Veil of Echoing Descent

"Excuse me, do you know where Odin's adventurers' guild is?"

Not far from Noir, he noticed a woman of similar age to him catch his attention. Her striking azure blue eyes shimmered with curiosity as she scanned the surroundings. Her black hair cascaded in loose waves, framing a face adorned with delicate features—a slender nose, high cheekbones, and lips that held a cheerful smile. Her presence exuded confidence, evident in the way she carried herself, with a graceful posture and an air of self-assurance.

Her vibrant pink outfit, carefully chosen, accentuated her personality and curves. Tailored to fit her perfectly, hinted at a blend of elegance and modern fashion. With a translucent blue scarf draped around her arms, adding a touch of ethereal charm, while diamond-shaped blue earrings adorned her ears, catching the light with every movement.

'You don't come across those types of clothes often.'

While Noir initially found the clothing fashionable, he swiftly recalled that excessive skin exposure was frowned upon by some of the locals in this world, or at least in this kingdom, as it was commonly associated with prostitution.

Despite his misgivings, Noir stood a bit further away and pretended to blend into the crowd as he watched the girl approach three rough-looking men. He couldn't help but wonder if she knew what she was dealing with.

"Odin's adventurers' guild? Of course, we know the way," One of the rugged men responded confidently.

"We're adventurers ourselves, can't you see?" Another snickered, casting lewd glances at the girl's exposed features, including her chest and armpit.

The third man wore an unsettling smirk as he added, "We'd be happy to escort you, Missy."

Observing their tattered garments and worn-out appearance, Noir couldn't shake the feeling that these individuals were mere impostors, posing as adventurers. Their lascivious behaviour towards the girl only solidified his suspicions.

"Hmm?" However, something caught his attention. 

'Their gear looks surprisingly high-end considering their appearance,' Their swords and equipment gleamed with an unusual level of pristine quality as if they had just come straight out of the forge. It was a stark contrast to their worn-out clothes.

'There's something weird about her too.' 

As his gaze shifted towards the girl accompanying them, he couldn't help but feel there was something different about her. It made him doubt whether she was a mere prostitute like the others in this area.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be a bother to you busy gentlemen," She said, her voice carrying a hint of innocence and subtle charm.

"Of course, it'd be a pleasure. Right boys?" The bald man, presumably their leader, responded with a confident tone.

"Yeah, yeah," The others echoed in agreement.

"The captain's right." Said the other, who couldn't resist stealing lewd glances at the girl's cleavage. The same could be said about the rest, who did it a lot more subtly.

"Oh?" In a fleeting moment when the men were distracted, Noir noticed her expression change. Her eyes turned cold, a stark contrast to the innocent and bubbly energy she had displayed moments before. 

But that was only a moment as her expression quickly reverted to before. As if nothing changed as the thugs began rambling about their achievements. 

And unbeknownst to the rough-looking men, she appeared to have noticed Noir, briefly locking eyes with his and she gave him a small wink 

"Interesting," Noir's voice slipped out as a murmur, his mischievous grin betraying his intrigue. 

"This could be fun," He was caught off guard by the girl's ability to quickly notice him among the crowd, but he found it more entertaining than anything else.

"Really? That's amazing. Thank you so much for escorting me while you guys are busy!" The girl chirped, her cheerfulness evident as she followed the trio of rough-looking men, contrasting what he had seen previously.

"Don't worry, we'll show you a shortcut too."

"Yeah, the captain knows this place like the back of his hand."

Watching them slowly depart, Noir took another bite of his kebab, his thoughts couldn't help but wonder, 'If I didn't see that look, I would've thought I was watching a worn-out trope,' Letting out a sigh as he finished the rest of it, observing as the small group as they ventured into an area Noir knew was secluded and shady.

'I guess I can look at it as a chance to gain experience or to try out a different skill...'

He didn't mind it too much even if it was the usual cliche situation, since he had a friend in the past who used to get herself into similar sticky situations. There were times when guys wouldn't take no for an answer, and Noir would have to step in to help her out.

