was at a loss for words. He merely knew that Chu Wanning was in Rufeng Sect before he joined Sisheng Peak. He never expected Chu Wanning to be Master Huaizui's disciple. But of course! Someone as outstanding as Chu Wanning must have equally impressive shizun!

Huaizui smiled sadly and asked, "Sect Leader Xue, Chu Wanning left another copy of his will in your hands. Please take it out so we can together read his last messages."

Xue Zhengyong's eyes immediately turned hazy from tears when he heard the words "his last messages".

"Yes, yes... Of course."

He rushed into his bedroom to fetch said will, and came out a few moments later while wiping the end of his eyes.

"This... This is what he gave me weeks ago."

They opened the wills and compared the content.

"The beneficiaries are the two of us and his three disciples. Will Sect Leader Xue please ask the three disciples to come?"

It was late at night, but Xue Zhengyong could not care less. He was dying to hear Chu Wanning's last words. Xue Meng had the same opinion. He frantically jumped out of his bed and dragged his father to walk quickly to meet Master Huaizui.

The three of them made their way to the Loyalty Hall where Mo Ran and Shi Mei were still kneeling at each side. As soon as Xue Meng saw Mo Ran, he growled in fury.

"Xue Ziming!" Xue Zhengyong chastised his son with a frown. "Mind your manners in front of our guest."

"Yes... Dad."

Mo Ran and Shi Mei were just preparing to leave. He did not expect another guest to come and pay his respect that late at night.

"Uncle, this is...?" Mo Ran asked while looking at the monk in confusion.

Xue Zhengyong cleared his throat.

"This esteemed guest is Master Huaizui from Wubei Temple."

Upon hearing who it was, Mo Ran's facial expression changed. He quickly got up from his knees and stared at Huaizui as if the latter owed him a lot of money.

"Master Huaizui, are you... Are you here for Chu Wanning?" He asked, brimming with hope.

In his haste, he forgot his manners and referred to his Shizun by his name directly. Huaizui nodded gently.

"This humble monk is here to execute Chu Wanning's will."

Mo Ran looked as if someone had just offered him a cake, dropped the cake to the ground, and stomped on it mercilessly.

"But... But Master!"

"Mo Ran!" Xue Zhengyong shouted. "Mind your manners!"

Mo Ran could not stop talking.

"But Uncle! Master Huaizui, he... Master Huaizui, you can just..."

"Mo Ran!" Xue Zhengyong shouted again. "Let the elder talk!"

Mo Ran gritted his teeth.

The five people stood together to read Chu Wanning's will.

"To Xue Ziming, my first disciple.

I herewith transfer the ownership of one of my spiritual weapons, Huaisha to you. Master Huaizui will help extract the weapon from my body and hand it to you. I hope that the spiritual weapon will be a faithful companion and help you in your endeavors to thrive in the cultivation realm."

Huaizui approached Chu Wanning's corpse and let his hand hover on Chu Wanning's chest. The air between the corpse and the hand was distorted by a wave of spiritual energy until the hilt of the golden sword Huaisha appeared and Huaizui drew the sword out smoothly. He then offered it to Xue Meng, who looked so pale that he might faint anytime soon. There was no single ounce of joy in his face, only emptiness.

"That... That's it?" He asked.

Huaizui explained, "Tianwen and Jiu'ge were part of him, and they could not be separated from his body..."

"That is not what I meant!" Xue Meng cried. "Does Shizun not have anything else to say to me?!"

Huaizui shook his head.

"Unfortunately no."

Xue Meng lowered his head in disappointment. Huaisha dangled weakly in his hand.

Huaizui continued.

"To Shi Mingjing, my second disciple. I hand over all my personal library collections in Red Lotus Pavilion to you, in hope that the books and scrolls will be useful for your medical study. I have written a personal recommendation for you to study directly under Guyue'ye Sect, should you decide to find a new shizun. Sect Leader Jiang has been notified of this matter."

Huaizui took out a smaller envelope and handed it over to Shi Mei. Shi Mei took the recommendation and mumbled a thank you. He looked as disappointed as Xue Meng was.

Huaizui drew a deep breath before he continued.

"To my last disciple, Mo Weiyu. I herewith transfer my chance to open the Ever-yearning Box to you. A seal is placed around the box. It will disappear after the box is in your hand."

Huaizui took the wrapped package and slowly unwrapped it. Underneath, the Ever-yearning Box came into sight. A silvery mist engulfed the box. As soon as Mo Ran received it, the mist disappeared and left a cold wooden box in his hand.

"Chu Wanning has attached a personal note specifically for you," Huaizui said.

Both Xue Meng and Shi Mei shot a glare at Mo Ran. Mo Ran himself was too startled to notice.

"For... For me...?"

Huaizui nodded. He took out a small scroll and gave it to Mo Ran. Mo Ran took it in a daze and stared at it in disbelief.

Angrily, Xue Meng said, "Well? Open it!"

Mo Ran turned his head to Xue Meng and frowned slightly.

"No. This is what Shizun left for me personally."

"You...!!! You do not deserve a second chance on that box! If Shizun had known what kind of scum you are, you...!!"

Mo Ran ignored Xue Meng and addressed Huaizui directly.

"Master Huaizui, I know that you are able to wield the 'Rebirth' technique. Will you please... Can you please resurrect our Shizun???"

A flicker of understanding appeared in Huaizui's eyes. Just like Chu Wanning said, Taxian-Jun had also been revived with his memories from his past life. Else how would he know about Master Huaizui's "Rebirth" skill?

