Chapter 30: The Pastry Mystery

Luke watched with amusement as Hallie and Terry pretended to be best friends and the most loving sisters. They had managed to keep it up for quite a few days.

At breakfast, they competed in politeness over who would get the last chocolate muffin.

“I think you should have it, Terry,” Hallie said, “You’ve been working so hard, and you deserve it.” As usual, Terry had not been working hard, and her sister’s words were dripping with irony.

“No, I wouldn’t deprive my only sister of such a treat,” Terry said, “I know for a fact that you love chocolate muffins.”

“I do love them, but I know how much you enjoy such treats.”

Their mother rolled her eyes. “This is worse than they were before.”

“I don’t know whether to throw up or take up smoking again,” said their father.

“Please, take it!” Terry pushed the muffin into her sister’s hand.

Finally, Hallie accepted the muffin. She ate it in the cutest way, nibbling like a squirrel, while Luke tried not to laugh.