The moment their lips touched, Mo Ran's mind went blank.

The moment Chu Wanning stuck out his tongue and licked Mo Ran's lips, the beast that resided deep within Mo Ran's heart opened his eyes and let out a mighty roar. He freed himself from the chains that restrained him and broke through the surface.

The beast was driven by extreme hunger.

Hunger for Chu Wanning's bewitching body.

The memories from his past life flooded Mo Ran's mind like a flurry of images.

During the eight years of imprisonment, how many times did he defile his shizun?

Which part of his body had Mo Ran not covered with kiss marks?

Which corner in Sisheng Peak had he not desecrated with their combined juices?

Taxian-Jun went as far as chaining Chu Wanning to the bed when he was being disobedient to ravish him day and night. He did it until the man was sprawled on the bed motionlessly, passed out with his belly full of his wayward disciple's potent seed.

So why did he have to hold back in this life?

Mo Ran ruthlessly threw Chu Wanning onto the bed. The shizun mewled in pain and curled up into a ball again, hugging himself desperately.

Chu Wanning was his.

He could only be his.

It was just natural for Mo Ran to claim what was his.

"What is it, Baobei?" Mo Ran heard himself asking. "Are you in pain? Do you want me to help you?"

Chu Wanning's eyes were glassy from desire. He tilted his head and turned to look at Mo Ran. "Want," he said softly.

That was it.

Chu Wanning himself wanted it.

He wanted Mo Ran to touch him.

Mo Ran was not doing anything wrong.

If anything, he was just helping his shizun!

The towel that Mo Ran painstakingly wrapped around Chu Wanning to hide his seductive features was quickly pulled away and thrown out of the bed.

"Mmh... Ahh..."

Chu Wanning moaned incoherently on the bed while Mo Ran was busy ripping his own clothes off his body.

When the last layer of clothes fell to the floor, Mo Ran climbed into the bed. He wanted to give Chu Wanning a kiss, but Chu Wanning flipped their position and pinned him down instead.

The laborious breathing sounds of two men permeated the room. Sweet moans spilled from Chu Wanning's lips as he straddled the man under him.

He then took the man's hands and pressed them against his burning chest.

"Touch me, please..."

Mo Ran could only take a meager amount of stimulation before he lost the small amount of self-control that he had left. Mo Ran pinched one of the twin peaks on his shizun's fair chest and sank his teeth around the other one.

Chu Wanning arched his back from a mix of pain and pleasure. Mo Ran put one of his arms around him to steady his lover while he ravenously sucked, licked, and bit the poor rosebud.

Chu Wanning's body always smelled like haitang flowers. When he sweated, the scent intensified and drove Mo Ran even crazier.

Before long, the shizun was pushed onto the bed. Chu Wanning lay on his back, his whole body exposed to Mo Ran's lustful eyes. His slender legs were then seized by his disciple, lifted, and spread open wantonly. Mo Ran sighed contentedly when he finally nestled himself between Chu Wanning's legs. His engorged penis looked intimidating as it lay on top of Chu Wanning's delicate jade stem.

This was his rightful position. This was where he was meant to be. On top of Chu Wanning.

Mo Ran lowered himself on top of Chu Wanning's burning body and captured his lover's lips in a passionate kiss.

"Mmm... mmm!"

Mo Ran had one hand nestling at the back of Chu Wanning's head while the other was grabbing a handful of Chu Wanning's butt.

To Mo Ran's delight, Chu Wanning responded to his advances by wrapping his legs around Mo Ran's waist. His soft heels gently brushed against the small spot at Mo Ran's back, driving him insane.

Both of their manhoods were pressed close to each other between the two male bodies. Chu Wanning rolled his hips to match Mo Ran's thrusting movement.

"Oh, heavens... Wanning, you are so good... It feels so good to be with you," Mo Ran rambled mindlessly when he was not busy kissing Chu Wanning and groping every part of Chu Wanning's body that he could reach.

Chu Wanning's mind was clouded by lust. He barely registered what he was doing. He only knew that he was feeling fantastic, and that was all that mattered.

His hands artfully kneaded through Mo Ran's broad shoulder and his strong muscular back.

Silent tears dropped from the tail of Mo Ran's eyes while he enjoyed Chu Wanning's touch.

He had been waiting for this moment for years.

"Wanning, my Wanning..."

Mo Ran peppered the side of Chu Wanning's neck with little kisses.

"I love you," he said desperately. "I love you so much."

Chu Wanning furrowed his brows in discomfort when he felt that something was coming up.

Before he knew it, he felt a shudder and a violent orgasm ripped through his body. Clawing into Mo Ran's back, Chu Wanning tightened his grip around Mo Ran's waist and pressed his heels into Mo Ran's butt.

His action caused Mo Ran's body to press harder against Chu Wanning's.


Mo Ran gritted his teeth. He buried his face into Chu Wanning's neck as he thrust hard against Chu Wanning's body to chase his own pleasure.

He came not long after Chu Wanning, shooting his essence all over their chests.

Exhausted, Chu Wanning's limbs fell from Mo Ran's body. His chest heaved up and down as he breathed heavily after the rigorous exercise.

Mo Ran spread the sinful whitish fluid all over Chu Wanning's body. The whole room smelled like sex, like the forbidden entanglement between a shizun and his disciple. It was extremely alluring to Mo Ran's senses.

