Chapter 15: Choices

The rest of the day was filled with terror. Vix did not dare to stay in one place for too long. She ventured into alleyways, dingy taverns, and long abandoned dwellings, choosing the most well-hidden locations she could find. But she could never remain there for long until her legs began to shake – until she began to imagine dark, swishing cloaks and burning orange eyes appearing in every dark corner of her chosen spot.

Then, terrified, she would run on.

She completely avoided populated streets and gathering places. At first, it seemed like it would have been a good idea. She could not imagine someone like the Riverman appearing in public without causing an almighty uproar. But then she realized that he had dared to attack her and Caine in the middle of broad daylight, in a tavern filled with people.

No, she thought, there was clearly no safety in numbers.