"I wonder what she's up to now? I left so suddenly," He mused to himself, feeling a pang of nostalgia and longing.

He had known her for nearly half his life, and she had helped him through a difficult time after his accident. He wouldn't know what to do at that time if it wasn't for her.

But he quickly shook his head to clear his thoughts, 'No point thinking about that now,' With his focus redirected, he ventured into an alley, poised to create an improvised disguise.

'Let's see…' He scanned his surroundings for anything suitable for camouflage. His eyes settled on a collection of discarded alcohol bottles, which he promptly seized with a smirk. 

'This could work… Just gotta wear this now.' Wincing as he donned his old, ripped, bloodied and sweat-stained attire for the disguise.

'Better clean this first.'

He then utilised the Water Core to clean the bottles and the Fire Core to burn off any bacteria. He repeated the process a few times as he walked, and applied a small amount of the  Fire Core to flush his complexion and made sure his hair covered his eyes with some dirt from the Earth Core as a final touch.

He used one of the bottles to see his reflection and a part of him was amazed by the transformation with just a few minor adjustments.

'Maybe that worked a little too well?' He thought momentarily, but didn't dwell on it as he stepped out of the alley and blended into the bustling crowd.

'Even if it wasn't worth the effort, I kinda enjoy this espionage-esque vibe.' Fortunately, the thugs were too busy boasting to the girl to notice him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction with his disguise so far.

Though did he garner a few curious glances, Noir remained unbothered by them as he stumbled along the street, feigning drunkenness. He had some experience of acting intoxicated from his streaming days, and he recalled a few tricks to make it convincing.

'But even then, ain't no way I'd drink from this,' He adamantly refused to drink from the bottle, even though he had sanitised it. Something about it made him uncomfortable with the thought.

As they advanced, with every step they took, the surroundings grew increasingly desolate and dark. Sensing the subtle shift, the girl arched an eyebrow and directed her question to the guide, her smile carefree, almost as if she already knew the answer.

  "Are you sure this is the right way?" 

The tall, bald man responded with a lecherous grin, "Without a doubt. We're nearly there."

Perhaps emboldened by their secluded location and the presence of his cohorts nearby, he attempted to casually drape his arm around her shoulder. However, his confidence was swiftly shattered when the girl swiftly swatted his hand away, her voice firm and unwavering.

"I'm sorry, but I don't like strangers touching me."

As the exchange unfolded, the girl's once energetic expression gradually transformed into one of boredom. Her initial enthusiasm waned, replaced by a nonchalant demeanour that seemed to convey a lack of interest in the unfolding events. 

'Looks like she's self-aware of the danger. I wonder how good she is at defending herself.' Noir observed, noting the bald man growing increasingly irritated, displayed a vein on his forehead that appeared ready to burst, but the girl remained unfazed.

'Gotta admit, she's a tough cookie,' Noir admired the girl's composure and just as the tension escalated, the girl's gaze shifted, catching sight of Noir once again. 

A mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes as she seized the opportunity to sneak in another wink. It was a subtle gesture, concealed from the sight of the three men who were preparing to circle her, yet it conveyed a message of assurance and a hidden agenda.

'She found me again, huh,' Noir thought, observing the girl's nonchalant reaction. He didn't detect any signs of shock or the assumption that he was one of the bald man's accomplices. There was an air of mystery surrounding her, something he couldn't quite pinpoint, but he chose not to dwell on it for now.

His conflicting thoughts entertained him briefly. 'On one hand, I wanna see how she can handle this situation, but I want to test out how I'd fare against these guys.'

it was never a moment of could Noir beat them, but how well he could. His time in the dungeon lead him to know the subtle difference between a strong and a weak opponent and right now he could see the group weren't as tough looking as the adventurers he's seen before.

"I think it's time, lady…"

Just as the tension neared its breaking point and the men revealed their weapons, Noir knew it was time for him to act. However, the considerable distance between them posed a challenge to swiftly reduce their numbers, so he decided to employ a more unconventional approach.

