
'Alright, let's try remembering some of my techniques.'

After eating a surprisingly well-made meal, even though it looked like something the devil would serve to their prisoners, Noir was stuffed and rested for a bit before going outside the garden again. There were about two hours left till sunset and Noir wanted to make the most out of it.

'Let's try something other than magic for now,' Seeing as his progress in magic was disappointing, he decided to switch his training for the time being.

He went to an open area in the garden that didn't have any obstructions before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was visualising a familiar scene of the past. One that he frequently used to visit.

He pictured he was back at his secondary school's training room and standing in front of him was a standard punching bag. Once he formed the mental image he got into a fighting stance. He then took a step forward, raised his right knee up before kicking the imaginary punching bag.

What he was doing was performing a front kick. If the target was an actual human, it would've had its chest kicked in by Noir's attack.

'Not bad. I used to practise Taekwondo before I picked up football. Dad wanted me to be able to protect myself since we lived in the rough parts of London after all.'

Noir had some nostalgia as he practised the front kick some more. During his childhood, other than playing video games, he'd also go to the local Dojang after his school was over to pass time and interact with people.

It was thanks to that he'd experienced his fair share of fights and won them all. Some people caused trouble simply because they were jealous of him and his football skills after all.

One of his club members used to cause problems with him purely because he was jealous that he was able to make it to the team. It was during those days that he was hot-headed and impulsive, leading him to get suspended a few times and be a troublemaker.

He even got a few of his year group and some students above him hospitalised in a fight. He couldn't recall what caused the fight as most of the reasonings blurred together at some point.

'If I had a penny for every stupid fight I was in, I could probably pay a month's rent with it,' Noir wished he was joking, but younger him was a real idiot until he got a slap from reality from the accident.

Obviously, after he lost his legs he couldn't fight anymore, but he had made a lot of enemies. So to avoid them he had to relocate outside the city to somewhere peaceful to recover both mentally and physically. After about a year or so of grief, he was finally able to move on and become a successful streamer.

But we digressed. Noir is currently unsatisfied even though he was feeling nostalgic.

'Hmm, the form isn't the best but it has decent power to it,' Noir put his hand to his chin as he examined his kick. Although it was a few years since he last kicked something, his training and knowledge were ingrained into him.

Even when he lost his legs he'd watch sparring matches to pass his time, so his keen observation hasn't deteriorated much.

While thinking of different methods, he performed another kicking technique. He took a step forward with his left leg, raised his right knee in the air before pivoting his left leg to the side and executed the kick.

For those who don't know, he was performing a roundhouse kick. One of his favourite moves. It was a move that most wouldn't be able to anticipate until the last moment due to it coming from the side and would deal a lot of damage to the opponent without damaging the practitioners' legs.

'Roundhouse kick. My favourite kicking style but the form ain't the best either. Even so, it feels refreshing to kick again,' Despite it taking a while for his new body to get accustomed to the martial art techniques, Noir was enjoying the feeling of training again. In fact, he got so into training that he practised a few more moves.

He performed Side-kicks, repeating kicks, two feet alternating kicks, jump front kick and jump sidekick etc. He was performing them one after another as he was doing his best to grind the forms into his body. He was feeling a mixture of exhaustion, fatigue and contentedness. As such, he quickly lost track of time and the changes in his surroundings.

"Those are beautiful kicks, big brother," While Noir was engrossed in his training, Alice was standing near the wall carrying a sheathed old longsword in her right hand. It had a brown coloured hilt to it and a dark green scabbard.

Noir wasn't expecting to see her, but he shortly figured out what she's here for.

"Oh, I didn't see you there, Alice," Noir replied as he wiped the sweat off his face. He was too absorbed in his training that he didn't notice how sweaty he was. Even his back was drenched.

'I wonder if they have a shower or something?' Can you blame Noir for thinking that? He doesn't know what the sanitation of this world is like, nor how they clean themselves.

