As soon as Chu Wanning made sure that no one was listening in on their conversation, he quickly cut to the chase.

"Did Sect Leader Jiang notice anything unusual within these five years?"

Jiang Xi rubbed at his chin thoughtfully. "Is Chu-zongshi referring to his disciple, Mo Weiyu?"

"Him and my other disciple, Shi Mingjing."

The Hatred Flower was as rare as it was precious. Though it was a demonic flower, it was a fascinating object for those in the medical field. Ever since Jiang Xi found out that Mo Ran had been infected with said flower, he had been wanting to conduct some experiments on him to learn more about the flower's nature.

Jiang Xi requested to have Mo Ran sent to Guyue'ye regularly for inspection, but Chu Wanning was strictly against it. His goal was to deactivate the flower and not to feed the flower.

Sect Leader Jiang was disappointed, but he continued researching the Hatred Flower and often met up with Chu Wanning to discuss the Hatred Flower. Just before the Heavenly Rift incident happened, he found out something new about the Hatred Flower.

"Does Chu-zongshi know? There is an option to tear a part of one's soul and attach it to a Hatred Flower before planting it into someone's heart. This way, the host of the flower will forever be devoted to the planter and will do whatever the planter wants him to do."

As soon as Jiang Xi said it, Chu Wanning's mind flew to one single person. Shi Mei! Taxian-Jun was obsessed with Shi Mei for his whole life! But then it also did not make sense.

Shi Mei died. What benefit could the planter reap when Shi Mei was dead? Maybe it was not Shi Mei.

And then a horrifying thought occurred to him. He found out by chance that Shi Mei's soul was damaged. It was possible that someone did tear Shi Mei's soul apart and planted it together with the flower in Mo Ran's heart. And somehow still gain benefit from it.


The person might have planned Shi Mei's death all along. Shi Mei was used as an object of Mo Ran's adoration. His death was the catalyst to Mo Ran's downfall.

Shi Mei died during the Heavenly Rift in the previous life, just as the planter had planned. Even if Chu Wanning could prevent his death this time around, there was no guarantee that Shi Mei would stay alive for long after the Heavenly Rift took place.

Chu Wanning's blood ran cold at that thought. Mo Ran could still blacken anytime and he would not be able to prevent it from happening.

These thoughts haunted Chu Wanning for a long time until he came up with a few plans.

He might not be able to avoid death in this life, but he could take some preventive measures to ensure that Mo Ran and Shi Mei would not be harmed.

He thus arranged for Mo Ran to stay with Master Huaizui and Shi Mei to stay in Guyue'ye Sect. Under the ruse of reassigning them to new masters, he had wanted to safeguard their lives after he died.

But then Master Huaizui went into seclusion to resurrect him. Mo Ran wandered through the cultivation realm on his own, unaware of the danger he was in. Thankfully, at least Shi Mei went to Guyue'ye Sect as per his initial plan.

"Shi Mingjing is under the direct supervision of Hua Binan," Jiang Xi informed him. "He said that Shi Mei had been very diligent in his studies. He was not seen getting particularly close to anyone. During his trip back and forth between Sisheng Peak and Rainbell Isle, there was always someone who accompanied him using a lot of excuses."

"I see."

The planter did not manage to harm Shi Mei in time to exact the plan. The flower then slowly lost its effect, allowing Mo Ran to fall in love with Ye Wangxi. By then it was no longer necessary to kill Shi Mei. Shi Mei was no longer in danger.

Very good. Chu Wanning breathed out of relief.

"Then, about Mo Weiyu..."

Jiang Xi raised an eyebrow at Chu Wanning. "He disliked me, so he avoided me whenever possible. Then, I discovered a way for him to find me on his own accord."

"And that is?"

Jiang Xi laughed. "For some reason, he is deeply concerned about you. Whenever I pay a visit to Red Lotus Pavilion, he will also be there to act like a guard and stop me from barging in."

"I see."

"If I did not know better, I would have thought that Chu-zongshi himself planted the Hatred Flower into Mo Weiyu."

Chu Wanning and Jiang Xi gazed deep into each other's eyes, but there was no suspicion in Jiang Xi's eyes.

"It was not me," Chu Wanning said nevertheless.

"I know," Jiang Xi nodded. "Else why would I tell you?"

"Mo Ran is just deeply grateful that I saved his life."

A smirk spread on Jiang Xi's face. "What a filial disciple indeed. More than what I can say about your two other disciples."

Chu Wanning disagreed. "They are all filial in their ways."

Jiang Xi circled back to his observation about Mo Ran.

"So then whenever I met with Mo Weiyu, I tried to check for the Hatred Flower's activity. Whenever I stimulated him with words, he was extremely annoyed but that was pretty much it. His mood didn't go erratic. He did nothing drastic."

"I see. Did the Hatred Flower already start losing its effectivity at that time?"

Jiang Xi shook his head solemnly.

"It takes at least eight full years for the Hatred Flower to completely deactivate. Judging from the last time Hua Binan checked Mo Weiyu, I would say that to this moment, eight years have yet to pass."

So the danger still persisted. Chu Wanning frowned.

"Hua Binan has been trying to find a way to curb the effect of the Hatred Flower. He recently came up with something. Is Chu-zongshi interested to know?"

Of course, he was.

"What is it?"

Jiang Xi took something out of the folds of his chest and showed it to Chu Wanning.

It was a silver ring that was infused with spells.

"Hua Binan put a lot of restriction spells inside this ring. He believes that it can inhibit the growth of the Hatred Flower until the eight years have passed safely."