"Heeey…" Noir stumbled into the scene, purposefully making his movements unsteady to portray drunkenness and catch the shady group off guard. 

"Where'sh the pub go?" He slurred, drawing the attention of everyone present.

The group, including the girl, was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the dishevelled man. While some appeared confused, the leader scoffed and muttered as if he had seen it all before.

"What's a drunkard doing here? Doesn't he know where he is?" he grumbled, his confidence showing signs of wavering.

Noir continued to act disoriented, swaying unsteadily on his feet and slurring his words. "Huuuuuh? Where'sh whaaaaat?" He babbled, hoping to buy some time and distract the group from their intentions.

The leader waved him off impatiently. "Nothing, just hurry up!" He snapped, gesturing for the group to move on.

Perhaps due to the leader's dwindling self-assurance when the girl swatted his hand away, or maybe it was because a drunkard stumbled into their territory, but he was getting increasingly agitated. He was about to resort to force to grab the girl and walk away until Noir interjected.

"Ha! Looksh like I'm watchin' some wannabe tough guy tryna'  pick up a chick."

Closing the distance to a mere couple of meters, Noir pretended to take a swig from the bottle, shooting the man a sidelong glance accompanied by a sly smirk. Drawing upon his past experiences as a troll, he aimed to manipulate the situation to his advantage.

'Come on, get angrier,' Noir thought, goading the man on.

"What the fuck did you say?" The man fell right into the trap, turning his attention to Noir. Standing at 6-foot 7 inches tall, he towered over Noir's 5-foot 11-inch frame, but Noir refused to show any fear.

"Whannabee wankers, ya hear me, mate?" Noir slurred his words, making a crude jerking-off gesture in the air as he stumbled closer to them. With each step, he maintained the facade of intoxication, patiently waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

"Get rid of this drunkard," Rubbing his head, the bad man instructed his skinny, spiky blonde-haired subordinate to take care of Noir. The subordinate had a tendency to run his tongue across his lips, a habit that lent him an unsettling air.

"No hard feelings, mate," the spiky-haired man said, cracking his knuckles in an attempt to intimidate him. 

'This guy should go down in a few hits,' Noir assessed, seeing through his facade. He looked nothing more than a nerdy sidekick to the school jock.

"Aw, shucks, ya know there ain't no hard feelings," Noir replied, faking a smile and spreading his arms wide, as if embracing his impending fate. 

"Love to hear it," The spiky-haired man fell for the ruse as he licked his lips once more, but his realisation came a moment too late as Noir swiftly smashed the glass bottle over his head.

The assault didn't stop there. Noir spun his body, building momentum to deliver a swift roundhouse kick directly to the face of the blonde-haired man. Caught off guard and unable to defend himself, the man helplessly watched as the pavement rushed up to meet him, his consciousness fading as he hit the ground with a painful grunt.

"Hahaha," Noir stumbled forward, a wide grin on his face as he looked at the two men. He was pleased with himself for effortlessly taking down their companion, but he remained vigilant, knowing the fight was far from over.

"You seem a tad jumpy, mate," Noir taunted. "No worries, I ain't here to harm ya. Just wanna make sure you ain't messin' with this girl no more."

The bald man's expression twisted into a sour grimace. "Ya don't know what ya got yourself into. We ain't the kind of blokes ya wanna mess with."

"Heh, ya crack me up," Noir chuckled. "Ya know what? Ya right. I am messin' with the wrong crowd. I should be messin' with folks who can hold their liquor," He added, punctuating his words with a playful wink.

The two men scowled, their patience clearly wearing thin with Noir's antics.

"Get 'im!" the leader barked, and they lunged at Noir. Swiftly evading their punches, Noir skillfully delivered a kick to one of them, causing him to double over in pain.

"Heh, tough crowd," Noir taunted, his voice laced with confidence. "Ya lot should really work on yer fightin' skills."