Upon hearing that there was a chance for Chu Wanning to be brought back to life, Xue Meng stopped his rant in an instant. He and Shi Mei quickly kowtowed in front of Huaizui.

"Master, please have mercy. Please bring my Shizun back to life!"

"Master Huaizui, I am also begging you. Please help resurrect our Shizun!"

Mo Ran also fell to his knees and lowered his head.

"Master Huaizui, please! My Shizun has departed too early. Please, please bring him back!"

Huaizui sighed. He put his palms together and bowed to the three young men in front of him.

"It is not that I do not wish to resurrect him. Chu Wanning had explicitly informed this humble one that he did not wish to be revived upon his death."


All three disciples looked as if they had just been struck by thunder. They barely registered what Huaizui said next.

"Mo-shizhu, Chu Wanning has also asked for you to stay under Wubei Temple's protection until you reach adulthood and are able to fend for yourself. I wish to take you and Chu Wanning's body back to Wubei Temple tomorrow morning. Please come and find me then."

A clanging sound was heard when Huaisha fell to the floor. Xue Meng grabbed at Huaizui's robe.

"Master, there... There has to be a mistake. My Shizun... My Shizun impossibly said that."

Huaizui shook his head with regret.

"Xue-shizhu, this humble monk said nothing but the truth."

Xue Meng began to cry.

"No. No, I refuse to accept it. I refuse!"

Xue Zhengyong swallowed his own heartache and pulled at Xue Meng's arms to drag him up.

"Meng-er, come on. Stand up."

"No! No, Dad! I don't want any spiritual weapon! I don't want it! Please return it to Shizun but please bring him back from the underworld! I can't take this... I can't..."

Xue Zhengyong pulled Xue Meng into a tight hug.

"Meng-er, enough. Let your Shizun rest in peace. He has done enough. Be a good boy and let him go, okay?"

Xue Meng broke down in a howl.



Xue Zhengyong turned to Huaizui with an apologetic expression.

"Master, I am sorry. I have to tend to my son. I will arrange a disciple to lead you to the guest room."

"Amitabha, thank you, Sect Leader Xue."

Xue Zhengyong dragged Xue Meng back to his bedroom. A disciple came not long after to take Huaizui to the guest room. It was almost midnight when Shi Mei too decided to retreat.

"A-Ran?" He called when Mo Ran did not show any sign of going back.

"I will stay for a little more," Mo Ran told Shi Mei. "Shi Mei, you go ahead."

"... Okay."

When Shi Mei was out of sight, Mo Ran rose to his feet and locked the doors of Loyalty Hall. It was then just him alone with Chu Wanning's body. His Shizun looked very innocent in his eternal sleep. There was even a peaceful smile lacing his lips.

Mo Ran stood by his coffin and took out the scroll that Huaizui gave him. Inside it was Chu Wanning's handwritten message to him.

"Mo Ran. I am giving you a second chance to get a spiritual weapon. Mutual affection between two people is not necessarily born at the same time. Love requires time and effort. Choose your moment wisely. I hope that whatever you get from within the box will help you serve the mortal realm. I wish you a long and happy life next to the person who you love and who loves you equally."

Mo Ran read the letter again and again until his sight became blurry. Tears dropped from Mo Ran's eyes and ruined the beautifully written characters. Mo Ran hastily wiped his tears away from the scroll but he ended up smearing the ink even more.

"No... No..." Mo Ran choked back his sobs.

Even Chu Wanning's last letter had been ruined by him. There when no one saw him, Mo Ran sobbed uncontrollably in the empty hall.

That was the last thing that Chu Wanning wanted to tell him. Despite the cold treatment, despite everything that went wrong between them, his Shizun still wished for him to be happy with Shi Mei. But how could he? How could he ever be happy again?

Two lifetimes. He had ruined Chu Wanning in both lives. How could he ever pay back this debt? How could he ever repay Chu Wanning for his sacrifice??? What had Mo Ran ever given Chu Wanning in return? Nothing!!!

Mo Ran took out the Ever-yearning box and let his hand brush against the cool surface. A year ago, he was so upset when he failed to open the box. Now, he wished more than anything to forever lose the chance to obtain a spiritual weapon if only it could bring Chu Wanning back.

"I can't do this, Wanning," he softly whispered. "I do not deserve your kindness, your care. I am unfilial, I drove you to your grave."

Mo Ran bent forward and kissed Chu Wanning's forehead. His Shizun was so cold. Mo Ran's tears dropped on his little face and Mo Ran wiped them away. He then placed the Ever-yearning box into Chu Wanning's little hands.

"Please take it back. Just like you want me to, I will dedicate my life to the good of the mortal realm. I will not disappoint you. Shizun, you will see..."

His words stopped abruptly when he heard a soft clicking sound.

Mo Ran stared at the Ever-yearning box in disbelief. There was a tiny gap between the body and the lid. The box... The box was open! He slid the lid down and saw what was inside. It was a bright golden willow vine.


Mo Ran was speechless. No matter how he looked at it, it was Tianwen. Or a similar weapon to Tianwen. He took it out and the weapon shone brightly in his hand. It burst with radiant, sparkling light as the color changed into a dancing bright scarlet.

"Wanning..." Mo Ran sobbed. "Wanning..."

-This is a cruel joke by Heaven.

-I do not deserve to have Tianwen.

-I do not.

-I am not good enough for Tianwen.


-Wanning, take it back... I can't possibly...

Suddenly, the willow vine's silver handle glowed in Mo Ran's hand and two characters carved themselves onto the handle in eloquent calligraphy writing.


Wan. Ning.