While all cultivators who took part in the ritual to heal Nangong Si squared their shoulders and looked at Song Qiutong with an unconcealed hunger in their eyes, Chu Wanning and Mo Ran were both disgusted by her sight.

Song Qiutong served as a painful reminder of the worst years of Chu Wanning's life. His dignity was trampled under Taxian-Jun's boots and his body was used as a tool to vent the wayward disciple's sinful desire.

He curled up his fingers into two shaking fists.

Even now, he failed to fathom the degree of perversion that Taxian-Jun exhibited.

He married his empress and his concubine on the same day. While Song Qiutong beamed with pride as she ascended as the Empress of the cultivation world, Chu Wanning was covered from head to toe, his identity hidden from everyone, and humiliated on his wedding night again and again.

Behind Taxian-Jun's back, Song Qiutong abused the shizun that was kept prisoner by Taxian-Jun.

Looking at Song Qiutong, Chu Wanning felt disturbing tingles beneath his fingernails. Taxian-Jun had sneered with glee when he saw Chu Wanning's bloody fingers. He even praised Song Qiutong for the vicious way she treated Chu Wanning.

Chu Wanning was utterly disgusted.

Mo Ran too was utterly disgusted, but for a very different reason from Chu Wanning's.

This selfish pest of a woman was the worst decision that Mo Ran had ever made in his past life. The woman was a walking disaster. Without an ounce of gratitude to all her benefactors, she readily threw them under the carriage just so she could advance a step higher. She did not even flinch when she climbed over all the corpses of Rufeng Sect disciples just so she could curry some favor with Mo Ran.

Mo Ran threw a nervous glance at Chu Wanning.

Yuheng Elder, Mo Ran's venerable shizun, met Mo Ran's gaze for a split second before he looked away in disdain.

Judging from the way he reacted, it was clear that Chu Wanning had not forgotten Song Qiutong and what she did to him.

Mo Ran wondered if Chu Wanning would be happy to know that Song Qiutong ended up as a deep-fried empress back then. No, Chu Wanning might be more disgusted with Mo Ran. Chu Wanning was always like that.


"Now that we have all seen a display of Sect Leader Nangong's generosity, I will tell everyone about the healing ritual that will take place starting from tomorrow morning. After a full day, Young Master Nangong Si should make a full recovery," the Cold Scale Sacred Hand spoke to garner everyone's attention.

The cultivators reluctantly turned away from the caged beauty and look at Hua Binan's less pleasant, veiled face.

All the ones who volunteered to partake in the ritual were seasoned cultivators. Nevertheless, it was important to remark that they were not all at the same level. Chu Wanning and Mo Ran who earned their Grandmaster title were for example far above the rest. They were the only cultivators with dual elements, and both of them were wood elemental spiritual essences. Naturally, the other elements needed to catch up so that Nangong Si could draw the maximum benefit of the Five-Element-Qi-Restoration-Technique.

After Hua Binan finished explaining the concept of the restoration technique, Nangong Liu invited them all to a lavish dinner banquet.

"Take it as my thanks in advance for your immense help in curing my son," he said.


Chu Wanning did not any appetite. Instead of pouring into Rufeng Sect's banquet hall like most of the cultivators, he demanded to see Nangong Si. Unfortunately, his request was politely declined by Nangong Liu.

"I understand that Chu-zongshi must retain some sentimental affection toward my dear son. A Si too missed you greatly. It was such a pity that the two of you were not fated to be shizun and disciple..."

"Nangong Liu, there is no need to reminisce about the past," Chu Wanning snapped. "I am here for Nangong Si, not you."

Nangong Liu's face darkened visibly when he heard Chu Wanning's sharp jabs, but he quickly hid his sullen expression behind a fake smile.

"My son is meditating as per Grandmaster Hua's arrangement. He is not to be seen until the healing ritual concludes. Apologies, Chu-zongshi. Let A Si pay his homage to you after he recovers." 



Chu Wanning knew a thing or two about healing rituals. If Nangong Si required the qi of five elements in order to heal, what could meditation do at this point?

Xue Zhengyong saw that the air between Chu Wanning and Nangong Liu was loaded with gunpowder. He quickly shoved Chu Wanning in the direction of the banquet hall.

"Aiya, Yuheng, we are here to help. Nangong Liu acts in the interest of his son. Why don't we just listen to Grandmaster Hua's arrangement? It won't be too late to greet Nangong Si tomorrow."


Chu Wanning exhaled, but he failed to drive away the restlessness in his heart.

He felt as if something was amiss. As if something was missing.

They ate their dinner with other cultivators, who did not shy from speaking about their latest achievements at all.

"Three months ago, I led my head disciples to exorcise the ghosts of war soldiers that terrorized the Huxiang Village!" one cultivator from Shangqing Pavilion bragged.

"One month ago, my son and I got rid of a mountain demon that resided at Mount Yun and ate human beings!" the other exclaimed as he rose to his feet.

"Amitabha, our Wubei Temple strives to eliminate suffering from the mortal realm. We have donated a hundred spiritual stones to three villages last week to ward off evil spirits," an elder monk from the temple said while clasping both hands around his prayer beads.

After the sects from the upper cultivation realm finished blowing their trumpet, they unwittingly turned to look at Xue Zhengyong and Chu Wanning, who did not show any inclination to chime in with their own tale of glory.

"What has the Sisheng Peak been up to these days?" an elder from Jiangdong Hall smugly asked.

Xue Zhengyong spread his fan and laughed.

"Nothing much, nothing much," he said. "Our sect of course cannot compare with the sects of the upper cultivation realm."

"Sect Leader Xue is too humble. Surely you have a story or two to share," the elder pressed on. "Especially with Chu-zongshi as an elder in your sect."


Chu Wanning finished his cup and slammed it none-too-gently on the table surface. The glare that soon followed caused the noisy cultivators to quiet down in an instant.

Chu Wanning was a renowned grandmaster. Every single cultivator and their fathers knew about it. At his level, surely there was no need to walk around and strut his feathers like a peacock.

Suddenly, the cultivators were ashamed of themselves. What were they bragging for, anyway?

Chu Wanning could not care less about the other cultivators. He suddenly recalled that Mo Ran was missing from the banquet.

Frowning, he then asked Xue Zhengyong, "Where is Mo Ran?"

Xue Zhengyong too did not at all realize that his nephew was not around.

He craned his neck and looked from corner to corner, but he still failed to catch Mo Ran's shadow.

Chu Wanning's face darkened when he thought about a place where Mo Ran might be.

"Excuse me," he said as he left the banquet table.

Chu Wanning marched to the reception hall where Song Qiutong was still caged and displayed like an exquisite colorful bird.

Sure enough, Mo Ran was there. He was leaning against the golden cage, his face almost touching the bars.

Chu Wanning hid himself behind the wall to catch the last part of their conversation.

"Esteemed Cultivator-Gege, will you really help me escape and take me back with you?" Song Qiutong's innocent, melodious voice was heard.

Chu Wanning poked his head slightly from behind the wall to look at Mo Ran's face.

The handsome man's eyes twinkled with delight when he cooed, "But of course. Qiutong-Meimei, you only need to tell me how."


Song Qiutong lowered her head and whispered something inaudible to Mo Ran.

Chu Wanning, in turn, lowered his gaze. Then, he turned around and left.