Closing in on the group, Noir's gaze fixated on the bald man as he drew a menacing knife.

'Damn, a knife,' A surge of unease washed over Noir upon seeing the glint of the blade. The man held the weapon tightly, poised to strike at the slightest provocation. This was the first time Noir had seen a weapon pointed towards him in this world, and his fight-or-flight response kicked in. 

Despite his internal trepidation, he maintained his facade of a smile, concealing his fear behind a veil of bravado. He had already faced the dangers of the dungeon, making the knife seem almost trivial compared to what he had endured before.

Taking a discreet, steadying breath, he readied himself for the next phase of the confrontation.

"Don't take another ste-"

The leader's warning was abruptly silenced as Noir swiftly lunged forward, planting his left hand on the ground and leveraging the momentum to kick the knife out of the man's grasp. 

The weapon clattered to the ground, and the man stumbled back, momentarily dazed with a confused grunt. Capitalising on the opportunity, Noir wasted no time. He twisted his body and unleashed a powerful kick aimed at the man's temple.

"Heh, almost lost my balance there." Sporting a self-satisfied grin, Noir straightened his clothes and dusted off his hands. A chuckle escaped him as he observed the henchman struggling to get back on his feet.

Despite the surge of adrenaline still coursing through his veins, Noir managed to keep his cool and mask his emotions. The look of hate in the man's eyes would have frightened others, but for Noir, it was a sight he relished.

'I'm starting to enjoy this acting,' Noir thought to himself, a mischievous spark igniting within as he toyed with his unexpectedly weak opponent.

'Acting drunk without alcohol is harder than I thought, but it served its purpose. I'm close enough now,' he mused.

As much as he relished prolonging the amusement, Noir recognized the need to bring the confrontation to a swift end. Reaching into his pouch, he retrieved a handful of Rock Cores, launching them with precision at the leader and the remaining subordinate. The impact either rendered them unconscious or elicited cries of pain.

Though he had achieved his objective, Noir couldn't shake a sense of dissatisfaction at how effortlessly the fight had played out.

"Well, that was surprisingly simple. I was hoping for a bit more of a challenge," Noir commented, a hint of disappointment evident in his voice. An unshakable sense of unease lingered in the back of his mind, but he pushed it aside for the moment, focusing on the present.

'Was I always this into fighting? I remember hating getting into them before. Maybe spending time in the dungeon has affected me in that aspect.' However, he decided to ponder that later as he turned his attention to the black-haired girl who was looking at him with bright eyes and a smile plastered all over her face.

'Her smile hasn't cracked once, has it?' There was an elusive quality about her that eluded Noir's grasp.

"I knew you were strong. What's your name?" The girl inquired, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Noir," he replied simply, meeting her gaze with a mix of intrigue and caution.

"I'll lend you a hand in the second wave," She offered, her words catching him off guard.

"Second wave?" Noir's confusion was evident as he processed her unexpected proposition.

"Hey, boss!"

But before he could ask her what was on his mind, the two of them suddenly heard someone shouting in the distance. Noir's instincts kicked in, and he knew they needed to act fast. In a split-second decision, he grabbed the girl's hand, intending to make a swift escape before the reinforcements closed in, but it was already too late.

"Backups already here, huh?" The girl's voice remained composed, almost as if she had anticipated their arrival. She calmly surveyed the growing crowd of gang members, her eyes filled with determination. 

'I wonder if she has a plan or not? Seems way too calm for a normal damsel in distress.' 

The thought crossed his mind as he observed her steady composure amidst the chaos. A part of him didn't know whether to feel amazed about her nerves, or about the amount of people that had been able to gather after hearing all the commotion.

"Boys! Gather 'round!" A commanding voice pierced through the air, halting the commotion. "The boss is here!"

Noir counted approximately 15 individuals, each adorned in ragged attire but boasting formidable physiques and armed to the teeth. It was clear that facing them all head-on would be a fool's errand. So he quickly thought of using alleyways to his advantage in order to divide and conquer.