Chu Wanning was done, but Mo Ran was not. He scooped a part of their combined juice and fumbled between Chu Wanning's legs.

"Mmmnh... Ahh..."

Chu Wanning furrowed his brows when he felt something firm pressing against his rear entrance.

"Ahh... Ahhh," he cried when Mo Ran forced a lubricated finger in.

"Sssh, Baobei..." Mo Ran stroke Chu Wanning's cheek affectionately. "You are going to feel good soon, I promise. It will only hurt a little at the beginning."

The thick finger went in slowly. Chu Wanning's body tensed up from the pain. He struggled and kicked at Mo Ran in an attempt to run away.

Mo Ran gritted his teeth. Chu Wanning's rejection never sat right with him. The more his saintlike shizun rejected him, the more he wanted to take him against his will.

When Mo Ran sank a whole finger into Chu Wanning, the latter cried out from the pain.

"Mo Ran," he choked out with sobs. "Don't do this. It hurts..."

It was only a fleeting moment of lucidity, but Chu Wanning's words were like a roaring thunder in Mo Ran's ears. He quickly pulled his finger out of Chu Wanning's body.

Mo Ran's face was as pale as a sheet of white paper when he looked down at the shizun who was drenched in their combined cum. He looked no different from his past self, the Concubine Chu who was harassed by Taxian-Jun cruelly day in and day out.

What the hell had Mo Ran done?

He had promised Chu Wanning to never again touch him against his consent!

If Chu Wanning had not spoken up, Mo Ran would have taken him then and there against his will.

The moonlight of his life, the only person he ever truly loved would hate him beyond compare!

He was going to lose Chu Wanning forever!

No, a treacherous voice in his head spoke up.

Chu Wanning asked for your help, don't you remember?

Mo Ran, you are just doing what your shizun asked you.

You can continue, it is fine.

On the bed, Chu Wanning started to whimper. He drank two jars of wine. The effect had yet to subside. Desperate for release, he reached down and started to touch himself.

Mo Ran swallowed hard. He held his breath as he watched the erotic show before him. It was clear that Chu Wanning had never touched himself before. Or maybe he was still too tired from shaking the bed with Mo Ran just now.

The pitiful man carelessly stroked and pulled on his shaft, whimpering in exasperation when he failed to please himself.

Do you see? The voice spoke up again, its tone pleasant but dripping with poison.

Look at him.

Look at how pathetic he is.

He can't even do it himself.

Mo Ran, how can you leave your shizun to suffer?

Mo Ran shook his head.

No, he said to himself. No, I won't do it. I won't sully my shizun any longer!

Do it.


"SHUT UP!!!" Mo Ran roared furiously. He slammed his fist against the wall in frustration. A loud cracking sound was heard. Mo Ran flinched from pain. His knuckles were bleeding, and the silver ring that Chu Wanning gave him was split into two from the impact.

All of a sudden, the cloud in Mo Ran's head cleared up.

The evil voice disappeared, and he fell into a confused daze. Chu Wanning's soft whimper eventually dragged him back into reality.

After he was no longer controlled by lust, Mo Ran knew what to do to help Chu Wanning.

The man grabbed Chu Wanning's legs and pulled at the ankles. Chu Wanning's body slid to the edge, leaving his legs hanging out of the bed.

Mo Ran then kneeled on the floor before Chu Wanning's open legs and took the latter's erect penis into his hands. He stuck his tongue out and proceeded to lick it from the base to the glans.


Mo Ran's tongue teasingly lapped around the swollen glans. He gave Chu Wanning's penis a delicious squeeze as he slowly sucked it into his mouth.

The inside of Mo Ran's mouth was wet, soft, and warm. Chu Wanning could not help but thrust upward, impatient for Mo Ran to sink his whole length into his throat.

Wet, ambiguous sounds were heard when Mo Ran slipped Chu Wanning's penis in and out of his mouth.

"Ah... That's good... So comfortable," Chu Wanning moaned. He pushed himself off the bed and sat up at the edge of the bed. Grabbing a handful of Mo Ran's hair, he forcefully pushed Mo Ran to take more of him.

Mo Ran obediently complied. He focused on breathing while stimulating his shizun heavily with his tongue and mouth.

The wine caused Chu Wanning to succumb to the slightest stimulation. Besides, he was an esteemed grandmaster who had never once engaged in such debauched activity.

It was thus of no wonder when Chu Wanning quickly came and shot ropes and ropes of semen into Mo Ran's throat. The disciple closed his eyes while giving the penis in his mouth a delicious suck.

In his past life, Taxian-Jun forced Chu Wanning to eat his cock a lot but he never once performed the same service for Chu Wanning.

It naturally felt good to shove his cock down Chu Wanning's throat, but it unexpectedly also felt good to suck on Chu Wanning's cock and swallow his cum into his stomach.

While Chu Wanning jerked his hips and moaned incoherently, Mo Ran was perfectly still.

"Ah... No..." Chu Wanning whimpered, shaking his head in denial while he was cumming inside Mo Ran's mouth. Mo Ran reached out and laced their fingers together to calm his lover.

"Don't be scared, Baobei," Mo Ran said with a husky voice once Chu Wanning's limp penis slipped out of his mouth. "I am here for you."