Chu Wanning extended his hand to accept the ring. "How can I compensate Grandmaster Hua for this ring... WHO IS IT???"

Chu Wanning summoned Tianwen instantly. The willow vine shot in a single direction, intent on catching the person who was watching them. The person had swiftly disappeared, leaving only the rustling leaves behind.

Chu Wanning used his qinggong and chased after the person persistently. It took a while but he eventually managed to catch up.

"Stop right there!" He shouted, but the person refused to stand still. Chu Wanning had no other option but to use Tianwen to bind the other person. Tianwen followed Chu Wanning's command and whipped through the air dangerously. Unexpectedly, it was repelled away by a flash of bright red willow vine.

Chu Wanning's lips parted in surprise. He stopped his attacks abruptly and watched as Mo Ran retracted his willow vine. The man left Chu Wanning behind without even giving him one last look.

It was as if Mo Ran was in a hurry to get away from Chu Wanning.

Chu Wanning and Jiang Xi returned to the banquet, but Mo Ran was nowhere to be found. He did not return even after the banquet concluded around midnight.

All elders and disciples went back to their quarters afterward, full of wine and good food. Chu Wanning excused himself and walked back to Red Lotus Pavilion.

He could not forget about how Mo Ran looked from the behind as he fled. Why was he even there? Also, maybe it was only his impression, but Mo Ran's back looked so sad and lonely.

Chu Wanning pushed the door into Red Lotus Pavilion open, and his shoe bumped against something that was placed in front of the gate.

What was it? A rock?

Chu Wanning furrowed his brows. He bent down and picked the thing up. It was an unusually thick book, and a heavy one too.

It was dark outside, so Chu Wanning heaved it into his bedroom. He lit a candle and observed the book that someone left anonymously in front of his Red Lotus Pavilion. He saw that it was not originally a book but a lot of pages that were bound together into a book.

Chu Wanning pored through the book while sitting near the window. After reading the first entries, he knew what the book was about.

It was a diary. Mo Ran's.

Mo Ran wrote an entry for every day during the past five years, detailing everything that he had done while waiting for his shizun to come back.

In the first year, the young seventeen-year-old Mo Ran kept to himself and cultivated in Sisheng Peak.

In the second year, he started going down the mountain to complete sect missions and help the common folk.

From the third year on, he started going away for longer and longer periods, vanquishing evil all around the cultivation realm. His journey was difficult and dotted with adversities.

He was so young at that time. Only nineteen years old. All alone in the wilderness, facing unknown and unprecedented dangers.

But Mo Ran did not lose his spirit. He also wrote about the joyful aspect of his adventures.

He wrote about the delicious food that he wanted Chu Wanning to taste, about the beautiful places he wanted to take Chu Wanning to.

"Shizun, the mortal realm is such a beautiful place. There are so many things to see..."

"Shizun, we miss you so much. Please come back soon."

Chu Wanning's fingers slowly brushed against Mo Ran's messages, imagining Mo Ran's voice whispering the words into his ear directly.

He thought that Mo Ran's words were rather naive. Between the two of them, who was older? Who had seen more of the world? Did he need Mo Ran to guide him?

What a silly child.

As he read through Mo Ran's entry, he pictured the young, seventeen-year-old Mo Ran slowly growing into the twenty-two-year-old man that he was now.

It must be so tough. And lonely. Without anyone to guide him or help him. At nights when he was sick or injured, he had no one to take care of him. For five years, the diary was his only companion. It was the sole witness of Mo Ran's hardships. A record of every drop of sweat and blood that Mo Ran shed to become what he was.

Chu Wanning read until late in the night until he fell asleep. In his sleep, he dreamed about the immature young man who begged him under the Haitang tree that day.

"Xianjun, Xianjun... Please look at me, pay attention to me."

Young Mo Ran pulled at his sleeves and smiled at him with a pair of bright, hopeful eyes.

The scene changed into Mo Ran in the Underworld.

"Chu Wanning, LOOK AT ME!"

Mo Ran was kneeling on the ground, giving him a look full of resentment.

At that time, Chu Wanning was angry and bitter about everything. He might only be just a piece of wood, but he too did not want to die. He wanted to live. Seeing Mo Ran was like seeing a burden. A problem to solve, a knot to unravel even beyond death. That was why he scolded this disciple so severely.

Chu Wanning mumbled in his dream. "Mo Ran..."

The scene changed again to an adult Mo Ran. Mo Ran looked so sad, so broken. In his hand, he held a wilted haitang flower. His eyes were downcast, his shoulder slumped in despair.

"Shizun... Shizun, please forgive me... Please don't kick me out."

"If you kick me out, I..."

Chu Wanning gasped loudly when he woke up with a start. He breathed heavily while staring at the unfinished golem some distance away from his bed.

A dream.

It was only a dream, but it was so vivid. He could not get it out of his mind.

The expression on adult Mo Ran's face was full of anguish. It haunted Chu Wanning whenever the latter closed his eyes.

Why? Five years had passed. Shi Mei was safe. Mo Ran was doing well with Ye Wangxi. He was now a zongshi. A respectable figure in the cultivation realm. What was wrong with Mo Ran? Why was he not happy?

Chu Wanning pulled the quilt aside, intent on getting some fresh air outside. And then he realized something.

He had been reading when he fell asleep, so how did he end up on the bed? The thick book was closed and laid neatly on the table. Even the candle next to it was extinguished.

Someone had come into his bed-chamber late at night to check up on him and tuck him inside his bed. Someone with a high enough cultivation level to not wake him up while doing so.

A soft sigh escaped Chu Wanning.

-Mo Ran... What should I do with you?