However, before Noir could put his plan into action, he sensed a gathering of mana behind him. When he turned to see if it was a mage that was about to attack them, he was surprised to find the girl in revealing clothes silently chanting something.

'So she's a mage?' Though her magical presence was subtle, Noir was certain it emanated from her. The girl's playful wink seemed to confirm his suspicions.

'That makes things easier, but looks like I overstepped my boundaries, huh?' Although he felt relieved knowing he'd have some help, he felt a little embarrassed for trying to act like a saviour, but he didn't regret it as he now had a better understanding of his abilities against the common ruffian now.

'Let's buy her some time.'

With a new plan in mind, Noir felt a surge of confidence as he observed the gangsters, their crude comments about the girl ringing in his ears. "Damn, she's fine. I call dibs," One of them jeered.

Another voice chimed in, "Hold your horses, fellas. The boss gets the first taste."

As the lewd remarks continued, one of the gangsters mocked Noir, "Hey! What's the hobo in shining armour gonna do?"

"Yeah. He thinks he's gonna save the damsel in distress huh? Hahaha."

'They really are disgusting,' A part of him couldn't believe how open they were about their repulsive desires, but he didn't want to be reckless and take unnecessary damage from them.

"Hey, kid. Give up now and we might leave you in one piece," One of the sickos sneered, his hands eagerly twitching to unsheathe his knife. Uncertain of their individual capabilities, Noir decided it was time to test the waters.

Giving the man a side glance, Noir shifted his attention to the unconscious body lying at his feet. The bruise forming on the bald man's face served as a visual reminder of Noir's impact, but he felt no sympathy for him.

'Since they care about him so much and want to fuck me over, let's give them a little scare,' Noir thought to himself, wanting to instil fear in the gang members.

Raising his foot slightly, enveloped in a faint layer of mana, Noir pressed it down on the man's teeth. The resulting sound was nothing short of bone-chilling.


The bald man's blood-curdling scream pierced through the air, drowning out all other sounds in the vicinity. It sent a shiver down Noir's spine and others, as a wave of queasiness washed over him. The realisation of the pain he had inflicted on another human being struck him deeply.

Fortunately, Noir managed to regain his composure quickly, and the momentary lapse in his expression passed unnoticed by the gang members. The bald man's agonizing wails continued for a few more seconds as he clutched his bloodied face, writhing in torment.

"What a crybaby," Noir uttered, feigning nonchalance despite the queasy feeling in his stomach.

Glancing down at the ground, Noir's eyes fell upon the scattered remnants of broken teeth. The sight intensified his already mounting nausea, yet he fought the urge to retch. Redirecting his gaze to the self-proclaimed spokesperson, he locked eyes with his best dead-eyed stare, his expression devoid of any trace of emotion.

"How much do you value your friend?" Noir's voice cut through the tense silence, cold and devoid of emotion.

"Huh?" The group was caught off guard by the unexpected question, exchanging nervous glances with each other. Slowly, Noir picked up a knife that lay beside the unconscious bald man, his gaze briefly falling upon the blood stains on his shoes. Suppressing his disgust, he maintained his act.

"Tsk, you've gotten blood on my shoes," He remarked with disdain, delivering a swift kick to the man, as if to clean his footwear. Turning his attention back to the group, he observed their hesitant stance, questioning their level of experience in criminal activities. Nevertheless, their significance had diminished in his eyes.

A dangerous thought seeped into Noir's mind, defying the boundaries of the kingdom's laws. Gripping the bald man's head firmly, he squatted beside him, exerting pressure.

"Does anyone here value their own life enough to trade it for this sack of shit?" His words dripped with malice. "What was the saying again? Oh yeah. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

With the knife now poised dangerously close to the man's throat, Noir heightened the tension in the air. Every nerve was on edge as he inched the blade closer, his actions conveying the imminent threat. Fear engulfed the bald man's eyes as he stared at Noir, his life hanging in the balance.