"I just got here. Father wanted me to bring you his old sword. Take this," Alice walked towards Noir with a towel in her other hand. Once next to him she smiled and handed the towel to him.

'It looks like he was being serious with training. But why though?' Although Alice was happy with whatever her older brother was doing, she found it slightly suspicious. She knows her brothers' behaviours. The old Noir wouldn't act unless there was a reason that caused him to move.

"Oh, thanks."

Noir was unaware of what Alice was thinking of and took the towel calmly. He wiped his face lightly before putting his hand out to retrieve the longsword, but she pulled it back behind her instead.

She did so because she wanted to find out the reason for his sudden change.

"Hmm?" Noir looked at Alice weirdly. Her actions and the expression she was making felt off to him. Though he could probably figure out why that was the case.

'Is she going to ask me about the Great Sage skill?' He nearly smirked at the thought, as that was what he was hoping for. It seems like it's time to start the corruption of the younger sister.

"So what lewd things did you do, big brother?", And just like he thought, Alice was suspicious of his skill. In the original series, she didn't know of Noir's usage of the Great Sage skill, at least not to the reader's knowledge. So they wouldn't know how she would feel from hearing her brother using the skill.

As such, there was a chance of her thinking something was off about Noir. That was what he required as he wanted to use her own curiosity against her and slowly have her enter his harem. The reason why he wants to take things slowly with her was due to how stand-offish she was with the other girls. If he wanted to have a proper harem, he'd have to slowly get her used to the idea to avoid some rocky paths.

Not to mention his gut was telling him to be careful with her.

'She has a sword behind her back and is tilting her head. It feels like I'm staring at a yandere in the making,' Noir felt like he was dealing with a potential yandere and decided that if he wasn't careful he could possibly lose a limb or his freedom. It was only the first day he got transmigrated and has legs again. He doesn't want to lose another limb already!

"And what if I have?" But even if he was a bit worried, he wanted to gauge out Alice's intent and how she'd react. It's not like he could get out of this conversation easily either, so If it gets into bad territory he'd just bail out.

"Who was it with?" Alice's expression didn't change but he had a feeling that she was annoyed by his answer. It almost felt like he was having a conversation with his girlfriend after she caught him cheating.

Obviously, Noir wouldn't know what that would be like, but that didn't matter. He wanted to challenge Alice a little.

"Are you going to kill them or something?"

Noir slowly spoke those words as he wanted to get straight into the business. If she does end up being a yandere, then he doesn't have a choice but to leave the house to get stronger. Once he gains enough strength, he'd come back home and tame her to accept a harem.

Another reason he'd be forced to leave the house is because of his sister's strength. Even though it's never been told in the anime or novel, Noir's pretty sure his sister is stronger than the current him. She's the ace student at her academy after all in both the brain and strength department. Someone like her could easily overpower him who only reads books.

As such his options are really limited and he doesn't want to take such paths. Fortunately, he didn't have to worry about it.

"Huh, kill them? Isn't that a bit extreme?" Alice became flustered this time as she looked at Noir in bewilderment. She had the face saying 'What does he think I am?' All over it.

'Did I come off as dangerous? I just wanted to know who he did lewd things with. Did he grab someone's b-boobs or something?'

Alice pictured a certain blonde-haired girl when she thought that. She reckoned that was the reason why Emma came to their house today and why the two of them were acting a bit odd when she entered her brother's room. It was like a sixth sense was ringing bells in her head like a warning signal, even though she couldn't put her finger on why.

"Fuu, that's good to hear," Noir, who couldn't read her thoughts, took a sigh of relief after hearing her words. He was slightly perplexed but that quickly took a load off his shoulder. He could live in the house peacefully.

Now he just has to convince her to have some fun with him.

"Why do I feel like you thought of me as some kind of psychopath?" While Noir was feeling relieved, Alice looked at him with a slightly hurt expression. Her brother thought she would kill someone after all. The realisation of his words made Noir feel bad for making assumptions, but even so, he carried on talking.

