Chapter 40: A Possible Apology

“Either I’m drunk from one tequila shot,” Hallie mused, “or what you’re saying totally makes sense.”

“Of course it makes sense. I’m the wise bar tender.” She grinned and went off to serve another customer.

What if she was right? What if finally taking a job could be the answer to everything? Of course, as Miss Santer said, Luke was not the type to get romantically involved with anyone in a real way, but what if Miss Santer was wrong?

Hallie wondered, if she could commit to having a job, could she also have a real relationship for once in her life?

Maybe not with him, even though the vivid memory of his burning blue eyes, focused on her in all their desire, made her pulse race like a runaway mustang.

Hallie decided to call him the next day.

This would be a good test of whether Luke really liked her or was just toying with her out of his usual boredom. He wouldn’t bother to hire her for a job if he was just interested in some hanky-panky… or would he?