"Why the long faces? We're all gentlemen here, aren't we?" Noir's voice dripped with false cheerfulness as he addressed the group, his smile stretched wide and unnaturally.

"Look at him," Noir continued, his tone a blend of coercion and mockery. "Why don't you follow his example? Show me those pearly whites."

His words lingered in the air, carrying a veiled threat beneath their seemingly innocuous facade. The man hesitated, unsure of how to respond, his confusion palpable.

"Oi, I said show me your pearly whites," Noir's voice lowered, accompanied by a menacing death stare.

"Y-yeah?" The bald man managed a broken smile, his mouth stained with blood and his teeth contorted. Tears flowed down his cheeks as he cast a sorrowful gaze upon his comrades, who stood frozen in a state of horrified silence.

"See? That was easy, right?" Once again, switching tones as if the previous ego never existed. But his demeanour shifted once more.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Noir taunted, his impatience unmistakable. His words carried a venomous tone, laced with disdain. "Come on now, close those putrid mouths of yours before you accidentally swallow a fly."

With a firm grip on the bald man, Noir began walking towards the rest of the group, dragging his unwilling companion along. The gang members watched, paralyzed by a mix of fear and uncertainty, as they witnessed Noir's unsettling display of control and dominance.

"I guess I'll have to go myself," Noir muttered, his voice dripping with a cold determination. The bald man struggled against Noir's grip, but his attempts to escape were futile. 

To Noir's surprise, the man proved to be lighter than he anticipated, considering his towering stature. However, he didn't dwell on this observation. Instead, he silently commended himself for his acting prowess, knowing that his convincing performance was crucial in maintaining control.

'Never have I been more grateful for my experience roleplaying as a killer in games like Dead by Daylight or Friday the 13th,' Noir thought, the rush of adrenaline fueling his resolve. Memories of his roleplaying days as a menacing force in horror games flooded his mind, providing him with a wellspring of confidence. He was relieved to have that background to draw upon in this perilous situation.

As Noir continued his unsettling display, the gang members grew increasingly agitated. Some took a step back, their courage waning as they witnessed the agony of their boss. Yet, despite the apparent cracks in their loyalty, a contingent of determined members remained resolute, ready to confront Noir head-on.

"G-get him, boys! It's only one man!" One of the gang members shouted, attempting to rally the rest.

"Y-yeah!" They echoed as a group of them charged forward.

"No use," Noir muttered under his breath as he observed the escalating agitation among the gang members. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt that his previous tactics hadn't yielded the desired outcome, but he swiftly acknowledged that it wouldn't have altered the situation significantly. The bald man had now become nothing more than a burden.

With a calculated risk, Noir swiftly propelled the bald man forward with a powerful kick, sending him crashing into the two gang members leading the charge. It was a desperate attempt to create a distraction and buy himself some precious time. He spared a quick glance at the girl, relieved to see her maintaining her calm and focused demeanour, her chants unabated.

'She's pretty calm in this kind of situation. Looks like she's seen her fair share of fights, huh?' For some reason, Noir had a feeling that he only needed to hold out a little bit longer. It was as if a calming presence enveloped him, fueling his focus and sharpening his instincts. He gracefully evaded a blade aimed his way, a smirk forming on his lips.

"Is that all you've got?" He taunted while feeling his back covered in sweat from the close call.

But with swift movements and precise strikes, he barely blocked the sword with his knife. The clash reverberated through the air, the sound of metal meeting metal sending shivers down his spine.

In the split second their weapons locked, Noir seized the opportunity to strike. His leg shot forward with explosive force, targeting the attacker's vulnerable toes. 

"You bastard!"

The impact was brutal, crushing bones and eliciting a cry of pain from his foe. Without wasting a moment, Noir seamlessly transitioned into a fluid roundhouse kick, his heel connecting with the side of the assailant's head. The blow sent him sprawling to the ground, incapacitated and dazed.

In one fluid motion, Noir swiftly turned, anticipating the next threat. Another gangster lunged at him with a knife, aiming to avenge his fallen comrade. Acting on pure instinct, Noir deflected the blade with his knife, the metallic clash resonating in the chaotic atmosphere. 