"Haha, it's not like that at all. But yeah, I did something like that. I used my skill earlier today and it said that anything lewd stops the pain."

The reason why he's saying lewd stuff instead of sex here is because he doesn't want Alice to think he's already taken by Emma. There's a chance that it might trigger the yandere inside her or it might make her give up on Noir. The latter route isn't bad as it just means it'd take longer to convince her, but the first option terrifies him. He would like to avoid risks when there's a chance after all.

'As such having it called "Lewd things" as opposed to straight-up sex would avoid me dealing with potentially annoying stuff. I could just be overthinking things, but when dealing with a yandere every option must be taken.'

Since they're still siblings, she would start crossing over the lines just yet. Even when mentioning sex is part of his ability as she'd want her brother to see her as more than just a sister.

However, depending on how Alice interpreted his words, maybe they could have some form of sex under the guise of "it's just for the sake of using the skill". This was simply a little precaution Noir was taking just to be certain.

"Is that so…" There was silence in the air as Noir waited for Alice to make her next move. If it's lewd things, chances are she'd ask him to play with her body. Like a little touch on her tits or maybe even a kiss, which he'll happily oblige to while pretending to be nervous. That would be the ideal circumstance, however...

"Here," Instead of making a move on Noir or asking him any other questions, Alice simply handed their father's longsword to Noir before walking away. There was neither a blush on her face nor was there a body gesture that indicated any new emotions or reactions to Noir's words.

"Ah, thanks," Noir could only thank her as he watched her walk away to the house. She looked like she wasn't interested in what he said, which confused him. It looks like he misunderstood her personality and behaviour.

'I figured she'd pounce at the opportunity to get physically closer and touch each other up. Guess I thought too lowly of her,' He felt a little bad for underestimating her. It was a while since he last read the hidden dungeon books, so some of his memories are hazy. All he remembers about Alice was that she was a big brocon and that was about it.

'Looks like my memory of the characters isn't the best. I guess I'll just carry on training then,' Noir thought as he put the sword around his waist. She was already out of his sight and felt like he needed to approach her differently if he wanted to make her his.

'I'll make it up to her tomorrow,' And with that thought, Noir started swinging the sword. He had no experience of using one in his past life but was relying on the previous Noir's memories for it. He performed the basic stance and swung repeatedly to gain familiarity with the motion until it was past sunset.


While Noir was focusing on getting used to the longsword, Alice was seen walking back home as her face got progressively redder with each step she took. If Noir saw this, then he wouldn't have felt bad for the assumption he made about her.

'So big brother's skill needs him to have lewd scenarios otherwise he can't use it. That's a huge chance! If I could get him to do things with me then there's a better chance for him to not see me as just his younger sister but as someone of the opposite sex!'

Alice was excited by the new prospect of seducing her older brother. She's had a crush on him for as long as she can remember and she believes it's more than just sibling love. She now has a chance to show off to Noir her womanly charm.

Although saying that, she was a little disappointed that she wasn't the one who discovered the skills condition with him.

'Though Emma is still a problem,' She made a small frown when she thought of her. In the past, she used to enjoy Emma's company and would see her as an older sister, but lately, she's been seeing her as a rival for Noir's love. She's always clinging to him whenever they're around which Alice doesn't like. She wants to cling to him instead!

'I wish I didn't hang out with my friends now. I probably would've had the perfect chance to get a good feel big brother's body,' Though her annoying thoughts quickly went away when imagining her older brother's body and scent. As a result, her face had a loose grin on it.

If Noir could read what she was thinking, he'd have shivers down his spine. Although she wasn't a yandere, she had habits that would mistake her as one. Such as stalking Noir whenever she has the chance, smelling his clothes and bed etc. If they weren't poor she probably would've bought a magic device that takes images and videos of Noir to help whenever she misses him.

'Anyway, tomorrow I'll try giving him a spicy morning,' A joyful smile that would charm the boys in her class formed on Alice's face. If only they knew what thoughts she was having right now.

