Chapter 37: Where Is It?

The next day, Luke was sleeping when Hallie came by the hospital. She sat for a while in a comfortable arm chair in the corner of the room, waiting.

Finally, after about an hour, he stirred on the bed. Although his eyes were open, he seemed so tired and miserable that Hallie didn’t have the heart to bring up the whole royal prince thing.

He smiled a little when he saw her. “Thanks…” he mumbled, “for bringing my hat…”

Hallie came closer and sat down on the side of the bed. She hadn’t brought a hat, but then she remembered the first time they met, when he was just as out of it and he had demanded his cowboy hat, which she gave him. She snickered, while Luke closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Spending evenings with Jessica was such a great change of pace that Hallie decided to stay on a few more days. She was not so worried about Luke since he was out of the danger zone, and she came back to see him two days later.

She found him sitting up in bed, reading a book.