When Chu Wanning opened his eyes again, the sun already set. He was not feeling hungry at all, but he thought that he should go and eat something.

And then he noticed a bowl of medicinal chicken soup on the nightstand, kept warm by a little dome-like barrier with warming properties.


What a waste of spiritual energy.

Chu Wanning poked at the barrier and it disappeared right away. The fragrant smell of the soup wafted into the room immediately. Even Chu Wanning who was originally not hungry wanted to eat at least a spoonful.

The soup was too good.

The flavor was mild but evenly balanced. The chicken was cooked until tender, but not mushy. The medicinal roots and herbs were skillfully prepared and mixed. Clearly, the person who cooked it was very skillful.

Before Chu Wanning knew it, he already finished the whole bowl. Yuheng Elder marveled at the empty bowl. Was the soup on today's menu in Mengpo Hall? He made a mental note to praise the grannies the next time he went to eat there.

"Yuheng? Yuheng, are you up???"

Xue Zhengyong's voice was heard before the person himself showed up. Sect Leader Xue furrowed his brows when he saw Chu Wanning still sitting on the bed with an empty bowl in his hands.

"Did you just wake up? My, you sure slept for a long time," he commented casually.

Chu Wanning put the bowl back on the nightstand. "Indeed, I spent the whole day sleeping."

Xue Zhengyong coughed.

"Two days. You slept for two days straight."


"Anyway, I am glad that you finally eat something. How is the soup, good?"

Even Xue Zhengyong knew about the soup.

"Yes, the grannies outdid themselves this time," he praised sincerely.

Xue Zhengyong burst into laughter. "What grannies? Ran-er made it specifically for you!"

"... Mo Ran did?"

Xue Zhengyong heaved a sigh as heavy as the world itself.

"He came by a few times to deliver food to you, but you never woke up. He was so worried that he asked me to invite Master Huaizui back here to check on you."


Mo Ran did?

Chu Wanning was not used to being at the receiving end of care, so he did not feel comfortable hearing that someone cared for him. Especially when that someone was Mo Ran.

"My nephew has grown up. He now knows how to take care of others. Such is the power of love. En."


Chu Wanning perked up.


Mo Ran did say that he fell in love with someone other than Shi Mei when they met the last time. Chu Wanning did not have the time to dig deeper because Xue Meng showed up right afterward. If even Xue Zhengyong knew about it, then the relationship between Mo Ran and this person must be quite serious.

But who was it?

An uneasy feeling settled in Chu Wanning's stomach. His thoughts quickly landed on one single name. Song Qiutong.

"Oh, right. Yuheng, you are yet to meet with the person. Honestly, I am also surprised when Meng-er told me."

"Where does the person hail from?" Chu Wanning asked, trying to sound casual and not terrified.

"Rufeng Sect."

Chu Wanning's heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach.

It was indeed Song Qiutong.

"Ye Wangxi."

"... Excuse me?"

"Mo Ran's lover is Ye Wangxi."

Ye Wangxi?

How could it be Ye Wangxi? In their previous life, Ye Wangxi was married to Nangong Si. After Nangong Si's death, Ye Wangxi remained in Rufeng Sect and defended the 72 cities of Rufeng until she died in Taxian-Jun's hands.

How did they end up as lovers this time around?

Chu Wanning could not fathom the drastic changes that took place in this life. Granted, he had contributed to some plot deviation but then again Mo Ran might have done something as well.

It was good to see that things developed in a better direction. Ye Wangxi was a loyal and strong cultivator with profound principles and integrity. The very picture of a gentleman that Rufeng Sect men wanted to be but failed to be.

There was no better person in the whole cultivation world to stand by Mo Ran's side.


Chu Wanning should be happy.

Good for Mo Ran.

Good that he found a good partner this time around.

Xue Zhengyong left after telling Chu Wanning that Sisheng Peak would hold a banquet to celebrate his return in the evening of the next day, so Chu Wanning should remember to wake up in time.

Having slept for two days straight, Chu Wanning was wide awake. While he was wondering about what to do, his eyes were drawn to the pile of books that Xue Meng bought him. He thus spent a few hours reading about the major events in the past five years.

Xue Meng only said that Mo Ran had grown into a decent person. He did not at all mention Mo Ran's accomplishments.

"... sea of blood, ghosts everywhere, the residents of Butterfly Town relied on the help of cultivators..."

"... extraordinary barrier-fixing ability, only second to his shizun, Chu Wanning..."

"... Mo-zongshi."

Chu Wanning stopped reading when he landed on the two words. His fingers brushed against the three characters.


He never thought that Mo Ran would become a Mo-zongshi in another life. A complete opposite of Taxian-Jun.

Mo Ran truly had changed.

Chu Wanning set the book aside and gazed at the bright moon up in the sky.

Thank Heavens.

Shi Mei's survival during the Heavenly Rift truly changed everything. Chu Wanning was more than grateful. Although he broke his core and he became weaker than before, this was the price that he was willing to pay.

It was worth it.

Chu Wanning's mood improved significantly. And because of that, he decided to go to Sisheng Peak's hot spring to take a bath. The hot spring was named the MiaoYin Spring.

MiaoYin Spring's construction was personally supervised by Xue Zhengyong. For some reason, Xue Zhengyong believed that bathing was more important than sleeping. This was why the disciple dormitory was very plain while the bathing facilities were more than impressive.

Although Chu Wanning liked soaking in hot springs, he disliked to mingle with other people. The reason why he decided to go this time was because it was already very late at night.

No disciples would take a bath at this time, so Chu Wanning happily took his bath supplies and headed for the hot spring.

Inside the hot spring, visitors could pick from a few ponds to soak in. The two big ponds were located at the front side. People tended to soak together in the two ponds. Those who disliked sharing could pick from a few small ponds at the back of the hot spring.

Chu Wanning walked carefully on the colorful stony path, heading to the small pond area. A thick mist covered the whole bathing area, making it impossible to recognize others, but it did nothing to muffle sounds.

Chu Wanning stopped in his track when he heard some moaning sound.

And then to his greatest shock, Mo Ran's gentle voice was heard, "Are you okay?"

"Yes," came the answer from the other person.

"No need to rush. No one will come this late at night."

"En, sure."

Another moaning sound soon followed.

Chu Wanning stood there in bewilderment, shaking from fury.

He could not believe his ears.

Mo-zongshi... What kind of a zongshi was he???

Mo Ran had not changed at all!

If anything, he became worse! He even dared to conduct his debauched activities in Sisheng Peak's hot spring!!!