Seizing the opportunity, he utilized the momentum of the clash, pushing off the nearby wall with impressive agility. His knee shot forward, finding its mark on the attacker's face with a nose-crushing impact. The force of the strike sent the gangster reeling, blood gushing from his broken nose.

With each passing moment, Noir's movements became a mesmerising display of skill and precision. He gradually wore down his adversaries, disarming them with calculated strikes and turning their own allies against them. His senses were heightened, allowing him to dodge and weave with uncanny grace, exploiting any gaps he spotted in their defence.

"Ha… haaah…" However, his relentless assault did not come without a price. In the midst of the frenzied battle, Noir sustained a few cuts and grazes, crimson droplets staining his clothes. 

Unbeknownst to him, his fighting style inadvertently caused the gangsters to bleed from their own weapons. Each blow he delivered seemed to draw blood, the metallic scent hanging in the air, mingling with the tension and adrenaline. The odour of spilt blood intensified, but it reached to the point that it no longer overwhelmed him as it had before.

"He's exhausted. Fuck him up!" One of the gang members bellowed, the words laced with venom and a twisted sense of triumph. The rallying cry echoed through the room, fueling their aggression and bolstering their resolve.

Noir's previous calm demeanour had wavered, his mental and physical fatigue eroding his focus. His mind was now cluttered with doubts and apprehensions. Still, he pushed forward, drawing upon his dwindling reserves of strength and determination, as less than half was still standing.

As the chaos raged around him, a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught Noir's attention. 

'What the?' The temperature dropped, and a palpable chill filled the air. The mysterious girl, who had observed silently until now, unleashed her enigmatic power.

"Undertow's Embrace"

With a graceful sweep of her hand, the young woman cast a spellbinding wave that halted the gangsters in their tracks. A collective confusion washed over them, a momentary pause in their battle. Even Noir struggled to comprehend the unfolding events. 

'Wow,' All he could think of was how powerful the attack was to stop them in their track. One of the gangsters was stuck in midswing, caught in the spell's grip.

And then, in an instant, it began.


All the henchmen, unable to move a single muscle under her spell, twisted their faces into grotesque masks of excruciating torment. Strained cries of agony escaped their constricted throats, as if each gasp for air was a battle against an invisible force that held them captive.

'What the fuck?' 

Noir's focus shifted from one suffering figure to another, his eyes widening in horrified disbelief. Their bodies convulsed uncontrollably, wracked by spasms that seemed to originate from deep within their souls. The confines of their physical forms, once instruments of power and dominance, now turned against them. 

Fluids, tainted by the sickening blend of blood, alcohol and everything else, erupted from every pore and orifice, saturating the surroundings with a visceral display of their torment.

In the midst of the chaos, some of the gangsters succumbed to the overwhelming assault, their bodies overwhelmed and their consciousness fading into oblivion. They collapsed to the ground, their pained expressions frozen in time, their minds seeking solace in unconsciousness.

Others, however, were not granted such respite. They continued to writhe and suffer, trapped in a nightmarish tableau orchestrated by forces beyond their comprehension. Each moment seemed an eternity as their bodies convulsed, their anguished screams blending with the sickening symphony of their torment.

But as Noir witnessed the horrific show, he could hear a merry laughter nearby.

"Haha, that was some fun."

He turned to see the black-haired girl standing there, her eyes glinting with a mischievous spark, her innocent and childlike smile standing out in stark contrast to the grotesque reality unfolding around her. It was as if she existed in a world untouched by the horrors she had unleashed, a realm where innocence and madness intertwined.

'What the fuck just happened?'

Noir's breath caught in his throat as he took in the scene before him. The girl's smile, so seemingly pure, now sent shivers down his spine. It was a smile that defied reason, one that hinted at a depth of darkness he couldn't fathom.

"That's the smile of crazy," Noir muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible amidst the cacophony of pain and despair.



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