"Oh, did you give your brother the sword already, Alice?"

While Alice was walking back, her mother and father were both sitting in the living room. Her mother seemed like she was knitting something as for her father, he was reading the newspaper it seems.

"Yes, I have, mother."

"Good. That Noir. He's starting to become a man. I remember your father being like that. Such a time seems like a fantasy now."

Alice's mother smiled when seeing her child starting to grow steadily. It was a different type of happiness as opposed to seeing a child grow up. This one was a teenager instead who has finally started following their goals as opposed to wasting their youth all day.

That smile, which everyone would say was beautiful and charming, gave chills to Alice due to its hidden meaning.

'She's annoyed again. I'd be too, I guess.'

Alice sighed as she looked at her father, who also felt a chill from his wife's words. She was still angry about the magic item that he foolishly bought. Her father meekly looked at his wife with puppy-like eyes and tried reconciling with her.

"Dear… You don't have to rub it in."

"Oh? Then why don't you get to thinking about how to pay back our debt?"

He tried appealing to his wife, but as expected all he received was her scorn. She was never aggressive or physical against him, but she was a master of being hurtful with her words.

If she wasn't in a good mood thanks to her son, she would've been ten folds more venomous.

"I… Alright…"

And with those downcasted words, their father walked upstairs to his room. Instead of comforting her father, she was more worried about her mother.

"Are you alright, Mother?" This isn't the first time Alice has seen this, and every time it happens she doesn't feel pity for her father. He always does something irresponsibly which would affect everyone in the family.

He once tried selling the soap in the house to get more money, but was stopped once he heard the angry complaints of his wife and daughter.

"Sorry, dear. Just a lot on my mind lately. We're in the red for this month thanks to your father and the nobles have been pressuring us lately."

Unlike how carefree her husband was, Ms Stargazia was feeling ill from the stress. They have a huge debt to pay, they're criticised by commoners and ridiculed by nobles. The nobles are also trying to affect their source of income at her husband's workplace and the tax for the coming year would increase too.

If not for her friends and her children, she probably would've broken down by now. It doesn't help to have a husband who was impulsive and seemingly stupid. She could've sworn she married a man with a higher IQ back in their youths, but she's constantly reminded that that wasn't the case at all.

"It's no problem, mother. I'm sure my big brother will be able to deal with it. If he enters the hero academy and gets good grades, then even those nobles won't have much to say."

Alice tried comforting her mother as she held her hands. It's true if Noir was to get good results, he'd be guaranteed a high paying job, one that would pay better than his father's current job. It would help with most of their financial problems with that.

But it also led to another worry of hers.

"You're right. However, the demons have been acting up lately."

That's right. Demons. Although not mentioned in the novel, there were many demons in this world.

"If Noir gets good grades, he'll undoubtedly join the frontiers."

The hero academy raises students to join battle-related occupations. Most of them would end up as guards, adventurers or mercenaries, but even so, it causes her a worry for his life. As a mother, she wants to see her son succeed, but she also worries about his safety. There were a lot of things for her to think about. Seeing a son go into a war is never a pleasant experience.

"I understand mother. I wouldn't want that either."

Alice agreed with her mother as she looked down. People have been talking about the tension between the demon capital and the kingdom lately. Mixed with the high tax this coming year and the expenses everything costs now, every household is worried about the future that is to come.

'I need to convince my brother to do lewd things on me so he can activate his skills and get stronger.'

Feeling the sense of urgency, took a seat and resolved herself with her plan. If Noir was to get stronger by doing lewd things, then she was ready to take it upon herself to help her brother reach that level. Even if he doesn't want to see her as a lover, she'd be willing to give up her body for him. That's just how much she loves him.

Fortunately for her, her brother already had plans for her to become his. All he needed was some time before that happened.


I'm going to take Friday off since I have a few deadlines due that day so I'm gonna have to focus on that. Sorry!

Also, don't forget to give me power stones if you liked the chapter. Thanks for reading!